• Re: something new..

    From deon@3:633/509 to Nick Andre on Thu Feb 2 22:01:16 2023
    Re: Re: something new..
    By: Nick Andre to Deon on Thu Feb 02 2023 04:22 am

    On 02 Feb 23 14:08:03, Deon said the following to Nick Andre:

    Something like this?

    Date: 7:50 am Mon Jan 25, 2021 Number : 3793 of 4043
    From: Deon George Base : Fidonet/FTSC
    To : Andrew Leary Refer #: None

    So Nick, its not clear to me, how does that demonstrate that I was "trying to shove a new packet standard down my [your] throat years ago"?

    Yes it is and if you're genuinely wondering "anything" about me you may have some mental problems.

    <chuckle> "mental problems" ?

    Go ahead, explain it for my therapy, what enjoyment do you get from this hobby?

    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
    * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (3:633/509)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to All on Wed Feb 1 09:18:00 2023

    "The FTN Clearing Houz is both an FTN Mailer and FTN message
    tosser, where mail is stored internally in a DB, and files in
    an S3 bucket. It can also hatch and toss files into FTN
    networks for both upstream and downstream nodes.

    "It was created as an idea to bring modern technology and
    capabilities to that legacy computing network that existed in
    the 1980's and 1990's, where many of those programs from the
    1980's and 1990's are still in use today too.

    "For the BBS sysop, the FTN Clearing Houz has the following

    Supports BINKP network transfers
    Supports EMSI network transfers (for legacy "frontend" mailers)
    Supports PING responses (to netmails)
    A consistent reliable echomail/netmail hub for your BBSes, while you reconfigure your BBS.
    If you have more than 1 BBS, then the Clearing Houz can receive all your mail from your uplinks and feed them to your BBSes.

    "For the FTN network operator, the FTN Clearing Houz has the following features (or planned ones):

    Supports BINKP network transfers
    Supports EMSI network transfers
    Automatic route configuration, routing netmail directly where links exist, or to the next uplink/downlink
    Manages ECHO areas and FILE areas
    Supports PING and TRACE responses (TRACE to be implemented)
    Nodelist Management
    Self service FTN Network Applications being implemented
    Dynamic mail bundling for upstream and downstream nodes (no more "inbounds" and "outbounds")
    Automatic delisting of idle nodes

    "Other ideas that may make it into this tool:

    SMTP integration
    PGP signed mail and mail verification
    SQRL simple authentication (so there is 1 less username/password you need to remember)


    --- OpenXP 5.0.57
    * Origin: FUTURE4FIDO = https://t.me/joinchat/SV_BQ0XcbSRoP4bt (2:221/1.58)
  • From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to August Abolins on Wed Feb 1 10:51:09 2023
    On 01 Feb 23 09:18:00, August Abolins said the following to All:

    "The FTN Clearing Houz is both an FTN Mailer and FTN message
    tosser, where mail is stored internally in a DB, and files in
    an S3 bucket. It can also hatch and toss files into FTN
    networks for both upstream and downstream nodes.

    I get a visceral reaction to anything worded like a salesman pitch that makes it seem like running Fidonet or an FTN is some complicated full-time IT job.

    Trust me... its not.

    The whole project is busybody techno-dick nonsense. Written by the same genius who was trying to shove a new packet standard down my throat years ago and who has caused problems with his "Hub not available" Perl script nonsense I've had to instruct now two different Sysops to stop using.

    Clearing houses are obsolete dinosaurs from the 90's just like star-systems, NAB, etc. Anyone can get a feed from anyone else, its not hard and if someone needs hand holding... someone cannot configure a mailer, they should not be a member of an FTN. Period.


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From deon@3:633/509 to Nick Andre on Thu Feb 2 11:49:13 2023
    Re: Re: something new..
    By: Nick Andre to August Abolins on Wed Feb 01 2023 10:51 am

    The whole project is busybody techno-dick nonsense. Written by the same genius who was trying to shove a new packet standard down my throat years ago and who has caused problems with his "Hub not available" Perl script nonsense I've had to instruct now two different Sysops to stop using.

