MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Slow-Cooked Reuben Spread
Categories: Beef, Cheese, Vegetables, Breads
Yield: 25 servings
16 oz Cream cheese; diced
4 c Shredded Ementhal cheese
14 oz Sauerkraut; rinsed, well
- drained
8 oz Thin sliced deli corned
- beef; chopped
1/2 c Thousand Island salad
- dressing
Snack rye bread or rye
- crackers
Place the first 5 ingredients in a 3 qt. slow cooker;
stir to combine. Cook, covered, on low 4 to 4 1/2 hours
or until heated through.
Stir to blend. Serve spread with bread or crackers.
June Herke, Watertown, South Dakota
Makes: 3 3/4 cups
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.
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