• Top 10 Ground Beef - 10B

    From Dave Drum@1:396/45 to All on Sat Sep 21 16:30:42 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Best Homemade Lasagna - Pt 2
    Categories: Beef, Vegetables, Sauces, Cheese. pas
    Yield: 8 servings


    By now the water you started heating in step one should
    be boiling. Add the dry lasagna noodles and cook them to
    al dente, per package directions. NOTE: Noodles may be
    cooked in advance.

    Stir often to prevent from sticking. Make sure that the
    water stays at a full boil during the entire cooking to
    prevent the noodles from sticking.

    When ready, drain in a colander and rinse with cool
    water, gently separating any noodles that may be
    sticking together. Spread a little olive oil on a large
    rimmed baking sheet, and lay out the cooked noodles on
    this sheet, turning them over so that they get coated
    with a little of the olive oil. This will prevent them
    from sticking together.

    Set the oven @ 375ºF/190ºC.

    In a 9" X 13" casserole or lasagna dish, ladle a cup of
    sauce and spread it over the bottom of the dish. Arrange
    one layer of lasagna noodles lengthwise (about 3 long
    noodles, the edges may overlap, depending on your pan)
    over the sauce. Ladle a third of the remaining sauce
    over the noodles.

    Sprinkle a layer of a third of the grated mozzarella on
    top of the lasagna sauce. Add half of the ricotta
    cheese, by placing cheese dollops every couple of
    inches. Sprinkle half the grated parmesan cheese evenly
    over the top of the ricotta cheese.

    Apply the second layer of noodles and top it with half
    of the remaining sauce. Add half of the remaining
    mozzarella, the remaining ricotta cheese, and another
    the remaining Parmesan. Finish with another layer of
    noodles. Spread the remaining sauce over the top layer
    of noodles and sprinkle with the remaining mozzarella

    Cover the lasagna pan with aluminum foil, tented
    slightly so it doesn't touch the noodles or sauce). Bake
    for 45 minutes. Uncover in the last 10 minutes if you'd
    like more of a crusty top or edges.

    Allow the lasagna to cool for at least 15 before
    serving. Leftovers will keep for about 5 days. You can
    reheat it in a conventional oven or microwave. Leave the
    aluminum tent on for storage. (Try to keep the aluminum
    foil from touching the sauce.)

    Yield: 8 servings

    Recipe by: Elise Bauer

    RECIPE FROM: http://www.simplyrecipes.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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