    Nick, you should get your facts right before you engage your mouth.

    That conversation was with me - but it didnt go like that at all. But I do enjoy throwing out "we should create a new packet standard" every now and again to see how you react.

    And that perl script doesnt tell you "the hub is not available" either.. You should read the message if you get one from my hub. Did those "two" other sysops listen to you?

    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
    * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (3:633/509)
  • From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to Deon on Wed Feb 1 21:08:08 2023
    On 02 Feb 23 11:49:13, Deon said the following to Nick Andre:

    Nick, you should get your facts right before you engage your mouth.

    That conversation was with me - but it didnt go like that at all. But I do enjoy throwing out "we should create a new packet standard" every now and again to see how you react.

    Our exchanges are public, saved here, it certainly "is" fact.

    Upon your election to the FTSC you were told point blank that the FTSC does
    not enforce standards, they only document new ones that become popular
    enough. Like how BinkD became popular... the Russians just made it happen.

    Finally when the lightbulb engaged and it became clear that things were not going to pan out "your way" unless you actually wrote some code and stopped bullshitting everyone, you took your ball and left.

    And that perl script doesnt tell you "the hub is not available" either.. You should read the message if you get one from my hub. Did those "two" other sysops listen to you?

    Yes they did because of their connections to my system. One Sysop had
    mentioned your involvement, one sent me a copy that had your email address on it. Which I tried to email you but bounced. The two Sysops are very nice
    but not tech-savvy enough to configure it properly. One had it misconfigured which caused a loop between our systems.

    When your little script was dropped like a hot potato, things worked perfectly and it became clear how absolutely rediculous it was to have an out-of-office thing for Netmail. None of us are that important to have one.

    Its all a very simple case of you selling ideas that just do not work, making busybody work, making things more complicated than necessary. Solutions to nonexistant problems. Selling a hub-system to be more than it really is.

    But please keep 'em coming, I get a very entertaining reaction. Comedy gold!


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From deon@3:633/509 to Nick Andre on Thu Feb 2 14:08:03 2023
    Re: Re: something new..
    By: Nick Andre to Deon on Wed Feb 01 2023 09:08 pm

    Nick, you should get your facts right before you engage your mouth.

    Our exchanges are public, saved here, it certainly "is" fact.

    Nick, I know - so I'll say it again, you should get your facts right before you engage your mouth.

    Upon your election to the FTSC you were told point blank that the FTSC does not enforce standards, they only document new ones that become popular enough. Like how BinkD became popular... the Russians just made it happen.

    Finally when the lightbulb engaged and it became clear that things were not going to pan out "your way" unless you actually wrote some code and stopped bullshitting everyone, you took your ball and left.

    You like embellishing in a dreamy world, and talk about it as if your are authoritive dont you? Again, get your facts right before talking about something that you actually wouldnt know about.

    on it. Which I tried to email you but bounced. The two Sysops are very nice

    I got it - it was identified by Google as Spam. Kinda funny when I think about it.

    When your little script was dropped like a hot potato, things worked perfectly and it became clear how absolutely rediculous it was to have an out-of-office thing for Netmail. None of us are that important to have one.

    And you think that's the reason it was set up? <chuckle>

    Its all a very simple case of you selling ideas that just do not work, making busybody work, making things more complicated than necessary. Solutions to nonexistant problems. Selling a hub-system to be more than it really is.


    I genuinely wonder why you are involved in this hobby... After all, its a "silly message network" right?

    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
    * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (3:633/509)
  • From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to Deon on Thu Feb 2 04:22:22 2023
    On 02 Feb 23 14:08:03, Deon said the following to Nick Andre:

    Nick, I know - so I'll say it again, you should get your facts right before you engage your mouth.

    Something like this?

