Nick Andre 1:229/426
Name Node
Andrew Leary 1:320/219
mark lewis 1:3634/12
Richard Menedetter 2:310/31
Carol Shenkenberger 1:275/100
Ozz Nixon 1:275/362
Nick Andre 1:229/426
I will nominate all of these people (if I'm allowed nominate more than
Ozz Nixon 1:275/362
Ozz Nixon 1:275/362He has emailed me with a desire to remain, if that is possible.
I strongly recommend RC's nominate him as I have seen his work
firsthand, and he had a terrific idea for a "roadmap" to assist
new Fido developers get their feet wet. He is able to actually
contribute something technically.
Alexey Vissarionov wrote to Nick Andre <=-
Actually, we don't need people who are _able_ to contribute
"something technically"... Instead, we need people who _do_
Actually, we don't need people who are _able_ to contribute "something technically"... Instead, we need people who _do_ contribute.
I will nominate all of these people (if I'm allowed nominate more
than 1).
I would think that to be grossly inappropriate.
As far as I know only 3, so far, have expressed a willingness to
On 02 Feb 21 02:33:28, Andrew Leary said the following to All:
Nick Andre 1:229/426
I'll stick around for another term if possible.
Hi, Andrew -- on Feb 02 2021 at 02:33, you wrote:
Name Node
Andrew Leary 1:320/219
mark lewis 1:3634/12
Richard Menedetter 2:310/31
Carol Shenkenberger 1:275/100
Ozz Nixon 1:275/362
Nick Andre 1:229/426
I will nominate all of these people (if I'm allowed nominate more than 1).
Cheers... Dallas
Name Node
Andrew Leary 1:320/219
mark lewis 1:3634/12
Richard Menedetter 2:310/31
Carol Shenkenberger 1:275/100
Ozz Nixon 1:275/362
Nick Andre 1:229/426
^^^^^^^Name Node
Andrew Leary 1:320/219
mark lewis 1:3634/12
Richard Menedetter 2:310/31
Carol Shenkenberger 1:275/100
Ozz Nixon 1:275/362
Nick Andre 1:229/426
What exactly have these people done wrt the FTSC activity since
the last elections?
6. Nick Andre
I think it's allowed! I know you aren't limited to just 1.
But ... please dream on.
Have a good week-end.
Hello Carol!
** On Thursday 04.02.21 - 17:12, Carol Shenkenberger wrote to Dallas Hinton:
Name Node
Andrew Leary 1:320/219
mark lewis 1:3634/12
Richard Menedetter 2:310/31
Carol Shenkenberger 1:275/100
Ozz Nixon 1:275/362
Nick Andre 1:229/426
What exactly have these people done wrt the FTSC activity since
the last elections?
Hi, Ward!
05 䥢 21 14:19, Ward Dossche -> Carol Shenkenberger:
But ... please dream on.
Have a good week-end.
That's what you say very, very well. Today it is a completely dead structure that does nothing. All their recent activity is a big fart into a puddle...
Have nice nights.
Stas Mishchenkov.
6. Nick AndreI'd rather engage in nothing but being on stand-by for tech chat,
than your lovely message thread in FTSC once upon a time about Tom Jennings being a "faggot".
You were called out on this by several and I seem to recall you
quickly retreated to the field of crickets chirping.
Besides of disclosing the message posted in a private FTSC echoarea (and cherry-picking it out of the thread, of course), you are missing one very important point: TJ had done something for the Fidonet, while you had done nothing, and even hurt a little.
Yes. And now it's time to actualize it.Interesting. Both Randy Bush and Tom Jennings have just threatened
to sue me if I endorse updating FTS-1.
Let's do it ... :-)
Here in America, that's a pretty derogatory description to assign to someone. I don't care whether they are homosexual or not, but I don't think that disparagement is justified. :-(Do you care of those faggots?Yes. And now it's time to actualize it.Interesting. Both Randy Bush and Tom Jennings have just threatened
to sue me if I endorse updating FTS-1.
There hasn't been much going on be a couple of us have been helping
folks understand how the standards got in place and how proposals
There are 2 in possible view in the not too distant future. One from Maurice on datestamps that may morf a bit to become msg-id area (not
clear to me on where he's taking it but he's looking at the next Y2K
type event) and you and Stas with Telegram working off
smartphone/Notepads (assume I got that right).
Ozz has been developing a BBS with embedded mailer/tosser from what I
can tell.
and Nick is new enough, nothing has really happened but he devlops a
major mailer.
I have one other thought. If no one screams too hard, maybe we can
mix the renewal election dates a bit so it's not so lop-sided? Just adjust some to further out. We've done that before. Twice that I
know of.
Besides of disclosing the message posted in a private FTSC echoarea
(and cherry-picking it out of the thread, of course), you are missing
one very important point: TJ had done something for the Fidonet, while
you had done nothing, and even hurt a little.
I can't think who to suggest might want to join
the FTSC but Stas might want to or you?
Hey Stas, want to fart in a puddle with me?
Ok, joking aside, once you expand Telegram to delivery from 3 or more sites, when would a flag be appropriate in your view for folks to reach out easier for a link? I know you are not there yet (still developing) but does it sound like a need later down the road?
if will properly documented by the FTSC. However, to date, the PKT and MSG standard is still documented in FTS-0001, which is now practically not used anyone and the widely used corresponding formats are not documented. Does i
PS: For example Try send netmail
From : Carol Shenkenberger 1:275/100
To : Pind 2:460/58
On 07 Feb 21 18:42:04, Stas Mishchenkov said the following to Carol Shenkenberg
if will properly documented by the FTSC. However, to date, the PKT
and MSG standard is still documented in FTS-0001, which is now
practically not used anyone and the widely used corresponding formats
are not documented. Does i
I'm not sure where you get your facts from but FTS-0001 is used here.
Which part of it? Which PKT formats are used by your system? Please point to the FTSs that describe these formats.
I'm not sure where you get your facts from but FTS-0001 is used here.
I'm not sure where you get your facts from but FTS-0001 is used here.
Where is it used?
I'm not sure where you get your facts from but FTS-0001 is usedhere.
Where is it used?
On this system.
On 07 Feb 21 18:31:57, Oli said the following to Nick Andre:
Which part of it? Which PKT formats are used by your system? Please
point to the FTSs that describe these formats.
As per FTS-0001.016. Application B section 1 - Message storage. Section 2 - Schedules and events, specifically ZMH as I have a dialup modem line.
Application C - Presentation Layer section 1. Compatible packed message.
Application D - Session layer. All sections. All specification supported here.
Application F - Network layer. All sections. Everything supported here.
Application G - Data Link Layer. All sections. Everything accepted here.
Several more FTS's supported here not to mention EMSI which was invented by both Joaquim Homrighausen and the original D'Bridge author. But I
added the frosting on the cake by directly integrating with the BinkD protocol specs so this system really is both a "true" hybrid dialup and Internet system.
