MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Roasted Salmon Glazed w/Brown Sugar & Mustard
Categories: Five, Seafood
Yield: 1 servings
Salmon fillets; preferably
- wild or farmed organically
Dijon mustard
Brown sugar
Salt & black pepper
Set your oven @ 400ºF/205ºC.
Make a mixture of Dijon mustard and brown sugar to the
degree of spicy-sweetness that pleases you. Salt and
pepper the salmon fillets.
Place the salmon fillets skin-side down on a lightly
oiled, foil-lined baking sheet. Slather the tops of the
fillets with the mustard and brown sugar glaze and slide
them into the top half of your oven. Roast for about 12
minutes, then serve.
By: Sam Sifton
Yield: Number of servings vary
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