MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Classic Flapjacks
Categories: Five, Grains, Breads
Yield: 9 servings
200 g Butter
100 g Demerara sugar
4 tb Golden syrup
250 g Porridge oats
50 g Plain flour
Set oven @ 180ºC/355ºF and line/grease a 20 cm square
baking tin.
Melt the butter, sugar and syrup on a low heat, stirring
until dissolved. Take off the heat.
Mix the oats and flour into the syrup mix.
Press the mixture into the tin. Bake until golden brown
for about 15-20 mins. It may still be bubbling! That
settles down after a minute or two.
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... Andouillette: from the dark side of sausage making.
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