MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Preserved Lemons
Categories: Five, Citrus, Herbs
Yield: 1 Jar
9 Organic lemons (Meyer if
- available)
1 ts (heaping) black peppercorns
2 Turkish bay leaves
Scrub 3 to 5 lemons, enough to fit snugly in a medium
jar with a tight-fitting lid (have 2 to 4 more ready on
the side). Slice each lemon from the top to within 1/2"
of the bottom, almost cutting them into quarters but
leaving them attached at one end. Rub salt over the cut
surfaces, then reshape the fruit. Cover the bottom of
the jar with more salt. Fit all the cut lemons in,
breaking them apart if necessary. Sprinkle salt on each
Press the lemons down to release their juices. Add to
the jar the peppercorns and bay leaves, then squeeze the
additional lemons into the jar until juice covers
Close the jar and let ripen at cool room temperature,
shaking the jar every day for 3 to 4 weeks, or until the
rinds are tender to the bite. Then store it in the
To use, remove a piece of lemon and rinse it. (Add more
fresh lemons to the brine as you use them up.) The
minced rind is added at the very end of cooking or used
raw; the pulp can be added to a simmering pot.
By Julia Moskin
Featured in: D.I.Y. Cooking Handbook.
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... Beer is the recommended wine pairing with roo... because of the hops.
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