    Date: 7:50 am Mon Jan 25, 2021 Number : 3793 of 4043
    From: Deon George Base : Fidonet/FTSC
    To : Andrew Leary Refer #: None
    Subj: FTSC Replies: None
    Stat: Sent Origin : 25 Jan 21 23:42:58
    Re: FTSC
    By: Andrew Leary to Deon George on Mon Jan 25 2021 07:24 am

    The best thing that we can do is implement changes in as compatible a way as possible. For example, adding a ^aDATETIME control paragraph instead

    Or, we design a new modern "packet" that is well described - and those who
    want to use their legacy software need to "alter/translate/transform" that packet with a pre-processor.

    I like this legacy hobby, and the "old software" - and I too do want to keep some of the old stuff running for nastalga sake - and I would be perfectly OK handing off "received" packets to a transforming tool, or designing a tosser that understands both formats (that sat in the middle).

    Lets move on, and let the developers help with bridging old and new.


    This was the beginning of your antagonistic politician nonsense which was all bark and no bite. Fact... not once did you do anything but run "your" mouth.

    I genuinely wonder why you are involved in this hobby... After all, its a "silly message network" right?

    Yes it is and if you're genuinely wondering "anything" about me you may have some mental problems. I know the idea goes over your head that the hobby
    can enjoyed on a simple level where someone can trade fun banter and private Netmails with friends around the world. Theres more to life than the tech...


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to Deon on Thu Feb 2 08:56:34 2023
    On 02 Feb 23 22:01:16, Deon said the following to Nick Andre:

    So Nick, its not clear to me, how does that demonstrate that I was "trying t shove a new packet standard down my [your] throat years ago"?

    The moment I disagreed with your unoriginal idea you had your little selfrighteous tantrum I do not care to copy-npaste. Its the beginning of several pages of nonsense where you must be right and I must be wrong.

    You had only shut-up when I politely told you to go write code and come back with something popular that others love using, like BinkD, and you'll get what you want, which is your name and clearly massive ego attached to history.

    Nothing written, nothing documented.

    Go ahead, explain it for my therapy, what enjoyment do you get from this hob

    Watching you having a techno-dick meltdown is hilarious.


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From deon@3:633/509 to Nick Andre on Fri Feb 3 13:31:34 2023
    Re: Re: something new..
    By: Nick Andre to Deon on Thu Feb 02 2023 08:56 am

    The moment I disagreed with your unoriginal idea you had your little selfrighteous tantrum I do not care to copy-npaste. Its the beginning of several pages of nonsense where you must be right and I must be wrong.

    So let's sum this up.

    * You stated that I was "trying to shove a new packet standard down my [your] throat years ago",
    * You quoted a message to Andrew Leary about me suggesting we design a new packet,
    * You claim that I had a tantrum about it - to you?
    * You claim I left the FTSC because of it (things not going "my way"?),
    * And finally, you state you "politely told you [me] to go write code and come back with something popular"

    This story has more holes in it than it fills. Paints a picture though...

    And then when I ask you why you are involved in BBSing and "this silly message network", you think I have "mental problems" and you like watching "techno-dick melt downs". I also notice that you often like reverting to using male genitalia in your comments - not just here either.

    Anyway, the answer to that question is clear enough for me.

    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
    * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (3:633/509)
  • From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to Deon on Thu Feb 2 23:39:04 2023
    On 03 Feb 23 13:31:34, Deon said the following to Nick Andre:

    * You claim that I had a tantrum about it - to you?
    * You claim I left the FTSC because of it (things not going "my way"?),
    * And finally, you state you "politely told you [me] to go write code and co back with something popular"

    Sure did... chasing me around for several messages after which I wrote:

    Date: 6:13 am Sat Jan 30, 2021 Number : 3804 of 4043
    From: Nick Andre Base : Fidonet/FTSC
    To : Deon George Refer #: 3803
    Subj: Re: FTSC Replies: None
    Stat: Sent Origin : Local

    On 30 Jan 21 21:31:02, Deon George said the following to Nick Andre:

    Nah, you dont. My reply to your comment wasnt talking about your skills,
    rather your knowledge of me.

    I know enough to form an opinion. You're not an idiot and really should stop pretending to be one. Its 2021... either someone blows us all away with new software with new standards that every Sysop can't wait to install, or we go back to proofreading documents. Notice I'm the only one taking the time to reply to you to politely tell you to either put up or shut up.