That was done with the help of Ward Dossche... the guy whom I was told horror stories about and was called every name in the book, but has
always been very nice to trade banter with. The guy who helped in July 2018 when I inherited a total mess from my ZC predecessor. You know, the one you cozy up with in Fidogazette. I rewrote that mess in two nights to make it "work". You know, to produce correct nodelists on time. But sure lets talk about FTS-0001...
So you may connect here using BinkD or make an international dialup modem call to Toronto Canada and connect as low as 300 baud to an IBM 7855 and initiate a minimal Xmodem or Telink session if you wanted to. Maybe you prefer Yoohoo handshaking? Or try your hand at some WaZOO or Bark hackery?
I still receive the occasional dialup BBS call but for the sake of this discussion the last "serious" downlink I had that did Fido via. dialup
was a non-profit BBS geared towards disabled/handicapped chatter that was running Wildcat and ViaMail on a 386 PC polling here at 2400 baud several times a day. That was probably... uhhhh I'm guessing only 5 or 6 years
ago and for some reason Telink worked better than EMSI but to be fair
that was being done over a VOIP setup at the time.
Now the troll says what?
I'm not sure where you get your facts from but FTS-0001 is usedhere.
Where is it used?
On this system.
Ah. Then, of course, it should not be brought in line with reality.
Are you intentionally avoiding the other questions?
Or do you have a short attention span and cannot resist the immediate urge t babble about the cool dude you think you are and how others suck?
Well for starters your nodelist-police Fido uplink happily mooches everything from here so that makes me a "cool dude" for running a
system that allows you the freedom to be a douchebag character posting with one-name.
Now the troll says what?
Maybe you should check your config before you make such claims. I haven't h any connections to echomail or file areas on your system for almost a year.
Your persistence to insult anyone who doesn't agree with your world view, s more about you then the ones you try to insult...
Maybe you should check your config before you make such claims. I
haven't h any connections to echomail or file areas on your system
for almost a year.
So you say,
The following members' terms expire on 11 Mar 2021:
Name Node
Andrew Leary 1:320/219
mark lewis 1:3634/12
Richard Menedetter 2:310/31
Carol Shenkenberger 1:275/100
Ozz Nixon 1:275/362
Nick Andre 1:229/426
On 07 Feb 21 02:20:00, Alexey Vissarionov said the following to Nick Andre:
Besides of disclosing the message posted in a private FTSC echoarea (and cherry-picking it out of the thread, of course), you are missing one ver important point: TJ had done something for the Fidonet, while you had do nothing, and even hurt a little.
LOL, it wasn't from a "private" echoarea, it was all from here.
I'll be sure to re-post this every time you run your mouth at election
time about who contributes what. You sure gave all of us yours...
Date: 8:19 pm Sat Nov 10, 2018 Number : 6284 of 7936
From: Alexey Vissarionov Base : Fidonet/FTSC_PUBLIC
To : Ward Dossche Refer #: None
Subj: FTS-1 and FTS-4 Replies: None
Stat: Sent Origin : 11 Nov 18 03:14:16
Good ${greeting_time}, Ward!
11 Nov 2018 00:01:18, you wrote to me:
Yes. And now it's time to actualize it.Interesting. Both Randy Bush and Tom Jennings have just threatened
to sue me if I endorse updating FTS-1.
Do you care of those faggots?
Let's do it ... :-)
... and do that so that they would die in agony of envy :-)
Your words, not mine. And heres another little gem amongst some of the flama you received from other developers:
Date: 6:36 am Mon Nov 12, 2018 Number : 6309 of 7937
From: Alexey Vissarionov Base : Fidonet/FTSC_PUBLIC
To : Rob Swindell Refer #: None
Subj: FTS-1 and FTS-4 Replies: None
Stat: Sent Origin : 12 Nov 18 14:27:14
Good ${greeting_time}, Rob!
11 Nov 2018 14:36:58, you wrote to me:
Here in America, that's a pretty derogatory description to assign to someone. I don't care whether they are homosexual or not, but I don't think that disparagement is justified. :-(Do you care of those faggots?Yes. And now it's time to actualize it.Interesting. Both Randy Bush and Tom Jennings have just threatened
to sue me if I endorse updating FTS-1.
People who threaten to sue others for "copyright infringement" (whatever tha could mean) deserve even more derogatory words. Alas, my English is not that good, and I don't know these words.
And, once again, I'm happy I don't live in USA.
Ahh yes, fantastic "contributions" from you and the classic "my English is n good" card others have pulled in the past when going down in flames. Yet you seem to articulate yourself extremely well when it comes to shoving your tec proposals down someone's throat or how much you hate America or anyone who i not a super Linux hacker in a hooded sweater listening to techno music.
Perhaps you should brush up on interaction-skills-101 before attempting to contribute anything else to that magical planet of human beings let alone attempting to engage in penis comparison contest.
Hello Carol,
On Sat Feb 06 2021 14:19:12, Carol Shenkenberger wrote to August Abolins:
There hasn't been much going on be a couple of us have been helping folks understand how the standards got in place and how proposals
That has nothing to do with the FTSC.
There are 2 in possible view in the not too distant future. One from Maurice on datestamps that may morf a bit to become msg-id area (not clear to me on where he's taking it but he's looking at the next Y2K
Nothing has been drafted. Maybe another proposal, but can not be turned into standard for another million years.
type event) and you and Stas with Telegram working off smartphone/Notepads (assume I got that right).
Again, something has to be drafted, and in this case.. can it be? Another protocol/service is being used to "gate" into Fidonet.
Ozz has been developing a BBS with embedded mailer/tosser from what I can tell.
Based off current standards and proposals, more than likely. If anything new made, show the FTSC so they can document it.
and Nick is new enough, nothing has really happened but he devlops a major mailer.
Nick as in Nick Andre? New Enough? Do you live in space?
I have one other thought. If no one screams too hard, maybe we can
mix the renewal election dates a bit so it's not so lop-sided? Just adjust some to further out. We've done that before. Twice that I
know of.
We basically have to support what's left, because by definition if we don't have 7? members, the FTSC is null and void.
... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway."
Hi, Carol!
06 䥢 21 14:26, Carol Shenkenberger -> Stas Mishchenkov:
Hey Stas, want to fart in a puddle with me?
Why not? ;)
Ok, joking aside, once you expand Telegram to delivery from 3 or more sites, when would a flag be appropriate in your view for folks to reach out easier for a link? I know you are not there yet (still developing) but does it sound like a need later down the road?
For now the Talegram_BBS is so far from the moment when it can be runned by othe nodes.
Meanwhile, I have some other ideas that I have implemented on my node and it would be very easy to implement them on others. This would be especially eas if will properly documented by the FTSC. However, to date, the PKT and MSG standard is still documented in FTS-0001, which is now practically not used anyone and the widely used corresponding formats are not documented. Does it make sense to offer something new?
Yes, I know there is now a very important new flag BEER in the nodelist. ;)
PS: For example Try send netmail
From : Carol Shenkenberger 1:275/100
To : Pind 2:460/58
Have nice nights.
