Ukraine National Anthem
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
ALL on Tue Feb 22 21:20:11 2022
Hello Everybody,
Ukraine has not yet perished ...
Ukraine is not yet dead, nor its glory and freedom,
Luck will still smile on us brother-Ukrainians.
Our enemies will die, as the dew does in the sunshine,
and we, too, brothers, we'll live happily in our land.
We’ll not spare either our souls or bodies to get freedom
and we’ll prove that we brothers are of Kozak kin.
Our Nuts, Your Mouth
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Ghil Zvidgzul@2:5030/1081.117 to
Lee Lofaso on Tue Feb 22 16:07:40 2022
Hello, Lee!
Hello Everybody,
Ukraine has not yet perished ...
I was mistaken. There will be war.
Putin backs separatists claim to the whole Donbas region of Ukraine including those areas controlled by Ukraine.
--- - ⢮ . , ?
* Origin: ࠢ쨭 ᯨ⮬ ᮢ (2:5030/1081.117)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Ghil Zvidgzul on Wed Feb 23 11:09:32 2022
Hello Ghil,
Ukraine has not yet perished ...
I was mistaken. There will be war.
Putin backs separatists claim to the whole Donbas region of Ukraine including those areas controlled by Ukraine.
Many have been mistaken. It is sad. So very sad so many will die.
On all sides. Not just soldiers, but also civilians. All needlessly.
Sent to their deaths by a man who has clearly lost his marbles.
There is no justice in this world.
For those who want justice, all that can be done is pray.
May God have mercy on all our souls.
Big Or Small We Lay Them All
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Ghil Zvidgzul on Thu Feb 24 08:51:56 2022
Hi, Ghil Zvidgzul!
I read your message from 23.02.2022 00:07
LL>> Ukraine has not yet perished ...
GZ> I was mistaken. There will be war.
GZ> Putin backs separatists claim to the whole Donbas region of
GZ> Ukraine including those areas controlled by Ukraine.
For a while we see only limited air strikes. And it is not necessary to
repeat an official Ukraine lie that Ukraine forces are fluffy, and they
has not been shelling Dombass region controlled be Lugansk and Donetsk breakaway republics.
How knows -- may be peace in that region became closer?
Bye, Ghil!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Bjrn Felten@2:203/2 to
alexander koryagin on Thu Feb 24 09:31:10 2022
How knows -- may be peace in that region became closer?
I don't think that Ukraine has to worry. Putin is just testing the west. After he successfully put a clown on the POTUS chair in 2016 he enjoyed watching the US distancing itself from all it's allies, with a gullible POTUS that over and over again showed his admiration of, and loyalty to him.
Then, when he failed to repeat the manipulation of the US election system in 2020, he probably was surprised to see how all the GOP people still followed the clown, and did everything they could to sabotage every attempt from the new government to repair the damages done, and thought that now is the right time to make a move.
Putin embraces the views of Aleksandr Dugin. If you don't want to read any of his books, there's actually a very good article about him on Wikipedia that explains a lot:
"In principle, Eurasia and our space, the heartland Russia, remain the staging area of a new anti-bourgeois, anti-American revolution. The new Eurasian empire will be constructed on the fundamental principle of the common enemy: the rejection of Atlanticism, strategic control of the USA, and the refusal to allow liberal values to dominate us. This common civilizational impulse will be the basis of a political and strategic union."
-- The Basics of Geopolitics (1997)
To sum it up, as long as NATO and EU stand strong (and China don't interfere), Putin is not going anywhere. He'll still rule a second rate country, far beyond USA, EU and China.
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Bj÷rn Felten on Thu Feb 24 10:24:58 2022
How knows -- may be peace in that region became closer?
I don't think that Ukraine has to worry. Putin is just testing the
west. After he successfully put a clown on the POTUS chair in 2016 he enjoyed watching the US distancing itself from all it's allies, with a gullible POTUS that over and over again showed his admiration of, and loyalty to him.
I think that is totally ... correct ... once he can oust the current Ukrainian president and get a puppet on the throne, it will be business as usual.
What pains me is that a single person has power to do such a thing, move an army with tens of thousands of troops, maybe more. Russia does not have the economy to support any long term military engagement the way the USA has.
But more so, I am saddened that a country still does this, at the outskirts of Europe, where since the onset of the EU in the late 1940-ies it has been demonstrated that countries can peacefully co-exist and prosper ... even arch-enemies such as France and Germany which are now the greatest of friends.
I have listened to my dad who in 1940 was among the last 600 to defend Dunkirk against evil. The description of battle scenes, the brutality of fighting, the bloodshed ... the tears in his eyes ... 70 years after he experienced it.
I just cannot understand why people would want to cause harm to someone else over the silly claims and propagande which are taking us back to the darkest days of hard-core communism when I was a teenager.
Never put that much power into the hands of a single person ... history is obvious about that ... yet another proof.
I'm also disturbed by the lack of action/support by the west, an historical lack of support .... In 1953 Russian troops caused bloodshed in East Germany in its attempt to "liberate" East-Germans from the West and the West just stood by, watched, condemned and had a beer.
In 1956 Russian troops caused bloodshed in Hungary in its attempt to "liberate" Hungarians from the West and the West just stood by, watched, condemned and had a beer.
In 1968 Russian troops marched into CzechoSlovakia in its attempt to "liberate" Czechs and Slovaks from the West and the West just stood by, watched, condemned and had a beer.
In 1981 in Poland there was Jaruzelski, no Russian troops but Russian support was overwhelming and again the West just stood by, watched, condemned and had a beer. Lucky for the Poles, there was a Polish catholic Pope and that made a huge difference ... plus Lech Walesa.
Again now the west is watching, is condmning and later today will have a beer ... the cry for help has gone unanswered the past weeks because "it would de-stabilize the situation".
I'm saddened ...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Ghil Zvidgzul@2:5030/1081.117 to
Ward Dossche on Thu Feb 24 04:50:08 2022
Hello, Ward!
I think that is totally ... correct ... once he can oust the current Ukrainian president and get a puppet on the throne, it will be
business as usual.
It's not so simple, ukrainians will live under occupation until Putin will die.
--- - ⢮ . , ?
* Origin: ࠢ쨭 ᯨ⮬ ᮢ (2:5030/1081.117)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Ghil Zvidgzul on Thu Feb 24 11:54:59 2022
I think that is totally ... correct ... once he can oust the current GZ>WD> Ukrainian president and get a puppet on the throne, it will be
business as usual.
It's not so simple, ukrainians will live under occupation until Putin
will die.
You probably are right, but I'm just so saddened by the fact that this is 2022 and it can still happen ...
With "business as usual" I meant that when military movements will conclude, everybody who is shocked now will stand in line again to trade with Putin.
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
alexander koryagin on Thu Feb 24 12:37:05 2022
Hello Alexander,
Ukraine has not yet perished ...
I was mistaken. There will be war.
Putin backs separatists claim to the whole Donbas region of
Ukraine including those areas controlled by Ukraine.
For a while we see only limited air strikes. And it is not necessary to repeat an official Ukraine lie ...
"Modern Ukraine was completely created by Russia." ~Vladimir Putin
Politicians of all stripes often utter statements of nonsense.
And there are those who honestly believe such nonsense as fact.
Ukraine wants peace.
Europe wants peace.
The world says it doesn't want to fight,
and Russia says it doesn't want to attack.
Someone is lying.
How knows -- may be peace in that region became closer?
This is Putin's war. He owns it. Lock, stock, and barrel.
He has ordered a full-scaled invasion of Ukraine. An unprovoked
attack on an entire people. His actions have already been
condemned by many world leaders, and there will be more who
condemn his actions. The entire world will judge him, and
he has only himself to blame.
Black lives matter!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
alexander koryagin on Thu Feb 24 12:37:17 2022
Hello Alexander,
How knows -- may be peace in that region became closer?
I am hopeful a path to peace can be found. War is never the solution
for solving problems. Leaders of both Russia and Ukraine can to better.
I think they bought a Jeep
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Bjrn Felten on Thu Feb 24 12:37:23 2022
Hello Björn,
How knows -- may be peace in that region became closer?
I don't think that Ukraine has to worry.
Ukraine, and the world, has plenty to worry.
Putin is just testing the west.
Unlike Trump, Putin is not a stable genius.
After he successfully put a clown on the POTUS chair in 2016 he enjoyed watching the US distancing itself from all it's allies, with a gullible POTUS that over and over again showed his admiration of, and loyalty to him.
Winning the lottery twice in a row would have made him God Almighty.
And everybody would be praising his name. Not just Trump and his merry
band of MAGA followers.
Then, when he failed to repeat the manipulation of the US election system in
2020, he probably was surprised to see how all the GOP people still followed the clown, and did everything they could to sabotage every attempt
from the new government to repair the damages done, and thought that now is
the right time to make a move.
HAL-9000 cheated at chess in the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey".
Stanley Kubrick was a chessmaster and knew what he was doing in
the script. Vladimir Putin is no chessmaster, and even sucks at
playing the game. But he is a cheater ...
Putin embraces the views of Aleksandr Dugin. If you don't want to read any of his books, there's actually a very good article about him on Wikipedia that explains a lot:
That may explain at least part of his own political philosophy,
but does not change the reality. Putin's move is economic. Russia
is so dependent on oil and gas revenue that if it loses its oil
and gas business from either Belarus or Ukraine it is sunk as an
economically viable country. Just do the math.
"In principle, Eurasia and our space, the heartland Russia, remain the staging area of a new anti-bourgeois, anti-American revolution. The new Eurasian empire will be constructed on the fundamental principle of the common enemy: the rejection of Atlanticism, strategic control of the USA, and the refusal to allow liberal values to dominate us. This common civilizational impulse will be the basis of a political and strategic union."
Karl Marx was also a philosopher. Not much of an economist, but
a good philosopher. Does that mean that political leaders should
base their decisions on a man who died penniless and never held
office a day in his life?
What explains Putin's thinking cannot be pinned down to the
writings of one political commentator/author. It is his mental
state that explains more. Much more.
-- The Basics of Geopolitics (1997)
To sum it up, as long as NATO and EU stand strong (and China don't interfere), Putin is not going anywhere. He'll still rule a second rate country, far beyond USA, EU and China.
A giant gas station. But what happens when nobody wants to buy any
more oil and gas from him? The population of Russia has declined by
ten million people in the past decade. Mostly young women, of child
bearing age. Gonna be a long winter in Moscow (and elsewhere).
Always in beta
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Lee Lofaso on Thu Feb 24 15:21:29 2022
Hi, Lee Lofaso!
I read your message from 24.02.2022 14:37
ak>> How knows -- may be peace in that region became closer?
LL> This is Putin's war. He owns it. Lock, stock, and barrel.
LL> He has ordered a full-scaled invasion of Ukraine. An unprovoked
LL> attack on an entire people. His actions have already been
LL> condemned by many world leaders, and there will be more who
LL> condemn his actions. The entire world will judge him, and
LL> he has only himself to blame.
The things the US does in Syria are not different. The US just feel that
it can do it and it does it. It wants to defend some people in Syria and
this reason is enough for being in Syria and is a good example for Russia.
I repeat, that if in Mexico some anti American forces came to power and
they ask Russia to accept them into the military block with Russia and
Belarus the reaction of the US will be similar and even 100 time quicker
and stronger.
In any case the situation doesn't demand the third world war with nukes.
The West can sting Putin in many non military ways.
Bye, Lee!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Ghil Zvidgzul on Thu Feb 24 16:40:47 2022
Hello Ghil,
I think that is totally ... correct ... once he can oust the current
Ukrainian president and get a puppet on the throne, it will be
business as usual.