    You had nothing to put up, so you shut up. "That" is the summary.

    And then when I ask you why you are involved in BBSing and "this silly mess network", you think I have "mental problems" and you like watching "techno-dick melt downs". I also notice that you often like reverting to usi male genitalia in your comments - not just here either.

    Look at the mental gymnastics you're doing to try to have the final word, all because I believed you were all bark and no bite 2 years ago.

    Look up the techno-dick phrase elsewhere; accurately describing someone with
    a mental problem attempting to convince someone else that some tech thing
    in Fido is important when really its not, and being a real dick about it.

    Making something else out of it would be your weird Freudian hangup, not mine.


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Nigel Reed@1:124/5016 to All on Fri Feb 3 13:18:44 2023
    On Wed, 1 Feb 2023 10:51:09 +0000
    "Nick Andre" <nick.andre@1:229/426> wrote:

    star-systems, NAB, etc. Anyone can get a feed from anyone else, its
    not hard and if someone needs hand holding... someone cannot
    configure a mailer, they should not be a member of an FTN. Period.

    That's a bit harsh. There's a lot of sysops, I'm sure, who wouldn't be
    here today if they didn't get help setting their board up and getting connected. I would be one of them.
    End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
    telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (1:124/5016)
  • From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to Nigel Reed on Fri Feb 3 21:15:51 2023
    On 03 Feb 23 13:18:44, Nigel Reed said the following to All:

    That's a bit harsh. There's a lot of sysops, I'm sure, who wouldn't be
    here today if they didn't get help setting their board up and getting connected. I would be one of them.

    Sometime in 1993, '94... I was required to read Policy 4 and recite
    certain sections like a bible, answer a voice-telephone call from NC252 where I was treated like I was applying for an IT job. What type of mailer I'm running, BBS software, was I sure I had things configured correctly etc.

    Before someone says "Ok boomer" I was actually a teenage kid required to source, configure and have *everything* perfected, there were no how-to guides or really help from anyone. What did exist for documentation was halfassed or not exactly user friendly.... in other words you had to "figure it out".

    I now receive automated emails in the form of scripts from Synchronet from people who want a Fidonet address. Thats okay but there is no longer that level of expectation. The vast majority do not even include a reply-email...


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Terry Roati@3:712/1321 to Nick Andre on Sat Feb 4 13:23:20 2023

    Could be worse, remember when the New User Questionare on a BBS had more questions than a job application for the Police Force.

    On Feb 03, 2023 09:15pm, Nick Andre wrote to Nigel Reed:

    Sometime in 1993, '94... I was required to read Policy 4 and recite certain sections like a bible, answer a voice-telephone call from NC252 where I was treated like I was applying for an IT job. What type of
    mailer I'm running, BBS software, was I sure I had things configured correctly etc.

    ... Platinum Xpress & Wildcat!..... Nice!!!!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Terry Roati on Sat Feb 4 10:48:24 2023
    Could be worse, remember when the New User Questionare on a BBS had more questions than a job application for the Police Force.

    Those questionaires are/were established for the glorification of individuals to indicate how good they were at establishing questionaires.

    In the days Nick describes with no internet, a sysop was a mighty thing.

    You should read the 249 questions you earnestly need to answer when applying for a US entry-visa and realize someone actually was paid to come-up with that nonsense.


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Terry Roati@3:712/1321 to Ward Dossche on Sat Feb 4 20:32:14 2023

    On Feb 04, 2023 10:47am, Ward Dossche wrote to Terry Roati:

    You should read the 249 questions you earnestly need to answer when applying for a US entry-visa and realize someone actually was paid to come-up with that nonsense.

    Might explain why it is easier to cross the border :)

    ... Platinum Xpress & Wildcat!..... Nice!!!!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to Terry Roati on Mon Feb 6 15:45:24 2023
    On 04 Feb 23 13:23:20, Terry Roati said the following to Nick Andre:

    Could be worse, remember when the New User Questionare on a BBS had more questions than a job application for the Police Force.

