• ARRL ARES E-Letter

    From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to All on Wed May 15 21:26:34 2019
    The ARES E-Letter

    Published by the American Radio Relay League ********************************************

    May 15, 2019

    Editor: Rick Palm, K1CE <k1ce@arrl.net>


    - ARRL National Convention at Dayton Hamvention® Special Edition!
    - ARES Supports Washington National Airport Mass Casualty Incident
    - National Hurricane Conference Amateur Radio Session Proceedings
    - Ohio ARES Member Completes Entire Catalog of FEMA Independent Study
    - Batteries and the Airlines
    - Letters: Take an LZ Class
    - Self-Study Course Offering: ARRL Public Service and Emergency
    Communications Management for Radio Amateurs


    The spring classic Dayton Hamvention® starts Friday and ends Sunday, at
    the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center, 120 Fairground Road,
    Xenia, Ohio. This year, the event is hosting the ARRL National
    Convention and Expo.

    See the ARRL National Convention ARRL Expo Programs, Exhibits and floor
    plan here <http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Hamfest/ARRL%20National%20Convention%20at%20201 9%20Hamvention/2019%20ARRL%20National%20Convention%20at%20Hamvention.pdf>.

    This is the first year a free mobile event app <http://www.tripbuildermedia.com/apps/arrl> will help attendees
    navigate the extensive Hamvention program, activities, and exhibits
    from their personal smartphone or tablet. The app is a collaborative
    effort between ARRL and Dayton Hamvention, which allows attendees to
    find exhibitors and booths, forum schedules, and affiliated events.

    Not-to-be missed forums of special interest for ARES members include
    the following:

    Friday, 9:15 - 10:15, Room 4, SHARES HF Emergency Communications,
    moderator Ross Merlin, WA2WDT. SHARES is the SHAred RESources HF radio
    program managed by the US Department of Homeland Security to provide
    backup long-range communications, interoperability, and situational
    awareness for all levels of government, critical infrastructure and key resources providers, and national or regional disaster relief
    organizations; all on federal radio channels. Many SHARES radio
    operators are also Amateur Radio operators, and the application of the
    skills and knowledge learned in Amateur Radio to government emergency communications is invaluable. This presentation will include a
    description of the program mission and eligibility, and an open forum
    for SHARES members to discuss operations, policies, and the evolution
    of the program.

    Friday, 10:25 - 11:25, Room 2, MARS Forum 2019, moderator Paul English,
    WD8DBY, Chief, Army MARS. Richard Duncan, WD5B, will discuss MARSRADIO
    and the Military Support Network in 2019. The Department of Defense
    uses HF phone patching daily. Duncan will present an update on the MARS
    Radio phone patch network and how you can support this effort. Dave
    Stapchuk, KD9XM, Chief of Air Force MARS since 2014, will present, as
    well as Mark Jensen, WA6MVT, who will discuss the upcoming NORTHCOM Communications Interoperability Exercise coming to Ohio later in June.
    Jensen will explain how Amateur Radio operators can become involved in
    this training opportunity.

    Friday, 12:00 - 1:50, Room 1, Homeland Security Forum with moderator
    John Peterson from the DHS/OEC, on Auxiliary Communications (AUXCOMM) Train-the-Trainer (TtT), a new offering in the Technical Assistance (TA)/Statewide Communication Interoperability Plan (SCIP) Guide.
    Speakers will talk about a service offering help to states/territories
    in creating a self-sustaining AUXCOMM training program by providing
    instructor training to qualified COML personnel who have also
    successfully completed these courses: AUXCOMM Course, COML Course, COML Position Task Book (PTB), Formal Adult Education in Training
    Instruction, and has taken the most current versions of ICS 100C, 200B,
    300, 400, 770B, and 800C, and has an FCC Amateur Radio license that has
    been held for at least three years.

