• IRex not using nodelist?

    From Tom De Puysseleyr@2:292/8125 to All on Sun Feb 10 15:32:51 2019

    When I write a crashnetmail to someone that's not listed in the node manager, irex tries to send that netmail using binkp to fxx.nxx.zxx.fidonet.net . Of course, this does not work. I was hoping that it would read the nodelist to find out the correct hostname as it is written in the manual. Is there someone here who has some experience with this?


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: BrainDeath BBS (2:292/8125)
  • From Tom De Puysseleyr@2:292/8125 to All on Sun Mar 3 18:07:38 2019

    10 Feb 19 15:32, I wrote to All:

    When I write a crashnetmail to someone that's not listed in the node manager, irex tries to send that netmail using binkp to fxx.nxx.zxx.fidonet.net . Of course, this does not work. I was hoping
    that it would read the nodelist to find out the correct hostname as it
    is written in the manual. Is there someone here who has some
    experience with this?
    There must be people out there using IRex. What do you guys do if you want to send crash-netmail to someone? Please share your experiences! :-)


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: BrainDeath BBS (2:292/8125)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/700 to Tom De Puysseleyr on Sun Mar 3 11:51:04 2019
    Re: IRex not using nodelist?
    By: Tom De Puysseleyr to All on Sun Mar 03 2019 06:07 pm

    There must be people out there using IRex. What do you guys do if you want to send crash-netmail to someone? Please share your experiences! :-)

    fidonet.net is no longer working, but I think that if you replace fidonet.net in your config with binkp.net it should resolve.

    I haven't fired up irex in a while; if it can read a nodelist it should be able
    to pull the hostname from the nodelist...
    --- SBBSecho 3.06-Win32
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700)
  • From Ben Ritchey@1:393/68 to Tom De Puysseleyr on Sun Mar 3 14:49:30 2019
    * An ongoing debate between Tom De Puysseleyr and All rages on ...

    There must be people out there using IRex. What do you guys do if you
    want to send crash-netmail to someone? Please share your experiences!

    If you use the GoldEd+ Editor, execute the GoldNode compiler on each new nodelist (nodelist must be defined in Golded.Cfg) as for Windows: "GnWin.Exe -F
    GoldEd.Cfg" within your GoldEd+ folder (i.e. c:\ged). Dunno about other editors, sorry.

    .- Keep the faith, --------------------------------------------------.
    | |
    | Ben aka cMech Web: http|ftp|binkp|telnet|ssh://cmech.dynip.com |
    | |
    | vvvvvv Email: fido4cmechSPAM(at)lusfiberBLOCK.net |
    | { O O } Home page: http://cmech.dynip.com/homepage/ |
    | __m___oo___m__ |
    `--| | | |-- -------------------------------------------------'

    ... DRIVEL: The inedible secretions of snails.
    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC v1.1.5-g20180902 +Mystic 1.12 pa43/W32 2019/02/17 17:02:07
    * Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:393/68)
  • From Tom De Puysseleyr@2:292/8125 to Kurt Weiske on Mon Mar 4 14:38:36 2019

    03 Mar 19 11:51, you wrote to me:

    There must be people out there using IRex. What do you guys do if
    you want to send crash-netmail to someone? Please share your
    experiences! :-)

    fidonet.net is no longer working, but I think that if you replace fidonet.net in your config with binkp.net it should resolve.

    Something like this might work. But I can't find such a setting in the config. There's "domains", but they all say "fidonet", not fidonet.net ...

    I haven't fired up irex in a while; if it can read a nodelist it
    should be able to pull the hostname from the nodelist...
    That's exactly what I thought it should do :)


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: BrainDeath BBS (2:292/8125)
  • From Tom De Puysseleyr@2:292/8125 to Ben Ritchey on Mon Mar 4 14:44:48 2019

    03 Mar 19 14:49, you wrote to me:

    There must be people out there using IRex. What do you guys do if
    you want to send crash-netmail to someone? Please share your

    If you use the GoldEd+ Editor, execute the GoldNode compiler on each
    new nodelist (nodelist must be defined in Golded.Cfg) as for Windows: "GnWin.Exe -F GoldEd.Cfg" within your GoldEd+ folder (i.e. c:\ged).
    Dunno about other editors, sorry.
    That's the one I'm using. And I run that command everytime there's a new nodelist. But somehow it seems like rex doesn't read those files. Does this work for you? I also have FrontDoor running (well, running, it just sits there, doing nothing). So there's also a Frontdoor nodelist in that folder. Maybe rex chooses the frontdoor-nodelist as its primary nodelist?


