When and how did this happen? Both nets date back to the 1980s, and according to our Ukrainian Nodelist Server, both of them seem to have
been in the nodelist all this time:
Terry Barlow has no clue what he is doing. He has 23 entries in the nodelis with his name in them. But most of those nodes can not be connected.
I love it when you whine for me, sweetheart.
I love it when you whine for me, sweetheart.
Who *whines* for you? Just fix the errors in the part of the nodelist th you are ultimately responsible for, when pointed out to you, please?
Who *whines* for you? Just fix the errors in the part of the nodelist th
you are ultimately responsible for, when pointed out to you, please?
LOL, fuck off.
you are ultimately responsible for, when pointed out to you, please?
LOL, fuck off.
How mature of you. So, no action regarding 23, mostly defunct, nodelist entries by one single person then?
Bj”rn Felten wrote to Nick Andre <=-
Who *whines* for you? Just fix the errors in the part of the nodelist
that you are ultimately responsible for, when pointed out to you,
LOL, fuck off.
How mature of you. So, no action regarding 23, mostly defunct,
nodelist entries by one single person then?
Who *whines* for you? Just fix the errors in the part of the nodelist
that you are ultimately responsible for, when pointed out to you,
LOL, fuck off.
How mature of you. So, no action regarding 23, mostly defunct,
nodelist entries by one single person then?
So, no action by you to prevent a non-sysop sockpuppet from the bayou accessing Sysop-only echos on Fidonet from your BBS?
Sysops and probationary sysops are allowed, and should be allowed,
in all fidonet echoes. Got a problem with that, airhead?
Who *whines* for you? Just fix the errors in the part of the
nodelist th you are ultimately responsible for, when pointed out
to you, please?
LOL, fuck off.
How mature of you. So, no action regarding 23, mostly defunct,
nodelist entries by one single person then?
Hello Dan,
Who *whines* for you? Just fix the errors in the part of the nodelist
that you are ultimately responsible for, when pointed out to you,
LOL, fuck off.
How mature of you. So, no action regarding 23, mostly defunct,
nodelist entries by one single person then?
So, no action by you to prevent a non-sysop sockpuppet from the bayou
accessing Sysop-only echos on Fidonet from your BBS?
Sysops and probationary sysops are allowed, and should be allowed,
in all fidonet echoes. Got a problem with that, airhead?
For Life,
Why not enjoy the go?
--- MesNews/
* Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Sysops and probationary sysops are allowed, and should be allowed,
in all fidonet echoes. Got a problem with that, airhead?
Lee Lofaso wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Who *whines* for you? Just fix the errors in the part of the nodelist
that you are ultimately responsible for, when pointed out to you,
LOL, fuck off.
How mature of you. So, no action regarding 23, mostly defunct,
nodelist entries by one single person then?
So, no action by you to prevent a non-sysop sockpuppet from the bayou accessing Sysop-only echos on Fidonet from your BBS?
Sysops and probationary sysops are allowed,
and should be allowed, in all fidonet echoes.
Got a problem with that, airhead?
How mature of you. So, no action regarding 23, mostly defunct,
nodelist entries by one single person then?
You are wrong, there is around half a dozen according to my latest
copy of the nodelist.
Hi Vincent,
On 2022-11-02 23:09:23, you wrote to Bj”rn Felten:
How mature of you. So, no action regarding 23, mostly defunct,
nodelist entries by one single person then?
You are wrong, there is around half a dozen according to my
latest copy of the nodelist.
Look again:
# grep Barlow Z2DAILY.307 | wc -l
How mature of you. So, no action regarding 23, mostly defunct,
nodelist entries by one single person then?
You are wrong, there is around half a dozen according to my
latest copy of the nodelist.
Look again:
# grep Barlow Z2DAILY.307 | wc -l
I have :
-- Zone,3,Australia_NZ_PNG,Sydney_NSW,Scott_Little,-Unpublished-,300,CM,XX,INA
Well over 10 nodes !!
How mature of you. So, no action regarding 23, mostly defunct,
nodelist entries by one single person then?
Nope, in fact I'll compliment him for annoying you and Winnie van VaginaLips.
Nope, in fact I'll compliment him for annoying you and Winnie van VaginaLips.
Oh, that's classy, really classy. I'm not so sure it's worthy of a Zone Coordinator though. I'll have to ask my ZC about that, when he returns.