    Friday, 1:10 - 2:30, Room 2, National Weather Service Forum -- Working
    With Amateur Radio To Save Lives During Severe Weather with Brandon
    Peloquin, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, National Weather Service, Wilmington, Ohio. NOAA's Weather-Ready Nation initiative is about
    building community resilience in the face of increasing vulnerability
    to extreme weather and water events. To achieve this, the National
    Weather Service (NWS) strives to develop and strengthen partnerships
    with those who contribute to this initiative. This presentation will
    describe the partnership between Amateur Radio operators and the NWS
    and how they work together to help communities be better prepared for
    severe weather.

    ARRL Public Service Communications Forum Friday Afternoon

    Friday, 2:25 - 3:40, Room 3, ARRL Public Service Communications: Panel Discussion will be a chance to hear from representatives from Amateur
    Radio's largest organizations active during times of disaster and
    emergency. An update will also be given on the new ARES Plan and
    changes that were asked for by volunteers and partner agencies on
    training, reporting, identification, leadership development, and more. Sponsored by ARRL, this forum will feature Rob Macedo, KD1CY, VOIP WX
    Net and VOIP Hurricane Net; Paul English, WD8DBY, US Army MARS; David
    Stapchuk, KD9DXM, US Air Force MARS; Bill Feist, WB8BZH, SATERN; Ross
    Merlin, WA2WDT, Department of Homeland Security, SHAred RESources
    (SHARES); Ted Okada, K4HNL, Chief Technology Officer, FEMA; and Malcolm
    Kyser, KG4G, Chief of Communications, Civil Air Patrol.

    ARRL National Convention Forum is Saturday at Noon - Not to be Missed

    Saturday, 12:00 - 1:15, Room 3, ARRL Member Forum with Dale Williams,
    WA8EFK, ARRL Director -- Great Lakes Division and past Chairman of the
    Public Service Enhancement Working Group, which drafted the new ARES
    Plan. ARRL welcomes all members and friends to this 2019 ARRL National Convention, hosted by Hamvention. At this interactive session, you'll
    hear from national and regional ARRL officials on key areas of
    membership interest. Find out how ARRL supports dozens of ways to get
    involved, get active, and get on the air. Members and prospective
    members are all welcome.

    Saturday, 11:45-1:00, Room 5, SATERN, with Bill Feist, WB8BZH, national
    SATERN Liaison for The Salvation Army. SATERN is the Salvation Army
    Team Emergency Radio Network. Bill has been a member of SATERN since
    1994 and is currently the Divisional Emergency Disaster Services
    Disaster Liaison for the Alabama-Louisiana-Mississippi (ALM) Division.
    In his 24 years of service as a volunteer and staff member, Bill has participated in or led numerous responses by The Salvation Army to
    major fires, hazardous materials incidents, SWAT actions, tornados,
    floods, hurricanes and wild-land forest fires. He was also part of The Salvation Army response to the World Trade Center in New York in 2001.
    Feist is a Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) through the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM).

    Saturday, 1:50 - 3:20, Room 2, AREDN Mesh Technology, with Andre
    Hansen, K6AH. As the AREDN project manager, he finds this open-source, volunteer-based effort personally rewarding and is thrilled at how far
    the team has been able to take this technology. Andre will discuss this phenomenon as well as bring us up to speed on AREDN developments and
    notable implementations over the past year.

    Sunday, 9:15 - 10:15, Room 3, Tornado Alert - Severe Weather Detector,
    with Mickey Lee on Tornado Alert new weather detection technology. It
    is well known that tornadoes can be identified visually or by analysis
    of Doppler radar. Advances in technology have allowed sensors that
    measure electrical energy, lightning and others sources, to determine
    how intense the thunderstorm that is generating the energy. One device
    even determines distance and movement as it updates every minute. This
    talk will describe the technology and how to utilize it for household protection, storm spotter activity, or lightning threat awareness. www.earlyalert.com

    See you at these fantastic forums at the ARRL National Convention at
    Dayton Hamvention in just two days!


