• Food Was: Spills

    From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to JOE MACKEY on Fri Feb 22 13:20:00 2019

    I miss the buffet's at the Pizza Hut's here. Only went a few times a
    year and really pigged out.

    I don't care for their chicken alfredo, but LOVE their lasagna...and
    I'm sure Garfield would approve. <G>

    When I was in wholesale produce many moons ago all the restaurants
    brought bulk lettuce, carrots, etc. In the late '80s bagged salads JM>became more popular. A lot easier on the prep cooks for sure.

    Burger King and Wendy's (at least in central Arkansas) had a "salad in
    a pita", and a salad bar"...but now, their salads are pre-made.

    I only buy bagged salads, but add my own peppers, onions, etc.

    Mine has to be with iceberg lettuce...the romaine is too chewy for me,
    even with the dentures. It's too bad that the cherry and grape tomatoes
    rot so fast, and you can't keep them chilled. But, I guess the regular
    tomatoes could be (they were sliced up, then kept in the cooler, until
    we needed them for sandwiches). There was a tomato shortage a few years
    ago, and several restaurants had a lot of unhappy customers...but there
    was nothing they could do.

    One lady went to a Taco Bell, and wanted only "minimal" (a light
    amount of) lettuce on her taco. The employee said "Sorry...we only serve iceberg lettuce". :P

    With my salads, they have iceberg lettuce (obviously), tomatoes,
    cucumbers, hard boiled eggs, pickle spears, celery sticks, onions, ham, chicken, or turkey (especially nuggets), and either Thousand Island or
    French Dressing.

    Excuse me...I need to go get some napkins to deal with all the
    drooling now...the keyboard is getting rather messy. :P


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