• 4/3 Chawklit Moose Day 3

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Fri Apr 1 09:44:53 2022
    April 3 - National Chocolate Moose Day

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Albert's Mousse
    Categories: Chocolate, Booze, Dairy, Desserts
    Yield: 7 Servings

    6 oz (170 grams) 54% to 62%
    - chocolate; fine chopped
    1/4 c Water, coffee, or milk
    1/2 c Heavy cream
    1 1/2 tb Brandy, rum, or liquor of
    - choice
    3 lg Eggs; room temp
    3 tb (38 g) sugar
    pn Salt
    3 tb Water
    Lightly sweetened whipped
    - cream

    MMMMM----------------------COCOA BEAN CREAM---------------------------
    1 c Heavy cream
    2 tb (rounded) (20 grams) roasted
    - cocoa nibs

    Bring the cream and nibs to a boil in a small saucepan.
    Remove from the heat, cover, and let stand for 20

    Strain the cream into a bowl, pressing on the solids to
    extract all the liquid. Discard the nibs. Chill the
    cream for at least 6 hours; it must be thoroughly cold
    in order to whip properly.

    When ready to use, whip the cream, adding sugar to taste
    as the cream thickens.

    Makes about 2 cups

    MOUSSE: Place the chocolate and the 1/4 cup water (or
    liquid of your choice) in a medium stainless steel bowl
    in a wide skillet of barely simmering water. Stir
    frequently until the chocolate is nearly melted. Remove
    the bowl and stir until completely melted and smooth.
    Stir in the liquor, if using, and set aside.

    FOR THE HEATED (EGG-SAFE) METHOD: In a medium stainless
    steel bowl, whisk the eggs with the sugar and salt until
    well blended. Whisk in the 3 tablespoons water. Set the
    bowl in a skillet of barely simmering water and stir
    with a heatproof silicone spatula, sweeping the bottom
    and sides of the bowl continuously, to prevent the eggs
    from scrambling. Continue until the eggs register 160ºF
    on an instant-read thermometer. (You will have to remove
    the bowl from the skillet to check the temperature
    unless you are agile enough to both stir and hold and
    read the thermometer at the same time!) For safety,
    rinse the thermometer in the hot skillet water between
    readings. Remove the bowl and beat with an electric
    mixer at high speed for 3 to 4 minutes, until the eggs
    have a texture like softly whipped cream.

    FOR THE FRESH-EGG METHOD: Whip the eggs, sugar, and
    salt--without the water or heating step--at high speed
    for 4 to 5 minutes, until the eggs have a texture like
    softly whipped cream.

    Fold about one-quarter of the eggs into the chocolate.
    Scrape the chocolate mixture onto the remaining beaten
    eggs and fold just until evenly incorporated. Divide the
    mousse among the ramekins.

    Chill for at least 1 hour, or until set, before serving.
    If you are not serving the mousse within a few hours,
    cover the ramekins with plastic wrap.

    Serve topped with the whipped cream, if desired.

    Makes about 4 cups; serves 6 to 8

    by Alice Medrich

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.splendidtable.org

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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  • From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Sat Apr 1 17:05:03 2023
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Love Themed Chocolate Mousse Enigma Pots (Fruit Puree cor
    Categories: Desserts, Chocolate, Fruits, Booze
    Yield: 3 Servings

    MMMMM------------------------ENIGMA CORE-----------------------------
    400 g Strawberries; hulled
    60 g Golden vanilla caster sugar
    1 tb Monin Creme de Strawberry
    - Liqueur (opt)

    150 g Dark chocolate; chopped
    55 g Butter
    4 lg Eggs; separated, room temp
    70 g Icing sugar

    50 g White chocolate
    Edible glitter; red or pink

    PUREE: Place the strawberries in a food processor and

    Push the mixture through a fine sieve to remove the

    Add the puree to a small pan and heat gently to 35ºC
    ~ Warm to touch

    Add the sugar and stir until dissolved

    Remove from the heat, pour into a bowl (to avoid it
    sticking to the pan) and leave to cool for a minimum
    of 20 minutes

    MOUSSE: Melt the chocolate and butter in a large bowl
    over a pan of simmering water (make sure the bowl does
    not touch the water). Then leave to cool a little

    Add the egg yolks to the mixture then stir in the icing

    In a large bowl, whisk the egg whites until they form
    soft peaks. In a separate bowl, whisk the double cream
    until it too forms soft peaks when the whisk is removed

    Fold the the double cream carefully into the chocolate
    mixture then fold that mixture into the egg whites

    ASSEMBLY: The easiest way to assemble the dessert is in
    gradual layers - this is the trickiest part Take 2
    teaspoons and 2 ramekins.

    Spoon in about 2-3 cm of mousse into the bottom of each
    ramekin to form a base.

    Using the same spoon, add in more mousse around the edge
    of the ramekin leaving a roundish gap in the middle,
    then use the other spoon to fill the gap with the puree
    Working in layers helps to stop the mousse collapsing
    into the gap, if the mousse is too runny, chill it for a

    At the top make another 2-3cm layer of just the mousse
    to form a lid.

    Refrigerate overnight.

    DECORATION: Melt the white chocolate using the same
    process as earlier

    Using a heart shaped stencil, make a white chocolate
    heart on top of each dessert Refrigerate until the white
    chocolate has set (or until just before you want to
    serve) Or if you want the glitter to stick in place do
    not refrigerate.

    Using a slightly smaller heart stencil, sprinkle glitter
    carefully over the white chocolate. This way the glitter
    has a white chocolate outline and will stand out more.
    The desserts are now ready to serve

    EXTRA TIPS: For the core you can substitute the
    strawberries and strawberry liqueur for raspberries and
    raspberry liqueur OR Forget about the enigma core and
    use orange liqueur - The core could be toffee, fudge,
    caramel or white chocolate instead of fruit but me
    careful of it becoming too sickly - You could make a
    white chocolate mousse instead - Experiment with
    different ingredients and flavours such as mint, maybe
    try some chopped nuts for added texture - Change the
    theme using different coloured glitters. A green
    shamrock for St. Patricks day, an orange pumpkin for
    Halloween etc.

    Makes 2-4 depending on ramekin size

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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  • From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Tue Apr 2 16:33:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Alexis Couquelet's Chocolate Mousse
    Categories: Desserts, Chocolate, Dairy
    Yield: 2 servings

    70 g Chocolate Bar
    10 g Butter
    8 g Cream
    2 Egg white
    1 Egg yolk
    2 g Sugar

    Melt the chocolate in a mixing bowl set over barely
    simmering water. Meanwhile, on a separate bowl whip the
    egg whites until thick - then whip the egg yolk and
    sugar on a different bowl.

    When the chocolate is melted, mix the cream and butter -
    then add the whipped egg yolk, mix them together then
    let the chocolate cool down for a few minutes.

    After the mixture has cooled down, fold half of the
    whipped egg white above the chocolate, continue the
    process with the other half.

    Divide the chocolate mousse mixture into two cups, and
    chill until firm.

    Decorate with mint and biscuit (optional).

    RECIPE FROM: https://me.popsugar.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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