    Arlington County, Virginia (across the Potomac River from Washington,
    DC) ARES provided communications support during a recent Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA) emergency preparedness exercise. The
    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) mandates a Mass Casualty Incident
    (MCI) Airport Exercise (APEX), every third year in order to exercise,
    test, and improve plans, systems, and skills.

    The exercise, APEX 19, was held on Saturday, April 27, 2019 and
    involved Arlington ARES members from the Arlington Amateur Radio Club
    and Pentagon Amateur Radio Club along with members of the Alexandria
    Radio Club and Mount Vernon Amateur Radio Club. Amateur Radio operators
    were stationed at the airport and at area hospitals to track exercise
    victims as they were triaged and transported from the airport for
    treatment. A total of 22 Amateur Radio operators participated in the
    exercise. The exercise scenario also involved 120

    volunteer role players, moulaged to simulate injuries sustained
    during a plane crash, participating in the exercise along with airport emergency response teams, area hospitals, and mutual aid responders
    from surrounding communities. Specific Victim Actor situations provided realistic stress to First Responder plans, systems and skills, testing
    them in preparation for an airport disaster. The Arlington Community
    Emergency Response Team (CERT) provided the victim actors with moulage, costuming, and briefings on their role playing duties. Volunteers were
    advised before signing up that participating in emergency response
    exercises such as APEX19 can be emotionally and physically challenging.
    Joe Cigan, exercise director and airport operations manager at DCA,
    commended exercise participants for an outstanding job. -- Gary
    Sessums, KC5QCN, Arlington County (Virginia) ARES Emergency Coordinator


    The Amateur Radio emergency/disaster response community was represented
    at the 2019 National Hurricane Conference
    <http://www.hurricanemeeting.com/>, April 22 - 25 in New Orleans.
    "Improving Hurricane Preparedness" was the traditional conference
    theme. A series of free Amateur Radio sessions took place on Tuesday,
    April 23. Here are some highlights of the presentations. To view the presentations, click here <http://nsradio.org/stream/>.

    Rob Macedo, KD1CY, Director of Operations for the VoIP Hurricane Net,
    kicked off the presentations with welcoming remarks, and introduced
    special speaker Bob Robichaud, VE1MBR, from the Canadian Hurricane
    Center, who spoke on hurricane-related meteorological topics. Robichaud discussed the purpose and operation of the Canadian Hurricane Center,
    which is located in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He recounted Hurricane
    Gloria's (1985) track up the east coast of the US and potential impact
    on eastern Canada. The science and effects of tropical cyclones in the
    northern latitudes were not well known at the time, and consequently,
    the Canadian Hurricane Center was developed in 1987. An amateur station
    is sited there with the call sign VE1HTC. The center is equipped with a
    low power VHF repeater, VHF/UHF capability, Echolink, IRLP, a public
    safety trunked radio system, and maintains relationships with the US
    National Hurricane Center and the VoIP Hurricane Net.

    Next up to the podium was ARRL Virgin Islands Section Manager Fred
    Kleber, K9VV, who offered one of the most compelling presentations of
    the sessions. He discussed the historic 2017 category five hurricanes
    Irma and Maria responses. He presented some of the unique
    characteristics of emergency management on the islands: There is no
    place to evacuate to, thus residents must shelter-in-place and not
    expect any help for the first 96 hours.

    There are no paid government radio operators on the USVI: "the hams are
    it," Kleber said. Hams built, maintain and staff the EOC communications
    center on St. Croix. The hams are the front line communicators for the territorial EMA. They are embedded with the Transportation Safety Administration, Police, water and power, rescue, and hospitals. They
    program EMA radios with the National Interoperability Field Operations
    Guide <https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/National%20Interoperabili ty%20Field%20Operations%20Guide%20v1%206%201.pdf>
    (NIFOG) interoperability frequencies.

