MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Creamy Chicken Enchiladas
Categories: Poultry, Vegetables, Cheese, Breads, Chilies
Yield: 10 servings
8 oz Cream cheese; softened
2 tb Water
2 ts Onion powder
2 ts Ground cumin
1/2 ts Salt
1/4 ts Pepper
5 c Diced cooked chicken
20 (6") flour tortillas; room
- temp
21 oz (2 cans) cream of chicken
- soup; undiluted
2 c Sour cream
1 c Milk
8 oz (2 cans) chopped green
- chilies
2 c Shredded cheddar cheese
Set oven @ 350ºF/175ºC.
In a large bowl, beat cream cheese, water, onion powder,
cumin, salt and pepper until smooth. Stir in chicken.
Place 1/4 cup chicken mixture down the center of each
tortilla. Roll up and place seam side down in 2 greased
13x9-in. baking dishes. In a large bowl, combine soup,
sour cream, milk and chiles; pour over enchiladas.
Bake, uncovered, 30-40 minutes or until heated through.
Sprinkle with cheese; bake 5 minutes longer or until
cheese is melted.
Pat Coffee, Kingston, Washington
Makes: 10 servings
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
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