So, no action by you to prevent a non-sysop sockpuppet from the bayou accessing Sysop-only echos on Fidonet from your BBS?
Nope, in fact I'll compliment him for annoying you and Winnie van
Oh, that's classy, really classy. I'm not so sure it's worthy of a Zone
Coordinator though. I'll have to ask my ZC about that, when he returns.
Go catch cancer while you're at it.
From classy to super classy. You are really out to prove what a classy you are. Yeah well, to the rest of the Fido world that is, I guess you alre have your local followers secured.
Oh, BTW, I'm on LCHF, so I don't get cancer. Sorry to disappoint you onc again. Maybe you'll get lucky, getting some though...?
Hi Vincent,
On 2022-11-03 14:44:42, you wrote to me:
How mature of you. So, no action regarding 23, mostly
defunct, nodelist entries by one single person then?
You are wrong, there is around half a dozen according to my
latest copy of the nodelist.
Look again:
# grep Barlow Z2DAILY.307 | wc -l
I have :
Well over 10 nodes !!
Why are you showing us the Zone 3 segment? What has that got to do
with any of the above?
Bj”rn Felten wrote to Dan Clough <=-
So, no action by you to prevent a non-sysop sockpuppet from the bayou accessing Sysop-only echos on Fidonet from your BBS?
Correct. That's not in my job description.
What *is* in that
description is coordinating the glue that keeps the smooth
operation of our network running, i.e. keeping the nodelist up to
date. Such as pointing our potential POFs, like dupe nets once
again appearing in our nodelist.
But being just a glorified point-op, not really running a BBS,
you are not supposed to know that, so please step aside and let
the real sysops keep communicating in this echo, that I, BTW
after a w/o years ago, once again is the moderator of.
United we are strong, we win. Divided we are weak, we lose.
Go catch cancer while you're at it.
I tolerate a lot of bullshit between certain parties in the echo, but wishing cancer on someone is not acceptable.
When and how did this happen? Both nets date back to the 1980s, and according to our Ukrainian Nodelist Server, both of them seem to have
been in the nodelist all this time:
Honestly I don't understand your question.
Yes, both nets where created in the late 80s, and they are the only "duplicate" ones that still remain.
No, they are not the only two nets that remain. There was a time, IIRC some ten years ago that all duplates net were gone. I wrote a Fidonews article about it. Search te Fidonews archive. With my hat of FTSC
chairman I urged all RC's to avoid creating duplicates wehen
(re)creating new nets. That was ignored by RC 15 who recreated net 301 that already existed in region 31. :(
When and how did this happen? Both nets date back to the 1980s,
and according to our Ukrainian Nodelist Server, both of them seem
to have been in the nodelist all this time:
Honestly I don't understand your question.
It happened in December 2017 - net 1:310 reappeared in nodelist.363.
[...]No, they are not the only two nets that remain. There was a time,
IIRC some ten years ago that all duplates net were gone. I wrote
a Fidonews article about it. Search te Fidonews archive. With my
hat of FTSC chairman I urged all RC's to avoid creating
duplicates wehen (re)creating new nets. That was ignored by RC 15
who recreated net 301 that already existed in region 31. :(
I'll look for your article, thanks.
[..]I'll look for your article, thanks.
Found it:
...and also, this one about regions:
FidoNews Volume 26, Number 16 - 20 Apr 2009
Trimming the FidoNet hierarchy
Those are releated, but it is not the one I meant. The article in
question was written when there were no duplicate nets left. So it
must be later than 20 april 2009.
Those are releated, but it is not the one I meant. The article in
question was written when there were no duplicate nets left. So
it must be later than 20 april 2009.
Cannot find it. And I suppose you don't mean the one about the NADS.
I only found some related messages in this echo from March 2014, in a thread about "Seen-by stripping". You commented about the demise of
net 1:250 and asked RCs and NCs not to create existing nets and
net/node combinations.
Hi Lee,
On Nov 02, 2022 11:23pm, Lee Lofaso wrote to Dan Clough:
Sysops and probationary sysops are allowed, and should be allowed,
in all fidonet echoes. Got a problem with that, airhead?
Not true, I am a Zone 3 sysop so I have NO access to some Zone 1 or 2 echos and specific Region or Net echos only have access to those sysops in their o specific Region or Net echos.
If you need help or better understanding to become a Zone 1 Sysop I am sure there is help available.
... Platinum Xpress & Wildcat!..... Nice!!!!
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