    During the hurricane Irma response, hams acted as air traffic control
    on St. John. (For future possible need, Kleber recommended that all
    ARES members take training on Landing Zone hand signals). Air-to-ground communications were conducted over the St. Croix two-meter repeater.

    FCC granted a Special Temporary Authorization (STA) for ships to use
    60-meters. US Navy and National Guard used the 5 MHz channels as did
    the radio amateurs. Nets were held daily. Amateurs used the channels to communicate with the ships and other Department of Defense assets.

    Kleber offered many lessons learned and recommendations going forward:
    "Every log needs to be a golden log (error-free). Lives depend on it."
    "Pass messages slowly and carefully, paying attention to quantities, directions, names, etc." "Expand battery and solar power capability for critical equipment." Many more lessons and recommendations were offered
    by Kleber in his presentation.

    With a grant, Kleber and the USVI amateur community have installed a
    linked system of repeaters across the three islands with
    interoperability ports for National Interoperability frequencies and
    better communications for the next incident.

    The Irma and Maria responses were on scales seldom seen before, as
    described by Section Manager Kleber in his presentation.

    After a break for lunch, special speaker and guest Ken Graham, WX4KEG, Director, National Hurricane Center, discussed the importance of
    Amateur Radio/Spotter Surface reports to the NHC. Graham, who served in
    the New Orleans NWS office during Hurricane Katrina (2005), began his
    remarks by saying that during the Katrina disaster, Amateur Radio was
    the only means of communication out of the area, to tell the outside
    world "we were still alive." Graham was appointed NHC Director on April
    1, 2018.

    Graham said that it is important to recruit young people into the ranks
    of the amateur community to preserve and continue Amateur Radio's
    assets and abilities in hurricane and other meteorological disasters
    into the future. He also said there is a role for Amateur Radio
    operators to play in educating the public about the risks and dangers
    of not only wind, but water/flooding. He cited as an example the 16
    fatalities from Hurricane Florence, caused by rising water.

    Following Graham was long-time Assistant Coordinator of the National
    Hurricane Center Amateur Radio station (WX4NHC) Julio Ripoll, WD4R.
    Ripoll spoke on the dramatic hurricanes of the past two years. For
    Irma, the clinical staff of the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, part of
    the University of Miami, had requested Amateur Radio communications to
    support the 300 individuals that were hunkered down in the building,
    which served as a shelter. Winds recorded by an anemometer on top of
    the building were 133 mph. Ripoll lost half of his home's roof in the
    storm. Ripoll also discussed Maria's colossal devastation on Puerto
    Rico, with some 500 shelters to be opened. ARRL recruited 50
    volunteers, vetted by Red Cross, to provide communications among the
    shelters. ARRL also sent go-kits with HF and VHF radios to Puerto Rico.
    Ripoll applauded the League and staff for their response and support.
    In 2018, Hurricanes Florence and Michael wrought more destruction and
    vigorous, active Amateur Radio disaster responses.

    Ripoll then presented a fascinating slide show on the history of the
    National Hurricane Center, and reviewed the configuration of the
    Amateur Radio stations there over time, with the development of an
    early go-kit in the event the station had to be moved out of harm's way
    for a strike on Miami.

    Ripoll discussed the purpose of the WX4NHC station: to collect data, or
    "ground truths" from stations in the affected areas; to serve as a
    backup communications link for the NHC; and to provide advisories to
    those in the path of the storms who may not be able to get them by
    other means.

    Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, Net Manager of the venerable Hurricane Watch Net
    spoke on the role of his net and its relationship with the VoIP
    Hurricane Net. The net was founded in 1965 by Jerry Murphy, K8YUW.
    Graves discussed the purposes of the net, which include receiving
    reports from amateurs in the affected areas and conveying them to the
    National Hurricane Center for use in the forecasters' advisories.
    Graves discussed the net's activation for Hurricane Michael (2018): the
    net was active for 19 hours (with a total of 372 man-hours of volunteer
    work contributed) and handled countless ground truth weather reports
    from the devastated areas on Florida's panhandle.

