• Re: FBI

    From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to AARON THOMAS on Fri Jul 14 15:08:00 2023
    Wikipedia is a far-left, liberal website, with ties to big tech. They changed e definition of "vaccine" after the Democrat-developed virus was released.

    They also had to lock down the definition of "recession" because people
    kept changing to to make sure that the state of affairs at that time (2022) didn't fit the definition.

    I know for fact that, although Al used Wikipedia as his source here, if you
    use it to prove Al is wrong he won't buy what is said there, either.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Arkansas figured out a way to get rid of Billy-Jeff.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to ALAN IANSON on Fri Jul 14 15:07:00 2023
    Wikipedia has this to say about The Gateway Pundit..

    The Gateway Pundit is an American far-righ fake news website. The
    website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy

    That's just bullshit.


    Then again, I have to give you points for honestly... after all, that is
    your own quote that you called BS.

    * SLMR 2.1a * !enilgat cinataS !eraweB |a
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Alexander Grotewohl on Fri Jul 14 17:55:07 2023
    On 14 Jul 2023, Alexander Grotewohl said the following...

    imagine having an echo where we exchanged tips about how not to let
    posts in political echos hurt our feelings..

    I am Conservative, so my feelings are never hurt, but it does get old to see the left-wing deniers, that say everything that we as Conservatives say or have to offer is conspiracy, or they they have some bone-head analogy as they try to defend their positions.

    Should of been here back in 2016 before the election, when there was a whole lot of Donald Trump will never be President, that was fun.

    What is even more comical now is when they TRY to defend Joe Biden.

    _[]_³³Äij³ ³TROY³ ³HUB³ ³ Fidonet ³ ³FSX Net³ ºS I N C Eº ³Another Message³
    { NET 267 ³ ³ NY ³ ³800³ ³1:267/150³ ³21:1/127³ º 1 9 9 5 º ³ by Gregory ³ / 00ÄÄÄÄ00'Ù¨À0ÄÄ0Ù¨À0Ä0Ù¨ÀÄ00ÄÄÄ00ÄÙ¨ÀÄ00ÄÄ00ÄÙ¨ÈÍ00ÍÍÍ00ͼ¨ÀÄÄÄ00ÄÄÄÄÄÄ00ÄÄÙ

    ... Still waitng for that Coffee :)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * Telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/200 to Alan Ianson on Fri Jul 14 17:16:58 2023
    On 13 Jul 2023, Alan Ianson said the following...

    Wikipedia has this to say about The Gateway Pundit..

    The Gateway Pundit is an American far-righ fake news website. The
    website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.

    So why do you follow and publish this kind of nonsense?

    Well, I don't put much credence to Wikipedia much... and the GWP happens to be ranked #1 in online news source... I go to other places as well...

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/200)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to Mike Powell on Fri Jul 14 20:50:44 2023
    I know for fact that, although Al used Wikipedia as his source here, if you use it to prove Al is wrong he won't buy what is said there, either.

    It's all hearsay, until Olivia Rodrigo says otherwise.

    Right Al? Or is it Bon Jovi that we're trying to appeal to? lol <jk>

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: alcoholidaybbs.com / Est. 1995 / Columbia, SC (1:123/525)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to IB Joe on Fri Jul 14 18:32:26 2023
    The Gateway Pundit is an American far-righ fake news website. The
    website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy

    So why do you follow and publish this kind of nonsense?

    Well, I don't put much credence to Wikipedia much... and the GWP happens to be ranked #1 in online news source... I go to other places as well...

    "and the GWP happens to be ranked #1 in online news source..."

    Where did you see that?

    The gateway pundit is just another disinformation machine.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Aaron Thomas on Sat Jul 15 06:44:33 2023
    Hello Aaron,

    Wikipedia is a far-left, liberal website, with ties to big tech.
    changed the definition of "vaccine" after the Democrat-developed
    virus was released.

