MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Frozen Berry Ice Cream
Categories: Fruits, Dairy, I scream
Yield: 8 servings
8 oz Frozen unsweetened
- strawberries; partially
- thawed
8 oz Frozen unsweetened peaches;
- partially thawed
4 oz Frozen unsweetened
- blueberries; partially
- thawed
2 tb Sugar
2 ts Vanilla
2 c Vanilla ice cream
16 Blueberries; opt
4 sm Strawberries, halved; opt
8 sl Peach; opt
Combine partially thawed strawberries, peaches,
blueberries, sugar substitute, and vanilla in food
processor. Process until coarsely chopped.
Add ice cream; process until well blended.
Serve immediately for semi-soft texture or freeze until
ready to serve. (If frozen, let stand 10 minutes to
soften slightly.) Garnish each serving with 2
blueberries for "eyes," 1 strawberry half for "nose,"
and 1 peach slice for "smile."
Yield: 8 servings
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
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* Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)