Stas Mishchenkov.
Nick wrote (2021-02-07):
On 07 Feb 21 18:31:57, Oli said the following to Nick Andre:
Which part of it? Which PKT formats are used by your system? Please
point to the FTSs that describe these formats.
As per FTS-0001.016. Application B section 1 - Message storage. Section - Schedules and events, specifically ZMH as I have a dialup modem line.
Application C - Presentation Layer section 1. Compatible packed message
Application D - Session layer. All sections. All specification supporte here.
Application F - Network layer. All sections. Everything supported here.
Application G - Data Link Layer. All sections. Everything accepted here
Several more FTS's supported here not to mention EMSI which was invente by both Joaquim Homrighausen and the original D'Bridge author. But I added the frosting on the cake by directly integrating with the BinkD protocol specs so this system really is both a "true" hybrid dialup and Internet system.
That was done with the help of Ward Dossche... the guy whom I was told horror stories about and was called every name in the book, but has always been very nice to trade banter with. The guy who helped in July 2018 when I inherited a total mess from my ZC predecessor. You know, th one you cozy up with in Fidogazette. I rewrote that mess in two nights make it "work". You know, to produce correct nodelists on time. But sur lets talk about FTS-0001...
So you may connect here using BinkD or make an international dialup mod call to Toronto Canada and connect as low as 300 baud to an IBM 7855 an initiate a minimal Xmodem or Telink session if you wanted to. Maybe you prefer Yoohoo handshaking? Or try your hand at some WaZOO or Bark hacke
I still receive the occasional dialup BBS call but for the sake of this discussion the last "serious" downlink I had that did Fido via. dialup was a non-profit BBS geared towards disabled/handicapped chatter that w running Wildcat and ViaMail on a 386 PC polling here at 2400 baud sever times a day. That was probably... uhhhh I'm guessing only 5 or 6 years ago and for some reason Telink worked better than EMSI but to be fair that was being done over a VOIP setup at the time.
Now the troll says what?
After starting with an answer for the first question, which transformed into raving about various ZCs in various ways, your mail suddenly stops here.
Are you intentionally avoiding the other questions?
Or do you have a short attention span and cannot resist the immediate urge t babble about the cool dude you think you are and how others suck?
Did you understand the questions from the previous mails?
I'd really hope Stas will help at least with some tech to smartphones IOS if I got right. I'd like to see somthing from the Mystic developer and to see SBBS actually submit suggested implementation proposals would be excellent. Technically SBBS is open source but that doesnt mean others know the basics to find it.
So, any better ideas? With no repository on 'how-to' we leave all developers hanging and we die. It doesnt MATTER if it is a proposal or raised to a standard just now. It needs to be where they can find it.
So I like to nominate:
Richard Menedetter 2:310/31
if they want to do the work - I'm absolutely ok with that ;)
Carol Shenkenberger wrote to Oli <=-
Are you intentionally avoiding the other questions?
Or do you have a short attention span and cannot resist the immediate urge t babble about the cool dude you think you are and how others suck?
Did you understand the questions from the previous mails?
We have some serious weather here just now and he may be caught
in it.
Why so nasty at a 3 day delay?
So I like to nominate:
Richard Menedetter 2:310/31
and in addition
Mark Lewis 1:3634/12
Carol Shenkenberger 1:275/100
So I like to nominate:
Richard Menedetter 2:310/31
I accept.
Which other questions? Elements of FTS-0001 are used on this system. What is so wrong about that? I very politely answered
Now the troll says what?
Because "Oli" is an asshole. That's what he does.
We have some serious weather here just now and he may be caught in it.
Why so nasty at a 3 day delay?
Why is the FTSC unable to publish an FTS for the packet format(s) in
use for decades?
So I like to nominate:I accept.
Richard Menedetter 2:310/31
Oli wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Because "Oli" is an asshole. That's what he does.
Can someone please nominate Dan "Exploding Heads" Clough? I think
he is highly qualified for the job.
Oli wrote to Carol Shenkenberger <=-
We have some serious weather here just now and he may be caught in it.
climate change and shit, tell me about it.
Mark Lewis 1:3634/12
Hi Oli,
On 2021-02-12 14:50:41, you wrote to Nick Andre:
Why is the FTSC unable to publish an FTS for the packet format(s) in use for decades?
A couple of years back there was someone who put together a document describing the different pkt formats in use. It was discussed here, but I don't know what happend to it, because the name it was given:
Publication: FSP-1040 draft 3
Revision: 1
Title: Packet Type 2 Compatible Formats
Author: Stephen Hurd 1:103/1
Date: 2016-02-11
Calling someone a troll is your definition of being polite?
(question). Why is the FTSC unable to publish an FTS for the packet format(s in use for decades? I start to believe that some members of the FTSC don't even understand the difference between FTS-0001 F.1. and what's in use today
So I like to nominate:I accept.
Richard Menedetter 2:310/31
You and Maurice seem to be the only "T" people in the coming FTSC... :-/
Mark Lewis 1:3634/12
i accept this nomination...
The FTSC could always be disbanded if it cannot serve its purpose?
The FTSC could always be disbanded if it cannot serve its purpose?
Just so long as the web-site is kept up, I don't see much difference.
The FTSC could always be disbanded if it cannot serve its purpose?
Just so long as the web-site is kept up, I don't see much difference.
I have no strong opinion on whether the FTSC should still exist, but
the FTSC web site's operation as a document repository has long been superceded by superiour web hosts where that is their primary purpose, like SourceForge, GitHub and GitLab.
Multiple drafts were rejected for reasons the author didn't agree
with (e.g. draft spec had to be submitted by splitting the text
among multiple echomail messages, per stone-age FTSC submission requirements). So he gave up the effort and the FTSC discarded a
rare high-quality technical contribution. Or at least, that's my recollection.
Why is the FTSC unable to publish an FTS for the packet format(s) in
use for decades?
A couple of years back there was someone who put together a document describing the different pkt formats in use. It was discussed here, but I don't know what happend to it, because the name it was given:
Publication: FSP-1040 draft 3
Revision: 1
Title: Packet Type 2 Compatible Formats
Author: Stephen Hurd 1:103/1
Date: 2016-02-11
I think I found one omission: The value from "month" in the Type 2(+) packet header is "0-11 for Jan-Dec" (in contrast to 1-31 for "day" of month). This isn't mentioned in Stephen's draft.
Bjrn Felten wrote to Oli <=-
I think I found one omission: The value from "month" in the Type 2(+) packet header is "0-11 for Jan-Dec" (in contrast to 1-31 for "day" of month). This isn't mentioned in Stephen's draft.
WOW! What an extraordinary sharp-eyed find! You really should
earn a place in the now defunct FTSC -- but first you have to fix
the name that you present to all of us in the header.
Oli, is that all you have on the first line when you receive a
letter from the postman? I think not, so why here on Fidonet?