    Despite your dislike for Wikipedia, how does that change the fact
    about Alan's claim about The Gateway Pundit being "an American
    far-right fake news website that is known for pulishing falsehoods,
    hoaxes, and conspiracy theories"?

    I've never even heard of The Gateway Pundit.

    After Alan mentioned The Gateway Pundit, you responded with -

    "All media outlets are known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and
    conspiracy theories. Try to name one news outlet that hasn't been
    guilty of selling fake news."

    Only leftist lunatics know about it,

    You said "all media outlets" - barring none. I reckon that
    includes Fox Propaganda channel? My, my ...

    because it (probably) propagates the idea that "conservatives
    dumb, and they believe stupid things."

    Except for Tucker Carlson, who is in a world of his own?

    But you and I both know that all media outlets are full of it.
    You were just agreeing with me on that 2 quarts ago.

    Cajuns can never get enough of it. Crawfish, that is.
    Pinch da tails, suck da heads.

    For Life,

    Big Or Small We Lay Them All

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to Lee Lofaso on Sat Jul 15 07:25:43 2023
    Only leftist lunatics know about it,

    You said "all media outlets" - barring none. I reckon that
    includes Fox Propaganda channel? My, my ...

    Fox News is near the top of the list of fake news. They're propagandists. Currently, they want everyone to be scared of AI so that the Democrats can pass a bill relating to it. Pure propaganda. Fox News also clearly wants Ron DeSantis (or Biden) for president, which is not ideal for conservatives/warmbloods.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: alcoholidaybbs.com / Est. 1995 / Columbia, SC (1:123/525)
  • From Ron L.@1:120/616 to Aaron Thomas on Sat Jul 15 08:31:32 2023
    Aaron Thomas wrote to Lee Lofaso <=-

    Fox News is near the top of the list of fake news. They're

    When they got rid of Tucker, that was the final proof for me.

    When companies do things that go counter to their best financial interests then politics are involved.

    Currently, they want everyone to be scared of AI so that
    the Democrats can pass a bill relating to it.

    Which would be the standard play.
    1. Demonize something.
    2. Wait for their minions to yell that the gov't needs to "do something".
    3. Pass yet another unconstitutional law that gives them more power.

    ... I think, therefore I am, I think
    ___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52

    --- Mystic BBS/QWK v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi (1:120/616)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to GREGORY DEYSS on Sat Jul 15 08:46:00 2023
    Should of been here back in 2016 before the election, when there was a whole

    of Donald Trump will never be President, that was fun.

    And then, when he was elected, most of them switched to "he isn't my President."

    * SLMR 2.1a * ASCII stupid question - get a stupid ANSI
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to ALAN IANSON on Sat Jul 15 08:55:00 2023
    The gateway pundit is just another disinformation machine.

    This is a perfect example of takes one to know one if I ever saw it.

    * SLMR 2.1a * He's dead Jim. Grab his tricorder. I'll get his wallet.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Mike Powell on Sat Jul 15 10:55:27 2023
    On 15 Jul 2023, Mike Powell said the following...

    Should of been here back in 2016 before the election, when there was a wh

    of Donald Trump will never be President, that was fun.

    And then, when he was elected, most of them switched to "he isn't my President."
    I heard about the crying rooms at liberal universities w/ coloring books and hot chocolate as well to help them cope w/ reality that Trump was the President.

    _[]_³³Äij³ ³TROY³ ³HUB³ ³ Fidonet ³ ³FSX Net³ ºS I N C Eº ³Another Message³
    { NET 267 ³ ³ NY ³ ³800³ ³1:267/150³ ³21:1/127³ º 1 9 9 5 º ³ by Gregory ³ / 00ÄÄÄÄ00'Ù¨À0ÄÄ0Ù¨À0Ä0Ù¨ÀÄ00ÄÄÄ00ÄÙ¨ÀÄ00ÄÄ00ÄÙ¨ÈÍ00ÍÍÍ00ͼ¨ÀÄÄÄ00ÄÄÄÄÄÄ00ÄÄÙ

    ... One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * Telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/200 to Alan Ianson on Sat Jul 15 10:20:34 2023
    On 14 Jul 2023, Alan Ianson said the following...

