* Copied (from: R19SYSOP) by Marc Lewis using timEd/2 1.10.y2k+.
* Original message posted in: MYMAIL.
* Crossposted in: R19SYSOP.
Hello Nigel!
<On 30Sep2021 03:12 Nigel Reed wrote a message regarding job stuff >
I've been catching up on some stuff and see you were possibly going
to have issues...I'm sure other sysops would be willing to chip in
to keep your internet up and running for a while if things came to
the crunch. I'm sure it's not just me who relies on your feed so
we'd be lost without it.
Nigel, your concern is deeply appreciated. As far as the feeds, almost everyone in R19's feed comes through my system, which is why I'm doing my best to keep it fully up and running.
Thus far, the only thing I have cut is my account with GigaNews that was providing the newsgroup feed through my Newsgate program. Besides extra money per month to keep the account, it was getting to be a royal pain in the arse keeping all the areas properly filtered to remove the very large volume of malicious and offensive spam. I utilise NoBogus for filtering, and I'd have to go into the massive configuration files to keep inputting trigger phrases to pull messages out of the packet files that Newsgate generated... Too much of a headache for too many areas, many of which saw virtually noting coming from the FidoNet side bound for the newsgroup side.
That said, I hope you finally got your meeting and your proposal
accepted. Let me know if you need me to start a "keep the modem on" gofundme :)
No meeting as of yet, but the owner has somewhat relented and is keeping me on. From what I'm given to understand from my direct boss, the owner is so tied up with various negotiations, it'll be quite a while before a fact-to-face takes place. He's somewhat indicated that my boss will be in charge of trying to get my department "on-line". I foresee it will be tedious knowing the lethargy that seems to pervade things around here... So it basically boils down to me "biding my time" and pushing for changes. I'm afraid only time will tell.
So, thanks again for your kind support.
Best regards,
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--- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
* Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)