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A "totally deranged" speech by a dangerous madman
Ward Dossche - 2:292/854
Putin's "totally deranged" speech is worrying: You wonder if he would
dare to do such a thing. But look...
It was about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, about Satanism and sex surgery
on children. With a speech full of conspiracy theories, historic
pummeling and accusations, Vladimir Putin has endorsed the annexation
of four occupied Ukrainian territories and delivered a totally insane
speech. But one that makes the distance between Russia and the West
even greater.
He had only just started speaking when the Russian president called
for a minute's silence in the Kremlin's Saint George Hall for the
fallen "heroes of the Russian Spring". "They are heroes. Heroes of
Great Russia," he said. The minute lasted well 15 seconds.
"It is the will of millions of people," he said of the annexation of
Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhya. That contrasts with the
fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, when the elite made a decision
"without asking the common people what they wanted," he said. A
historic mistake that is now being corrected. He lashed out at Kiev
and at "their real bosses in the West". "The masks have fallen off,"
it said. According to him, the West wants to make Russia a "colony".
He referred to the Opium Wars in China, to the "Indians in America",
and to the colonization of India. This concerns the "Anglo-Saxons",
the US, who, according to Putin, also occupied Germany and Japan and single-handedly sabotaged Nord Stream 1 and 2.
But then he also jumped into the moral decay of the satanic West. "Do
we really want here in Russia to no longer speak of mom or dad but of
'parent number one', 'parent number two', 'number three'? Have they
gone completely mad there? He also briefly mentioned the atomic bombs
in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, calling them "a precedent".
It was a totally disturbed speech. What he says is in line with
earlier statements. But he went quite a step further. There's a lot
of weird stuff in it, like Japan and Germany being occupied by
America. You wonder if he would seriously dare to say such a thing,
but look. It is difficult to estimate whether he really believes
it himself.
What is clear is that it is not just some pointless drivel. Putin has
a purpose. He has visited all the arguments from cancel culture to
gender. This accumulation of cliches fits within a certain frame. What
Putin has been trying to do from the start is not just turn it into a territorial conflict between Ukraine and Russia. He systematically
tries to escalate it into a world conflict where much more is at
stake. It's about the survival of Russia as he sees it, which is
threatened by an imaginary Western conspiracy. With Russia waging a
kind of holy war, as a defender of traditional values.
The speech is for both internal and external use. He wants to
propagate that civilizing conflict abroad. Internally, the intention
is to get everyone on the same page and to rally behind the flag as
one man now that murmurs have arisen about the mobilization. Whether
it works is another question. You are dealing with a society where a
lot of propaganda has already been spread. People who were already
convinced that Putin was right won't change their mind now. But I
don't think the others will now suddenly be won over to him. But
strange or not, it is all very worrying.
Especially because with the reference to nuclear weapons he seems
to be aiming for a nuclear intervention. The risk of nuclear
escalation against Europe or NATO is small, but the risk of using
nuclear weapons against Ukraine is increasing. Much depends on
how the Russian armed forces fare in the near future. If, through
mobilization, the Russians succeed in stabilizing the front until
winter, the risk is further off.
The water seems deeper than ever, especially now that Ukraine also
responded strongly to the annexation by requesting accelerated
accession to NATO. There's now even less room for negotiation than
there was before. Once you formally declare that you are annexing
territory, you are locking yourself in. If you undo that, it means
a very big defeat."
--- Azure/NewsPrep 3.0
* Origin: Home of the Fidonews (2:2/2.0)