It's not so simple, ukrainians will live under occupation until Putin will die.
His own people will deal with him in their own way.
Once those body bags return with dead Russian soldiers.
Education not deportation!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Lee Lofaso on Thu Feb 24 16:48:05 2022
It's not so simple, ukrainians will live under occupation until
Putin will die.
His own people will deal with him in their own way.
Once those body bags return with dead Russian soldiers.
A good dictator doesn't give a shite about bodybags.
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
alexander koryagin on Thu Feb 24 16:54:41 2022
The things the US does in Syria are not different. The US just feel that
it can do it and it does it. It wants to defend some people in Syria and this reason is enough for being in Syria and is a good example for
I understand what you're saying and several here have been vocal when countries like Iraq and Afghanistan were invaded, including myself.
But don't you think the comparison is a bit warped?
I repeat, that if in Mexico some anti American forces came to power and they ask Russia to accept them into the military block with Russia and Belarus the reaction of the US will be similar and even 100 time quicker and stronger.
Here again the comparison is far fetched, but we have the Cuban example.
In any case the situation doesn't demand the third world war with nukes. The West can sting Putin in many non military ways.
Yes, someone could launch a formal policy complaint against him...what's his nodenumber?
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Tim Schattkowsky@2:240/1120.29 to
Ward Dossche on Thu Feb 24 17:57:55 2022
//Hello Ward,//
on *24.02.22* at *15:48:05* You wrote in Area *FIDONEWS*
to *Lee Lofaso* about *"Re: Ukraine National Anthem"*.
A good dictator doesn't give a shite about bodybags.
Actually, as the quite entertaining guide "How to Become a Tyrant" on Netflix correctly points out, these are required and helpful to keep power.
--- WinPoint 400.3
* Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Ward Dossche on Fri Feb 25 09:01:42 2022
Hi, Ward Dossche!
I read your message from 24.02.2022 18:54
ak>> The things the US does in Syria are not different. The US just
ak>> feel that it can do it and it does it. It wants to defend some
ak>> people in Syria and this reason is enough for being in Syria and
ak>> is a good example for Russia.
WD> I understand what you're saying and several here have been vocal
WD> when countries like Iraq and Afghanistan were invaded, including
WD> myself.
Every successful unlawful military operation has a long negative
consequences for the world. The simplest argument -- if they can do it
why I can't do it, with mt bunch of nukes under belt? Or take the recent military operation of Azerbaijan against the Karabakh, a breakaway
republic with Armenian population. This republic was recaptured, but the operation has sent a strong signal to the Ukrainian military that the situation in Dombass can be also solved by force. It is easy to note
that the aggravation of the situation in Dombass has begun right after Azerbijan's operation.
WD> But don't you think the comparison is a bit warped?
It is not the same, of course, but the pretext is similar -- the Syrian authority conducts military operations against the rebels and the USA
likes the rebels and want to defend them from military strikes. Note,
that in this case there is absolutely no any danger to the USA from the
Syrian regime.
ak>> I repeat, that if in Mexico some anti American forces came to
ak>> power and they ask Russia to accept them into the military block
ak>> with Russia and Belarus the reaction of the US will be similar and
ak>> even 100 time quicker and stronger.
WD> Here again the comparison is far fetched, but we have the Cuban
WD> example.
And we saw the crazy American reaction and the world was on the brink of
the nuclear war. But, thinking in the NATO way, we could say that Cuba
had a right to be part of any block. But it has never had it. Similar?
ak>> In any case the situation doesn't demand the third world war with
ak>> nukes. The West can sting Putin in many non military ways.
WD> Yes, someone could launch a formal policy complaint against him...
WD> what's his nodenumber?
Well it is life, that not always a strong hooligan can be restrained.
The world lives like it for thousands of years. And besides, it is sure
that Russian tries to avoid the most bloody scenario. When NATO bombed Yugoslavia they didn't shame to make massive bomb strikes against most populated cities.
However it is a crazy situation. First of all nobody knows what does
Putin want and what he is going to do with big cities etc.
Bye, Ward!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Ward Dossche on Fri Feb 25 10:25:39 2022
Hello Ward,
It's not so simple, ukrainians will live under occupation until
Putin will die.
His own people will deal with him in their own way.
Once those body bags return with dead Russian soldiers.
A good dictator doesn't give a shite about bodybags.
His people do. And without stability in his country, he is toast.
Not my president!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Fri Feb 25 15:52:06 2022
Hello, alexander!
Friday February 25 2022 09:01, you wrote to Ward Dossche:
strikes. Note, that in this case there is absolutely no any danger to
the USA from the Syrian regime.
You are wrong - Syria did a lot of bad things to USA, in Lebanon and Iraq.
And from US point of view syrian rebels are at least not supplying Hizbollah with weapons.
It's a shame that only few people in Russia actually know anything about Syria and it's politics.
And we saw the crazy American reaction and the world was on the brink
of the nuclear war. But, thinking in the NATO way, we could say that
Cuba had a right to be part of any block. But it has never had it. Similar?
Cuba was a part of Soviet block since 1961. The problem was with nuclear weapons.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Ward Dossche on Fri Feb 25 15:08:56 2022
Hello Ward,
How knows -- may be peace in that region became closer?
I don't think that Ukraine has to worry. Putin is just testing the
west. After he successfully put a clown on the POTUS chair in 2016 he
enjoyed watching the US distancing itself from all it's allies, with a
gullible POTUS that over and over again showed his admiration of, and
loyalty to him.
I think that is totally ... correct ...
I am sure Vladimir Putin thought he could get away with not only
taking another chunk out of Ukraine but also taking the whole thing -
at little or no cost to his own selfish interests.
And now he is learning that Joe Biden is no Donald Trump. And that
NATO is no pushover. And also the fact that the president of Ukraine
is standing up to him, without blinking, as well as a Ukrainian
military putting the hurt on an invading army that is fighting an
old man's war.
once he can oust the current Ukrainian president and get a puppet on the throne, it will be business as usual.
This is not WWII. And there will be no Vichy government in Ukraine.
Much to Putin's chagrin.
What pains me is that a single person has power to do such a thing, move an
army with tens of thousands of troops, maybe more.
It pains young people in Russia even more, as tens of thousands
were arrested in Moscow following initial reports of Russia invading
Ukraine. Most people in Russia are shocked at what is happening, and
find it difficult that their president would do such a thing, as
it was an unprovoked and unjustified attack on one of its neighbors.
Russia does not have the economy to support any long term military engagement the way the USA has.
The Russian economy has taken a beating since sanctions were
imposed after its invasion and illegal annexation of the southern
part of Ukraine known as Crimea. More sanctions have now been
imposed as a result of its continued invasion of Ukraine ...
But more so, I am saddened that a country still does this,
This is an old man's war. The vast majority of Russians do not
support war. Not this war, not any war. The Russian people have
suffered much as a result of war. Far more than than others.
Yes, the Russian people do remember Napoleon Bonaparte. Yes,
the Russian people do remember Adolf Hitler. And yes, the Russian
people will definitely remember Vladimir Putin.
at the outskirts of Europe, where since the onset of the EU in the late 1940-ies it has been demonstrated that countries can peacefully co-exist and prosper ... even arch-enemies such as France and Germany which are now the greatest of friends.
Mikhail Gorbachev understood this. And I am sure Vladimir Putin
also understands this. Difference is, Gorbachev wanted peace.
Putin does not.
This is the fifth war Putin has started. For no other reason
than it being his wish. He has no love even for his own people.
I have listened to my dad who in 1940 was among the last 600 to defend Dunkirk against evil. The description of battle scenes, the brutality of fighting, the bloodshed ... the tears in his eyes ... 70 years after he experienced it.
Putin was once employed as a low-level clerk in the KGB. He lost
his job due to Gorbachev's dissolution of the USSR. And now he wants
to become Gorbachev's replacement - which he feels was stolen from
him by Boris Yeltsen.
I just cannot understand why people would want to cause harm to someone else
over the silly claims and propagande which are taking us back to the darkest days of hard-core communism when I was a teenager.
Putin is not well. He is a mental case. And there is no cure.
Never put that much power into the hands of a single person ... history is obvious about that ... yet another proof.
The best form of government is a benevolent dictator. However, Putin
is more like Angelina Jolie ...
I'm also disturbed by the lack of action/support by the west,
Putin's threat, and current invasion, to invade Ukraine has not
weakened the resolve of the USA or the Western alliance. NATO remains
strong and united. Sanctions have been imposed, with more coming.
Rather than falling apart, NATO is considering adding new members -
such as Finland and Sweden. The US is sending more troops to NATO
countries, and will continue to do so. Any Russian attack on any
of its members will result in an Article V. And you know what
that means ...
an historical lack of support ....
This is not WWII. And Joe Biden is no Neville Chamberlain.
Nor is he a Donald Trump, who lavishly praised Putin in Helsinki
as "a tough cookie".
In 1953 Russian troops caused bloodshed in East Germany in its attempt to "liberate" East-Germans from the West and the West just stood by, watched, condemned and had a beer.
How did the USSR's blockade of Berlin go? Well, we all know how
that turned out. So do the people who lived there at the time.
Germany never recognized the eastern part of Germany as being a
separate independent state. Ukraine never recognized the two areas
Putin claims are separate independent states.
So what is your point? The US recognizes Germany as one united
state. Not two separate entities. The US recognizes Ukraine as one
united stated. Not two (or three or four) separate states.
In 1956 Russian troops caused bloodshed in Hungary in its attempt to "liberate" Hungarians from the West and the West just stood by, watched, condemned and had a beer.
Which explains why Hungary (and many other European countries)
have joined NATO (now at thirty, and growing).
In 1968 Russian troops marched into CzechoSlovakia in its attempt to "liberate" Czechs and Slovaks from the West and the West just stood by, watched, condemned and had a beer.
Both the Czech Republic and Slovakia have since joined NATO.
In 1981 in Poland there was Jaruzelski, no Russian troops but Russian support was overwhelming and again the West just stood by, watched, condemned and had a beer. Lucky for the Poles, there was a Polish catholic Pope and that made a huge difference ... plus Lech Walesa.
Poland is also a member of NATO. And likely a target in Putin's
crosshairs. What do you think will happen when, and if, Putin crosses
that line?
All of NATO's major players are on the same page.
Again now the west is watching, is condmning and later today will have a beer
The only one who is drinking is Vladimir Putin. And I do not believe
he is drinking beer. More like horse piss, given the reaction of most
Russians (those who have learned of his invasion of Ukraine).
... the cry for help has gone unanswered the past weeks because "it would de-stabilize the situation".
Time to rock Putin's world.
I'm saddened ...
I am deeply saddened. Saddened that some people in this country
are aiding and abetting and giving comfort to the enemy. Russian
apologists on our airwaves. Mostly on FoxNews. Tucker Carlson,
eat your heart out.
The people! Unite! Will never be defeated!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Fri Feb 25 20:24:07 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 25.02.2022 15:52
ak>> strikes. Note, that in this case there is absolutely no any
ak>> danger to the USA from the Syrian regime.
DP> You are wrong - Syria did a lot of bad things to USA, in
DP> Lebanon and Iraq. And from US point of view syrian rebels are
DP> at least not supplying Hizbollah with weapons. It's a shame
DP> that only few people in Russia actually know anything about
DP> Syria and it's politics.
Do you think that the USA is a part of Israel? ;-)
ak>> And we saw the crazy American reaction and the world was on
ak>> the brink of the nuclear war. But, thinking in the NATO
ak>> way, we could say that Cuba had a right to be part of any
ak>> block. But it has never had it. Similar?
DP> Cuba was a part of Soviet block since 1961. The problem was
DP> with nuclear weapons.
