MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Hollandaise Sauce
Categories: Five, Eggs, Citrus, Chilies
Yield: 2 Cups
2 lg Egg yolks
2 ts White wine vinegar
8 oz Clarified butter; heated to
- 125ºF/52ºC
Fresh lemon juice
Salt & fresh ground pepper
Cayenne pepper
Fill a medium pot halfway with water and bring to a
simmer. In a metal bowl that sits atop the pan without
touching the surface of the water, whisk together the
yolks, vinegar, and 1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon cold
water. Whisking constantly and regulating the heat of
the stove to avoid boiling, cook the egg mixture until
the yolks are lighter in color and a ribbon consistency
has been formed, 2-4 minutes. Turn off the heat, but
leave the bowl atop the hot water bath. Slowly begin
drizzling in the hot clarified butter a tablespoon or so
at a time while whisking continuously, being sure that
all of the butter has been emulsified into the egg
mixture before adding more. Once all of the butter has
been added, season the sauce to taste with lemon juice,
salt, pepper, and cayenne. Use immediately.
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