• Mobile phone stores

    From Matt Munson@1:218/109 to All on Wed Oct 21 21:57:17 2020
    It seems I hate trying to buy a mobile phone at the stores because the sales people want to attach 1001 acessories to the order and then making the order unaffordable.

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  • From Charles Pierson@2:460/58 to Matt Munson on Thu Oct 22 20:30:11 2020
    It seems I hate trying to buy a mobile phone at the stores because the
    people want to attach 1001 acessories to the order and then making the

    That's why I generally only get a new phone when I absolutely must, and ask them, "what's the cheapest 'upgrade' I can get.

    --- tg2fido gate v0.6.1
    * Origin: Telegram to fido gate by Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/58)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to Matt Munson on Thu Oct 22 18:13:00 2020

    It seems I hate trying to buy a mobile phone at the stores because the sales people want to attach 1001 acessories to the order and then
    making the order unaffordable.

    Sounds like what they do for amateur radio gear. <G>

    Daryl, WX4QZ

    ... "The covers of this book are too far apart." -Ambrose Bierce
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