It's exactly Putin's rhetoric about deploying NATO rockets and bases in Ukraine. NATO has refused to discuss the issue, or I something missed?
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
alexander koryagin on Fri Feb 25 18:31:41 2022
It's exactly Putin's rhetoric about deploying NATO rockets and bases in Ukraine. NATO has refused to discuss the issue, or I something missed?
Neither you nor I have been privy to the debate during such meetings. Therefore I don't know and neither do you.
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Fri Feb 25 22:11:04 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Friday February 25 2022 20:24, you wrote to me:
You are wrong - Syria did a lot of bad things to USA, in
Lebanon and Iraq. And from US point of view syrian rebels are
at least not supplying Hizbollah with weapons. It's a shame
that only few people in Russia actually know anything about
Syria and it's politics.
Do you think that the USA is a part of Israel? ;-)
Hizbollah tortured and killed a lot of US citizens and Syria sent quite a lot of terrorists to Syria (and Lebanon, but it's another story).
And USA didn't bomb Syria to stop Assad, they came to stop ISIS. And they did it.
While Russia was saving Assad's ass from opposition.
Cuba was a part of Soviet block since 1961. The problem was
with nuclear weapons.
It's exactly Putin's rhetoric about deploying NATO rockets and bases
in Ukraine. NATO has refused to discuss the issue, or I something
NATO was never going to deploy any bases or nuclear weapons in Ukraine. It's only a Putin's crazy dream.
It's Russia who was keeping military base in Ukraine and used it to invade Crimea.
The Ukraine was trying to joing NATO because it knew that Russia will invade at some point.
And Russia just did it.
So joning NATO is the only way for any small country to stop Putin. And no one should trust any high level Russian officials - they are just spreading desinformation and lies.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Tim Schattkowsky@2:240/1120.29 to
Lee Lofaso on Fri Feb 25 20:37:12 2022
//Hello Lee,//
on *25.02.22* at *9:25:39* You wrote in Area *FIDONEWS*
to *Ward Dossche* about *"Ukraine National Anthem"*.
A good dictator doesn't give a shite about bodybags.
His people do. And without stability in his country, he is toast.
Think of 1984: It doesnt matter if the war in Eurasia even exists ...
--- WinPoint 400.3
* Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)
Björn Felten@2:203/2 to
Ward Dossche on Sat Feb 26 03:54:56 2022
Again now the west is watching, is condmning and later today will have a beer ... the cry for help has gone unanswered the past weeks because "it would de-stabilize the situation".
Well, I think there's a lot of action going on right now, but you are correct, the complacency is despicable.
The most powerful tool available is still not used. I'm talking about Swift, with a very tight Belgian connection, BTW. :)
Oh yes, I know that Swift cannot act on it's own, it needs the European Council (more Belgian connections...) to issue a directive about cutting Russia off from Swift services. It worked on Iran in March 2012, and it would most likely have an immediate impact on Putin and his oligarchy thieving friends.
But it will also (like with the Iranian affair) mean a huge reduction in fossil fuel consumption in Europe. Yikes, less air pollution? Nah.... We can't have that.
It also will mean that banks and financial institutions world wide will get reduced profits and even credit losses. That means less bribes to the lawmakers, that keep those profits high -- on the ordinary people's expense. We surely can't have that either.
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Björn Felten on Sat Feb 26 09:32:40 2022
The most powerful tool available is still not used. I'm talking about Swift, with a very tight Belgian connection, BTW. :)
You're sure it hasn't been cut yet, because it is necerssary to do it.
In any case something along that line was mentioned here on the TV-news... hoz do we check?
Oh yes, I know that Swift cannot act on it's own, it needs the
European Council (more Belgian connections...) to issue a directive about cutting Russia off from Swift services.
C'mon Ursula ...
But it will also (like with the Iranian affair) mean a huge reduction
in fossil fuel consumption in Europe. Yikes, less air pollution? Nah....
We can't have that.
I can put on an extra sweater ...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Björn Felten on Sat Feb 26 09:51:58 2022
Hello Bjrn,
Again now the west is watching, is condmning and later today will
have a
beer ... the cry for help has gone unanswered the past weeks because
would de-stabilize the situation".
Well, I think there's a lot of action going on right now, but you are correct, the complacency is despicable.
The US President, NATO, and leaders around the world are far from
complacent in regards to what is happening right now. Sanctions have
been imposed, the entire world has condemned Putin's actions, and
more and more troops are being called up and being positioned in
NATO countries. And that's just the beginning.
The most powerful tool available is still not used. I'm talking about Swift,
with a very tight Belgian connection, BTW. :)
It's a communications platform, not a financial payment system.
Oh yes, I know that Swift cannot act on it's own, it needs the European Council (more Belgian connections...) to issue a directive about cutting Russia off from Swift services.
Russia has workarounds in case swift is used as part of sanctions.
And using swift against Russia would also encourage others (such as
other countries and terrorists) to use China instead.
It worked on Iran in March 2012,
Using swift as part of sanctions on Iran due to its nuclear weapons
program (which Iran claims is for peaceful purposes).
and it would most likely have an immediate impact on Putin and his oligarchy
thieving friends.
Only a small impact, as Russia has other means.
But it will also (like with the Iranian affair) mean a huge reduction in fossil fuel consumption in Europe. Yikes, less air pollution? Nah.... We can't have that.
All sanctions have some impact on countries outside of Russia.
It also will mean that banks and financial institutions world wide will get
reduced profits and even credit losses. That means less bribes to the lawmakers, that keep those profits high -- on the ordinary people's expense. We surely can't have that either.
Keeping swift in reserve is what the US and Europe are doing now.
Sanctions take time, and are not felt immediately. The best Putin
& Co. can do for themselves (and for Russia) is to end his insane
and brutal war on Ukraine. The sooner the better.
Erections, That's Our Game
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Gerrit Kuehn@2:240/12 to
Bj÷rn Felten on Sat Feb 26 09:58:31 2022
Hello Bjrn!
26 Feb 22 03:54, Bjrn Felten wrote to Ward Dossche:
The most powerful tool available is still not used. I'm talking
about Swift, with a very tight Belgian connection, BTW. :)
CHIPS and SPFS stand ready to take over the market space SWIFT might be feeing up...
... 9:58AM up 51 days, 20:53, 5 users, load averages: 0.47, 0.36, 0.34
--- msged/fbsd 6.3 2021-12-02
* Origin: And still they come and go (2:240/12)
Gerrit Kuehn@2:240/12 to
Bj÷rn Felten on Sat Feb 26 10:05:06 2022
Hello Bjrn!
26 Feb 22 03:54, Bjrn Felten wrote to Ward Dossche:
The most powerful tool available is still not used. I'm talking
about Swift, with a very tight Belgian connection, BTW. :)
CIPS and SPFS stand ready to take over the market space SWIFT might be freeing up...
... 10:05AM up 51 days, 21 hrs, 5 users, load averages: 0.51, 0.45, 0.37
--- msged/fbsd 6.3 2021-12-02
* Origin: A love pays love for lying (2:240/12)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Sat Feb 26 17:06:53 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 25.02.2022 22:11
DP>>> You are wrong - Syria did a lot of bad things to USA, in Lebanon
DP>>> and Iraq. And from US point of view syrian rebels are at least
DP>>> not supplying Hizbollah with weapons. It's a shame that only few
DP>>> people in Russia actually know anything about Syria and it's
DP>>> politics.
ak>> Do you think that the USA is a part of Israel?
DP> Hizbollah tortured and killed a lot of US citizens and Syria sent
DP> quite a lot of terrorists to Syria (and Lebanon, but it's another
DP> story).
To Syria? ;)
As for torture, let's not talk who tortures people more -- Hizbollah or
the US. The US a long ago approved the concept that if a torture helps
it should be used. We have seen it in Guantanamo, Cuba. The only
military base that has ever been there, BTW.
DP> And USA didn't bomb Syria to stop Assad, they came to stop ISIS.
DP> And they did it. While Russia was saving Assad's ass from
DP> opposition.
DP>>> Cuba was a part of Soviet block since 1961. The problem was with
DP>>> nuclear weapons.
ak>> It's exactly Putin's rhetoric about deploying NATO rockets and
ak>> bases in Ukraine. NATO has refused to discuss the issue, or I
ak>> something missed?
DP> NATO was never going to deploy any bases or nuclear weapons in
DP> Ukraine. It's only a Putin's crazy dream. It's Russia who was
Also NATO has never been going to expand to the East, BTW. When the USSR
gave up the East Germany it was told like that. And it is funny from
your side to talk on behalf of NATO. How do you know? Who tells the
truth on this planet? ;)
DP> keeping military base in Ukraine and used it to invade Crimea.
The events in the former USSR look like a long divorce scandal. But,
IMHO, it is foolish to not allow "the children" to choose the side where
to go. The people of Crimea and Donbass were always prorussain, and it
is not a secret.
DP> The Ukraine was trying to joing NATO because it knew that Russia
DP> will invade at some point. And Russia just did it.
DP> So joning NATO is the only way for any small country to stop Putin.
DP> And no one should trust any high level Russian officials - they are
DP> just spreading desinformation and lies.
Those Ukrainian nationalists who had made the cope in Kiev in 2014 are
idiots and fools. They decided to privatize the whole Ukraine for
themselves, they divided the Ukrainians, they has tried to humiliate the Russian part of population as a big hooligan humiliates a weak person.
But I repeat again, it was a gross mistake. First, remember, if you are
going to humiliate somebody you should choose a weak, defenceless
person. Russian people in Ukraine do not fit at this role at all.
Second, don't began fight with a strong person who can hit back. You can easily have a bloody nose. Fight only with week people, and it would be happiness and victory. ;=)
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Sat Feb 26 17:13:48 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Saturday February 26 2022 17:06, you wrote to me:
Hizbollah tortured and killed a lot of US citizens and Syria
sent quite a lot of terrorists to Syria (and Lebanon, but it's
another story).
To Syria? ;)
To Iraq, typo. But then they've returned to Syria with ISIS, so I was also correct in some way.
As for torture, let's not talk who tortures people more -- Hizbollah
Hizbollah. It even killed soviet diplomat in 80s and captured 3 others, but USSR did nothing against them except for much talking :)
And take Syria - how many people were tortured there for decades in prisons like one in Tandmour.
or the US. The US a long ago approved the concept that if a torture
helps it should be used. We have seen it in Guantanamo, Cuba. The only
Those who used it in Guantanamo were punished and you can't compare Guantanamo even to ordinary russian police station, where torture is just a "new normality". In our prisons torture used like in Nazi camps, check famous Gulagu.net videos.
No one in Guantanamo was putting mop in prisoners asses till death. Such thing have something with russian culture's addiction to forced male to male anal sex.
military base that has ever been there, BTW.
We had military base there and lied that it was a "traning center #12".
NATO was never going to deploy any bases or nuclear weapons in
Ukraine. It's only a Putin's crazy dream. It's Russia who was
Also NATO has never been going to expand to the East, BTW. When the
Who told you that?
USSR gave up the East Germany it was told like that. And it is funny
No, it's a fake. No one found even a single agreement between NATO and SU about that.
from your side to talk on behalf of NATO. How do you know? Who tells
the truth on this planet? ;)
You now everyone can see that is the only real force to protect your country from Russia. Before 2014 NATO was lossing budget and people, quite fast.
Now it's going to be strong again. Putin wanted it like this?
keeping military base in Ukraine and used it to invade Crimea.
The events in the former USSR look like a long divorce scandal. But,
IMHO, it is foolish to not allow "the children" to choose the side
where to go. The people of Crimea and Donbass were always prorussain,
and it is not a secret.