    Macedo, net manager of the VoIP Hurricane Net, spoke about his net and
    best practices for hurricane weather reporting. He referred radio
    amateurs interested in listening or participating in the net over
    EchoLink and IRLP to the tab on the voipwx.net website for tips on the configuration of the technical aspects of connecting. After presenting
    the net's activations for recent major hurricanes, Macedo discussed
    Zello and other technologies to expand the reach of the net to

    Macedo pointed out that even weaker tropical systems can wreak
    devastation, and local/regional SKYWARN programs should vigorously
    activate as indicated: SKYWARN can provide profound situational
    awareness to the public, media and responders.

    Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) Manager Bill
    Feist, WD8BZH, discussed the components of its strategic plan adopted
    two years ago, and vision statement going forward: SATERN will "bring
    together communications expertise and disaster services response to
    better serve those in need." Feist reviewed international nets,
    exercises and activations over the past few tropical weather seasons,
    and discussed lessons learned and goals for future responses: Ability
    to quickly mobilize and deploy SATERN volunteers into the field; and
    appoint Divisional SATERN Coordinators to pre-identify deployable
    volunteer operators and handle related administrative aspects for them.

    ARRL Delta Division Director Dave Norris, K5UZ, a former Section
    Manager, Emergency Coordinator, and COML with years of emergency
    communications experience, gave the ARRL update, speaking on the new
    ARES Plan adopted this past January by the full ARRL Board of
    Directors. The new plan emphasizes the need for new levels of training, qualification, certification, expertise, and capability of ARES
    members. The drafting committee, the ARRL's Public Service Enhancement
    Working Group (PSEWG), will continues its work this year to enhance the interface between ARES and the National Traffic System and Digital NTS,
    among other action items. A question and answer period followed, with
    door prizes awarded.

    Readers are strongly urged to view the entire sessions as we count down
    the days to the commencement of the 2019 hurricane season. View the presentation here: nsradio.org/stream/


    Ohio ARES member Ronald J. Hollas, K8RJH, recently completed all of the available FEMA numbered online Independent Study courses and has
    submitted his certificates to the Ohio Section database, according to
    ARES Training Database Manager James E. Yoder, W8ERW. Hollas has on
    file a total of 249 certificates of completion including all of the 244 numbered courses. "He is the only one of our members to do so although
    several have well over 100 completed now," said Yoder. "I suspect that
    Ron is perhaps the only ARES member to do so, nationally."

    "In all, I have recorded 8,226 training documents for 1,028 active Ohio
    Section ARES members," Yoder said. "809 members have completed NIMS
    training and 155 have progressed to Level 3 on the ARES training
    curriculum." He added, "Those numbers continue to grow as our Ohio
    Section radio amateurs support the ARES mission and submit training
    documents weekly."

    There are approximately 1700 Ohio Section ARES members. The 1,028
    mentioned by Yoder are those who have submitted training documents to
    date. ARES Connect participation is also growing. "We are working hard
    to get everyone on board." -- James E. Yoder, W8ERW, Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator, ARRL Ohio Section; ARES Training Database
    Manager; AEC Sandusky and Seneca County ARES


    Pilot Tom Mills, AF4NC, travels frequently to QRP operating and hiking locations around the world. He has completed the Appalachian Trail, the
    John Muir Trail and summited 11 peaks over 14,000 feet in Colorado.
    Mills uses an Elecraft KX-1 or KX-3 with a simple MFJ vertical antenna
    and a 12 V 7 Ah battery. He carries his gear in a Tamerack Expedition
    10 camera backpack, which has enough padding, pockets, and external
    holders for two water bottles. It has plenty of room for accessories
    including the small antenna tuner and Begali key.

