MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Dill Pickled Eggs
Categories: Appetizers, Eggs
Yield: 36 Servings
36 lg Eggs; hard boiled
2 tb Fresh dill; rough chopped
2 Dill pickle spears
2 lg Yellow onions; sliced
1 Green bell pepper; julienned
2 Red bell pepper; julienned
1 qt Cider vinegar
1 qt Water
Cloves; whole (sm handful)
2 Hungarian hot wax chilies
- or other chilies (opt)
Drain pickle juice into large pan. Add cider, water,
cloves and dill. Bring liquid mixture to full boil; then
reduce heat to simmer for 45 minutes to one hour (make
sure you can open the windows, it's rather fragrant).
Place eggs, vegetable slices and pickle spears into
large glass or hard plastic container (large ice cream
pail works well).
Strain liquid mixture through a pasta colander and pour
liquid over eggs and vegetables. Let sit for 24-36 hours
at room temperature. Eggs will be a very, very bright
yellow and have a wonderful dill flavor the whole way
through. The vegetables and pickles will have a dill
flavor never before experienced -- and can be eaten
separately or used as a complimentary garnish.
OPTIONALLY, once the eggs are dill pickled you can use
the brilliant yellow eggs to make an attractive and
different deviled egg...just be sure to use an increased
amount of dry mustard and horseradish to meet the flavor
of the dill.
Recipe from Gary M. Hite
Recipe from:
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
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