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: BrainDeath BBS (2:292/8125)
  • From Ben Ritchey@1:393/68 to Tom De Puysseleyr on Mon Mar 4 16:36:26 2019
    * An ongoing debate between Tom De Puysseleyr and Kurt Weiske rages on ...

    Something like this might work. But I can't find such a setting in the config. There's "domains", but they all say "fidonet", not fidonet.net

    Unless you KNOW you need the Domains, goto iRex Config, Address Manager, Domain
    Setup, and delete everything there (might backup your rex folder first!) then try again. I could NOT get iRex to do diddly squat with anything defined for Domains! lol The author even told me not to use ...

    .- Keep the faith, --------------------------------------------------.
    | |
    | Ben aka cMech Web: http|ftp|binkp|telnet|ssh://cmech.dynip.com |
    | |
    | vvvvvv Email: fido4cmechSPAM(at)lusfiberBLOCK.net |
    | { O O } Home page: http://cmech.dynip.com/homepage/ |
    | __m___oo___m__ |
    `--| | | |-- -------------------------------------------------'

    ... My God but we are so beautifully, deeply screwed up.
    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC v1.1.5-g20180902 +Mystic 1.12 pa43/W32 2019/02/17 17:02:07
    * Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:393/68)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to TOM DE PUYSSELEYR on Mon Mar 4 11:13:00 2019
    There must be people out there using IRex. What do you guys do if you want TDP>send crash-netmail to someone? Please share your experiences! :-)


    If they are part of a network, I usually send it to the hub (I poll
    once an hour, unless I'm offline for thunderstorms). If they set up a
    separate connect with me, the command is REXW -SEND #:##/#.# (the latter
    for the node number, and point, if applicable).


    þ OLX 1.53 þ Tomato Paste: What you use to fix broken tomatoes.
    --- SBBSecho 3.06-Win32
    * Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
  • From Ben Ritchey@1:393/68 to Tom De Puysseleyr on Mon Mar 4 16:41:19 2019
    * An ongoing debate between Tom De Puysseleyr and Ben Ritchey rages on ...

    That's the one I'm using. And I run that command everytime there's a
    new nodelist. But somehow it seems like rex doesn't read those files.
    Does this work for you? I also have FrontDoor running (well, running,
    it just sits there, doing nothing). So there's also a Frontdoor
    nodelist in that folder. Maybe rex chooses the frontdoor-nodelist as
    its primary nodelist?

    Should not matter, as long as the defined nodelist in Rex is a valid one :) When I setup new nodes my Rex uses the nodelist to pre-fill certain entries for
    me, otherwise I don't know what it does otherwise {chuckle} as I don't use anything else that requires it. {shrug}

    If you are writing a Netmail to a FIDO address NOT in the Rex config, it may try to validate this before sending, or not ... but should not need it. If you want the INA: setting address for that node I would expect Rex to look for a Rex defined node with that Node addy and grab the IP from there (i.e. BinkP node).

    Rex is not a full-featured, bells & whistles type IP mailer like Mystic is, BUT
    what it does do I've found it does do it well!

    .- Keep the faith, --------------------------------------------------.
    | |
    | Ben aka cMech Web: http|ftp|binkp|telnet|ssh://cmech.dynip.com |
    | |
    | vvvvvv Email: fido4cmechSPAM(at)lusfiberBLOCK.net |
    | { O O } Home page: http://cmech.dynip.com/homepage/ |
    | __m___oo___m__ |
    `--| | | |-- -------------------------------------------------'

    ... It's not a bug, it's our does-the-user-use-it feature.
    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC v1.1.5-g20180902 +Mystic 1.12 pa43/W32 2019/02/17 17:02:07
    * Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:393/68)
  • From Tom De Puysseleyr@2:292/8125 to Ben Ritchey on Tue Mar 5 14:37:14 2019

