MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Julia Child's Meatloaf
Categories: Beef, Poultry, Breads, Grains, Cheese
Yield: 6 servings
2 c Minced onions
2 tb Butter or oil
1 c Pressed-down homemade bread
- crumbs
2 lb Ground beef chuck
1 lb Raw ground turkey
1 c Cooked rice (see note)
2 lg Eggs
1/2 c Beef broth or stock
2/3 c Grated Cheddar cheese
2 cl Garlic; pureed
2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Black pepper
2 ts Thyme
2 ts Paprika
1 ts Allspice
1 ts Oregano
3 Bay leaves
Saute the onions in the butter or oil for 5 minutes or
so, until tender and translucent. Raise heat and saute a
few minutes longer until lightly browned.
Scrape into a large mixing bowl. Combine all ingredients
except the bay leaves in the bowl and mix together
thoroughly, using first a wooden spoon and then your
Shape the mass into a free-form loaf on a buttered
cookie sheet or into a buttered 8 cup loaf pan. Arrange
the bay leaves on top. Bake in the lower middle of the
oven for about 1 1/2 hours @ 350°F/175°C.
The meat loaf is done when the juices run almost clear
with a pale pink tinge. Let cool for 30 minutes and pour
off the fat and juices before serving.
COOK'S NOTES: This meatloaf also can be made with a
pound of ground pork shoulder or sausage instead of
ground turkey. In that case, eliminate the cup of cooked
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