MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Millie's Hard-boiled Egg Salad Dressing
Categories: Eggs, Dressings, Salads
Yield: 6 Servings
1 lg Hard boiled egg; fine
- chopped
1 tb White wine vinegar
1 ts Dijon mustard
1/4 ts Sugar
2 tb Chives; minced
1 tb Parsley; minced
2 tb Dill; chopped
3 tb Olive oil
2 tb Sour cream
Salt & pepper
Mix together all ingredients except chopped egg. When
well blended, add egg. Wonderful over mixed lettuces,
butter lettuce, or as the dressing for cole slaw or
potato salad.
From 1993 "Shepherd's Garden Seeds Catalog."
Electronic format by Cathy Harned.
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... WAYS TO MY HEART: 1. Buy me food; 2. Make me food; 3. Be food.
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