MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Million Dollar Cake
Categories: Cakes, Desserts, Fruits, Citrus, Cheese
Yield: 16 servings
11 oz Can mandarin oranges; liquid
- reserved
15 1/2 oz Box yellow cake mix
1 1/4 c Cold milk
3 3/8 oz Box instant vanilla pudding
- mix
20 oz Can crushed pineapple; well
- drained
2 c Whipped topping
8 oz Cream cheese; softened
1/2 c Confectioners' sugar
1 ts Vanilla extract
Drain mandarin oranges and reserve liquid. Add reserved
liquid to a liquid measuring cup (there should be about
1/2 cup) and fill with water to measure 1 cup. Prepare
cake mix according to package directions, using the
juice and water mixture in place of the water called for
on the package. Bake in two greased 9" round baking pans
according to package directions. Cool for 10 minutes
before removing from pans to wire racks to cool
In a large bowl, whisk milk and pudding mix for 2
minutes. Stir in pineapple. Spread 1 cup between cake
In a small bowl, beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla
until smooth. Beat in 1 cup whipped topping. Fold in
remaining topping. Spread on top and sides of cake.
Cover and refrigerate for 3 hours or overnight.
Decorate with mandarin oranges prior to serving.
Rashanda Cobbins, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Makes: 16 servings
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