Is it ok for you to use military force against your friends because you think that you know better how to divide your friend's countries?
Well, this leeds to new cold war. And you know that Russia can't win it.
We are already loosing: no access to Airbus, TSMC, etc.. What for??
Those Ukrainian nationalists who had made the cope in Kiev in 2014 are
idiots and fools. They decided to privatize the whole Ukraine for
"Idiots and fools"? Sounds like you are very smart? :)
themselves, they divided the Ukrainians, they has tried to humiliate
the Russian part of population as a big hooligan humiliates a weak
No one was going to "privatize" Ukraine. I have many friends there, russians, who don't agree with you completely.
Have you been in Kiev since 2014? I did, btw.
back. You can easily have a bloody nose. Fight only with week people,
and it would be happiness and victory. ;=)
And now we are discussion how we'll live without SWIFT.. Long queues in Moscow to get euro/dollars from ATMs (impossible at the moment), prices increasing daily, a lot of EU countries stopped issuing visas..
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Björn Felten@2:203/2 to
Ward Dossche on Sat Feb 26 17:44:53 2022
The most powerful tool available is still not used. I'm talking about
Swift, with a very tight Belgian connection, BTW. :)
You're sure it hasn't been cut yet, because it is necerssary to do it.
Difficult to be sure of anything those days, but as I understand it so far, Canada is a Yes, USA is a Yes if it's allies say yes. In the EU most seem to be a YES, except Germany, France and Italy (their banks have been to greedy and invested too much in Russia). Let's hope that the Biden administration can find a way to twist their arms...
In any case something along that line was mentioned here on the
TV-news... hoz do we check?
Indeed. :(
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Sun Feb 27 11:30:08 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 26.02.2022 17:13
DP>>> Hizbollah tortured and killed a lot of US citizens and Syria sent
DP>>> quite a lot of terrorists to Syria (and Lebanon, but it's another
DP>>> story).
ak>> To Syria?
DP> To Iraq, typo. But then they've returned to Syria with ISIS, so I
DP> was also correct in some way.
ak>> As for torture, let's not talk who tortures people more --
ak>> Hizbollah
DP> Hizbollah. It even killed soviet diplomat in 80s and captured 3
DP> others, but USSR did nothing against them except for much talking
DP> And take Syria - how many people were tortured there for decades in
DP> prisons like one in Tandmour.
It's easy - when all peaceful ways to solve the problem end, terrorists
and rebels always will appear. It's life.
ak>> or the US. The US a long ago approved the concept that if a
ak>> torture helps it should be used. We have seen it in Guantanamo,
ak>> Cuba. The only
DP> Those who used it in Guantanamo were punished and you can't compare
DP> Guantanamo even to ordinary russian police station, where torture
DP> is just a "new normality". In our prisons torture used like in Nazi
DP> camps, check famous Gulagu.net videos. No one in Guantanamo was
DP> putting mop in prisoners asses till death. Such thing have
DP> something with russian culture's addiction to forced male to male
DP> anal sex.
You are too young and you don't know the scandals when Americans
soldiers humiliated Iraqi prisoners in the most dishonest ways. They
treated them like animals. However, I believe is a common feature of the people who work in prisons. Not all course.
ak>> military base that has ever been there, BTW.
DP> We had military base there and lied that it was a "traning center
DP> #12".
DP>>> NATO was never going to deploy any bases or nuclear weapons in
DP>>> Ukraine. It's only a Putin's crazy dream. It's Russia who was
ak>> Also NATO has never been going to expand to the East, BTW. When
ak>> the
DP> Who told you that?
ak>> USSR gave up the East Germany it was told like that. And it is
ak>> funny
DP> No, it's a fake. No one found even a single agreement between NATO
DP> and SU about that.
You deceive yourself because you want it:
ak>> The events in the former USSR look like a long divorce scandal.
ak>> But, IMHO, it is foolish to not allow "the children" to choose the
ak>> side where to go. The people of Crimea and Donbass were always
ak>> prorussain, and it is not a secret.
DP> Is it ok for you to use military force against your friends because
DP> you think that you know better how to divide your friend's
DP> countries? Well, this leeds to new cold war. And you know that
DP> Russia can't win it.
DP> We are already loosing: no access to Airbus, TSMC, etc.. What for??
Well, when Zorg in the "Fifth element" smashed the glass his tirade
sounded cool. ;-) I say it as person who can do nothing. I have to find something positive for myself. ;-)
ak>> Those Ukrainian nationalists who had made the cope in Kiev in 2014
ak>> are idiots and fools. They decided to privatize the whole Ukraine
ak>> for
DP> "Idiots and fools"? Sounds like you are very smart?
These fucking idiots created most groundless foolish havoc that the
world has not seen for ages.
ak>> themselves, they divided the Ukrainians, they has tried to
ak>> humiliate the Russian part of population as a big hooligan
ak>> humiliates a weak
DP> No one was going to "privatize" Ukraine. I have many friends there,
DP> russians, who don't agree with you completely. Have you been in
DP> Kiev since 2014? I did, btw.
Nothing would happen if it were as you say.
ak>> back. You can easily have a bloody nose. Fight only with week
ak>> people, and it would be happiness and victory. ;=)
DP> And now we are discussion how we'll live without SWIFT.. Long
DP> queues in Moscow to get euro/dollars from ATMs (impossible at the
DP> moment), prices increasing daily, a lot of EU countries stopped
DP> issuing visas..
There are different opinions about what can be called an interesting
life. ;-)
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Sun Feb 27 13:19:02 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Sunday February 27 2022 11:30, you wrote to me:
Hizbollah. It even killed soviet diplomat in 80s and captured 3
others, but USSR did nothing against them except for much
talking And take Syria - how many people were tortured there for
decades in prisons like one in Tandmour.
It's easy - when all peaceful ways to solve the problem end,
terrorists and rebels always will appear. It's life.
Hizbollah appeared when peaceful solution came to Lebanon. The whole idea was kill peacekeepers, to continue the war.
And Syria war like this from 60s, when they've started to physically eliminate opposition.
You are too young and you don't know the scandals when Americans
soldiers humiliated Iraqi prisoners in the most dishonest ways. They treated them like animals. However, I believe is a common feature of
the people who work in prisons. Not all course.
I am way too old to remember that were also punished.
And no one from FSB was punished for torturing russian political prisoners.
And even yesterday police was torturing political protesters in Moscow, sounds like you don't care about that?
You deceive yourself because you want it: https://en.news-front.info/2022/02/19/der-spiegel-official-document-co nfirms-that-nato-promised-not-to-expand-eastwards/
https://meduza.io/feature/2022/02/25/odin-iz-argumentov-dlya-vtorzheniya-v-ukrainu-yakoby-dannoe-zapadom-obeschanie-ne-rasshiryat-nato-na-vostok-i-dazhe-nash lis-novye-dokumenty-kotorye-eto-podtverzhdayut
It's a very old story, no documents exists about any "promises".
Just talks.
And as I said before - NATO is a good idea for any country, otherwise Russia will find some excuse to invade.
We are already loosing: no access to Airbus, TSMC, etc.. What
Well, when Zorg in the "Fifth element" smashed the glass his tirade sounded cool. ;-) I say it as person who can do nothing. I have to
find something positive for myself. ;-)
We all can do something, because we are free humans, not slaves.
But even slaves were trying.
"Idiots and fools"? Sounds like you are very smart?
These fucking idiots created most groundless foolish havoc that the
world has not seen for ages.
It's nonsense. Putin started the war and you are blaming someone else.
No one was going to "privatize" Ukraine. I have many friends
there, russians, who don't agree with you completely. Have you
been in Kiev since 2014? I did, btw.
Nothing would happen if it were as you say.
The only thing that matter is a crazy former KGB agent in Kremlin.
And now we are discussion how we'll live without SWIFT.. Long
queues in Moscow to get euro/dollars from ATMs (impossible at
the moment), prices increasing daily, a lot of EU countries
stopped issuing visas..
There are different opinions about what can be called an interesting
life. ;-)
Beeing poor in Russia is not fun ;)
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Ward Dossche on Sun Feb 27 20:33:04 2022
Hello Ward,
It's exactly Putin's rhetoric about deploying NATO rockets and bases in
Ukraine. NATO has refused to discuss the issue, or I something missed?
Neither you nor I have been privy to the debate during such meetings. Therefore I don't know and neither do you.
Donald Trump knows.
He knows everything.
And is never wrong.
Q: What do you call a paranoid megalomaniac bent on starting WWIII?
Trump: Genius!
No justice! No peace!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Tim Schattkowsky on Sun Feb 27 20:33:09 2022
Hello Tim,
A good dictator doesn't give a shite about bodybags.
His people do. And without stability in his country, he is toast.
Think of 1984: It doesnt matter if the war in Eurasia even exists ...
Not in the world of Newspeak* ...
* Newspeak was the official language of Oceania and had been devised
to meet the ideological needs of Ingsoc, or English Socialism.
Silence is violence!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Gerrit Kuehn on Sun Feb 27 20:33:16 2022
Hello Gerrit,
The most powerful tool available is still not used. I'm talking
about Swift, with a very tight Belgian connection, BTW. :)
CIPS and SPFS stand ready to take over the market space SWIFT might be freeing up...
Looks like a few more clients are headed their way ...
I won't fan the flames of hate, ~Joe Biden
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
alexander koryagin on Sun Feb 27 20:33:22 2022
Hello Alexander,
Hizbollah tortured and killed a lot of US citizens and Syria sent
quite a lot of terrorists to Syria (and Lebanon, but it's another
To Syria?
To Iraq, typo. But then they've returned to Syria with ISIS, so I
was also correct in some way.
As for torture, let's not talk who tortures people more --
Hizbollah. It even killed soviet diplomat in 80s and captured 3
others, but USSR did nothing against them except for much talking
And take Syria - how many people were tortured there for decades in
prisons like one in Tandmour.
It's easy - when all peaceful ways to solve the problem end, terrorists and rebels always will appear. It's life.
How does that make Putin any different, given his actions on Ukraine?
or the US. The US a long ago approved the concept that if a
torture helps it should be used. We have seen it in Guantanamo,
Cuba. The only
Those who used it in Guantanamo were punished and you can't compare
Guantanamo even to ordinary russian police station, where torture
is just a "new normality". In our prisons torture used like in Nazi
camps, check famous Gulagu.net videos. No one in Guantanamo was
putting mop in prisoners asses till death. Such thing have
something with russian culture's addiction to forced male to male
anal sex.
You are too young and you don't know the scandals when Americans
soldiers humiliated Iraqi prisoners in the most dishonest ways. They treated them like animals. However, I believe is a common feature of the people who work in prisons. Not all course.
The soldiers who did that to Iraqi prisoners were courts martialed.
Russians protesting Putin's actions are being put in jail. There is
no telling what their jailers are doing to them.
military base that has ever been there, BTW.
We had military base there and lied that it was a "traning center
NATO was never going to deploy any bases or nuclear weapons in
Ukraine. It's only a Putin's crazy dream. It's Russia who was
Also NATO has never been going to expand to the East, BTW. When
Who told you that?
USSR gave up the East Germany it was told like that. And it is
No, it's a fake. No one found even a single agreement between NATO
and SU about that.
You deceive yourself because you want it:
Mikhail Gorbachev says der Spiegel, and Putin, is full of beans -
https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2014/11/06/did-nato-promise-not -to-enlarge-gorbachev-says-no/
So who is deceiving who? The man who was there, or the man who is
making stuff up?
I think we all know the answer to that question.
Be Stupid
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Tim Schattkowsky@2:240/1120.29 to
Lee Lofaso on Sun Feb 27 21:56:01 2022
//Hello Lee,//
on *27.02.22* at *19:33:09* You wrote in Area *FIDONEWS*
to *Tim Schattkowsky* about *"Ukraine National Anthem"*.