    "and the GWP happens to be ranked #1 in online news source..."

    Where did you see that?

    The gateway pundit is just another disinformation machine.

    I think Wikipedia... I did NOT ask you top read their opinion... I said watch the video at the end where you can see a man talking and answering with his own words expressing his own opinion ... You didn't have to take GWP opinion on the man speaking... look at the video and form your own.

    I don't reject out of had an article that comes from left leaning news sources... Not so trusted anymore... The left leaning news sources that told us that Hunter's Laptop was Russian disinformation, later to tell us that it's actually Hunter's Laptop... The Same media that told us that the virus never came from the lab, later to tell us it probably did. The same news sources that told us that the vaccines work, wear a mask and social distance... was all later recanted ...

    So I read everything skeptically... regardless of the source... and try to see if there is evidence out there to support what I just read...

    https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/thank-900-million-times-gateway-pundit -saw-34-traffic-increase-2021-mainstream-media-saw-36-decrease-truth-matters/

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... Oxymoron: Race walking

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/200)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to IB Joe on Sat Jul 15 10:59:00 2023
    The gateway pundit is just another disinformation machine.

    I think Wikipedia... I did NOT ask you top read their opinion... I said watch
    the video at the end where you can see a man talking and answering with his ow >words expressing his own opinion ... You didn't have to take GWP opinion on th
    man speaking... look at the video and form your own.

    I'll take a few minutes to read/understand your views whether I agree or not but I am not a follower of TGP because it is a well known garbage dump.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to Ron L. on Sat Jul 15 15:16:34 2023
    Currently, they want everyone to be scared of AI so that
    the Democrats can pass a bill relating to it.

    Which would be the standard play.
    1. Demonize something.
    2. Wait for their minions to yell that the gov't needs to "do something". 3. Pass yet another unconstitutional law that gives them more power.

    Biden might get re-elected for saving America from the "dangers of AI" just like how he "saved us all from the dangers of white supremacists."

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: alcoholidaybbs.com / Est. 1995 / Columbia, SC (1:123/525)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/200 to Alan Ianson on Sat Jul 15 15:13:44 2023
    On 15 Jul 2023, Alan Ianson said the following...

    I'll take a few minutes to read/understand your views whether I agree or not but I am not a follower of TGP because it is a well known garbage dump.

    It's not well known for that.. Anyway, baby steps....

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... The caterpillar does all the work but the butterfly gets all the publicity

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/200)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to IB Joe on Sat Jul 15 20:21:26 2023
    I'll take a few minutes to read/understand your views whether I agree or
    not but I am not a follower of TGP because it is a well known garbage

    It's not well known for that..

    That's exactly what it is.

    Anyway, baby steps....

    I won't be stepping toward TGP at all. I suppose TGP might have some entertainment value if you are looking for conspiracies or straight up lies but there is no factual information there.

    It is part of the right wing disinformation machine.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Ron L.@1:120/616 to Aaron Thomas on Sun Jul 16 08:45:38 2023
    Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-

    Biden might get re-elected for saving America from the "dangers of AI" just like how he "saved us all from the dangers of white supremacists."

    I doubt that he would get re-elected for that.

    But I can see the gov't requiring their approval for putting some sort of AI in your product.

    Remember: The goal here is control. The Elitists get to decide the winners and losers. And you can bet that a plebe won't be a winner.

    ... It was so cold, I almost got married.
    ___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52

    --- Mystic BBS/QWK v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi (1:120/616)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to GREGORY DEYSS on Sun Jul 16 08:47:00 2023
    And then, when he was elected, most of them switched to "he isn't my President."
    I heard about the crying rooms at liberal universities w/ coloring books and
    chocolate as well to help them cope w/ reality that Trump was the President.