    When traveling, some amateurs have simply purchased a new battery at
    their destination rather than deal with the perceived hassle of
    transporting a battery. (Using AAA or AA batteries is just not enough
    power if you are out for a few days).

    Mills is often asked what kinds of batteries can be transported on a
    plane. After research, he has determined that non-spillable wet
    batteries (absorbed electrolyte) up to 12 V and 100 Watt-hours are
    permitted to be carried aboard planes. Absorbed electrolyte battery
    types include gel cells, AGM, etc. Batteries must be kept in a strong
    outer case with the terminals protected from shorting out with
    non-conductive caps, tape, etc. Mills says his 7 Ah batteries can be
    carried in "carry on" or checked baggage.

    Passengers are limited to carrying two batteries. Watt/hours are
    calculated: 12 V times the rated capacity in Ah of the battery. In
    Mills' case, his battery is permissible on board: 12 X 7 is 84 watts,
    less than the 100 Watt-hours maximum permitted.

    While the above is a Federal rule, the airlines can impose stricter
    rules. Mills has not had any problems with US air carriers, but a good precaution is to check with the carrier before leaving home. When
    traveling on foreign air carriers, check with them directly, but from
    what Mills has said, he has not heard of any problems.

    Here is an FAA "pack safe" page that presents battery restrictions:


    See also:

    https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ash/ash_programs/hazm at/passenger_info/media/Airline_passengers_and_batteries.pdf


    During a presentation at the National Hurricane Conference <http://nsradio.org/stream/> this year, the audience learned that
    Amateur operators are involved with air traffic control and are
    encouraged to learn Landing Zone (LZ) hand signals. Interested amateurs
    may want to contact their local air ambulance service to take an LZ
    class. It's usually free. You may never need it but you have it if
    needed. In the city of Altus, Oklahoma, hams were able to get the
    training. - Lloyd Colston, KC5FM, Newkirk, Oklahoma

    Landing Zone Preparation
    o Size 100 x 100' (larger if more than one aircraft is requested)
    o Flat surface without debris
    o Free of overhead obstacles (wires, towers etc.)
    o Mark landing zone at each corner using secured cones or fire
    personnel during the day and strobes at night
    o Landing Zone coordinator should be standing with the wind to his or
    her back
    o Provide Life Flight with the following patient information: number
    of patients, adult or pediatric, extricated or still entrapped
    o Provide Life Flight with the following landing zone information:
    surface (road or field), location in relation to accident scene
    (Northwest etc.), any overhead hazards such as wires, trees or towers

    [source: http://www.lifeflight.cc/site_pages/landing_zone.html ]


    The ARRL Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for
    Radio Amateurs (EC-016) course is designed to train licensed Amateur
    Radio operators who will be in leadership and managerial roles
    organizing other volunteers to support public service activities and communications emergencies. In this course you will learn how radio
    amateurs prepare and organize to support local community events, and,
    working in coordination with governmental and other emergency response organizations, deploy their services to provide communications when
    needed in an emergency. The course is made available on-line on the
    ARRL website to all ARRL members. It is a self- study course that you
    may complete at your own pace. Studying the content of this course is
    expected to take a minimum of 30 hours. This does not include the time
    needed to complete the FEMA courses that are referenced as background
    knowledge for this course. Additional time will be needed to do the
    suggested activities that will reinforce the content and help you to
    understand how the topics apply. It is suggested that you develop a
    plan for completing this course over a period of 2-3 months, depending
    on your personal schedule.

    Further information and portal of entry can be found here: http://www.arrl.org/online-course-catalog


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    Find us on Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/ARRL.org>. Follow us on
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    subject to availability.


    The ARES E-Letter is published on the third Wednesday of each month.
    ARRL members may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing their
    Member Data Page as described at

    Copyright (c) 2019 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated.
    Use and distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is
    permitted for non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution.
    All other purposes require written permission.

    ... If you can't be handsome, at least be handy. -- Red Green
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200)