MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Crystal Rock Candy
Categories: Five, Candy
Yield: 1 Batch
1 1/2 c Water
6 c Sugar
3 (6") lengths of string
Food coloring
Bring water to a boil in a saucepan. Remove from heat and
add 3 cups of the sugar stirring till dissolved. Slowly
add the remaining sugar, reheating the water if necessary.
When all the sugar is dissolved, pour the mixture into 3
heat proof jars or glasses.
Stir 3 drops of liquid food coloring and 1/2 teaspoon of
flavouring into each jar.
Tie each length of string around a pencil. Lay on top of
the jars (1 string per jar) so that the strings hang in
the liquid. Crystals will begin to form in 1 hour, and
continue to solidify for several days. If a layer forms
on the surface of the jar break it. When the liquid
evaporates completely, the candy is ready.
Recipe By: Lisa Lepsy
LISA'S NOTES : I use pint size canning jars. Use the
flavours you like, most grocery stores carry candy
flavourings. Use the food color you desire as well.
DAVE'S NOTE: You can make chile flavouring by chopping
chilies and placing in a pint of vodka or light rum (rum
will add a flavour if its own to the finished product)
and leaving the mix to steep for seven to ten days. To
use - strain out the solids and substitute the infused
booze as part of the liquid in your recipe.
Recipe from:
Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen
... "Confusion is always the most honest response." -- Marty Indik
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