    I think those safe spaces exist for other reasons, too, but yeah I heard
    some stories about such things. Never saw any legit news stories about it, just people saying things like "at my college..."

    Remembering some of the things that happened when I was in/working at a
    college (1988-1993), I have little doubt such things happened.

    * SLMR 2.1a * User: The hardest-to-setup PC peripheral you can buy.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/200 to Alan Ianson on Sun Jul 16 13:25:22 2023
    On 15 Jul 2023, Alan Ianson said the following...

    It is part of the right wing disinformation machine.

    And you're too busy with the left wing disinformation machines to need any competition....

    I understand

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... Fer sell cheep: BBS spel chekker. Wurks grate.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/200)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to IB Joe on Sun Jul 16 16:27:46 2023
    It is part of the right wing disinformation machine.

    And you're too busy with the left wing disinformation machines to need any competition....

    What disinformation is that? Talk of whistleblowers?

    I understand

    Good to hear.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to Ron L. on Sun Jul 16 22:15:50 2023
    But I can see the gov't requiring their approval for putting some sort
    of AI in your product.

    Democrats/RINOs/The Uniparty <- they will have no problem signing off on it.

    Remember: The goal here is control. The Elitists get to decide the winners and losers. And you can bet that a plebe won't be a winner.

    It's just like running a business diligently; you don't let "unprofitable" stuff happen.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: alcoholidaybbs.com / Est. 1995 / Columbia, SC (1:123/525)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/200 to Alan Ianson on Mon Jul 17 11:27:24 2023
    On 16 Jul 2023, Alan Ianson said the following...

    And you're too busy with the left wing disinformation machines to need a competition....

    What disinformation is that? Talk of whistleblowers?

    Rachel Maddow, Joy Ried, CNN, MSNBC and the like!!! I'm glad you brought whistleblowers in.... Like the ones from the FBI, IRS and other facets of the government that are testifying against the Biden Crime family.

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... I am NOT a tagline THIEF. I am a tagline CONSERVATIONIST.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/200)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to IB Joe on Mon Jul 17 17:20:52 2023
    What disinformation is that? Talk of whistleblowers?

    Rachel Maddow, Joy Ried, CNN, MSNBC and the like!!! I'm glad you brought whistleblowers in.... Like the ones from the FBI, IRS and other facets of the government that are testifying against the Biden Crime family.

    Rachel Maddow and Joy Ried are not whistleblowers.

    Gal Luft is not a whistleblower either.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/200 to Alan Ianson on Tue Jul 18 11:04:11 2023
    On 17 Jul 2023, Alan Ianson said the following...

    Rachel Maddow and Joy Ried are not whistleblowers.

    Conspiracy Theorists

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... Electricity is really just organized lightning.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/200)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to IB Joe on Tue Jul 18 15:45:14 2023
    Rachel Maddow and Joy Ried are not whistleblowers.

    Conspiracy Theorists

    That's the usual MAGA spin.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Ron L.@1:120/616 to IB Joe on Wed Jul 19 07:21:14 2023
    IB Joe wrote to Alan Ianson <=-

    Rachel Maddow and Joy Ried are not whistleblowers.

    Conspiracy Theorists

    No. Propagandists.

    ... Scaldophobia: Fear the toilet will flush while showering.
    ___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52

    --- Mystic BBS/QWK v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi (1:120/616)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/200 to Ron L. on Wed Jul 19 08:13:48 2023
    On 19 Jul 2023, Ron L. said the following...

    IB Joe wrote to Alan Ianson <=-

    Rachel Maddow and Joy Ried are not whistleblowers.

    Conspiracy Theorists

    No. Propagandists.

    You got that right mate!!!

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... A Skydiver is taken by the gravity of his situation.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/200)