    04 Mar 19 16:36, you wrote to me:

    Unless you KNOW you need the Domains, goto iRex Config, Address
    Manager, Domain Setup, and delete everything there (might backup your
    rex folder first!) then try again. I could NOT get iRex to do diddly
    squat with anything defined for Domains! lol The author even told me
    not to use ...
    Tried that - but it didn't change anything :-(


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: BrainDeath BBS (2:292/8125)
  • From Tom De Puysseleyr@2:292/8125 to Ben Ritchey on Tue Mar 5 14:37:26 2019

    04 Mar 19 16:41, you wrote to me:

    When I setup new nodes my Rex uses the nodelist to pre-fill
    certain entries for me,
    So when you add me to the node manager, it uses the correct hostname (i.e. fido.braindeath.be) ? When I try that with you, it uses f68.n393.z1.fidonet.net...

    If you want the INA: setting address for that node I would
    expect Rex to look for a Rex defined node with that Node addy and grab
    the IP from there (i.e. BinkP node).
    I was hoping that it would use the nodelist-entry for nodes that are not defined in the node manager. It says so in the docs...


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: BrainDeath BBS (2:292/8125)
  • From Tom De Puysseleyr@2:292/8125 to Daryl Stout on Tue Mar 5 14:46:09 2019

    04 Mar 19 11:13, you wrote to me:

    If they are part of a network, I usually send it to the hub (I poll
    once an hour, unless I'm offline for thunderstorms). If they set up a separate connect with me, the command is REXW -SEND #:##/#.# (the
    latter for the node number, and point, if applicable).
    That's not really what crash mail is :-)


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: BrainDeath BBS (2:292/8125)
  • From Ben Ritchey@1:393/68 to Tom De Puysseleyr on Tue Mar 5 12:54:24 2019
    * An ongoing debate between Tom De Puysseleyr and Ben Ritchey rages on ...

    I was hoping that it would use the nodelist-entry for nodes that are
    not defined in the node manager. It says so in the docs...

    Did you check Rex config, Files paths and programs, Frontend mailer setup, Nodelist directory? Contains a valid path? Nodelist present there? Just to make
    sure ...

    .- Keep the faith, --------------------------------------------------.
    | |
    | Ben aka cMech Web: http|ftp|binkp|telnet|ssh://cmech.dynip.com |
    | |
    | vvvvvv Email: fido4cmechSPAM(at)lusfiberBLOCK.net |
    | { O O } Home page: http://cmech.dynip.com/homepage/ |
    | __m___oo___m__ |
    `--| | | |-- -------------------------------------------------'

    ... I drive fast, drink beer, visit loud nightclubs & eat deep fried food.
    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC v1.1.5-g20180902 +Mystic 1.12 pa43/W32 2019/02/17 17:02:07
    * Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:393/68)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12.73 to Tom De Puysseleyr on Tue Mar 5 15:36:08 2019

    On 2019 Mar 04 14:38:36, you wrote to Kurt Weiske:

    fidonet.net is no longer working, but I think that if you replace
    fidonet.net in your config with binkp.net it should resolve.

    Something like this might work. But I can't find such a setting in the config. There's "domains", but they all say "fidonet", not fidonet.net

    FTN domains are not the same as internet domains... they are akin to netbios/netbuei domains and are limited to 8 characters... there is some crossover in a few cases but f.n.z conversion lookups of FTN addresses require to be told the proper DNS domain to look up the f.n.z address on... in the case of fidonet, that is now binkp.net because a domain squatter grabbed the fidonet.net domain years ago and wants too much $$$ for it...

    just so you and others reading along understand, a f.n.z conversion looks like this...

    my FTN address: 1:3634/12
    converted to f.n.z: f12.n3634.z1

    and now it needs an internet domain for the DNS lookup so since it is a fidonet address, it gets binkp.net tacked on so that it looks like this...


    and the binkp.net DNS will return the currently listed IP or a CNAME or NXDOMAIN if there's no entry for that address...


    Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
    Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
    ... The possession of knowledge is the key to many doors...
    * Origin: (1:3634/12.73)
  • From Tom De Puysseleyr@2:292/8125 to Ben Ritchey on Wed Mar 6 12:43:05 2019

    05 Mar 19 12:54, you wrote to me:

    Did you check Rex config, Files paths and programs, Frontend mailer
    setup, Nodelist directory? Contains a valid path? Nodelist present
    there? Just to make sure ...
    I chose FrontDoor 2.25+ and the path to the frontdoor nodelist folder seems to be valid. In the Golded config file I have entered the same path...


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: BrainDeath BBS (2:292/8125)
  • From Tom De Puysseleyr@2:292/8125 to mark lewis on Wed Mar 6 12:45:40 2019

    05 Mar 19 15:36, you wrote to me:

    FTN domains are not the same as internet domains... they are akin to netbios/netbuei domains and are limited to 8 characters... there is
    some crossover in a few cases but f.n.z conversion lookups of FTN addresses require to be told the proper DNS domain to look up the
    f.n.z address on... in the case of fidonet, that is now binkp.net
    because a domain squatter grabbed the fidonet.net domain years ago and wants too much $$$ for it...
    Ok, that I understand, but I find no setting in IRex to change the DNS domain. Do you have any idea about where to change that setting in IRex?


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: BrainDeath BBS (2:292/8125)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12 to Tom De Puysseleyr on Wed Mar 6 09:27:32 2019
    Re: IRex not using nodelist?
    By: Tom De Puysseleyr to mark lewis on Wed Mar 06 2019 12:45:40

    [...] addresses require to be told the proper DNS domain to
    look up the f.n.z address on... in the case of fidonet,
    that is now binkp.net because a domain squatter grabbed the
    fidonet.net domain years ago and wants too much $$$ for

    Ok, that I understand, but I find no setting in IRex to change
    the DNS domain. Do you have any idea about where to change that
    setting in IRex?

    as i understand it, that's one of the problems with IREX... maybe the binary could be hex-edited but that could be a dangerous dance with the devil...

    --- SBBSecho 3.06-Linux
    * Origin: SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR (1:3634/12)
  • From Tom De Puysseleyr@2:292/8125 to mark lewis on Fri Mar 8 11:29:14 2019

    06 Mar 19 09:27, you wrote to me:

    as i understand it, that's one of the problems with IREX... maybe the binary could be hex-edited but that could be a dangerous dance with
    the devil...

    That doesn't sound like a good way to fix this :-)

    I'm playing with the idea of making a small perl script that acts as a dns forwarder. Before forwarding, it replaces fidonet.net by binkp.net.

    I'll report back here when I have some results.


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: BrainDeath BBS (2:292/8125)
  • From Andrew Leary@1:320/219 to Tom De Puysseleyr on Fri Mar 8 06:59:23 2019
    Hello Tom!

    06 Mar 19 12:45, you wrote to mark lewis:

    Ok, that I understand, but I find no setting in IRex to change the DNS domain. Do you have any idea about where to change that setting in

    I don't believe that you can. After you add the node to the Node Manager, you can change the DNS domain to binkp.net for that entry.

    The last update to IRex was before the fidonet.net domain was grabbed by a domain squatter.


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Phoenix BBS * phoenix.bnbbbs.net (1:320/219)
  • From Robert Wolfe@1:116/18 to Tom De Puysseleyr on Tue Mar 12 17:28:39 2019
    Tom De Puysseleyr wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-

    fidonet.net is no longer working, but I think that if you replace fidonet.net in your config with binkp.net it should resolve.

    Something like this might work. But I can't find such a setting in the config. There's "domains", but they all say "fidonet", not fidonet.net ...

    The "domains" setting in this context should not be anything like
    "binkp.net" as IIRC, that has nothing to do with Internet connectivity
    to other nodes -- just to identify AKAs with networks.

    I haven't fired up irex in a while; if it can read a nodelist it
    should be able to pull the hostname from the nodelist...
    That's exactly what I thought it should do :)

    I always have my netmail routed through my NC. I think IREX handles
    domain names in nodelists IF the application that compiled the nodelist
    does not ignore that flag in the nodelist. If it does, then I believe
    Internet Rex follows that same logic.