    I always "dropped carrier" whenever I had to fill out a survey...


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/700 to Nick Andre on Tue Feb 7 07:44:00 2023
    Nick Andre wrote to Nigel Reed <=-

    That's a bit harsh. There's a lot of sysops, I'm sure, who wouldn't be here today if they didn't get help setting their board up and getting connected. I would be one of them.

    Sometime in 1993, '94... I was required to read Policy 4 and recite certain sections like a bible, answer a voice-telephone call from NC252 where I was treated like I was applying for an IT job. What type of
    mailer I'm running, BBS software, was I sure I had things configured correctly etc.

    My net was never that bad, but I do miss requiring a netmail from the
    /9999 address to ensure that the person has at least a bare minimum understanding of the systems and concepts. The rest can be learned as
    they go along.

    there were no
    how-to guides or really help from anyone. What did exist for
    documentation was halfassed or not exactly user friendly.... in other words you had to "figure it out".

    I joined Fidonet and helped form an othernet at the same time, so there
    was a lot of help with FTN on the othernet side. I even did "house
    calls" for sysops in the area when they had problems.

    I now receive automated emails in the form of scripts from Synchronet
    from people who want a Fidonet address. Thats okay but there is no
    longer that level of expectation. The vast majority do not even include
    a reply-email.

    Yeah, I've seen the "I just want to get the address, I'll work on
    getting the BBS set up next..." requests, and they typically never get
    the BBS up if they don't have at least a BBS running when they apply.

    ... Move towards the unimportant
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/700 to Terry Roati on Tue Feb 7 07:54:00 2023
    Terry Roati wrote to Nick Andre <=-

    Could be worse, remember when the New User Questionare on a BBS had
    more questions than a job application for the Police Force.

    Usually accompanied by "THIS BBS IS LIKE MY HOUSE. I NEED TO KNOW WHO'S

    I don't think those sysop asked their dinner party guests for their
    birthdays or did a callback verifier on them. Or, that they had dinner
    party guests at all.

    ... Move towards the unimportant
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700)
  • From Terry Roati@3:712/1321 to Kurt Weiske on Wed Feb 8 11:07:42 2023
    Hi Kurt,

    On Feb 07, 2023 08:02am, Kurt Weiske wrote to Terry Roati:

    I don't think those sysop asked their dinner party guests for their birthdays or did a callback verifier on them. Or, that they had dinner party guests at all.

    I lived in Manila when I setup my BBS back in the nineties, I had over a 1000 users and two 24 hour phone lines and back then I required the following complusory info.

    Real Name
    Phone Number
    Calling From

    To prevent duplicate accounts and for security, I used a CBV before a new user could get full access.

    No one complained back then as all BBSs used a CBV for security.


    ... Platinum Xpress & Wildcat!..... Nice!!!!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From Mickey@1:229/307 to Kurt Weiske on Tue Feb 7 20:18:12 2023
    On 07 Feb 2023, Kurt Weiske said the following...

    I don't think those sysop asked their dinner party guests for their birthdays or did a callback verifier on them. Or, that they had dinner party guests at all.

    Regardless, I thought the callback verifier was the cat's ass back then and so, magical. :-)

    ... Marriage is one of the chief causes of divorce

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Bad Poetry Blues - centralontarioremote.com:2300 (1:229/307)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Terry Roati on Tue Feb 7 23:59:46 2023
    I lived in Manila when I setup my BBS back in the nineties, I had over a 1000 users and two 24 hour phone lines and back then I required the following complusory info.

    I don't think I ever got up to a thousand users but I had several hundred, around 700 back then.

    Real Name
    Phone Number
    Calling From

    To prevent duplicate accounts and for security, I used a CBV before a new users could get full access.

    No one complained back then as all BBSs used a CBV for security.