I think I found one omission: The value from "month" in the Type
2(+) packet header is "0-11 for Jan-Dec" (in contrast to 1-31 for
"day" of month). This isn't mentioned in Stephen's draft.
Oli, is that all you have on the first line when you receive a
letter from the postman? I think not, so why here on Fidonet?
Perhaps he's afraid for anyone to know his real name?
Uploading to is a very good idea.
Using Sourceforge is a bad idea.
Using Github or better Gitlab is a good idea IMHO.
So to save on hosting costs (and the risk of expiring etc) I suggest decomissioning the current FTSC web site and hosting all the
FTSC documents on GitHub, and uploading a snapshot to
Perhaps he's afraid for anyone to know his real name? Wouldn't be
unusual for a troll such as him to want to hide in the shadows.
Wilfred van Velzen wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Oli, is that all you have on the first line when you receive a
letter from the postman? I think not, so why here on Fidonet?
Perhaps he's afraid for anyone to know his real name?
"Oli" are the first letters of his first name. So it's not
exactly an alias. And when you have the Z2PNT list installed in
Golded, you just have to press F10, when you have one of his
messages open to find out his real name. So he isn't really
posting anonymous, or trying to hide anything...
Bjrn Felten wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Perhaps he's afraid for anyone to know his real name? Wouldn't be
unusual for a troll such as him to want to hide in the shadows.
Well, true enough. But to his defence I'd like to add that
Google has breached our barricades, so now every message where
our true names occur can end up in a Google search.
"Oli" are the first letters of his first name. So it's not
exactly an alias. And when you have the Z2PNT list installed in
Golded, you just have to press F10, when you have one of his
messages open to find out his real name. So he isn't really
posting anonymous, or trying to hide anything...
Perhaps all true, but not really the point.
What if one is NOT using Golded with that point list installed, like all of the people in Zone 1, for example?
Most Fidonet echos "require" a real name. Does this one? If so, why is he being allowed to post here with that name?
13 Feb 21 12:20, you wrote to me:
Uploading to is a very good idea.
Using Sourceforge is a bad idea.
Using Github or better Gitlab is a good idea IMHO.
Yes, SourceForge is a mess now. Though was never that great to begin with.
Meanwhile GitHub just keeps getting better.
I've no experience with GitLab.
Probably true as well. But that doesn't change the rules in here. If a person is that worried about their real name showing up, they shouldn't post at all. The rules apply to everyone, not just the non-paranoid
ones. He shouldn't be allowed to post here with that name.
We do have somewhat of a last kick-at-the-can of Echomail "control"
known as an Elist where one can list a moderator, rules, real names or not, etc. with a central system but I do not see how its practically enforceable.
If you compare all three, Gitlab and Github is very similar and Sourceforge the horrible mess. I'm not very deep into Gitlab or Github, but my impression is that since Microsoft bought Github they have added features to the free plan, that had only been available in the free
Gitlab plan before. The biggest advantage of Gitlab is that is open
source (if you really want to install it on your own server). It also
has a better search. Overall I find Github a bit easier to use. They are both equally good options.
at this time, the present document is "FSP-1042 Draft 6" as of 2019 Apr 11...
-={ 2021-02-13 14:06:58.413218119+00:00 }=-
Hey Oli!
I think I found one omission: The value from "month" in the Type
2(+) packet header is "0-11 for Jan-Dec" (in contrast to 1-31 for
"day" of month). This isn't mentioned in Stephen's draft.
I believe that is a consequence of time.h and has nothing to do with fidonet. It is all in the localtime() structure that 0-11 for months was used rather than the 01-12 used for months in strftime() which is also part of time.h. According to c89 standards output for strftime does include enough % specifiers to output proper iso-8601 or even a rfc-3339 formatted datetime stamp. For sure "2021-02-13 14:06:58 +0000" is doable and is backwards compatible to c89. We could have been using a four digit year since day one.
at this time, the present document is "FSP-1042 Draft 6" as of 2019 Apr 11...
Can't find it on
The month field being discussed here is from the packet header,
which is binary (not a string of text).
The date field you're referring to is in a "packed message"
header. The *year* field of the packet header is already 16-bits,
so can already accomodate years up to 65535.
-={ 2021-02-13 21:07:20.634530056+00:00 }=-
Hey Rob!
The month field being discussed here is from the packet header,
which is binary (not a string of text).
And exactly where was it called from?
I am guessing localtime() which explains the resulting 0-11 reported.
Same can be said for other sources of
localtime() such as perl, python, etc. They are all based on time.h.
Where is your software getting the date and time from?
The date field you're referring to is in a "packed message"
header. The *year* field of the packet header is already 16-bits,
so can already accomodate years up to 65535.
Understood but I was just using that as an example that the two digit year used in packed message header didn't need to be a two digit year which is contained in the string output for the DateTime field. In other words the format was bogus given that fact and could eaily be the cause of the poorly designed and deployed fts-4008 aka TZUTC.
Re: Re: 2021 FTSC Standing Member Election -
By: Rob Swindell to mark lewis on Sat Feb 13 2021 11:54:21
at this time, the present document is "FSP-1042 Draft 6" as of 2019 Apr 11...
Can't find it on
correct... it has not been published, yet... it is going through the same process as all other documents that have been presented for consideration...
Re: 2021 FTSC Standing Member Election - Term Expirations
By: Carol Shenkenberger to Nicholas Boel on Thu Feb 11 2021 10:03 pm
I'd really hope Stas will help at least with some tech to smartphones IOS I got right. I'd like to see somthing from the Mystic developer and to s SBBS actually submit suggested implementation proposals would be excellen Technically SBBS is open source but that doesnt mean others know the basi to find it.
To find... what exactly?
So, any better ideas? With no repository on 'how-to' we leave all developers hanging and we die. It doesnt MATTER if it is a proposal or raised to a standard just now. It needs to be where they can find it.
Here's my attempt at a modern FTN spec:
Nick wrote (2021-02-09):
Which other questions? Elements of FTS-0001 are used on this system. Wh is so wrong about that? I very politely answered
Calling someone a troll is your definition of being polite?
Now the troll says what?
The troll says the he is amused that you are so occupied with your troll research and bullshitting that you don't recognize the elephant in the room (question). Why is the FTSC unable to publish an FTS for the packet format(s in use for decades? I start to believe that some members of the FTSC don't e understand the difference between FTS-0001 F.1. and what's in use today.
Carol wrote (2021-02-11):
We have some serious weather here just now and he may be caught in it.
climate change and shit, tell me about it.
Why so nasty at a 3 day delay?
Sorry, I'm confused. Date/time in UTC:
Nick Sun 7 Feb 2021 20:02:03
Me Tue 9 Feb 2021 09:48:55
You Fri 12 Feb 2021 03:24:21
Are you sure your echomail feed is alright?
Oli wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Because "Oli" is an asshole. That's what he does.
Can someone please nominate Dan "Exploding Heads" Clough? I think
he is highly qualified for the job.
Exploding heads? Not sure what you mean by that, but whatever.
Are real names required in this Fidonet echo?
