Int Pickles Week - 2
Dave Drum@1:18/200 to
All on Thu May 18 15:36:22 2023
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Kosher Dill Pickles
Categories: Preserving, Squash, Pickles, Chilies
Yield: 6 Pints
36 Cucumbers; sliced lengthwise
- if large
3 c Vinegar
3 c Water
6 tb Non-iodized salt
MMMMM------------------------IN EACH JAR-----------------------------
1/2 ts (heaping) mustard seeds
1/2 Red chile pod
Wash and slice cucumbers. Sterilize jars. Mix vinegar,
water, and salt. Bring to a boil, keeping hot. In each
jar, place the following: 1/2 heaping ts mustard seeds,
1/4 to 1/2 pod hot pepper.
Pack cucumbers into jars. Fill jars with vinegar, water,
and salt mixture. Place caps on jars. Put jars into
boiling water in canner. Bring back to full boil.
BOIL ONLY 5 MIN. Remove from canner and cool. Allow to
season 6 weeks before serving. Chill before serving.
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... Regular people like pepperoni and mushrooms on their pizzas.
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