Holger Granholm wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
In a message on 08-27-18 Sean Dennis said to Jimmy Anderson:
Hi Sean,
Well, I did, but I never got a reply. Not sure if this was something
that others heard about or tried?
I listened but as usual, nothing...
You don't create activity by just listening.
Jimmy is on the right track. Opening your mouth may create activity.
aka Holger
.. Don't go to work, there's a lot to do.
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Holger Granholm wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
This (OH0) is a small community so everybody has talked everybody else
and unless something special comes up there's nothing to talk about.
Okay - you've encouraged me. :-) Every time I get in the truck now
to change job sites (I work IT for a public school district - in
and out of ALL the buildings) I will make a call...
Yeah - I have interests that other people that share them are also
NOT interested in HAM, so it's harder for me to get a conversation. :-)
I like sci-fi (espescially Star Wars and time travel), comic books, JA>action movies... I never hear those things on the air...
Daryl Stout wrote to Jimmy Anderson <=-
Okay - you've encouraged me. :-) Every time I get in the truck now
to change job sites (I work IT for a public school district - in
and out of ALL the buildings) I will make a call...
As noted, I'm only on the air in the evenings...but with storms
coming in late today lasting through Thursday, I'll be QRT until Friday morning.
Daryl Stout wrote to Jimmy Anderson <=-
Yeah - I have interests that other people that share them are also
NOT interested in HAM, so it's harder for me to get a conversation. :-)
I like sci-fi (espescially Star Wars and time travel), comic books,
action movies... I never hear those things on the air...
If there's a sci-fi net, I'm not aware of it. Two of my specialty
nets each week are on trains, and on food.
Sorry if we've talked about this lately - are you on echonet at all?
Or just DSTAR (sp?).
I had not idea there were nets for specific topics!!!
Daryl Stout wrote to Jimmy Anderson <=-
Sorry if we've talked about this lately - are you on echonet at all?
Or just DSTAR (sp?).
Never heard of Echonet...but I know what Echolink is. However, I'm
not on it that often. Most of my time is on D-Star or D-Rats...but I'll
be QRT tonight into Friday, due to thunderstorms.
Daryl Stout wrote to Jimmy Anderson <=-
I had not idea there were nets for specific topics!!!
Besides ham radio, there's trains, food, astronomy, Bible Study, camping, scouting, motorcycles, satellite, computers, military,
weather, trivia, swap nets (for buying, selling, and trading ham radio gear), and more.
Okay - you've encouraged me. :-) Every time I get in the truck now
to change job sites (I work IT for a public school district - in
and out of ALL the buildings) I will make a call...
Holger Granholm wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
In a message on 08-27-18 Sean Dennis said to Jimmy Anderson:
Why are you taking up this matter from aug. 2018??
Holger Granholm wrote to Jimmy Anderson <=-
In a message on 04-16-19 Jimmy Anderson said to Holger Granholm:
Hello Jimmy,
Okay - you've encouraged me. :-) Every time I get in the truck now
to change job sites (I work IT for a public school district - in
and out of ALL the buildings) I will make a call...
Holger Granholm wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
In a message on 08-27-18 Sean Dennis said to Jimmy Anderson:
Why are you taking up this matter from aug. 2018??
Sean Dennis wrote to Holger Granholm <=-
Hello Holger,
17 Apr 19 12:38 at you wrote to Jimmy Anderson:
Why are you taking up this matter from aug. 2018??
Better late than never?
Hmm... Bible Study - will have to look into that one...
Daryl Stout wrote to Jimmy Anderson <=-
Hmm... Bible Study - will have to look into that one...
That isn't in my net list, but there may be a similar one on CQ100.
That isn't in my net list, but there may be a similar one on CQ100.
Okay - googled that and wound up going down a couple of rabbit holes... :-)
Found an SDR but Windows only (I'm a Mac user) - found one for Mac, but JA>it's a 'virtual' radio - doesn't actually use the air like echolink does.
Found a smart phone walkie talkie app that is kinda cool. It's also JA>virtual, but you can use it around the world 'public' or you can
make a private 20 character code and share that code with your
friends and use it as a PTT walkie talkie for a group - that's
kinda cool!
So is there an actual HF type SDR that I can use online without
an actual, physical radio? Like echonet, I guess...
... Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
Daryl Stout wrote to Jimmy Anderson <=-
That isn't in my net list, but there may be a similar one on CQ100.
Okay - googled that and wound up going down a couple of rabbit holes... :-)
Go to www.w2blc.net/cq100nets.htm for a list. I didn't see a Bible
Study net, per se...but 2 possible Christian related nets.
Found an SDR but Windows only (I'm a Mac user) - found one for Mac, but
it's a 'virtual' radio - doesn't actually use the air like echolink does.
SDR: Software Defined Radio -- but if your XYL won't let you buy or
use it, it's "Spousally Declined Radio" (hi hi).
Found a smart phone walkie talkie app that is kinda cool. It's also
virtual, but you can use it around the world 'public' or you can
make a private 20 character code and share that code with your
friends and use it as a PTT walkie talkie for a group - that's
kinda cool!
Interesting. The battery probably runs down real quick, though.
So is there an actual HF type SDR that I can use online without
an actual, physical radio? Like echonet, I guess...
Do you mean Echolink??
As for the HF type SDR, I have no idea.
The closest thing you could get would be CQ100, but it's $39 a year.
I do the QCWA CQ100 Net on Friday mornings. CQ100 simulates operations
on several HF bands, but no RF actually occurs. And, unlike real HF, Novices up through Amateur Extra, can use it.
Go to www.w2blc.net/cq100nets.htm for a list. I didn't see a Bible Study net, per se...but 2 possible Christian related nets.
Got it - thx for the link!
SDR: Software Defined Radio -- but if your XYL won't let you buy or use it, it's "Spousally Declined Radio" (hi hi).
LOL - the one I found for Windows appears to actually be the 'real thing' JA>where you can talk HF using the Internet. Is there something like that JA>that's NOT D-Star that you know of? For MAC I mean?
Yeah, probably, just like Pokemon Go or something like that that runs
all the time.
Do you mean Echolink??
Yeah, like that I guess...
Yeah - that link that goes to QSO net - that's the one I found on my own. JA>So it is still not actual HF. Hmm...
Daryl Stout wrote to Jimmy Anderson <=-
that's NOT D-Star that you know of? For MAC I mean?
Not offhand. The only thing I know about an apple is that it's hard
to eat with dentures, unless you use an apple coring device, where you
can eat it in slivers. <G>
you have to keep the visitors and the operators well fed. And, yes, if
you eat ham, you are cannibalistic (hi hi).
Yeah, probably, just like Pokemon Go or something like that that runs
all the time.
I don't have any games on my smartphone. I use it to check email and weather data. I switched my main browser from Google Chrome to Mozilla Firefox. I've been pleasantly surprised with it, and wondered why I
waited so long to do it. But, I've done that in the past, including:
1) Buying a TNC at the Memphis, Tennessee hamfest 20 years ago, when it was at the fairgrounds...to use on packet. But, it sat in my closet for
2 years.
2) Upgrading from Windows 98 to XP -- then finally from Windows 7. With Windows 7 security updates and support ending in January, 2020,
Microsoft is trying to get the holdouts to upgrade to Windows 10. Right now, I can't afford to do so...even off of Amazon. $200 per copy, and needing 1 for each computer, makes a rather steep proposition...I could buy a nice rig for that.
3) Not getting into D-Star and D-Rats when I first had the chance to do so. The latter allows you to chat, exchange messages, and transfer
files, in real time. Some nets meet in "chat rooms" (you can also set
up a "private chat" with another ham), and the conversation gets busy.
4) Changing from Google Chrome to Mozilla Firefox. Google has taken forever and a day to load, and Firefox works much faster.
I used to use Facebook and Messenger on my phone, but don't anymore. I've gotten so where I use an add-on called "Fluff Busting Purity". It filters out all the ads, group suggestions, and other "garbage" that
you may not want to see, as you browse Facebook. Right now, I only get
on there to:
A) Upload the "Net Menu" of D-Star, D-Rats, and Echolink Nets (with
links to CQ100, D-Star HF, and DMR Nets) to the D-Star Users, D-Star
Nets, and DMR Nets groups.
B) Take checkins for the Arklatex D-Star Net in its respective group...I'll soon do the same with the QCWA group and its D-Star Net,
once it moves to the QuadNet array on May 5.
