• 12/6 Nat Gazpacho Day - 1

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Sun Dec 4 13:35:00 2022
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Gazpacho
    Categories: Soups, Vegetables, Herbs, Citrus
    Yield: 8 Servings

    6 lg Ripe tomatoes; peeled,
    - chopped (about 6 cups)
    1 lg Onion; fine chopped (about
    - 1 1/4 cups)
    1 Cucumber; peeled, seeded,
    - chopped (about 1 cup)
    1 lg Bell pepper (any colour);
    - seeded, chopped(abt 1 cup)
    2 Ribs celery; chopped (about
    - 1 cup)
    2 tb Chopped fresh parsley
    2 tb Chopped fresh chives or
    - spring onion greens
    1 cl Garlic; minced (more to
    - taste)
    1/4 c Red wine vinegar
    1/4 c Olive oil
    1 tb Fresh squeezed lemon juice
    2 ts (or more) sugar
    Salt & fresh ground pepper
    Hot sauce
    1 ts Worcestershire sauce
    2 c Tomato juice
    15 oz Can crushed tomatoes

    Place all ingredients in a large bowl. Use an immersion
    blender (Cajun Motorboat) or blend in batches, to desired
    smoothness. I prefer my gazpacho somewhat chunky, so only
    pulse a few times in the blender.

    Adjust seasonings to taste.

    Place in a non-reactive container to store. Chill several
    hours or overnight to allow the flavors to blend.

    Adapted from: Delicious Decisions; Junior League of San
    Diego's cookbook

    Re-adapted by UDD to his taste. Bv)=

    Recipe from: http://www.simplyrecipes.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen


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  • From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Thu Dec 5 19:41:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Gazpacho Andaluz
    Categories: Spanish, Soups, Vegetables, Eggs
    Yield: 5 Servings

    1 lg Bell pepper
    1/2 md Cucumber
    2 lb Tomatoes; peeled, de-seeded
    1 cl Garlic
    1 lg Egg
    1 c Breadcrumbs
    2 tb Sherry Vinegar
    2 tb Red Wine Vinegar
    2 tb Extra virgin olive oil
    Mediterranean Sea Salt
    1 c Water

    1 lg Tomato; fine chopped
    1/2 md Cucumber; fine chopped
    1/2 lg Bell pepper; fine chopped
    1/2 lg Red Onion; fine chopped

    Prep Time/ Cook Time: 20 minutes prep, refrigerate until
    cool, no cooking required

    Andalusia is without doubt the home of gazpacho, although
    it is made throughout Spain. In the South, each household
    has its own gazpacho recipe, all slightly different but
    made with the same basic principles, and always delicious.
    Traditionally served chilled, this 'soup' is the perfect
    start to a summertime dinner.

    Remove the skin & seeds from the tomatoes (score a cross
    in the base of each tomato and place in boiling water for
    10 seconds, then immediately place into cold water to
    loosen the skin. Remove seeds with a spoon.)

    Peel the cucumber and garlic, and coarsely chop together
    with the tomato and the green pepper.

    Place all 4 ingredients in the blender together with a
    teaspoon of salt, the egg, the breadcrumbs, olive oil, a
    dash of vinegar and 1 cup of water. Blend until smooth
    then check for salt and vinegar, adding more if necessary.

    Place the gazpacho in the fridge and serve well chilled.
    Additional water may be added based on preference. Serve
    along with the chopped vegetable garnish and enjoy!

    Serves 5

    From: http://www.hotpaella.com/Recipes

    MM Format by Dave Drum - 28 November 2009

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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