Due to the untimely death of Ben Ritchey,
may the Elist/Echolist RIP.
I've received a few (three to be exact) netmail complaining about the above posting, asking me to "take appropriate action" against Lee.
My response to all three was that I see no disrespect against Ben here, just against the Elist/Echolist.
I also said in those replies that I was a long time friend of Ben's. Not true, I confused him with a Bob that I still think of as a very dear friend.
A friend of mine would never write something like this (Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2018 21:47:39 -0500):
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* An ongoing debate between Ward Dossche and Ben Ritchey rages on ...
If you really need a job, you could change the oil in my car. But if
you prefer to run the ELIST ... by all means.
ROFLMAO you are such an offensive little man, you should tread lightly or one day someone is going to make your day extremely miserable.
And with that I shall bow out of this useless thread :)
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