Hello Tim,
A good dictator doesn't give a shite about bodybags.
His people do. And without stability in his country, he is toast.
Think of 1984: It doesnt matter if the war in Eurasia even exists ...
Not in the world of Newspeak* ...
double plus true
--- WinPoint 401.1
* Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)
Björn Felten@2:203/2 to
Ward Dossche on Mon Feb 28 03:20:21 2022
C'mon Ursula ...
I think she delivered, listening to the latest press release. A really impressive package of sanctions issued by the EU Commission, IMHO.
Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, a Belgian born German, president of the European Commission. Not bad for a woman in a man's world...
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Björn Felten@2:203/2 to
Björn Felten on Mon Feb 28 03:29:42 2022
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Tim Schattkowsky on Mon Feb 28 04:29:52 2022
Hello Tim,
A good dictator doesn't give a shite about bodybags.
His people do. And without stability in his country, he is toast.
Think of 1984: It doesnt matter if the war in Eurasia even exists ...
Not in the world of Newspeak* ...
double plus true
I loved Big Brother.
Whose streets? / Our streets!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Björn Felten on Mon Feb 28 10:12:24 2022
Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, a Belgian born German, president of the European Commission. Not bad for a woman in a man's world...
What's understood in Scandinavian and Nordic countries, is that women are better suited to lead a country than men. They will not go to war over frivolities ... of course, there are exceptions too like that Brazilian corrupt chick...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to
Björn Felten on Mon Feb 28 10:15:29 2022
Hello Bjrn,
On Monday February 28 2022 03:20, you wrote to Ward Dossche:
C'mon Ursula ...
I think she delivered, listening to the latest press release. A
really impressive package of sanctions issued by the EU Commission,
That Putin now mentions the N words indicates that the sanctions are going to hurt him. At least that he thinks so...
Cheers, Michiel
--- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
* Origin:
http://www.vlist.org (2:280/5555)
Tim Schattkowsky@2:240/1120.29 to
Lee Lofaso on Mon Feb 28 17:42:20 2022
//Hello Lee,//
on *28.02.22* at *3:29:52* You wrote in Area *FIDONEWS*
to *Tim Schattkowsky* about *"Ukraine National Anthem"*.
I loved Big Brother.
Me too. It is scaringly precise in explaining the world, and it seems to be more correct every day.
--- WinPoint 401.1
* Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Lee Lofaso on Mon Feb 28 20:04:48 2022
Hi, Lee Lofaso!
I read your message from 27.02.2022 22:33
DP>>> Hizbollah. It even killed soviet diplomat in 80s and captured 3
DP>>> others, but USSR did nothing against them except for much talking
DP>>> And take Syria - how many people were tortured there for decades
DP>>> in prisons like one in Tandmour.
ak>> It's easy - when all peaceful ways to solve the problem end,
ak>> terrorists and rebels always will appear. It's life.
LL> How does that make Putin any different, given his actions on
LL> Ukraine?
Well, those rebels were Russians.
ak>> You are too young and you don't know the scandals when Americans
ak>> soldiers humiliated Iraqi prisoners in the most dishonest ways.
ak>> They treated them like animals. However, I believe is a common
ak>> feature of the people who work in prisons. Not all course.
LL> The soldiers who did that to Iraqi prisoners were courts martialed.
I don't think that Russian torturers were given medals.
LL> Russians protesting Putin's actions are being put in jail. There is
LL> no telling what their jailers are doing to them.
It is disgrace, no doubt. It means that the guard dogs should always
serve their duty on chain and were not allowed to guard the street outside.
LL> So who is deceiving who? The man who was there, or the man who is
LL> making stuff up?
LL> I think we all know the answer to that question.
Do you think Gorbachev gave up the East Germany without any conditions?
Bye, Lee!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Feb 28 20:11:08 2022
Hello, alexander!
Monday February 28 2022 20:04, you wrote to Lee Lofaso:
How does that make Putin any different, given his actions on
Well, those rebels were Russians.
Many people who thought with them were also Russians.
The soldiers who did that to Iraqi prisoners were courts
I don't think that Russian torturers were given medals.
Most of them - yes, got medals.
So who is deceiving who? The man who was there, or the man who
is making stuff up? I think we all know the answer to that
Do you think Gorbachev gave up the East Germany without any
If we have a document with conditions - why it's not pblic and why Gorbachev is silent about it?
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Gerrit Kuehn@2:240/12 to
Bj÷rn Felten on Mon Feb 28 18:19:34 2022
Hello Bjrn!
28 Feb 22 03:20, Bjrn Felten wrote to Ward Dossche:
Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, a Belgian born German, president of
the European Commission. Not bad for a woman in a man's world...
Hard to believe I'd ever find she's doing something useful. I was so happy back then when we finally got rid of her father whose politics and their consequences were a huge burden both for Lower Saxony and Germany as a country for decades.
... 6:19PM up 54 days, 5:14, 5 users, load averages: 0.17, 0.38, 0.44
--- msged/fbsd 6.3 2021-12-02
* Origin: Ideas of lust and dying (2:240/12)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Mon Feb 28 20:41:10 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 27.02.2022 13:19
DP>>> Hizbollah. It even killed soviet diplomat in 80s and captured 3
DP>>> others, but USSR did nothing against them except for much talking
DP>>> And take Syria - how many people were tortured there for decades
DP>>> in prisons like one in Tandmour.
ak>> It's easy - when all peaceful ways to solve the problem end,
ak>> terrorists and rebels always will appear. It's life.
DP> Hizbollah appeared when peaceful solution came to Lebanon. The
DP> whole idea was kill peacekeepers, to continue the war. And Syria
DP> war like this from 60s, when they've started to physically
DP> eliminate opposition.
It a false idea that peace had born Hizbollah. And such organizations
have not and cannot be fluffy and peaceful.
ak>> You are too young and you don't know the scandals when Americans
ak>> soldiers humiliated Iraqi prisoners in the most dishonest ways.
ak>> They treated them like animals. However, I believe is a common
ak>> feature of the people who work in prisons. Not all course.
DP> I am way too old to remember that were also punished. And no one
DP> from FSB was punished for torturing russian political prisoners.
The bigger punitive force the more chance to have sadists in its rows.
To begin torturing very easy -- you just need to hate. Tortures done by
the Ukranian neo-nazis also is well known fact. As the fact that they
burned their opponents alive in Odessa in 2014.
DP> And as I said before - NATO is a good idea for any country,
DP> otherwise Russia will find some excuse to invade.
They thought that they can do any impudent things under Russia's nose
and run with it. I repeat, it was a gross mistake and every person
before doing something unpleasant to somebody should always think of consequences.
Ukraine crossed red lines in Donbass and got a heavy blow, and nobody
could save it from Russia with its umbrella.
Russia also got a heavy blow from the world after the recent invasion,
but it was a calculated policy. Probably Putin wants to separate
Russians from the world and lead it its own way. In other words he likes
the western reaction. ;-)
ak>> These fucking idiots created most groundless foolish havoc that
ak>> the world has not seen for ages.
DP> It's nonsense. Putin started the war and you are blaming someone
DP> else.
The events started in 2014 after the coup where ultra-natioalists were
the main force. It trigged everything, the Crimea referendum and Donbass including.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Feb 28 21:12:18 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Monday February 28 2022 20:41, you wrote to me:
Hizbollah appeared when peaceful solution came to Lebanon. The
whole idea was kill peacekeepers, to continue the war. And Syria
war like this from 60s, when they've started to physically
eliminate opposition.
It a false idea that peace had born Hizbollah. And such organizations
have not and cannot be fluffy and peaceful.
Yes, Iran wanted to destroy Israel and created Hizbollah. It started it's operations by killing peacekeepers - 241 US soldiers and 58 French soldiers which came to contry to stop civil war. And Hizbollah used suicide bombers for that.
Please check their photo with suicide bombers on parade:
Our brothers in arms! We are fighting together in Syria.
The bigger punitive force the more chance to have sadists in its rows.
To begin torturing very easy -- you just need to hate. Tortures done
by the Ukranian neo-nazis also is well known fact. As the fact that
they burned their opponents alive in Odessa in 2014.
No, it was an accidental event. Nothing like sending killers to Europe, the common thing for our country during last years.
And as I said before - NATO is a good idea for any country,
otherwise Russia will find some excuse to invade.
They thought that they can do any impudent things under Russia's nose
and run with it. I repeat, it was a gross mistake and every person
before doing something unpleasant to somebody should always think of consequences.
Our nose is running - more than 1 million Russians died from COVID and no one cares.
But sending your army to Ukraine which just wanted to be protected - is another story.
Ukraine crossed red lines in Donbass and got a heavy blow, and nobody could save it from Russia with its umbrella.
So we've sent there troops in 2014 and kraine crossed red lines?! For real?!
Russia also got a heavy blow from the world after the recent invasion,
but it was a calculated policy. Probably Putin wants to separate
Russians from the world and lead it its own way. In other words he
likes the western reaction. ;-)
So he likes that Russians will suffer? It's like some BSDM game between our people and president?
Is there any 'stop' words for it?
It's nonsense. Putin started the war and you are blaming someone
The events started in 2014 after the coup where ultra-natioalists were
the main force. It trigged everything, the Crimea referendum and
Donbass including.
There was a coup in Burma last yeah and we are actually never blamed them for that. Our officials visited Burma after the coup and were shaking hands with new rules. And innocent people are being killed right now there.
So the whole story about "coup" is just a Putin's lie.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Gerrit Kuehn@2:240/12 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Mon Feb 28 21:44:44 2022
Hello Dmitry!
28 Feb 22 20:11, Dmitry Protasoff wrote to alexander koryagin:
Do you think Gorbachev gave up the East Germany without any
If we have a document with conditions - why it's not pblic and why Gorbachev is silent about it?
Gorbachev already statet years ago that there were no such conditions for the German reunification (and all the conditions they agreed on have been fulfiled). The topic came up later, but never reached the state of formal approval. In hindsight, this probably should have been done.
... 9:44PM up 54 days, 8:39, 5 users, load averages: 0.22, 0.45, 0.48
--- msged/fbsd 6.3 2021-12-02
* Origin: We're telling tales of communication (2:240/12)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Gerrit Kuehn on Tue Mar 1 00:42:30 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, Gerrit!
Monday February 28 2022 21:44, you wrote to me:
Gorbachev already statet years ago that there were no such conditions
for the German reunification (and all the conditions they agreed on
have been fulfiled). The topic came up later, but never reached the
state of formal approval. In hindsight, this probably should have been done.
Soviet Union was collapsing, we had civil war in some regions, no money to feed our people, just finished war in Afghanistan and almost no one here cared about some unified Germany and DDR.
My aunt visited DDR in ~88 (if I remember correctly) and told us - "those Germans live better than we do! what a shame!".
The whole idea to start a war to protect DDR where most of the people wanted reunification was a very weird idea for average Russian who wanted to buy more toilet paper and VCR (to watch US movies).
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Tim Schattkowsky on Tue Mar 1 01:47:50 2022
Hello Tim,
I loved Big Brother.
Me too. It is scaringly precise in explaining the world, and it seems to be
more correct every day.
From beginning to end. The last four words of Orwell's novel
are chilling - "He loved Big Brother." Those who have read the
novel would know that all too well.
Black lives matter!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Mar 1 01:48:00 2022
Hello Dmitry,
Do you think Gorbachev gave up the East Germany without any
If we have a document with conditions - why it's not pblic and why Gorbachev
is silent about it?
There is video -
"Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" ~Ronald Reagan in Berlin
Gorbachev complied, without saying a word (in English or in Russian).