... Ignorance can be cured. Stupid is forever.
=== MultiMail/Linux v0.52
correct... it has not been published, yet... it is going through the same process as all other documents that have been presented for consideration...
I'm confused though: it was a public proposal, but it's being processed in a non-public forum?
Re: Re: 2021 FTSC Standing Member Election -
By: mark lewis to Rob Swindell on Sat Feb 13 2021 04:07 pm
Re: Re: 2021 FTSC Standing Member Election -
By: Rob Swindell to mark lewis on Sat Feb 13 2021 11:54:21
at this time, the present document is "FSP-1042 Draft 6" as of 2019 Apr 11...
Can't find it on
correct... it has not been published, yet... it is going through the same process as all other documents that have been presented for consideration
I'm confused though: it was a public proposal, but it's being processed in a non-public forum?
I'm confused though: it was a public proposal, but it's being processed in a non-public forum?
all documents, when selected by the FTSC, go through a similar process as was done originally with this document... at that time, there is no public feedback on the document... only the FTSC members are involved in that stage of proofreading, analysis, refining, and modifying the document before it is approved or turned back for more refinement based on provided feedback... yes, it is kinda like double work on the same task... the initial work
being done by the originator and the next level being done by the FTSC members who elect to participate in the process...
I found a flaw in the document a while back, I don't remember the specifics now, but if I can't review the current draft, how am I supposed to know if the flaw has been addressed or not?
It's not uncommon for January to represented as a 0.
it uses localtime()
to convert the stored time_t to a struct tm and then I use sprintf
to format into the standard DateTime field syntax.
You could sum up the vast majority of FidoNet in those two
words: "poorly designed".
I guess we shouldn't really have expected more from technology
developed by amateurs.
Carol Shenkenberger wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Are real names required in this Fidonet echo?
Yes, real names. Oli is just being obstinant.
Wilfred van Velzen wrote to Dan Clough <=-
"Oli" are the first letters of his first name. So it's not
exactly an alias. And when you have the Z2PNT list installed in
Golded, you just have to press F10, when you have one of his
messages open to find out his real name. So he isn't really
posting anonymous, or trying to hide anything...
Perhaps all true, but not really the point.
What if one is NOT using Golded with that point list installed, like all of the people in Zone 1, for example?
Anyone can get the pointlist, and you don't need Golded to look
at it's content, it's just an ascii file, like any nodelist.
Oli wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Most Fidonet echos "require" a real name. Does this one? If so, why is he being allowed to post here with that name?
We had this discussion already some months/years ago. Read the
What about calling people assholes, tell them to die and other
stuff? Is that somehow covered by the 'rules'? If you like law
and order, please behave yourself.
Nick Andre wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Probably true as well. But that doesn't change the rules in here. If a person is that worried about their real name showing up, they shouldn't post at all. The rules apply to everyone, not just the non-paranoid
ones. He shouldn't be allowed to post here with that name.
Echo mods can't really enforce rules anymore, due to the
now-common meshing topology in place where many systems peer with
many others for an Echomail area. At least one-third of all
systems connecting here are redundant feeds. A moderator kinda
needs to hope and pray that a system distributing an area honours
whatever request is made. Feed cuts are almost impossible. This
kindof explains why Lefaso gets away with murder, Oli is just as pretentious as Bono and Vague "is" vague.
We do have somewhat of a last kick-at-the-can of Echomail
"control" known as an Elist where one can list a moderator,
rules, real names or not, etc. with a central system but I do not
see how its practically enforceable.
I have no idea whether your real name is Nick Andre. It probably is but I d not care.
The "real names" policy of some FidoNet echos has always revolved around elitist gatekeeping nonsense and is completely unenforcable, now more than ever.
The FTSC could always be disbanded if it cannot serve its purpose?
Just so long as the web-site is kept up, I don't see muchI have no strong opinion on whether the FTSC should still exist, but
the FTSC web site's operation as a document repository has long been superceded by superiour web hosts where that is their primary purpose,
like SourceForge, GitHub and GitLab.
So to save on hosting costs
(and the risk of expiring etc)
I suggest decomissioning the current FTSC web site and hosting
all the FTSC documents on GitHub, and uploading a snapshot to
Then if anyone still wants to go to the trouble of keeping the domain & web site alive they can redirect web visitors to
the GitHub repo instead.
The Wikipedia entry for FidoNet could also point to both the
GitHub repo and snapshot, since they're fairly relevant.
Hosting all the FTSC documents on GitHub would be particularly useful since it would allow anyone to write bug reports or file "issues"
relating to the various FidoNet standards documents, which may help
any future developers. (Or historians...)
Spoken as a former maintainer of the web site, several years
I see it's still using the same layout and colour scheme. :)
Perhaps he's afraid for anyone to know his real name? Wouldn't beWell, true enough. But to his defence I'd like to add that Google
unusual for a troll such as him to want to hide in the shadows.
has breached our barricades, so now every message where our true
names occur can end up in a Google search.
* Origin: news:// (2:203/2)
I'm confused too. Lets see if Andrew can find it. I do not recall it being sent in nor do I have archives back to 2019.
Yes, real names. Oli is just being obstinant.
OK, thanks for that. So, real names are required, unless one is "obstinant"? Then they don't have to follow the rules? Is that it?
Who's the moderator, and (again), why is this allowed to continue?
These are primarily the git repositories. I'd be happy to use git for
all our needs several years ago (when I was a member of the FTSC), but some old farts appeared unable to learn ever more simple things than
git and gpg.
So to save on hosting costs
I wouldn't go bankrupt whether I'd spend 0.01 RUB on it again. I have
a number of servers with a plenty of resources, so those 17 Mb for the ${subj} are very hard to notice in a total load.
(and the risk of expiring etc)
This is the only real risk.
I suggest decomissioning the current FTSC web site and hosting
all the FTSC documents on GitHub, and uploading a snapshot to
GitHub is distrusted (they are known to wipe whole projects due to politically "unreliable" people rarticipating there), so it could
serve only as a mirror. Anyway, to do that we have to start using git,
so here's a question: out of all candidates, who is familiar with it?
Then if anyone still wants to go to the trouble of keeping the domain & web site alive they can redirect web visitors
to the GitHub repo instead.
Fidonet is didstributed, so should be the storage. Git seems to be a
good solution, but we should avoid using any and all centralized
Once we had the domain. In order to keep people away from using it as the only source of actual connection information, we had
to let it expire (some people, including me, knew all the necessary
bank reqs, but nobody had paid for it) and being squatted.
Current ${subj} is a bit unfriendly to a search engines, but it's very friendly to mirroring software like wget. That's not what we could
have with git, but it allows anyone to keep their own FTSC documents archive.
The Wikipedia entry for FidoNet could also point to both the
GitHub repo and snapshot, since they're fairly
Seems unwise. Keeping and adding some mirrors would be mush better.
Hosting all the FTSC documents on GitHub would be particularly
useful since it would allow anyone to write bug reports or file
"issues" relating to the various FidoNet standards documents,
which may help any future developers. (Or historians...)
