• Re: Hello?

    From Dario Figueroa@1:124/5015 to Damon A. Getsman on Sat Oct 22 16:45:00 2022
    Anyone reading this echo?
    Well, for what it's worth, I am again, finally, after much downtime from Fido. I was just going to post and see if there were any practicing Buddhists or anybody following Vedic traditions in the hizzy. :)
    How're you doing? Curious as to what you were looking to discuss in here. --- SBBSecho 2.27-OpenBSD
    * Origin: Tinfoil.synchro.net - now at FTN (1:340/200) (1:340/200)

    Just wanted to see if anyone was reading this echo. Sent this a long time ago. I am willing to discuss anything.

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.4/250 Beta
    * Origin: PCB Prison Board, Mesquite. Tx (1:124/5015)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Dario Figueroa on Tue Nov 1 08:07:12 2022
    Just wanted to see if anyone was reading this echo. Sent this a long time ago
    I am willing to discuss anything.

    Traditionally, this echo responds to a statement of beliefs and intent by any users, with unrelenting bile & fire, if it's not held to be defensible by the majority. (mostly against "Fundies" back in the day)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Matt Munson@1:218/109 to George Pope on Sun Nov 6 17:24:50 2022
    Hello George!

    01 Nov 22 08:07, you wrote to Dario Figueroa:

    Just wanted to see if anyone was reading this echo. Sent this a long
    time ago I am willing to discuss anything.

    Traditionally, this echo responds to a statement of beliefs and intent
    by any users, with unrelenting bile & fire, if it's not held to be defensible by the majority. (mostly against "Fundies" back in the

    There are some fundies I dont respect, like the lady who lives 10 doors north of me who thinks even as a right wing homosexual I may be, Im just as evil as an an abortionist. Sick ****.


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Inland Utopia Mail Center (1:218/109)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Matt Munson on Fri Nov 25 09:04:44 2022
    Hello George!
    01 Nov 22 08:07, you wrote to Dario Figueroa:
    Just wanted to see if anyone was reading this echo. Sent this a long
    time ago I am willing to discuss anything.
    Traditionally, this echo responds to a statement of beliefs and intent
    by any users, with unrelenting bile & fire, if it's not held to be
    defensible by the majority. (mostly against "Fundies" back in the
    There are some fundies I dont respect, like the lady who lives 10 doors north of me who thinks even as a right wing homosexual I may be, Im just as evil as an an abortionist. Sick ****.

    I would've been called a Fundy back in the day (& I was, right here in HOLYSMOKE, often.), but I never did find anywhere in the Bible where Christians
    were commanded to be the morality police. Let alone with a right to issue the dearth penalty.

    Capital punishment was only for the courts to determine, following a rigid set of principles & rules aimed to protect the innocent accused.

    Killing in war was likewise much limited & that power was given only to the rightful government of the land, to combat evil &/or to protect one's people.

    As for abortion, the Bible is clear that it's not a capital crime, & that killing a fetus is not murder--it's treated as a property crime, in God's Words given to Moses. (the original Bible that is still 100% in effect for Jews, even per Jesus); Paul revised much of that Bible for the new sect he, with Peter & co, championed. But Pal, when push came to shove, identified as a Roman, not as a Jew.

    Christianity (following the teachings & example of Christ) said to follow the Torah completely, without deviation, & to, in fact, follow it at a stricter level than is written.

    Paulianity, however, is rather loosey-goosey.

    My church, of which I was reverend, taught: "Don't be an arsehole; be nice to people."

    Now, by guidance of the Holy Spirit, I am a Jew, & live by an amalgam of all the above rules, or try my best to abide by the highest standards in all my actions.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Matt Munson on Fri Nov 25 09:15:56 2022
    There are some fundies I dont respect, like the lady who lives 10 doors north of me who thinks even as a right wing homosexual I may be, Im just as evil as an an abortionist. Sick ****.

    I was curious, & asked a pastor/scholar I respected, what we need do in response to homosexuality in this age.

    Hew responded by asking me what the greatest commandment is. . . "To love the Ord our God with all our heart, mind, strength, & soul." I replied.

    He surmised that the greatest sin must be brea89n the greatest commandment; I agreed this was logical.

    He went on to point you that ever minute of every day & night we neglect to devote our ENTIRE feelings, strength, & thoughts unto God, & against a backdrop of sinning such as that, who are we to worry about a little thing called homosexuality.

    This us one of my key guiding principles with regard to any judgement of others.

    If asked, I respond to homesexual friends that their goal is the same as for heterosexuak people: live well, honour God, help others, & behave.

    &, further, gw does the Bible define homosexuality? Butt-humping -- but gays get murdered for just holding hands or kissing - that's just plain murder, by any standards!
    Ok, the Bible gives Sodom & Gomorrah as examples -- what happened in Sodom? The people were so sex-crazy, they were willing to rape strangers, just because they were fresh meat. :(

    That's a far cry different sin than holding hands & necking in a public park! Or any none of anyone's business marital expression of love in the privacy of a private home.

    Only God has authority to judge/condemn. I may be wrong in my leniency, but it doesn't feel wrong, & if I am, I'll have consequences for teaching wrongly, but I can only hope I'm judged by the same standard as I judge.

    What is a "right-wing homosexual?" You accept the conservative/Republican platforms, save for any mentions of condemning homosexuality?

    Live in peace, my brother.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to George Pope on Sat Apr 20 00:52:14 2024
    Only God has authority to judge/condemn. I may be wrong in my leniency, but it doesn't feel wrong, & if I am, I'll have consequences for
    teaching wrongly, but I can only hope I'm judged by the same standard as
    I judge.

    I'm with you on this. God is higher than any book, including the bible.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)