    Yep, that's just the way it was then. Folks generally used their real name.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Terry Roati@3:712/1321 to Alan Ianson on Wed Feb 8 20:00:40 2023

    On Feb 08, 2023 12:07am, Alan Ianson wrote to Terry Roati:

    I don't think I ever got up to a thousand users but I had several
    hundred, around 700 back then.

    That's very good for your area I guess, Metro Manila had a population of over 12 million then with free untimed local phone calls so users were limited to
    30 minutes, the two lines were always busy.


    ... Platinum Xpress & Wildcat!..... Nice!!!!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Terry Roati on Wed Feb 8 12:31:38 2023
    I don't think I ever got up to a thousand users but I had several
    hundred, around 700 back then.

    That's very good for your area I guess, Metro Manila had a population of over
    12 million then with free untimed local phone calls so users were limited to 30 minutes, the two lines were always busy.

    Metro HongKong used to be wild with 700 systems, super busy.

    Then the NC got named in a formal complaint, this was a dishonour for him and by definition touched all the members in the net. To save his, and their, honor he took the whole net down. No-one ever complained, no-one came back either.

    We had a Chinese sysop in Belgium in those days and he explained this was the proper thing to do for that NC. He had no other option ... cultures differ ..


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Terry Roati@3:712/1321 to Ward Dossche on Wed Feb 8 21:55:20 2023

    On Feb 08, 2023 12:31pm, Ward Dossche wrote to Terry Roati:

    Metro HongKong used to be wild with 700 systems, super busy.

    Most of the systems in Metro Manila were run by Chinese Filipinos probably
    due to the cost, there were only two expats being a Brit and myself. I can't really remember but I don't think the Philippines ever had 50 systems even
    with the Americans when they had the two bases there.

    There was Wildcat 4 BBS run by the son of the head of the Ingleso de Cristo church which had 10+ free public nodes where one could download almost any available software at the time. There was never a chance that it would be raided.

    Actually it was quite difficult to connect to a BBS in those days.


    ... Platinum Xpress & Wildcat!..... Nice!!!!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/700 to Terry Roati on Wed Feb 8 06:51:00 2023
    Terry Roati wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-

    I lived in Manila when I setup my BBS back in the nineties, I had over
    a 1000 users and two 24 hour phone lines and back then I required the following complusory info.

    Real Name
    Phone Number
    Calling From

    No one complained back then as all BBSs used a CBV for security.

    I asked for a "real" name, which didn't get used anywhere except for
    Fidonet. A handle, which was used everywhere. And, that was it. I was
    part of a network of like-minded group of sysops who valued information
    and anonymity.

    It all worked well. We didn't have issues with duplicate accounts, and
    we got to know each other's writing style. If someone opened another
    account, their writing style and knowledge gave them away.

    Different times.

    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700)
  • From Terry Roati@3:712/1321 to Kurt Weiske on Thu Feb 9 09:00:46 2023

    On Feb 08, 2023 06:59am, Kurt Weiske wrote to Terry Roati:

    Different times.

    As Ward mentioned different cultures as well.


    ... Platinum Xpress & Wildcat!..... Nice!!!!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/700 to Terry Roati on Thu Feb 9 07:09:00 2023
    Terry Roati wrote to Alan Ianson <=-

    I don't think I ever got up to a thousand users but I had several
    hundred, around 700 back then.

    That's very good for your area I guess, Metro Manila had a population
    of over 12 million then with free untimed local phone calls so users
    were limited to 30 minutes, the two lines were always busy.

    My first incarnation of realitycheckBBS was running Telegard with a 24oo
    baud modem, with no offline door (yet). I was in Fidonet, but the focus
    of my BBS was NIRVANAnet, a local othernet we'd set up. I'd see people
    dial in and use all 30 or so minutes, and as soon as they'd hang up,
    another caller would connect. I'd wake up in the morning and see
    phreakers from Europe calling in to use their time. It wasn't until
    another year or so that I installed a BlueWave door and people started
    trading packets.

    Those were heady, crazy times - to be so involved in a culture the world
    knew *nothing* about.

