MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Classic Make-Ahead Mashed Potatoes
Categories: Potatoes, Dairy, Cheese
Yield: 12 servings
5 lb Potatoes; peeled, in wedges
8 oz Cream cheese; diced
2 lg Egg whites; beaten
1 c Sour cream
2 ts Onion powder
1 ts Salt
1/2 ts Pepper
1 tb Butter; melted
Place potatoes in a Dutch oven and cover with water.
Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and cook for 15-20
minutes or until tender. Drain.
In a large bowl, mash potatoes with cream cheese.
Combine the egg whites, sour cream, onion powder, salt
and pepper; stir into potatoes until blended. Transfer
to a greased 3-qt. baking dish. Drizzle with butter.
Cover and refrigerate overnight.
Remove from the refrigerator 30 minutes before baking.
Set oven @ 350ºF/175ºC.
Cover and bake 50 minutes. Uncover; bake 5-10 minutes
Marty Rummel, Trout Lake, Washington
Makes: 12 servings
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