• Melissa Clark Top 50 -30

    From Dave Drum@1:396/45 to All on Wed Sep 25 17:51:42 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Chocolate Babka - Part Two
    Categories: Breads, Chocolate, Dairy
    Yield: 12 servings


    PREPARE THE FILLING: In a medium saucepan over medium
    heat, combine sugar, cream and salt. Simmer, stirring
    occasionally, until sugar completely dissolves, about 5
    minutes. Scrape mixture into a bowl. Stir in chocolate,
    butter and vanilla until smooth. Let cool to room
    temperature. Filling can be made up to a week ahead and
    stored, covered, in the fridge. Let come to room
    temperature before using.

    PREPARE THE STREUSEL: In a bowl, stir together flour,
    sugar, cocoa powder and salt. Stir in melted butter
    until it is evenly distributed and forms large, moist
    crumbs. Stir in the chocolate chips. Streusel can be
    prepared up to 3 days ahead and stored, covered, in the

    PREPARE THE SYRUP: In a small saucepan, combine sugar
    and ? cup/158 milliliters water. Bring to a simmer over
    medium heat, then simmer for 2 minutes, stirring
    occasionally until the sugar dissolves.

    Butter two 9" loaf pans, then line with parchment paper,
    leaving 2 inches of paper hanging over on the sides to
    use as handles later.

    Remove dough from refrigerator and divide in half. On a
    floured surface, roll one piece into a 9-by-17-inch
    rectangle. Spread with half the filling (there's no need
    to leave a border). Starting with a long side, roll into
    a tight coil. Transfer the coil onto a dish towel or
    piece of plastic wrap and stick it in the freezer for 10
    minutes. Repeat with the other piece of dough.

    Slice one of the dough coils in half lengthwise to
    expose the filling. Twist the halves together as if you
    were braiding them, then fold the braid in half so it’s
    about 9 inches long. Place into a prepared pan, letting
    it curl around itself if it’s a little too long for the
    pan. Cover loosely with a clean kitchen towel and let
    rise in a warm place for 1 to 1 1/2 hours, until puffy
    (it won’t quite double). Alternatively, you can cover
    the pans with plastic wrap and let them rise in the
    refrigerator overnight; bring them back to room
    temperature for an hour before baking.

    When you're ready to bake, heat the oven to 350ºF/175ºC.
    Use your fingers to clump streusel together and scatter
    all over the tops of the cakes. Transfer to oven and
    bake until a tester goes into the cakes without any
    rubbery resistance and comes out clean, 40 to 50
    minutes. The cakes will also sound hollow if you unmold
    them and tap on the bottom. An instant-read thermometer
    will read between 185 and 210 degrees.

    As soon as the cakes come out of the oven, use a skewer
    or paring knife to pierce them all over going all the
    way to the bottom of the cakes, and then pour the syrup
    on top of the cakes, making sure to use half the syrup
    for each cake.

    Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely before

    By: Melissa Clark

    Yield: 2 loaves

    RECIPE FROM: https://cooking.nytimes.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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