MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Air-Fryer Potato Chips
Categories: Five, P{otatoes
Yield: 6 servings
2 lg Potatoes
Olive oil-flavored cooking
- spray
1/2 ts Sea salt
Minced fresh parsley; opt
Set air fryer @ 360ºF/182ºC.
Using a mandoline or vegetable peeler, cut potatoes into
very thin slices. Transfer to a large bowl; add enough
ice water to cover. Soak for 15 minutes; drain. Add more
ice water and soak another 15 minutes.
Drain potatoes; place on towels and pat dry. Spritz
potatoes with cooking spray; sprinkle with salt. In
batches, place potato slices in a single layer on
greased tray in air-fryer basket. Cook until crisp and
golden brown, 15-17 minutes, stirring and turning every
5-7 minutes. If desired, sprinkle with parsley.
Melissa Obernesser, Oriskany, New York
Makes: 6 servings
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
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