Whose streets? / Our streets!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Lee Lofaso on Tue Mar 1 03:51:56 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, Lee!
Tuesday March 01 2022 01:48, you wrote to me:
Gorbachev complied, without saying a word (in English or in Russian).
Gorbachev was busy with problems in his own country, no one in USSR cared much about Berlin wall in 1989.
I am from Kuzbass region where in 1989 coal miners started protests, with political slogans.
Coal was exported to Japan, with payments in hard currency, it was very important for SU.
Coal miners started those protests because we had soap shortage and they were unable to wash enough after the work.
If you don't have enough soap for coal miners - how you are supposed to supply troops in DDR? The whole country was collapsing, DDR problem was something very alien to average russian citizen.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Tim Schattkowsky@2:240/1120.29 to
Lee Lofaso on Tue Mar 1 02:00:58 2022
//Hello Lee,//
on *01.03.22* at *0:47:50* You wrote in Area *FIDONEWS*
to *Tim Schattkowsky* about *"Ukraine National Anthem"*.
Me too. It is scaringly precise in explaining the world, and it seems to
be more correct every day.
From beginning to end. The last four words of Orwell's novel are chilling - "He loved Big Brother." Those who have read the novel would know that all too well.
A song comes to my mind: history repeats itself ...
As people forget the book, the things we went through in the past, we again have to argue over bullsthit that already found its judgement a long time ago ...
Learned a new word recently: bothsiderism ... fits perfectly in today.
--- WinPoint 401.1
* Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Mar 1 14:44:45 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 01.03.2022 00:42
DP> The whole idea to start a war to protect DDR where most of the
DP> people wanted reunification was a very weird idea for average
DP> Russian who wanted to buy more toilet paper and VCR (to watch US
DP> movies).
But people of Crimea could not want reunification. Because they were
Russians. ;-)
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 1 15:22:12 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Tuesday March 01 2022 14:44, you wrote to me:
The whole idea to start a war to protect DDR where most of the
people wanted reunification was a very weird idea for average
Russian who wanted to buy more toilet paper and VCR (to watch US
But people of Crimea could not want reunification. Because they were Russians. ;-)
People in Crimea voted for independence from Soviet Union in 1991, no one forced them to do it.
And DDR was not annexed by West Germany, no troops entered DDR and no one blocked Soviet forces there.
The real story was that Russia used it's military base to take Crimea from Ukraine, although we had a pact with Ukraine signed in 1997 that we respect it's borders.
Do you know that many Russian citizens are now trapped in Ukraine because our embassy just closed and never asked them to leave? The are mostly women and children, visiting their relatives. In Kiev, in Kharkov, where we are bombing residental areas.. We were liyng publicly while our embassy was burning papers and evacuating themselves.
And now you are telling me that we care about Russians?
We started a war even without formal declaration, like Germany did in 1941 to us by boming our cities at 5 am.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Mar 1 17:10:02 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 01.03.2022 15:22
DP>>> The whole idea to start a war to protect DDR where most
DP>>> of the people wanted reunification was a very weird
DP>>> idea for average Russian who wanted to buy more toilet
DP>>> paper and VCR (to watch US movies).
ak>> But people of Crimea could not want reunification. Because
ak>> they were Russians.;-)
DP> People in Crimea voted for independence from Soviet Union in
DP> 1991, no one forced them to do it.
They were promised prosperity in bilingual Ukraine. This promise was
dragged in the mire.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 1 17:39:28 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Tuesday March 01 2022 17:10, you wrote to me:
People in Crimea voted for independence from Soviet Union in
1991, no one forced them to do it.
They were promised prosperity in bilingual Ukraine. This promise was dragged in the mire.
Putin promised prosperity to Russians many times. And failed.
And now I don't even see how it's possible to end this conflict.
And what to do with Ukraine.
And do I really need to live in Russia? Some of my friends left already during last 4 days.
Putin is destroying our future.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Fri Mar 4 15:53:20 2022
Hello Dmitry,
People in Crimea voted for independence from Soviet Union in
1991, no one forced them to do it.
They were promised prosperity in bilingual Ukraine. This promise was
dragged in the mire.
Putin promised prosperity to Russians many times. And failed.
And now I don't even see how it's possible to end this conflict.
And what to do with Ukraine.
And do I really need to live in Russia? Some of my friends left already during last 4 days.
Putin is destroying our future.
Russia has no future under Putin.
Not everything can be blamed on Putin.
But he is a big part as to why Russia is suffering.
There are no winners in times of war.
Old men sending young men to die.
For no earthly reason other than their own selfish interests.
What a tragedy for all, soldiers and civilians alike.
Regardless of side they are on.
It is rumored that Putin will declare martial law in Russia.
Probably sooner, rather than later, if he has not done so already.
Those who remain stuck in Russia will have to ride it out.
And hope they survive.
Good luck.
Love trumps hate!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Lee Lofaso on Sat Mar 5 02:09:12 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, Lee!
Friday March 04 2022 15:53, you wrote to me:
Those who remain stuck in Russia will have to ride it out.
And hope they survive.
Even head of our state-owned air carrier Aeroflot flew from Russia :)
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Lee Lofaso on Sat Mar 5 08:44:31 2022
Hi, Lee Lofaso!
I read your message from 04.03.2022 17:53
DP>>>> People in Crimea voted for independence from Soviet
DP>>>> Union in 1991, no one forced them to do it.
ak>>> They were promised prosperity in bilingual Ukraine.
ak>>> This promise was dragged in the mire.
DP>> Putin promised prosperity to Russians many times. And
DP>> failed. And now I don't even see how it's possible to end
DP>> this conflict. And what to do with Ukraine.
DP>> And do I really need to live in Russia? Some of my friends
DP>> left already during last 4 days.
DP>> Putin is destroying our future.
LL> Russia has no future under Putin.
LL> Not everything can be blamed on Putin.
LL> But he is a big part as to why Russia is suffering.
Due to the good propaganda most Russians think that Russia suffers
because of the EU and US. Most Russians like Putin as their defender and
just person. ;)
PS: BTW they prohibit selling goods in Russia and blocked currency
accounts of banks. It means that dollar and euro are not very necessary
in Russia any more, and the exchange rate will not sore too high. ;-)
Bye, Lee!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
alexander koryagin on Sat Mar 5 16:57:45 2022
Hello Alexander,
Putin is destroying our future.
Russia has no future under Putin.
Not everything can be blamed on Putin.
But he is a big part as to why Russia is suffering.
Due to the good propaganda most Russians think that Russia suffers
because of the EU and US. Most Russians like Putin as their defender and just person. ;)
It is a natural desire wanting to trust the leader of one's country.
Especially in times of crisis. But truths cannot be hidden forever.
PS: BTW they prohibit selling goods in Russia and blocked currency accounts of banks. It means that dollar and euro are not very necessary
in Russia any more, and the exchange rate will not sore too high. ;-)
The economic ranking of Russia is 11th in the world, with a GDP
of $1.528 trillion, and a population of 145 million, with a GDP per
capita of $10,846.
That is about the same size as South Korea.
The effects of sanctions imposed on Russia will basically cut its
ecnomony in half, leaving it about the same size as Taiwan.
Only the very wealthy will be able to afford anything of value.
Assuming such things can be found.
Make 7-Up Yours
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Sun Mar 6 00:27:36 2022
Hello, alexander!
Saturday March 05 2022 08:44, you wrote to Lee Lofaso:
PS: BTW they prohibit selling goods in Russia and blocked currency accounts of banks. It means that dollar and euro are not very
necessary in Russia any more, and the exchange rate will not sore too high. ;-)
Euro and dollars are in high demand in Russia at the moment. Long queues in banks just to take them out of accounts.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Lee Lofaso on Sun Mar 6 20:32:47 2022
Hi, Lee Lofaso!
I read your message from 05.03.2022 18:57
DP>>>> Putin is destroying our future.
LL>>> Russia has no future under Putin. Not everything can be blamed on
LL>>> Putin. But he is a big part as to why Russia is suffering.
ak>> Due to the good propaganda most Russians think that Russia suffers
ak>> because of the EU and US. Most Russians like Putin as their
ak>> defender and just person.
LL> It is a natural desire wanting to trust the leader of one's
LL> country. Especially in times of crisis. But truths cannot be hidden
LL> forever.
It is difficult to say. Propaganda becomes strong when it contains a
good part of the truth. And the truth is that the Russian army,
actually, does in Ukraine the same things the Ukraine army has been
doing for 8 years, and even now it is still shelling Donetsk, for
instance. It has appeared that near Donetsk a huge Ukrainian army group
was concentrated this winter for some reason. Although, according Minsk agreement such forces cannot be there.
And the main fun is that all the blame for the creating the havoc in
2014 is put on Russians only. Shame. It is not they who make the people Ukraine to fight with each other.
ak>> PS: BTW they prohibit selling goods in Russia and blocked currency
ak>> accounts of banks. It means that dollar and euro are not very
ak>> necessary in Russia any more, and the exchange rate will not sore
ak>> too high.
LL> The economic ranking of Russia is 11th in the world, with a GDP of
LL> $1.528 trillion, and a population of 145 million, with a GDP per
LL> capita of $10,846.
LL> That is about the same size as South Korea.
Russians are ready to suffer for justice, if you don't know it. ;-)
LL> The effects of sanctions imposed on Russia will basically cut its
LL> ecnomony in half, leaving it about the same size as Taiwan.
LL> Only the very wealthy will be able to afford anything of value.
LL> Assuming such things can be found.
Well, the sanctions are heavy no doubt. But if Ukrainian ultras have
some brains they would realized that their military resistance is a very
small part in the world efforts to restrain Putin. Ukrainians could do
this war bloodless. They could allow Russian troops enter in Ukraine,
and the world suctions would do the rest. In this case Ukraine would not
be destroyed, multiple lives would have been saved.
Bye, Lee!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Sun Mar 6 10:04:26 2022
And the main fun is that all the blame for the creating the havoc in
2014 is put on Russians only. Shame. It is not they who make the people Ukraine to fight with each other.
The main "fun" in Ukraine in 2014 are separatists. Russian backed separatists.
Russians are ready to suffer for justice, if you don't know it. ;-)
You call an invasion justice?
There is nothing in Ukraine for Russia. There never was an there never will be.
Well, the sanctions are heavy no doubt. But if Ukrainian ultras have
some brains they would realized that their military resistance is a very small part in the world efforts to restrain Putin. Ukrainians could do
this war bloodless. They could allow Russian troops enter in Ukraine,
and the world suctions would do the rest. In this case Ukraine would not
be destroyed, multiple lives would have been saved.
A better solution is if Russia stayed out of Ukraine instead of sending an invasion for to kill civilians.
It didn't happen like that but if you think you can explain it away then carry on.
Russia not only wages war on Ukraine but on truth. Here in the west we know the truth but you may not.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 7 00:23:32 2022
Hello, alexander!
Sunday March 06 2022 20:32, you wrote to Lee Lofaso:
It is difficult to say. Propaganda becomes strong when it contains a
good part of the truth. And the truth is that the Russian army,
actually, does in Ukraine the same things the Ukraine army has been
doing for 8 years, and even now it is still shelling Donetsk, for
The same story. Russia sent forces to Ukraine in 2014 and managed to keep this conflict alive with only the one reason - to start current war with Ukraine.
Putin announced that Ukraine should not exist. Clear as day.
Russians are ready to suffer for justice, if you don't know it. ;-)
They are not. I can see that every day while talking to dozens of Russians.