"FidoNet is our primary mode of communication" // (q)
So all reports should go here, to the FTSC_PUBLIC echoarea. Also, git
can work over a netmail...
The following members' terms expire on 11 Mar 2021:
Nick Andre 1:229/426
@TZUTC: 0100
@CHRS: CP437 2
@MSGID: 2:292/8125 6028f752
@REPLY: 1:320/219@fidonet 6019016a
02 Feb 21 02:33, you wrote to All:
The following members' terms expire on 11 Mar 2021:
Nick Andre 1:229/426
I hereby nominate Nick Andre.
The following members' terms expire on 11 Mar 2021:
Nick Andre 1:229/426
I hereby nominate Nick Andre.
Andrew Leary wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Yes, real names. Oli is just being obstinant.
OK, thanks for that. So, real names are required, unless one is "obstinant"? Then they don't have to follow the rules? Is that it?
That is not correct.
Who's the moderator, and (again), why is this allowed to continue?
I, as the FTSC Administrator, am the moderator of this echo. Unfortunately, for the reasons posted earlier by Nick Andre, it
is difficult to enforce echo rules, and even more difficult or
impossible to cut the feed to a repeated offender.
Well Nick B, With no propsals, our 'work' has been helping people understand how to MAKE one.
Ozz had a lot of problems with no modern guides. Modern developers
aren't passing new guides to those who can follow suit. We have
'pipeline development' now.
Modern tech tells us that is a dead end eventually.
Some of us are helping developers with how to get the 'word out' and
then we see what works.
I'd really hope Stas will help at least with some tech to smartphones
IOS if I got right. I'd like to see somthing from the Mystic
developer and to see SBBS actually submit suggested implementation proposals would be excellent.
Technically SBBS is open source but that doesnt mean others know the basics to find it.
So, any better ideas? With no repository on 'how-to' we leave all developers hanging and we die. It doesnt MATTER if it is a proposal
or raised to a standard just now. It needs to be where they can find
Lol! pass what you can to us. We can always take a proposal and work with you on it if formatting is a help. Many of us can help with technical wording if there is confusion.
A couple of years back there was someone who put together a document describing the different pkt formats in use. It was discussed here,
but I don't know what happend to it, because the name it was given:
Publication: FSP-1040 draft 3
Revision: 1
Title: Packet Type 2 Compatible Formats
Author: Stephen Hurd 1:103/1
Date: 2016-02-11
Is now in use for a different FSP:
fsp-1040.001 SRIF file request interface
Multiple drafts were rejected for reasons the author didn't agree with (e.g. draft spec had to be submitted by splitting the text among
multiple echomail messages, per stone-age FTSC submission
requirements). So he gave up the effort and the FTSC discarded a rare high-quality technical contribution. Or at least, that's my
Here's my attempt at a modern FTN spec:
Submit then!
if they want to do the work - I'm absolutely ok with that ;)
the work?
Here's my attempt at a modern FTN spec:
Submit then!
It was, 2+ years ago. :|
Carol Shenkenberger wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Are real names required in this Fidonet echo?
Yes, real names. Oli is just being obstinant.
OK, thanks for that. So, real names are required, unless one is "obstinant"? Then they don't have to follow the rules? Is that it?
Who's the moderator, and (again), why is this allowed to continue?
... So easy, a child could do it. Child sold separately.
=== MultiMail/Linux v0.52
Hello Carol!
13 Feb 21 17:43, you wrote to Rob Swindell:
I'm confused too. Lets see if Andrew can find it. I do not recall it being sent in nor do I have archives back to 2019.
I have FSP-1042.001 draft 6 here. As soon as the election is over with, we can get back to work on it.
Hello Carol,
On Thu Feb 11 2021 22:03:16, Carol Shenkenberger wrote to Nicholas Boel:
Well Nick B, With no propsals, our 'work' has been helping people understand how to MAKE one.
The last couple of proposals that I remember coming through here, ended up going through a rigorous spelling and grammar checking, and once they could be almost completely reworded any more, they were forgotten and never brough up again.
Ozz had a lot of problems with no modern guides. Modern developers aren't passing new guides to those who can follow suit. We have 'pipeline development' now.
Some of these modern developers (Synchronet, Husky, for example) have documented their own software fully. One only has to go to the wiki to see i all. Why would they want to burden themselves documenting their own software and then writing up proposals and or documentation for the FTSC when they're not a member, and probably don't want to be one?
Modern tech tells us that is a dead end eventually.
I'm not sure what modern tech is telling you this, but "---SBBSecho 2.11-Win is 10-15 years old now. If you don't keep up with modern tech, I'm not sure you can use it as an excuse for anything.
Some of us are helping developers with how to get the 'word out' and then we see what works.
I'd really hope Stas will help at least with some tech to smartphones IOS if I got right. I'd like to see somthing from the Mystic
developer and to see SBBS actually submit suggested implementation proposals would be excellent.
My point is, why should they have to submit anything? They're doing the work their own softwares, and documenting it quite nicely. There is absolutely no reason to burden them with twice the amount of work. It's the FTSC's job to document for Fidonet, not theirs.
Technically SBBS is open source but that doesnt mean others know the basics to find it.
No but any current FTSC members should know how to find it. If they don't, t probably shouldn't be FTSC members.
So, any better ideas? With no repository on 'how-to' we leave all developers hanging and we die. It doesnt MATTER if it is a proposal
or raised to a standard just now. It needs to be where they can find it.
It is where they can find it. They're just not looking.
... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway."
Hello Carol!
13 Feb 21 17:43, you wrote to Rob Swindell:
I'm confused too. Lets see if Andrew can find it. I do not recall it being sent in nor do I have archives back to 2019.
I have FSP-1042.001 draft 6 here. As soon as the election is over with, we can get back to work on it.
02 Feb 21 02:33, you wrote to All:
The following members' terms expire on 11 Mar 2021:
Nick Andre 1:229/426
I hereby nominate Nick Andre.
Hello Carol,
On Sat Feb 13 2021 17:16:34, Carol Shenkenberger wrote to Rob Swindell:
Here's my attempt at a modern FTN spec:
Submit then!
It was, 2+ years ago. :|
I hereby nominate Nick Andre.
I accept.
Good ${greeting_time}, August!
04 Feb 2021 20:56:00, you wrote to Carol Shenkenberger:
^^^^^^^Name Node
Andrew Leary 1:320/219
mark lewis 1:3634/12
Richard Menedetter 2:310/31
Carol Shenkenberger 1:275/100
Ozz Nixon 1:275/362
Nick Andre 1:229/426
Please fix the quoting.
Nick Andre 1:229/426
^^^^^^^What's wrong with it? The original that I replied to already
Please fix the quoting.
had one level of >'s. My Quoting added one more level of >'s,
and your's added another column of >'s. This reply generates a
4th. Things seem to work OK. ;)
Nick Andre 1:229/426
Please fix the quoting.
