--to:Wilfred van Velzen--
[This one didn't seem to make from the Fido side, so I'm posting from TgM]
Hello Wilfred!
** On Monday 16.11.20 - 15:30, Wilfred van Velzen wrote to August Abolins:
I mentioned Nightwish some time back. Was it from that?
Don't think so. I'm just connected to this area since about yesterday... Or was it somewhere else?
I wasn't using MUSIC either for a while either. I don't think
it was backboned since it had expired a while back. But I
think it may have been in another net.
[..time passes..]
I found the one where I mentioned the group on Aug 30:
ABS: Ogg@21:4/106.21
BET: What are you listening to right now?
EDA: 20200830000200S-4
MID: 21:4/106.21@fsxnet e7e6b843
BEZ: 77405.fsx_gen@21:1/183 23b11ac6
MAILER: OpenXP/5.0.46 (Win32)
ORG: /|ug's Point
X-XP-NTP: 30
X-XP-Charset: IBM437
F-TO: The Millionaire
--- tg BBS v0.6.2
* Origin: Fido by Telegram BBS by Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/58)