MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Coconut-Layered Pound Cake
Categories: Five, Dairy, Cakes, Chocolate, Nuts
Yield: 8 servings
7 oz Pkg sweetened shredded
- coconut
14 oz Can sweetened condensed
- milk
1/2 c Chopped almonds; toasted
16 oz Loaf pound cake; thawed
1 c Chocolate fudge frosting
Mix coconut, milk and almonds. Cut cake horizontally
into 4 layers. Place bottom layer on a serving plate;
top with half the coconut mixture, 1 cake layer and 1/2
cup frosting. Repeat layers.
Refrigerate, covered, until serving.
Linda Nichols, Steubenville, Ohio
Makes: 8 servings
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