• supervisor was: Maps and

    From NANCY BACKUS@1:123/140 to JOE MACKEY on Mon Mar 18 17:05:00 2019
    Quoting Joe Mackey to Daryl Stout on 03-12-19 08:00 <=-

    When I first started working in parking in January of '02, the
    supervisor I had was fussy. If you were to work till 4 p.m. you
    stayed right there till 4, not leaving at 3.59 although the last
    minutes were spent just standing around.

    Stickler for stuff....

    Anyway, one time she jumped me about having the wrong state plate
    on a car, saying it was, oh say, AK instead of AR. After she ranted several minutes I pointed out the wrong plate was one of the tickets
    she had written, had her number not mine. She gave me "the look" then said to be more careful and nothing more was said about it. :)
    She also did this a couple of more times about a vanity plate being misspelled and I pointed out those were also her tickets. Nothing
    more was said about that either. :)

    But didn't pay attention to some details, I see.... ;) Noticed the
    wrong info, but not who had done it... :) But at least swallowed it... ;)

    She left a couple of years later and I took over in February, '05.

    And the rest is history.... <G>

    ttyl neb

    ... I always wanted to be a procrastinator, but I kept putting it off...

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