Well, the sanctions are heavy no doubt. But if Ukrainian ultras have
some brains they would realized that their military resistance is a
very small part in the world efforts to restrain Putin. Ukrainians
No, they are fighting for their Motherland.
could do this war bloodless. They could allow Russian troops enter in Ukraine, and the world suctions would do the rest. In this case
Ukraine would not be destroyed, multiple lives would have been saved.
Putin is just a crazy madman. You should never surrender to crazy madman.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to
Alan Ianson on Sun Mar 6 20:42:00 2022
Hello Alan Ianson!
** On Sunday 06.03.22 - 10:04, Alan Ianson wrote to alexander koryagin:
There is nothing in Ukraine for Russia. There never was an there never will be.
Apparently it's rich in mineral resources.
A better solution is if Russia stayed out of Ukraine
instead of sending an invasion for to kill civilians.
A logical, sensible leader might do that. Develop good
business ties - and then prosper together.
A former prez. to Latvia, Vaira Vike-Freiberga, recently stated
that "Putin is a narcissist, psychopath, egomaniac and
unhinged", all in one sentence. Trained as a psychologist, she
is probably actually qualified to say that. She stated that he
does not care for the well-being of other people.
--- OpenXP 5.0.51
* Origin: --> . <-- (2:221/1.58)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
August Abolins on Sun Mar 6 18:15:04 2022
Apparently it's rich in mineral resources.
Russia is also rich in natural resources. I don't think that is what Putin wants.
A logical, sensible leader might do that. Develop good
business ties - and then prosper together.
Yes, that would be mutually beneficial. Putin is only concerned with his own benefit. I wonder if he has realized yet there is no benefit in his war.
A former prez. to Latvia, Vaira Vike-Freiberga, recently stated
that "Putin is a narcissist, psychopath, egomaniac and
unhinged", all in one sentence. Trained as a psychologist, she
is probably actually qualified to say that. She stated that he
does not care for the well-being of other people.
He certainly is unhinged. He has played the nuclear card. Now the west is also calculating..
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Mon Mar 7 16:55:16 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 06.03.2022 21:04
ak>> And the main fun is that all the blame for the creating the havoc
ak>> in 2014 is put on Russians only. Shame. It is not they who make
ak>> the people Ukraine to fight with each other.
AI> The main "fun" in Ukraine in 2014 are separatists. Russian backed
AI> separatists.
You are fooled. The Russian rebels appeared a good time _after_ the ultra-nationalists cope in Kiev when bilingual Ukraine had been
violently demolished and its legal president had to run away to save his
life. And quite logically a huge mass of people in east and south of
Ukraine could not accept it. The reckless violence by nationalist
trigged all pensive events in Ukraine.
No wonder however. Those nationalists are fucking children of
totalitarian regimes and they could not imagine a democratic way of
reforms. They showed a kind of national fascism -- totalitarian
suppression of opponents.
ak>> Russians are ready to suffer for justice, if you don't know it.
AI> You call an invasion justice?
Well you then probably call justice a 8-years siege of Donbass with 14 thousand killed? All this time everything was all right and democratic?
Why you has been shut up then and is so loud now?
AI> There is nothing in Ukraine for Russia. There never was an there
AI> never will be.
You forgot that eastern Ukraine has always had closest ties with Russia
and is Russian speaking. And this was one of the reasons for the attack
on the eastern regions of Ukraine after the cope in 2014.
ak>> Well, the sanctions are heavy no doubt. But if Ukrainian ultras
ak>> have some brains they would realized that their military
ak>> resistance is a very small part in the world efforts to restrain
ak>> Putin. Ukrainians could do this war bloodless. They could allow
ak>> Russian troops enter in Ukraine, and the world suctions would do
ak>> the rest. In this case Ukraine would not be destroyed, multiple
ak>> lives would have been saved.
AI> A better solution is if Russia stayed out of Ukraine instead of
AI> sending an invasion for to kill civilians.
Even now Russian troops cannot stop shelling of Donetsk.
AI> It didn't happen like that but if you think you can explain it away
AI> then carry on.
I just try to be objective. And don't follow Putin's propaganda. The
main thing you should understand on the west that both partis of the
conflict are guilty for it creation. But the start was the nationalistic
cope in 2014.
AI> Russia not only wages war on Ukraine but on truth. Here in the west
AI> we know the truth but you may not.
How do you know the truth if you have not even a single correspondent on
the Russian side of the conflict? ;-)
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Mon Mar 7 17:13:10 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 07.03.2022 00:23
ak>> It is difficult to say. Propaganda becomes strong when it contains
ak>> a good part of the truth. And the truth is that the Russian army,
ak>> actually, does in Ukraine the same things the Ukraine army has
ak>> been doing for 8 years, and even now it is still shelling Donetsk,
ak>> for
DP> The same story. Russia sent forces to Ukraine in 2014 and managed
DP> to keep this conflict alive with only the one reason - to start
DP> current war with Ukraine. Putin announced that Ukraine should not
DP> exist. Clear as day.
People in eastern and southern Ukraine were too close to Russia to allow
them to be eliminated. I think elimination of a bilingual Ukraine was a foolish and criminal act. Lawlessness bore lawlessness, as a rule.
ak>> Russians are ready to suffer for justice, if you don't know it.
DP> They are not. I can see that every day while talking to dozens of
DP> Russians.
I would speak in general, not by dozens.
ak>> Well, the sanctions are heavy no doubt. But if Ukrainian ultras
ak>> have some brains they would realized that their military
ak>> resistance is a very small part in the world efforts to restrain
ak>> Putin. Ukrainians
DP> No, they are fighting for their Motherland.
You don't understand. Let Russian troops enter where they want but fix
the lawlessness of the act. It would a peaceful bloodless resistance.
Russian troops would have nothing to do in Ukraine.
ak>> could do this war bloodless. They could allow Russian troops enter
ak>> in Ukraine, and the world suctions would do the rest. In this case
ak>> Ukraine would not be destroyed, multiple lives would have been
ak>> saved.
DP> Putin is just a crazy madman. You should never surrender to crazy
DP> madman.
I hope Zelensky understands it. However he tries to drag into the
conflict NATO and the US in his appeals.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 7 10:56:20 2022
The main "fun" in Ukraine in 2014 are separatists. Russian backed
You are fooled.
No, and I won't be fooled by you.
The Russian rebels appeared a good time _after_ the
ultra-nationalists cope in Kiev when bilingual Ukraine had been
violently demolished and its legal president had to run away to save his life. And quite logically a huge mass of people in east and south of
Ukraine could not accept it. The reckless violence by nationalist
trigged all pensive events in Ukraine.
There was no coup, or cope as you call it. The people of Ukraine did not want to go in the direction that Viktor Yanukovych wanted to take the country and so they revolted and ousted him.
I could go on about that but I think you get the idea?
No wonder however. Those nationalists are fucking children of
totalitarian regimes and they could not imagine a democratic way of
reforms. They showed a kind of national fascism -- totalitarian
suppression of opponents.
That is what Russia is doing in a peaceful, sovereign nation.
You call an invasion justice?
Well you then probably call justice a 8-years siege of Donbass with 14 thousand killed? All this time everything was all right and democratic?
Why you has been shut up then and is so loud now?
No, as I said the situation in the east of the country is separatists. Russia backed separatists. Do you think Russia has any roll in solving Ukraine problems? No, Russia has played a roll in exacerbating them for it's own percieved gains.
There is nothing in Ukraine for Russia. There never was an there
never will be.
You forgot that eastern Ukraine has always had closest ties with Russia
and is Russian speaking. And this was one of the reasons for the attack
on the eastern regions of Ukraine after the cope in 2014.
Russian is a very common language in Ukraine. Many in all parts of Ukraine speak both languages.
A man can speak war or peace in any language. It's best to speak a language your target audience can understand.
Well, the sanctions are heavy no doubt. But if Ukrainian ultras
have some brains they would realized that their military
resistance is a very small part in the world efforts to restrain
Putin. Ukrainians could do this war bloodless. They could allow
Russian troops enter in Ukraine, and the world suctions would do
the rest. In this case Ukraine would not be destroyed, multiple
lives would have been saved.
Ukrainians have not started a war, Russia did. Russia gave the citizens of Ukraine no choice. They has bombed both Russian and Ukrainian speakers indescriminately.
Russia is not in Ukraine protecting Russian speakers, it is killing them along with Ukrainian speakers.
A better solution is if Russia stayed out of Ukraine instead of
sending an invasion for to kill civilians.
Even now Russian troops cannot stop shelling of Donetsk.
Of course they can, but Putin needs to save face somehow and I don't see a way for him to do that. So, the killing continues.
I just try to be objective. And don't follow Putin's propaganda. The
main thing you should understand on the west that both partis of the
conflict are guilty for it creation. But the start was the nationalistic
cope in 2014.
Russia started and continues this war. That is not a hard fact to be objective about.
How do you know the truth if you have not even a single correspondent on
the Russian side of the conflict? ;-)
I don't have a Russian correspondent sitting next to me here, but the last one I was reading says that millions of Russians think this war is a catastophy and are protesting the war at great risk to themselves.
This is very much a Putin vs Ukraine war and not a Russia vs Ukraine war.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 8 16:53:38 2022
Hello, alexander!
Monday March 07 2022 17:13, you wrote to me:
The same story. Russia sent forces to Ukraine in 2014 and
managed to keep this conflict alive with only the one reason -
to start current war with Ukraine. Putin announced that Ukraine
should not exist. Clear as day.
People in eastern and southern Ukraine were too close to Russia to
allow them to be eliminated. I think elimination of a bilingual
"Eleminated" is just a wrong word, do you think that ossetians in Russia were "eliminated"?
Ukraine was a foolish and criminal act. Lawlessness bore lawlessness,
as a rule.
Ukraine us still bilingual. People use Russian kanguage every day. It's even more bilingual than Tatarstan in Russia.
And our country decided not to evacuate Russians citizens from Ukraine, our state officials lied to them that there will be no war.
And now they are trapped, they cannot escape via Poland, because they don't have visas.
Our embassy just left without doing anything to help them.
This is how our country treats our citizens! Who speaks Russian, btw.
Russians are ready to suffer for justice, if you don't know it.
They are not. I can see that every day while talking to dozens
of Russians.
I would speak in general, not by dozens.
Russians already leaving Russia in big numbers, although we don't have any war inside our territory.
No, they are fighting for their Motherland.
You don't understand. Let Russian troops enter where they want but fix
the lawlessness of the act. It would a peaceful bloodless resistance.
Russian troops would have nothing to do in Ukraine.
Finns were ready to fight with USSR and now Finland is a very nice place to live. Otherwise it would be just another poor former Soviet republic.
Ukraine is doing the same.
And Puting lied many times, why do you think he won't incorporate Ukraine into Russia? Do you still trust him? :)
Putin is just a crazy madman. You should never surrender to
crazy madman.
I hope Zelensky understands it. However he tries to drag into the
conflict NATO and the US in his appeals.
He wants to protect Ukraine, that's all.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Mar 8 15:40:26 2022
And now they are trapped, they cannot escape via Poland, because they
don't have visas.
Incorrect ... Ukrainians fleeing into Poland, and as a consequence into the EU, need no passport nor visa. Some kind of identification comes in handy but even a membership of the Mickey Mouse club will do.
So far 2 million Ukrainians have crossed the border and that would've been impossible had there been a visa-requirement ... Refugees receive immediate aid, immediate refugee-status and are dispersed over de EU to spread the burden on the locals. Tens of thousands of people have opened houses and are harbouring the refugees for free, giving them shelter, hygiene, food ...
There was a rumour in Russia that Russian students in the west are kicked-off from universities. That is also incorrect, they are even supported in these trying times...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Ward Dossche on Tue Mar 8 18:40:16 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, Ward!
