• A brief "telegram"

    From Alejandro Filimonchuk@4:900/102 to Stas Mishchenkov on Mon Oct 4 17:28:33 2021
    Hi, Stas! I sent you a NetMail few days ago, asking you about the Telegram
    Bot and a particular Echo (ARG). I dont have any hurries, but in case you
    didnt see it, I talk to you vбa this Echo too. The area moderator is fine
    with this idea, so I needed to ask you some questions if you are fine with
    that :)

    Thanks for reading!

    |05//thevaultbbs.ddns.net:2323//Easy and clean board//
    |03--._._.-_.-Epimundo in Text Mode HQ!-._-._._.--

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/05/26 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: The Vault BBS (4:900/102)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Alejandro Filimonchuk on Mon Oct 4 18:16:00 2021
    Hello Alejandro Filimonchuk!

    ** On Monday 04.10.21 - 17:28, Alejandro Filimonchuk wrote to Stas Mishchenkov:

    Hi, Stas! I sent you a NetMail few days ago [...]

    [...] The area moderator is fine with this idea, so I
    needed to ask you some questions if you are fine with that

    PMFJI, but the FIDONET.TELEGRAM echo is also a good place to
    carry on the topic of Telegram+Fidonet. Stas is linked up with
    that one too.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: FUTURE4FIDO = https://t.me/joinchat/SV_BQ0XcbSRoP4bt (2:221/1.58)
  • From Stas Mishchenkov@2:460/5858 to Alejandro Filimonchuk on Tue Oct 5 12:45:18 2021
    Hi, Alejandro!

    04 окт 21 17:28, Alejandro Filimonchuk -> Stas Mishchenkov:

    Hi, Stas! I sent you a NetMail few days ago, asking you about the
    Telegram Bot and a particular Echo (ARG). I dont have any hurries, but
    in case you didnt see it, I talk to you vбa this Echo too. The area moderator is fine with this idea, so I needed to ask you some
    questions if you are fine with that :)

    I have not received such a netmail. Apparently, somewhere along the way, something broke. :(
    What should be done? What questions do you have?

    Have nice nights.
    Stas Mishchenkov.
    --- Я из того поколения, которое знает, зачем мнут газету.
    * Origin: Lame Users Breeding. Simferopol, Crimea. (2:460/5858)
  • From Alejandro Filimonchuk@4:900/102 to Stas Mishchenkov on Tue Oct 5 09:33:19 2021
    Hi, Stas! Thanks for showing up!

    I have not received such a netmail. Apparently, somewhere along the way, something broke. :(
    What should be done? What questions do you have?

    Have nice nights.
    Stas Mishchenkov.

    Apparently something went wrong...

    Well, Ive talked with ESP.ARGENTINA moderator (Fernando Miculan) and he is
    fine about using the Telegram Bot of yours, at least for start testings so
    we can tell if its useful, etc... of course he will express his conformity
    and so on, but gave me "green light" to start negociations haha.

    So here I am. Lets ask you some questions:

    So we need to create a Telegram group called "FIDO ARGENTINA ECHO" or
    something like that, set up some kind of time restrictions so we arent
    allowed to flood the echo ;) and so on... The group administrator would be Fercho (Fer Miculan, ARG moderator)... what else? Are we cool with that "beggining"?

    What else we should do? At least to start doing some testing and have fun
    with the new toy... Thanks in advance, Stas! I dont want to spoil this Echo talking about Telegram, I will send you another netmail later (of course,
    you could do the same... well, the opposite haha, I mean, send a netmail to

    Nice night!

    |05//thevaultbbs.ddns.net:2323//Easy and clean board//
    |03--._._.-_.-Epimundo in Text Mode HQ!-._-._._.--

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/05/26 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: The Vault BBS (4:900/102)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Alejandro Filimonchuk on Tue Oct 5 20:31:00 2021
    Hello Alejandro Filimonchuk!

    ** On Tuesday 05.10.21 - 09:33, Alejandro Filimonchuk wrote to Stas Mishchenkov:

    So we need to create a Telegram group called "FIDO
    ARGENTINA ECHO" or something like that, set up some kind
    of time restrictions so we arent allowed to flood the echo
    ;) and so on... The group administrator would be Fercho
    (Fer Miculan, ARG moderator)... what else? Are we cool
    with that "beggining"?

    If you expect the latin charset to support your language, there
    might be problem. :( I could be wrong. Stas, can elaborate.

    What else we should do? At least to start doing some
    testing and have fun with the new toy... Thanks in
    advance, Stas!

    Establishing an echo to bridge with Telegram app users is as
    simple as asking Stas to link it up.

    I dont want to spoil this Echo talking
    about Telegram [...]

    Considering that you don't have the FIDONET.TELEGRAM echo yet,
    no problemo here.
    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: FUTURE4FIDO = https://t.me/joinchat/SV_BQ0XcbSRoP4bt (2:221/1.58)
  • From Benny Pedersen@2:230/0 to August Abolins on Thu Oct 7 03:36:32 2021
    Hello August!

    05 Oct 2021 20:31, August Abolins wrote to Alejandro Filimonchuk:

    Considering that you don't have the FIDONET.TELEGRAM echo yet,
    no problemo here.


    no problem for facebook to keep a uptime bigger then fidonet :=)

    Regards Benny

    ... too late to die young :)
    --- Msged/LNX 6.1.2 (Linux/5.14.9-gentoo-dist (x86_64))
    * Origin: gopher://fido.junc.eu/ (2:230/0)
  • From Stas Mishchenkov@2:460/5858 to Alejandro Filimonchuk on Sun Oct 10 18:06:10 2021
    Hi, Alejandro!

    05 окт 21 09:33, Alejandro Filimonchuk -> Stas Mishchenkov:

    Well, Ive talked with ESP.ARGENTINA moderator (Fernando Miculan) and

    All done. https://t.me/joinchat/-D-f5pMx8JYxMTRi

    Echo talking about Telegram, I will send you another netmail later (of course, you could do the same... well, the opposite haha, I mean, send
    a netmail to me.

    I'll try... ;)

    Have nice nights.
    Stas Mishchenkov.
    --- Всё, что ты хочешь, находится на обратной стороне страха.
    * Origin: Lame Users Breeding. Simferopol, Crimea. (2:460/5858)
  • From Brother Rabbit@2:460/256 to _Alejandro Filimonchuk_ on Sat Oct 16 17:55:46 2021
    Hi, _Alejandro!

    Hi, Alejandro!
    05 окт 21 09:33, Alejandro Filimonchuk -> Stas Mishchenkov:
    All done. https://t.me/joinchat/-D-f5pMx8JYxMTRi
    I'll try... ;)
    Have nice nights.
    Stas Mishchenkov.

    As I understand it, you also did not receive a netmail from me.

    Have a nice carrot!
    Brother Rabbit.

    ... A good companion not only listens attentively, but pours the drink on time --- Use "%UserProfile %Tearline text" to customize tearline.
    * Origin: Fido by Telegram BBS from Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/256)
  • From Don Epifanio@2:460/256 to Stas Mishchenkov on Sat Oct 16 17:58:44 2021

    Hi, Stas! I DID receive a netmail from you! Of course I tried to reply, but sadly it seems that theres some kind of trouble at the sending (using a ham radio argot, "Nice Rx, bad Tx"). But yes, I received yours.

    --- tg BBS v0.7.1
    * Origin: Fido by Telegram BBS from Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/256)