1/20 Cheese Lover's Day 1
Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to
All on Wed Jan 18 14:44:00 2023
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Hash Browns w/Cheese & Bacon
Categories: Pork, Potatoes, Cheese
Yield: 4 Servings
4 sl Thick-cut slab bacon
5 lg Potatoes; diced small
32 oz Bag shredded hash browns;
- thawed
1/2 sm Onion; diced small
4 Green onions; sliced fine;
- both green & white parts
1/4 c Rendered bacon fat
1/4 ts Salt; or less
1/8 ts Black pepper
3/4 c Grated cheddar cheese
Fry the bacon slices to desired crispness and reserve the
rendered fat to fry the potatoes. Crumble the cooked bacon
and set aside.
Scrub and dice potatoes and sprinkle to cover the bottom of
a large skillet that has been heated with the bacon grease.
Cover with a lid and cook on low for about 7 minutes. Remove
lid, add onion, salt and pepper and stir.
Turn heat to medium and brown potatoes, turning every few
minutes to prevent burning. When potatoes are evenly browned,
remove, top with grated cheese and serve.
Cheese will melt a little as it is served, but if you wish
to have it bubble, top the potatoes with cheese while still
in the skillet and put under the broiler for 1 minute.
If you wish the commercial style of hash brown, use more
oil and cook the shredded potatoes under cover until the
7 minutes are complete, remove the lid, add the other
ingredients sprinkling as evenly as possible, but do not
stir. Brown the potatoes until golden on the bottom.
Divide into sections and turn to brown on other side.
UDD Notes: I subbed in the shreddies and the green onion and
the bacon/bacon fat. IMO the biggie is the bacon/bacon fat.
The spring onion is a change for variety's sake and the
shredded, frozen potatoes are a convenience item.
Recipe By: Dee Bell
Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen
... Guy's World: A five-day vacation requires only 1 suitcase.
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