11/3 Nat Sandwich Day - 1
Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to
All on Tue Nov 1 18:42:00 2022
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Springfield Horseshoe Sandwich
Categories: Breads, Classic, Cheese, Meat
Yield: 4 Servings
8 sl Bread; toasted
8 oz (to 12) meat(s) *
Hot french fries
MMMMM----------------------HORSESHOE SAUCE---------------------------
12 oz Shredded American (mild
- cheddar) cheese
2 tb Butter
1 ts Worcestershire sauce
1/4 ts Dry (Colman's) mustard
1/4 ts Ground red pepper
2 Egg yolks
1/2 c Stale beer
* Original meat in a Horseshoe was ham. Any meat can
be (and probably has been) used. My favourite is half-
hamburger and half crispy bacon. Seafood also works
well on this delight.
In a saucepan, melt together cheese and butter over low
heat. Stir in Worcester sauce, mustard and cayenne. Beat
the yolks and beer together and add to the sauce pan.
Cook and stir over medium heat until mixture thickens
and begins to bubble around the edges. Makes 4 cups.
On preheated dinner plates, arrange 2 toast slices each.
Top toast with meat. Pour a generous amount of Horseshoe
Sauce over meat.
Encircle each sandwich with hot french fries. Sprinkle
paprika (or cayenne) over sauce.
Makes 4 servings.
Meal Master Format by Dave Drum - 28 March 2008
Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen
... Mufflers don't die...they just get exhausted.
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