• binkd and gcc-13.1.0

    From Maurice Kinal@1:153/7001.2989 to Vincent Coen on Sat May 6 00:23:43 2023
    Hey Vincent!

    :r !binkd -vv | sed 's/^/ > /'
    Binkd 1.1a-115 (May 5 2023 17:15:28/Linux)
    Compilation flags: gcc, zlib, bzlib2.
    Facilities: fts5004 ipv6

    :r !file -b binkd | sed 's/^/ > /'
    ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 4.14.0, stripped

    I'll try the same with golded and the Husky Project source later and see what is what. If I recall correctly the last time I tried golded there was some issue with ncurses but I forget exactly what now. Maybe ncurses-5 as opposed to ncurses-6?

    Anything else while I am at it?

    Life is good,

    o- -o -o o- o- o- o- -o -o o- -o -o o- -o -o -o /) (\ (\ /) /) /) /) (\ (\ /) (\ (\ /) (\ (\ (\ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ... Fidonet 4K - You load sixteen penguins and what do you get?
    --- GNU bash, version 5.2.15(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
    * Origin: One of us @ (1:153/7001.2989)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Maurice Kinal on Fri May 5 17:58:10 2023
    I'll try the same with golded and the Husky Project source later and see what is what. If I recall correctly the last time I tried golded there was some issue with ncurses but I forget exactly what now. Maybe ncurses-5 as opposed to ncurses-6?

    Golded 20230304 compiles and runs fine for me, build with gcc 13.1.0 and ncurses-6.4.

    Clang is also an option for folks having issues with gcc, but it compiles here on my linux box fine.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Maurice Kinal@1:153/7001.2989 to Alan Ianson on Sat May 6 01:22:18 2023
    Hey Alan!

    Golded 20230304 compiles and runs fine for me, build with
    gcc 13.1.0 and ncurses-6.4.


    Clang is also an option for folks having issues with gcc

    I'll leave that for the android types to take care of. I've seen more than I care to from that direction. Nothing but pure pain.

    Life is good,

    -o -o -o o- o- o- o- o- o- o- -o o- o- o- o- o-
    (\ (\ (\ /) /) /) /) /) /) /) (\ /) /) /) /) /)
    ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ... Fidonet 4K - Sweet Sixteen Penguins of the Apocalypse.
    --- GNU bash, version 5.2.15(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
    * Origin: One of us @ (1:153/7001.2989)
  • From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to Alan Ianson on Sat May 6 17:27:13 2023
    Hello Alan!

    Friday May 05 2023 17:58, you wrote to Maurice Kinal:

    I'll try the same with golded and the Husky Project source later and
    see what is what. If I recall correctly the last time I tried
    golded there was some issue with ncurses but I forget exactly what
    now. Maybe ncurses-5 as opposed to ncurses-6?

    Golded 20230304 compiles and runs fine for me, build with gcc 13.1.0
    and ncurses-6.4.

    Clang is also an option for folks having issues with gcc, but it
    compiles here on my linux box fine.

    My copy of Golded is not that new as far as I can tell with the shell scripts dated January 2022 within golded-git/golded-plus.


    --- Mageia Linux v8 X64/Mbse v1.0.8.3/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Vincent Coen on Sat May 6 13:16:36 2023
    Vincent Coen wrote to Alan Ianson <=-

    My copy of Golded is not that new as far as I can tell with the shell scripts dated January 2022 within golded-git/golded-plus.

    There have been recent updates but even an older version should build and run.

    Try cloning the repo, or grab the .zip from the github page.

    git clone https://github.com/golded-plus/golded-plus.git

    Ttyl :-),

    ... Please write your complaint in this box [ ] - Legibly

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)