MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Spider Crab w/Caviar - Pt 2
Categories: Seafood, Greens, Citrus, Wine
Yield: 4 Servings
Preparing the crabs: prepare 2 bowls, one for the crabmeat,
the other for the liquid and coral;
Shell the 4 small males. Their shells will be used for
presentation, so it's not necessary to remove the meat from
the claws;
Cut all around the head and remove the upper part of the
Reserve the liquid and coral from the head. On the lower
part of each crab, pull on the shell and remove the meat;
rinse the shells under cold water and set aside; shell the
remaining 8 crabs in the same way;
Using a spoon, remove the eggs under the belly of the
females and reserve it;
Delicately break the claws with a hammer or nutcracker;
remove the meat with a shellfish fork; reserve the creamy
liquid and coral from the head; discard the shells;
Preparing the cream: in a bowl, whisk the creamy liquid,
coral and half the eggs to a fairly smooth texture;
Whisk in 5 tbsp. olive oil, adding it in a thin stream;
Add the lemon juice; season with salt and pepper; add the
shallot and flat leaf parsley; set aside;
Be sure there are no pieces of shell in the crabmeat by
sticking a skewer here and there; add half the meat to the
cream; correct the seasoning and set aside;
Place the caviar in a bowl and add the remaining olive oil
as well as half the chives; mix gently and set aside.
To serve, lay out the seaweed on 4 large serving plates;
Place the empty shells in the center; spoon the crab cream
into the middle and place the remaining crabmeat on top;
Garnish with the caviar and the rest of the chives; serve
An original recipe from Philippe Groult, (Meilleur Ouvrier de
France 1982), L'Amphycles, one of Paris' great addresses
8 av. des Ternes, 17th arrondissement,
Metro Porte Maillot - Tel: +33-1-40-68-01-01
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