What's wrong with it? The original that I replied to
already had one level of >'s. My Quoting added one more
level of >'s, and your's added another column of >'s. This
reply generates a 4th. Things seem to work OK. ;)
More '>' symbols are normally added to the end of quoting
prefix, before the quoted text. So "AA> text" becomes "AA>>
text", not "> AA> text" or whatever.
These are primarily the git repositories. I'd be happy to use git for
all our needs several years ago (when I was a member of the FTSC), but some old farts appeared unable to learn ever more simple things than git and gpg.
GitHub is distrusted (they are known to wipe whole projects due to politically "unreliable" people rarticipating there), so it could serve only as a mirror.
Anyway, to do that we have to start using git, so here's a question:
out of all candidates, who is familiar with it?
Current ${subj} is a bit unfriendly to a search engines, but it's very friendly to mirroring software like wget. That's not what we could have with git, but it allows anyone to keep their own FTSC documents archive.
The Wikipedia entry for FidoNet could also point to both the
GitHub repo and snapshot, since they're fairly
Seems unwise. Keeping and adding some mirrors would be mush better.
Hosting all the FTSC documents on GitHub would be particularly
useful since it would allow anyone to write bug reports or file
"issues" relating to the various FidoNet standards documents, which
may help any future developers. (Or historians...)
"FidoNet is our primary mode of communication" // (q)
So all reports should go here, to the FTSC_PUBLIC echoarea. Also, git
can work over a netmail...
Would you mind telling *WHY* you won't use a proper name? Are you
hiding something? Afraid of something? Why?
On 12 Feb 21 14:50:41, Oli said the following to Nick Andre:
Calling someone a troll is your definition of being polite?
You are a troll who
(A) Started random shit with me quite some time ago
because "you can" and
So what? Are you that insecure about yourself?
We can find some cranberry juice and Midol for your period, sweetheart.
(B) Tries to take me to task technically but can't.
So you invent things to whine about, like this:
(question). Why is the FTSC unable to publish an FTS for the packet
format(s in use for decades? I start to believe that some members of
the FTSC don't even understand the difference between FTS-0001 F.1.
and what's in use today
If you believe the FTSC does not live up to your expectations, then do something about it and get involved instead of running your mouth. Nobody is stopping you. ...
... Kindof like what you were told recently by the Husky guys.
I asked for the same thing over the years. I'm wondering why the
arrogance insist that we kill things by Pid instead of telling
the program to exit gracefully.
There's also the problem that the squish message base stores date/time stamps with a resolution of 2 seconds. That has been causing problems in the past where a squish system forwarded messages to its other links with the date/times changed from the original, and so causing undetected dupes on some systems.
we specifically tracked
this modified time stamp problem down several years ago... every message coming via squish had the seconds in multiples of two... no odd numbers
at all...
I found a flaw in the document a while back, I don't remember the
specifics now, but if I can't review the current draft, how am I
supposed to know if the flaw has been addressed or not?
well, you wouldn't know... hopefully it was found but it is possible it has not yet been discovered... the document is still on the desk... i can't really say more and may have already said too much... i've not yet been reprimanded by any other FTSC members but i'm going to hold off posting more...
I think I found one omission: The value from "month" in the Type 2(+)
packet header is "0-11 for Jan-Dec" (in contrast to 1-31 for "day" of
month). This isn't mentioned in Stephen's draft.
WOW! What an extraordinary sharp-eyed find! You really should earn a place in the now defunct FTSC
If you think this is all motivated by an urge to troll people, you really should check your definition of trolling. But I doubt you care. You're throwing shit at the wall until something sticks.
These are primarily the git repositories. I'd be happy to use gitAn old English phrase springs to mind: "You can't teach old dogs new tricks." :-)
for all our needs several years ago (when I was a member of the
FTSC), but some old farts appeared unable to learn ever more simple
things than git and gpg.
GitHub is distrusted (they are known to wipe whole projects due to"Perfect is the enemy of good" - Voltaire
politically "unreliable" people rarticipating there), so it could
serve only as a mirror.
I have no issue with GitHub and the likelyhood of an FTSC repo being
shut down by GitHub is essentially zero, and even if it's non-zero,
the point of any repo is that its users have local copies, so it can always be restored one way or another.
Anyway, to do that we have to start using git, so here's a question:Even if not, Git takes 10 minutes to learn if you're familar with CVS
out of all candidates, who is familiar with it?
or Subversion. Obviously longer if you've never used revision control software before.
But I'd like to think all the nominated FTSC members have at least
some knowledge of what revision control is, but who knows around
here. :-)
Current ${subj} is a bit unfriendly to a search engines, but it'sIt's pretty rare anyone needs every document.
very friendly to mirroring software like wget. That's not what we
could have with git, but it allows anyone to keep their own FTSC
documents archive.
In any case "git clone xyz" will download them all, probably quicker
than wget can mirror them,
and you get a complete log of ever commit.
The Wikipedia entry for FidoNet could also point to both the
GitHub repo and snapshot, since they're fairly
Seems unwise. Keeping and adding some mirrors would beSo keep it, but the point I was getting at is that an FTSC repo
much better.
should encourage feedback, bug reports etc. GitHub (and the other
sites like it) give you all that for free.
Hosting all the FTSC documents on GitHub would be particularly
useful since it would allow anyone to write bug reports or file
"issues" relating to the various FidoNet standards documents,
which may help any future developers. (Or historians...)
"FidoNet is our primary mode of communication" // (q)The FTSC should not be in the business of restricting the discussion
So all reports should go here, to the FTSC_PUBLIC echoarea. Also,
git can work over a netmail...
of its own documents to be within the bounds of FidoNet.
In any case FTSC_PUBLIC is awful for bug reports in comparison to something like GitHub.
Among other things, it:
- is not really public, or is essentially invisible to public without considerable effort
- has no archive
- has no search, so the same problems get asked
- has no way to resolve/close bug reports
- requires readers to skip non-technical posts (just like this one)
I've uploaded an unofficial(*) repo here:
(*) I am not an FTSC member
andrew clarke wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Would you mind telling *WHY* you won't use a proper name? Are you
hiding something? Afraid of something? Why?
Why should he?
How is that different than your comment about semaphores in BINKD?
I asked for the same thing over the years. I'm wondering why the arrogance insist that we kill things by Pid instead of telling
the program to exit gracefully.
You could have easily fixed it yourself. But did it matter? In the end digital man discovered and fixed a simple bug. Everybody's happy.
I'm not sure I fixed anything as Nick never provided any test reports. <shr
On 15 Feb 21 12:00:15, Rob Swindell said the following to Oli:
I'm not sure I fixed anything as Nick never provided any test reports. <shr
I haven't had the time yet. I'm sure its fine.
I did email you about an aspect of the Zmodem spec, did you get that?
Would you mind telling *WHY* you won't use a proper name? Are you
hiding something? Afraid of something? Why?
Why should he?
I've already answered this. Read the thread and try to keep up.
