Argos wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
ahh ... good point!
I moderate 14 echoes here in Fidonet and I can't get people to post in half SD>of them even though I try to seed the echoes for coversation.
I co-moderate the WEATHER echo with Mike Powell...I'm still waiting
for word of the updated ECHOLIST UPDATER site, since the passing of
Ben Ritchey...but, I haven't seen anything else on that. I can either
send the MOD UPD via email or netmail.
around the time of my Mom's death on August 9, I decided that I'd had enough, so I UNFRIENDED EVERYONE, family, relatives, everyone.
eyes. So, I sent it back overnight on Friday, and he got it on Monday
(his wife signed for it).
To me a hobby...whether a BBS, ham radio, or something else, should NEVER take priority over things like church, family, health, job, or especially honey-do's -- in the latter case, that nice rig you have
your eye on for Christmas or your birthday, may be going "bye-bye" (hi hi).
Hello Daryl.
Dale Barnes, the Intermail author, is converting Ben's PowerBASIC elist bot SD>a C++ program using SQLite currently. He's doing it in his spare time so SD>there's no rush on it right now.
around the time of my Mom's death on August 9, I decided that I'd had enough, so I UNFRIENDED EVERYONE, family, relatives, everyone.
I noticed that. You should install Social Fixer. Takes care a lot of FB's SD>annoyances.
eyes. So, I sent it back overnight on Friday, and he got it on Monday (his wife signed for it).
What a lid. :(
Like it says in "The Amateur's Code": [A ham is] balanced: radio is a hobby,
never interfering with duties owed to family, job, school, or community. SD>Written in 1928, that's still very true today.
I am off the air due to antenna problems. I want to put up my Mosley RV-4C SD>vertical but I need a new base. It's $50 with shipping but I am having so SD>financial issues due to losing my IT job after my car accident that I will SD>probably remain off the air indefinitely.
I'm also wanting to sell my Yaesu FT-450D and get an ICOM IC-718. The 450D SD>a nice radio but it has too many menus and button-pushing for my tastes.
My current project is resurrecting an old project if I can find my code: a SD>text-based modern logging program for casual use that will export ADIF files
for use with TQSL. There's nothing for OS/2 these days and I have the SD>capability to create it for OS/2, Win32, and DOS/DOS32 using Pascal. Since SD>Max/2 BBS is stabilized now (though it always can use work), I'm working on SD>this side project. My program will be freeware, of course.
Daryl Stout wrote to SEAN DENNIS <=-
I already use Fluff Busting Purity to get rid of all the ads, group suggestions, and other garbage. I never heard of Social Fixer.
Agreed. Another ham said "he needs to get a life regarding social media".
I think that IC-718 was the "get your feet wet in HF rig". I used to have one, but sold it years ago. The last time I operated HF was on the Arkansas and Missouri Railroad Memorial Day Troop Train in 2011, when
we were doing 20 meter HF railroad mobile, with a hamstick antenna. A
link of me in a QSO (from the moving train) is on my QRZ profile.
Well, considering most hams are "frugal cheapskates" (hi hi), but we
do it for the reward of doing it. At times, at a test session, if I had extra cash, I paid for an examinee to re-test, because they missed it
by 1, and only had enough money for the 1 exam. When they passed it on
the re-test, they wanted to reimburse me, but I said "you're getting
your ticket is good enough".
Contesting never did appeal to me...but there's something in ham
radio for everybody.
Social Fixer does it all. It's a really great add-on.
Some hams need to get their head out of their ass. ;) Let's call a spade a SD>spade on this.
It was and really still is. It's a very simple radio and has a front-firing
speaker which is nice. You can do direct frequency input from the front SD>panel. I worked a LOT of DX with that radio. I sold mine because I needed SD>to make rent. I bought this 450D and while it is a nice radio, it really SD>has too many features for me to use and everything is buried under menu SD>after menu, which is annoying to me.
Did I tell you I'm now an ARRL-accredited VE? I decided to do that once I SD>got my Extra ticket. Not that it's really needed around here but just SD>another certificate to hang on the shack wall...
My stepdad (whom you met), KD7SXQ, and I had a discussion about contesting SD>on the way home from the hospital Tuesday after he had a procedure done (I SD>was his driver). He told me he just couldn't understand the appeal of SD>contesting. I explained to him that for me, it's a chance to sharpen my SD>skills. I have hearing loss in both ears and I continually try to "tune" my
ears to be able to hear voices through static. I know, grand solar minimum SD>and all, but I still like it. I'm also a paper chaser so contesting can go SD>hand in hand with that.
It's much like digital radio: to me, that holds no interest. I do enjoy SD>digital modes though, such as Feld Hell, Olivia, PSK31, RTTY, and the like.
One of the reasons why I love amateur radio so much: there's something for SD>everyone.
Years ago, it was so easy to set up and program a rig. Nowadays, if
you don't have the programming cable and software, you'll never get
that deal working.
Congratulations. I'm only 1 of 4 VE's in Arkansas that have over 200 sessions. The hardest thing I've had to do is to convince someone who didn't pass, that they're not a failure...I've had 2 women cry on me.
And, you can pull them out of the weeds better on digital.
Hello Daryl.
You can do all you need from the front panel of a 718. It has computer cont
though if you want to do digital modes AFSK (which I still do with the SD>SignaLink you gifted me).
It's a difficult thing to do. I squeaked by passing my Extra test. If they
told me I'd failed, I'd been disappointed but not surprised.
And, you can pull them out of the weeds better on digital.
Usually, yes. I really love Feld Hell since you have to use what's between SD>your ears to decode and not the computer.
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