C) Post the link to the "Rail Passengers Association" News Hotline to
the D-Star Trains Net, and the Railfans R Us groups.
I was spending too much time on there, although I did obtain a bunch
of graphical files for areas on the BBS.
Do you mean Echolink??
Yeah, like that I guess...
Not sure. The only times I get on Echolink are to check into The
I've done very little with DMR, and
spend most of my time with D-Star and D-Rats.
No, but for some new hams, "mic fright" is a very real threat. Also,
for those hams who've had to move to an assisted living center,
nursing home, or into an HOA, with CC&R's, it still lets one enjoy the
ham radio hobby, without all the gear. Unlike regular HF, where you
have to have a Technician Class license, to use "a sliver" of 80, 40,
15, and 10 meters" for CW only...and another sliver of 10 meters for SSB...but have to be a General or higher to get far more...CQ100 allows Novice Class hams and up to use it. I've even done PSK31 with it.
There is a yearly fee (currently $39), but paid subscribers can use
the service for free on Sunday, and they get an add-on called QSO-TV -- sort of like a VoIP version of Amateur Television. While I've seen some "wild pictures" on there, one ham in Canada just constructed band pass filters for 2 meters and 6 meters, and he sent an image of the circuit board, as well as the box it was in. Folks also "checkin to the net"
via that addon.
I do the QCWA (Quarter Century Wireless Association) CQ100 Net on
Friday mornings at 10am Central Time, and it's on the same frequency as their 20 meter HF net, which is at 2000 UTC on Sunday. But, lately, HF propagation has been in the toilet, as it were. I also do the QCWA
D-Star Net at 4pm Central Time on Sunday, on Reflector 26A...but
starting May 5, it'll move to the QuadNet Array (I'll be on X-Reflector 757A), where we can also pick up DMR, WIRES, and System Fusion users.
Go to www.openquad.net for details.
As for QCWA itself, if one has been licensed at least 25 years (for 2019, it's ANY TIME in 1994 or earlier), and is currently licensed,
they can join the organization. Details are at www.qcwa.org -- I'm a member of the national organization, and the Arklatex Chapter.
I thought Win10 was a free upgrade from 7? I know for a while there it JA>would force itself? Was that a period of free or something?
Speaking of money, that's why I never did anything with D-Star. For what JA>it would cost to get into I could buy other stuff that I like or need. :-)
I collect comics so I have a small budget for that every month, plus I JA>play the Star Wars X-Wing miniatures game. I don't spend a ton with it, JA>but I do spend some, plus some gas to drive for tourneys and such...
On your phone? I use Safari on laptop as well as phone, but I do
use Chrome for Google based stuff at work. We are a Google Apps for JA>Education school system, and the admin stuff works better with
Chrome, plus I can keep my logins seperate. :-)
Never was a fan of Firefox, but that's a Ford/Chevy issue to me. :-)
I always learn new stuff from you. :-) Just installed FB Purity and will JA>see how it goes!
Yeah, I'm not a FB 'fan,' but not a hater either. It turns out that the JA>podcasts I listen to all have groups there for chat/discussion/feedback JA>so it's the default place to 'talk' to people.
I've gotten on there a few times just to play around. One of my early JA>times I made a connection with someone in Corinth Mississippi. He was JA>sitting outside the local tire shop waiting for it to open and didn't JA>know their local repeater was connected to echolink, so I was sitting JA>with my laptop talking over the air to him. :-)
I might have told you but there was a local 'interest' in DMR several JA>months ago. I never got into it, as I don't have a DMR radio, and then JA>interest seemed to die out just as fast, so no reason to get into it.
I've been on stage off and on since I was 14 years old - got over 'mic JA>fright' a loooong time ago - LOL.
Yeah, that makes sense! I guess it's like us using the echonets to 'talk' JA>when we could email directly. I'm not dialing up, but I am 'connecting' JA>to a BBS with software, etc. And I'm using an offline mail reader, though JA>time on the BBS is no longer limited like in the old days. :-)
Hmm... I may have to give it a whirl then... I was turned off by the JA>Windows Only part of it, but I do have the capacity to run Windows on
my Mac via Parallels. I used to have to do it a LOT for work, but as
time has gone on we've managed to move more and more away from "windows JA>only" things...
More interesting stuff! Thanks! I always get a ton of info from you. :-)
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