    ... Retrace your steps
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/700 to Terry Roati on Thu Feb 9 07:13:00 2023
    Terry Roati wrote to Ward Dossche <=-

    Most of the systems in Metro Manila were run by Chinese Filipinos probably due to the cost, there were only two expats being a Brit and myself. I can't really remember but I don't think the Philippines ever
    had 50 systems even with the Americans when they had the two bases

    It's weird to think back to how much BBSing cost. I was lucky and used
    a cast-off PC, but since most BBSes ran under DOS and in most cases
    needed to be dedicated to the BBS, you'd be talking about $1000 for a
    PC, a couple of hundred for a decent modem, at least $70 to install the
    phone line (plus inside wiring) and then $20-30/month depending on your
    phone service. The cheapest way to do a BBS line was to use measured
    rate service, so you paid by the minute for outbound calls, but inbound
    was free.

    Fast forward to 2004, and I was able to take another cast-off work PC,
    throw Synchronet on it, port forward telnet to it, and I was up and
    running on my existing internet connection.

    ... Retrace your steps
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700)
  • From Terry Roati@3:712/1321 to Kurt Weiske on Fri Feb 10 08:45:30 2023

    On Feb 09, 2023 07:17am, Kurt Weiske wrote to Terry Roati:

    Those were heady, crazy times - to be so involved in a culture the world knew *nothing* about.

    Loved Bluewave.

    Quite a few sysops of the day furthered their careers due to their experience they gained from the BBS world.

    One of the vice presidents of 3COM (ex US Robotics) supported Fidonet with discounted modems but in my case being the HUB for most of Asia called my system daily to send mail and files when LD calling was so expensive. This lasted a few years till the interet replaced it.


    ... Platinum Xpress & Wildcat!..... Nice!!!!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From Terry Roati@3:712/1321 to Kurt Weiske on Fri Feb 10 08:53:58 2023

    On Feb 09, 2023 07:21am, Kurt Weiske wrote to Terry Roati:

    Fast forward to 2004, and I was able to take another cast-off work PC, throw Synchronet on it, port forward telnet to it, and I was up and running on my existing internet connection.

    There are so many wonerful stories of sysops, a link below to my history from what I remember.



    ... Platinum Xpress & Wildcat!..... Nice!!!!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/700 to Terry Roati on Fri Feb 10 06:24:00 2023
    Terry Roati wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-

    On Feb 09, 2023 07:17am, Kurt Weiske wrote to Terry Roati:

    Those were heady, crazy times - to be so involved in a culture the world knew *nothing* about.

    Loved Bluewave.

    One of my messages lauding Bluewave made the sample packet included with
    the reader.

    ... Do the words need changing?
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/700 to Terry Roati on Fri Feb 10 06:26:00 2023
    Terry Roati wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-

    There are so many wonerful stories of sysops, a link below to my
    history from what I remember.


    Thanks for sharing - I did something similar.


    ... Do the words need changing?
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700)
  • From Terry Roati@3:712/1321 to Kurt Weiske on Sat Feb 11 08:40:16 2023

    On Feb 10, 2023 06:34am, Kurt Weiske wrote to Terry Roati:

    Thanks for sharing - I did something similar.


    You sure did a lot of moving :)


    ... Platinum Xpress & Wildcat!..... Nice!!!!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From Paul Hayton@3:770/100 to August Abolins on Wed Feb 15 22:00:05 2023
    On 01 Feb 2023 at 09:18a, August Abolins pondered and said...


    "The FTN Clearing Houz is both an FTN Mailer and FTN message
    tosser, where mail is stored internally in a DB, and files in
    an S3 bucket. It can also hatch and toss files into FTN
    networks for both upstream and downstream nodes.

    "It was created as an idea to bring modern technology and
    capabilities to that legacy computing network that existed in
    the 1980's and 1990's, where many of those programs from the
    1980's and 1990's are still in use today too.

    Neat to see some new ideas being tried out and tested. :)

    Kerr Avon [Blake's 7] 'I'm not expendable, I'm not stupid and I'm not going' avon[at]bbs.nz | bbs.nz | fsxnet.nz

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (3:770/100)