    ... Teaching: Appearing to have known your subject forever.
    ___ MultiMail/OS/2 v0.50

    --- Mystic BBS/QWK v1.12 A43 2019/02/03 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Omicron Theta * Southaven MS * winserver.org:2300 (1:116/18)
  • From Robert Wolfe@1:116/18 to Tom De Puysseleyr on Tue Mar 12 17:28:39 2019
    Tom De Puysseleyr wrote to Ben Ritchey <=-

    That's the one I'm using. And I run that command everytime there's a
    new nodelist. But somehow it seems like rex doesn't read those files. Does this work for you? I also have FrontDoor running (well, running,
    it just sits there, doing nothing). So there's also a Frontdoor
    nodelist in that folder. Maybe rex chooses the frontdoor-nodelist as
    its primary nodelist?

    Maybe FDNC.EXE ignores the TCP/IP entry in the nodelist, and, as such,
    does not compile it in, therefore IREX may not even know it exists.

    ___ MultiMail/OS/2 v0.50

    --- Mystic BBS/QWK v1.12 A43 2019/02/03 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Omicron Theta * Southaven MS * winserver.org:2300 (1:116/18)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12.73 to Robert Wolfe on Tue Mar 12 21:11:18 2019

    On 2019 Mar 12 17:28:38, you wrote to Tom De Puysseleyr:

    That's the one I'm using. And I run that command everytime there's a
    new nodelist. But somehow it seems like rex doesn't read those
    files. Does this work for you? I also have FrontDoor running (well,
    running, it just sits there, doing nothing). So there's also a
    Frontdoor nodelist in that folder. Maybe rex chooses the
    frontdoor-nodelist as its primary nodelist?

    Maybe FDNC.EXE ignores the TCP/IP entry in the nodelist,

    it does not...


    Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
    Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
    ... WHY? WHY!? WHY DOES THIS EXIST!?!?!?!?
    * Origin: (1:3634/12.73)
  • From Tom De Puysseleyr@2:292/8125 to Andrew Leary on Wed Mar 13 12:21:09 2019

    08 Mar 19 06:59, you wrote to me:

    I don't believe that you can. After you add the node to the Node
    Manager, you can change the DNS domain to binkp.net for that entry.

    The thing is that I don't want to add each node to the node manager... I could
    indeed send everything to my uplink, but I want to be able to send mail directly, on principle :-)


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: BrainDeath BBS (2:292/8125)
  • From Andrew Leary@1:320/219 to Tom De Puysseleyr on Wed Mar 13 07:55:28 2019
    Hello Tom!

    13 Mar 19 12:21, you wrote to me:

    The thing is that I don't want to add each node to the node manager...
    I could indeed send everything to my uplink, but I want to be able to
    send mail directly, on principle :-)

    IRex will attempt to use f<node>.n<net>.z<zone>.fidonet.net for nodes that aren't listed in the Node Manager. This will, of course, fail because of the loss of the fidonet.net domain. It is very unlikely that IRex will ever be fixed to use binkp.net. :-(


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Phoenix BBS * phoenix.bnbbbs.net (1:320/219)
  • From Jason Bock@1:267/310 to Ben Ritchey on Fri Nov 20 15:03:25 2020
    * An ongoing debate between Tom De Puysseleyr and Kurt Weiske rages on ...

    Something like this might work. But I can't find such a setting in the config. There's "domains", but they all say "fidonet", not fidonet.net ...

    Unless you KNOW you need the Domains, goto iRex Config, Address Manager, Domain

    Setup, and delete everything there (might backup your rex folder first!) then try again. I could NOT get iRex to do diddly squat with anything defined for Domains! lol The author even told me not to use ...

    .- Keep the faith, --------------------------------------------------.
    | |
    | Ben aka cMech Web: http|ftp|binkp|telnet|ssh://cmech.dynip.com |
    | |
    | vvvvvv Email: fido4cmechSPAM(at)lusfiberBLOCK.net |
    | { O O } Home page: http://cmech.dynip.com/homepage/ |
    | __m___oo___m__ |
    `--| | | |-- -------------------------------------------------'

    ... My God but we are so beautifully, deeply screwed up.

    I am able to receive mail but not send packets. I know I used to have it work,
    could domains be causing the issue?
    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: SiliconUnderground - Rochester, NY - siliconu.com (1:267/310)