Hello, Michiel van der Vlist.
On 26/03/21 11:36 you wrote:
@PID: Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android @TID: jNode/Android @CHRS: UTF-8 4
Hello, Bjߘ�rn Felten.
CHRS kludge and actual encoding do not match...
Unfortunately, there is no way to customize or set anithing else on utf-8 encoding more than "use utf-8" on hotdoged.
Wrote the host of the trolls ...
Whatever. Fact is Bj�rn does not give non-sysops access to sysop
Yes, you're right, now, after that the troll exposed his access to the sysop areas, Björn revoked the access to non sysop users.
But the discussion shifted on the way a sysop could be forced to revoke access to trolls in general. ;)
But we're running on a wasted land as everyone knows, so I quit. :)
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: ]\/[imac Boss Android Point (2:335/364.3)