MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Julia Child's Hollandaise Sauce
Categories: Five, Sauces, Citrus
Yield: 1 servings
3 lg Egg yolks
1 tb Cold water
1 tb Lemon juice
1/2 lb Unsalted butter; cold, in
- pieces
Salt & white pepper
In the top of double boiler or a heat-proof bowl whisk
the egg yolks until they become thick and sticky. Whisk
in the water and lemon juice. Place the pan or bowl over
a saucepan of simmering, not boiling, water. Whisk until
mixture is warm, about 2 minutes. (If mixture appears to
become lumpy dip pan immediately in a bowl of ice water
to cool, whisk until smooth and then continue recipe.)
The yolk mixture has thickened enough when you can see
the bottom of the pan between strokes and mixture forms
a light cream on the wires of the whip.
While whisking the yolk mixture add the pieces of
butter, a tablespoon or so at a time whisking thoroughly
to incorporate before adding more butter. As the mixture
begins to thicken and become creamy, the butter can be
added more rapidly.
Season the sauce, to taste, with salt, white pepper and
lemon juice. To keep the sauce warm, set the pan or bowl
in lukewarm water or in a thermos.
FROM: Butter Sauces with Julia Child
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... If fruit rots, it turns into wine, something Brussels sprouts never do
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