MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: 5 Ingredient Chorizo Carbonara Pasta
Categories: Five, Pasta, Pork, Cheese, Herbs
Yield: 5 servings
1 lb Mexican chorizo
Handful cilantro; chopped
1 lb Pasta *
1 c Parmesan cheese
2 lg Eggs; stir, set aside
3 tb Extra virgin olive oil
* save 1 cup pasta water
PASTA: Prepare pasta ahead of time, set aside and save
1/2-1 cup pasta water
CHORIZO CARBONARA (the sauce): Preheat large cooking pot
on medium-low heat, swirl in olive oil
Add chorizo, break it up using potato masher, cook 1
min, turn and cook 1 min.
Add cooked pasta, a little of the pasta water and mix
with chorizo, shut off the heat
In separate bowl - add parmesan cheese, eggs, big pinch
of pepper and stir (mixture will look gloppy)
Mix into pasta until pasta gets covered and silky smooth
with sauce, stir in cilantro
Plate, garnish with a little parmesan cheese - yum yum!
Serves 4-6
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