I did email you about an aspect of the Zmodem spec, did you get that?
I didn't see it cause it inexplicably ended up in my junk folder. I'll repl now.
...Persons posting to Fidonet echos are supposed to be
using real names. Whether they're a nodelisted Sysop, or a
Point, or a normal user on a BBS, makes no difference.
They're supposed to be using a real name. Simple.
I've uploaded an unofficial(*) repo here:
That is very nice! The search is wonderful. It even seems to
do boolean searches.
It found "^apath" in all 8 documents. The search
found none; I had to enter "apath" without the caret to get the
a positive search.
But a nice feature of the search is that it lists the
titles of the documents next to the doc number in the results
Can github be adjusted to do the same?
(*) I am not an FTSC member
Thanks for the initiative of the github thing.
Is there a similar (and free) thing that is designed for
managing document versions? (and not one that is designed for
Guess where does it get the messages...
* Origin: news:// (2:203/2)
Just a hint.
August Abolins wrote to Dan Clough <=-
@MSGID: <602B3D6A.154.fidonet_ftscpubl@VAGUEBBS>
@REPLY: <60288F10.100.fidonet_ftscpubl@VAGUEBBS>
Hello Dan Clough!
** On Saturday 13.02.21 - 19:57, Dan Clough wrote to Wilfred van
...Persons posting to Fidonet echos are supposed to be
using real names. Whether they're a nodelisted Sysop, or a
Point, or a normal user on a BBS, makes no difference.
They're supposed to be using a real name. Simple.
I don't think there is a hard n fast rule that states all of
Fidonet = Real Names, anywhere. It has probably just been a
kind of tradition and expectation over the years.
[1] Where does the assumption that a real name must be both
first name and lastname originate or found in documentation?
Oli seems real to me especially because of [2].
[2] Oli isn't exactly not real. His messages include a point
address. That point address is traceable to the Z2PNT segment
of the nodelist. There his full name is broadcast in all its
[3] But even your name isn't consistent across other FTNs:
It's Dan Clough for:
Palantir BBS, Pensacola FL USA 1:123/115
Palantir BBS, Pensacola USA 21:2/138
Palantir BBS, Pensacola USA 77:1/114
But it's Daniel Clough for:
Palantir BBS, Cantonment FL 618:250/24
So, I say give Oli a break and be rest assured that Oli =
Oliver, and we can live with Dan = Daniel. ;)
Hey guys! Are we talking about using real name on Fidonet when it specifica allows aliases? Cool.
* Origin: Vague BBS - - Telnet/SSH/RLogin (1:3603/9999)^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^^* Origin: Vague BBS - - Telnet/SSH/RLogin (1:3603/9999)
I'm surprised the Nodelist Police haven't crucified you over this yet?
I'm surprised the Nodelist Police haven't crucified you over
this yet
Nick Andre wrote to Vague <=-pecifica
@MSGID: <6031BD66.173.fidonet_ftscpubl@VAGUEBBS>
@REPLY: <6031991C.172.fidonet_ftscpubl@VAGUEBBS>
On 20 Feb 21 18:09:00, Vague said the following to August Abolins:
Hey guys! Are we talking about using real name on Fidonet when it
allows aliases? Cool.
In an Othernet, its mostly cool. In Fido its often tradition to use real-names or at least real-sounding names. Not every echo requires
them though.
* Origin: Vague BBS - - Telnet/SSH/RLogin (1:3603/9999)
^^^^^^^^^ I'm surprised the Nodelist Police haven't crucified you over this yet?
Why that is happening, I have no idea. If you have any idea why
that would happen, please let me know.
Yeah, that is not how my origin line is set on my bbs. Literally everything my end is set correctly (I just made sure before I wrote this). Why that is happening, I have no idea. If you have any idea why that would happen, pleas let me know.
I'm surprised the Nodelist Police haven't crucified you over
this yet
If they are really nodelist police, let them show us their badges.
Guess where does it get the messages...
* Origin: news:// (2:203/2)
Just a hint.I seriously doubt that it gets the messages from my news server.
If you can find a search result linking to my server, I'd be very interested to know.
Hint: it's not an ordinary news server. It just mimics one for the benefit of my users.
If you can find a search result linking to my server, I'd be very
interested to know.
Looking at your server's logs could be a wise idea.
Hint: it's not an ordinary news server. It just mimics one for the
benefit of my users.
Are there any good reasons to use NNTP instead of native FTN software?
Vague wrote to Nick Andre <=-
* Origin: Vague BBS - - Telnet/SSH/RLogin (1:3603/9999)
^^^^^^^^^ I'm surprised the Nodelist Police haven't crucified you over this yet?
Yeah, that is not how my origin line is set on my bbs. Literally everything on my end is set correctly (I just made sure before I
wrote this). Why that is happening, I have no idea. If you have
any idea why that would happen, please let me know.
Yeah.... Literally it's because your system is not configured
correctly. It's literally not possible for it to be anything else but
that. Yeah.
Alan Ianson wrote to Vague <=-
@MSGID: <6031C7F4.177.fidonet_ftscpubl@20xd6>
@REPLY: <6031C251.176.fidonet_ftscpubl@20xd6>
Re: Re: real names
By: Vague to Nick Andre on Sat Feb 20 2021 09:14 pm
Why that is happening, I have no idea. If you have any idea why
that would happen, please let me know.
I have a guess for you if you'd like to look. In scfg..
Message Areas -> Fidonet -> Go into any/all areas -> Network Options
And see what AKA is set there and adjust if needed.
On 02-21-21 09:03, Alexey Vissarionov <=-
spoke to Bj?rn Felten about "Packet Type 2 Compatible <=-
Hint: it's not an ordinary news server. It just mimics one for the benefit of my users.
Are there any good reasons to use NNTP instead of native FTN software?
..In Fido its often tradition to use real-names or at least
real-sounding names. Not every echo requires them though.
..In Fido its often tradition to use real-names or at least real-sounding names. Not every echo requires them though.
PMFJI.. In Fido, the intent of the phrase "real names" is to you
use one's real name, not a real-sounding one.
What is needed is more developers developing exciting new stuff which canthen
be documented. As it is other than checking punctuqtion, there's nothing to >do.
I agree. I was interested in developing and documenting. Not waiting to know if everyone agreed on grammar/punctuation ~ I have implemented the ability to do MOUSE interactive MATRIX and GAMES, I have implementedYou guys keep going, I appreciate your efforts, Let them Bitch Ozz
the ability to detect UTF8 or assume development codepage (437 in my case). But, certain people come along bitching at me for how I develop
my software on my system - I receeded back to other networks.
Hello Nick!
** On Saturday 20.02.21 - 20:41, Nick Andre wrote to Vague:
..In Fido its often tradition to use real-names or at least real-sounding names. Not every echo requires them though.
PMFJI.. In Fido, the intent of the phrase "real names" is to you
use one's real name, not a real-sounding one.
I have FSP-1042.001 draft 6 here. As soon as the election is over
with, we can get back to work on it.
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