Tuesday March 08 2022 15:40, you wrote to me:
And now they are trapped, they cannot escape via Poland, because
they don't have visas.
Incorrect ... Ukrainians fleeing into Poland, and as a consequence
into the EU, need no passport nor visa. Some kind of identification
comes in handy but even a membership of the Mickey Mouse club will do.
Ukranians, but not Russians with Russian passport and without Ukranian passport.
We had many women with children visiting their relatives in Ukarine.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Tue Mar 8 20:19:17 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 07.03.2022 21:56
AI>>> The main "fun" in Ukraine in 2014 are separatists. Russian backed
AI>>> separatists.
ak>> You are fooled.
AI> No, and I won't be fooled by you.
ak>> The Russian rebels appeared a good time _after_ the ultra-
ak>> nationalists cope in Kiev when bilingual Ukraine had been
ak>> violently demolished and its legal president had to run away to
ak>> save his life. And quite logically a huge mass of people in east
ak>> and south of Ukraine could not accept it. The reckless violence by
ak>> nationalist trigged all pensive events in Ukraine.
AI> There was no coup, or cope as you call it. The people of Ukraine
AI> did not want to go in the direction that Viktor Yanukovych wanted
AI> to take the country and so they revolted and ousted him.
Can you apply this to the storming of the Capitol in the US by the
Trumps' supporters? Suppose they would overthrown Biden, and imagine
that the Biden's supporters would not have accepted the changing of
power and would take arms?
AI> I could go on about that but I think you get the idea?
The talking is always better than wars.
ak>> No wonder however. Those nationalists are fucking children of
ak>> totalitarian regimes and they could not imagine a democratic way
ak>> of reforms. They showed a kind of national fascism -- totalitarian
ak>> suppression of opponents.
AI> That is what Russia is doing in a peaceful, sovereign nation.
You blindly don't want to note the totalitarian methods of the Ukrainian nationalistic regime towards Russian speaking population. All "love" to Ukraine that Russians now are being inoculated are based on threats,
violence, bans and discrimination. To defend rights of Russians in
Ukraine has been simply dangerous for the last 8 years.
AI>>> You call an invasion justice?
ak>> Well you then probably call justice a 8-years siege of Donbass
ak>> with 14 thousand killed? All this time everything was all right
ak>> and democratic? Why you has been shut up then and is so loud now?
AI> No, as I said the situation in the east of the country is
AI> separatists. Russia backed separatists. Do you think Russia has any
AI> roll in solving Ukraine problems? No, Russia has played a roll in
AI> exacerbating them for it's own percieved gains.
Nobody wanted to separate from Ukraine when its authority conducted a
wise, balanced, bilingual policy, very logical in such bilingual
countries like Ukraine. But some nationalistic idiots crashed everything
that was built after Ukraine became an independent state. Actually a few thousand extremists in Kiev made the cope in 2014.
AI>>> There is nothing in Ukraine for Russia. There never was an there
AI>>> never will be.
ak>> You forgot that eastern Ukraine has always had closest ties with
ak>> Russia and is Russian speaking. And this was one of the reasons
ak>> for the attack on the eastern regions of Ukraine after the cope in
ak>> 2014.
AI> Russian is a very common language in Ukraine. Many in all parts of
AI> Ukraine speak both languages.
For the person is most important which language he speaking at home, in
which language he thought. For up to 46% of Ukrainian this language is Russian, not even speaking about so called Russian speaking areas in the
east and south. To demand from this people to refuse teaching their
children in Russian, make Russian newspapers, radio, TV-channels is a totalitarian, nationalistic violent way. Actually on the verge of Nazi
way, because in this situation there is no smell of democracy and
freedom in Ukraine after 2014.
AI> Ukrainians have not started a war, Russia did. Russia gave the
AI> citizens of Ukraine no choice. They has bombed both Russian and
AI> Ukrainian speakers indescriminately.
This war began in 2014. But until now it was in Donbass area. I support helping to besieged people of Donbass, but I think that Putin's idea to
clean all Ukraine from Nazi is crazy and unrealisable. Ukraine was
always divided and it always be. The only positive thing for the war
maybe will be that many Ukrainians now will feel by themselves what the
people of Donbass has felt for the last 8 years.
ak>> I just try to be objective. And don't follow Putin's propaganda.
ak>> The main thing you should understand on the west that both parties
ak>> of the conflict are guilty for it creation. But the start was the
ak>> nationalistic cope in 2014.
AI> Russia started and continues this war. That is not a hard fact to
AI> be objective about.
The war was started in 2014. And, the crazy Putin's operation in Ukraine
is its unexpected and illogical continuation. Nobody expected it and
believed that such a thing could happen. It happened after Putin had
grabbed all the power in his hand and removed the strong people who
could object him.
ak>> How do you know the truth if you have not even a single
ak>> correspondent on the Russian side of the conflict?
AI> I don't have a Russian correspondent sitting next to me here, but
AI> the last one I was reading says that millions of Russians think
AI> this war is a catastophy and are protesting the war at great risk
AI> to themselves.
Russia is a big country.
AI> This is very much a Putin vs Ukraine war and not a Russia vs
AI> Ukraine war.
But if you want to be objective you should not dissolve the reason of
the situation in a Putin's figure only -- ugly face for many. The
problem exists without Putin.
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 8 19:37:06 2022
Hello Alexander,
Putin is destroying our future.
Russia has no future under Putin. Not everything can be blamed on
Putin. But he is a big part as to why Russia is suffering.
Due to the good propaganda most Russians think that Russia suffers
because of the EU and US. Most Russians like Putin as their
defender and just person.
It is a natural desire wanting to trust the leader of one's
country. Especially in times of crisis. But truths cannot be hidden
It is difficult to say. Propaganda becomes strong when it contains a
good part of the truth.
Propaganda has limitations. In the world today, everybody has their
own means of obtaining the information they seek. As such, it is only
a pipe dream of those who want to limit or control news media.
And the truth is that the Russian army, actually, does in Ukraine the same things the Ukraine army has been doing for 8 years, and even now it is still shelling Donetsk, for instance.
The truth is no longer what one side or another says it is. People
are now able to find out, almost instantaneously, what is happening
around the world.
It has appeared that near Donetsk a huge Ukrainian army group
was concentrated this winter for some reason. Although, according Minsk agreement such forces cannot be there.
The Minsk Agreements are null and void given Putin's actions.
That is not propaganda, but fact. Neither side fully complied
with the terms, and were not likely to do so. But they were
a basis that could have been used to build on.
And the main fun is that all the blame for the creating the havoc in
2014 is put on Russians only. Shame. It is not they who make the people Ukraine to fight with each other.
Putin's actions in regards to Ukraine were unjustified and unprovoked.
Lives have been lost, both Russian and Ukrainian. As a result, blood
is on his hands. Does that mean Ukraine is totally innocent? Of course
not. There were groups in Donbas region that were far-right extremist.
But that was Ukraine's problem to deal with. And should not have been
Russia's concern.
PS: BTW they prohibit selling goods in Russia and blocked currency
accounts of banks. It means that dollar and euro are not very
necessary in Russia any more, and the exchange rate will not sore
too high.
The economic ranking of Russia is 11th in the world, with a GDP of
$1.528 trillion, and a population of 145 million, with a GDP per
capita of $10,846.
That is about the same size as South Korea.
Russians are ready to suffer for justice, if you don't know it. ;-)
Revenge is a dish best served cold. ~Klingon proverb
The effects of sanctions imposed on Russia will basically cut its
ecnomony in half, leaving it about the same size as Taiwan.
Only the very wealthy will be able to afford anything of value.
Assuming such things can be found.
Well, the sanctions are heavy no doubt. But if Ukrainian ultras have
some brains they would realized that their military resistance is a very small part in the world efforts to restrain Putin.
Putin is finished. His military advisors now realise it was a serious
mistake or miscalculation to have attempted to invade Ukraine. The cost
was way too high, and will continue to get higher as time goes on.
Not only have the people of Ukraine united, but so has NATO. As well
as the European Union. Indeed, the entire world has condemned Putin's
action. Except maybe for China, which has refused to go along with
Ukrainians could do this war bloodless.
Russia attacked Ukraine, not the other way around. An unjustified
and unprovoked attack on a democratically-elected sovereign state.
They could allow Russian troops enter in Ukraine, and the world suctions would do the rest.
"I do not want to beat you up. But if you do not give me what I want,
I will." ~bully to intended victim
In this case Ukraine would not be destroyed, multiple lives would have been
In this case, the victim refused to give his lunch money to the bully,
and the bully beat himself up, losing two top generals in the process.
Seriously, the road to peace is never through war. We should all
pray for peace, in our own way. Give peace a chance.
Big Or Small We Lay Them All
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 8 19:37:12 2022
Hello Alexander,
Russia not only wages war on Ukraine but on truth. Here in the west
we know the truth but you may not.
How do you know the truth if you have not even a single correspondent on the
Russian side of the conflict? ;-)
The truth. Or course. But whose truth? That is the question. Is it
the world according to Biden? The world according to Putin? The world
according to Garp? Maybe it is the world according to Lee. Or even the
world according to Alexander. The truth is whatever we make it out to
be. Which might explain why Jesus remained silent when Pilate asked
him that very question.
~by Elizabeth H. Connor
With our President as leader,
Lies the world’s destiny,
Where in righteousness and freedom
Will prevail equally.
Holding forth the very brightest
Aspirations for all,
A universal peace and trust,
In freedom’s bugle call.
Highest ideals personified,
The noblest of mankind,
Where honor and democracy
Together are combined.
When might will be replaced by right,
And peace shall dawn again,
Our nation’s annals will reveal
The glory of his reign.
She wrote those words long before all of us were born. Have things
changed at all since her time? Sometimes I wonder. Even without nukes,
we are able to cause massive destruction and cause more deaths than
ever thought possible.
We! Reject! The president-nonelect!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 8 15:13:46 2022
There was no coup, or cope as you call it. The people of Ukraine
did not want to go in the direction that Viktor Yanukovych wanted
to take the country and so they revolted and ousted him.
Can you apply this to the storming of the Capitol in the US by the
Trumps' supporters? Suppose they would overthrown Biden, and imagine
that the Biden's supporters would not have accepted the changing of
power and would take arms?
No, the storming of the capitol in the US was based on the big lie of Donald Trump and a large swath of the republican party.
I don't think it had a very good chance of success. It was an attack on democracy by the republican party supported by groups like the oath keepers. It was not a popular uprising.
I believe one of those oath keepers was convicted on all charges today but I need to read more.
The talking is always better than wars.
That is what Russia is doing in a peaceful, sovereign nation.
You blindly don't want to note the totalitarian methods of the Ukrainian nationalistic regime towards Russian speaking population. All "love" to Ukraine that Russians now are being inoculated are based on threats, violence, bans and discrimination. To defend rights of Russians in
Ukraine has been simply dangerous for the last 8 years.
No, I don't believe it happened this way.
You call an invasion justice?
Well you then probably call justice a 8-years siege of Donbass
with 14 thousand killed? All this time everything was all right
and democratic? Why you has been shut up then and is so loud now?
I am not saying the death of anyone is good. I am saying that some in the Donbass region are separatists, a minority supported by Russia and that is why it has come to this.
Nobody wanted to separate from Ukraine when its authority conducted a
wise, balanced, bilingual policy, very logical in such bilingual
countries like Ukraine. But some nationalistic idiots crashed everything
that was built after Ukraine became an independent state. Actually a few thousand extremists in Kiev made the cope in 2014.
If it was wise and balanced then why a popular uprising to oust the then leader?
The uprising in 2014 was not about the Donbass region. The people of Ukraine did not want a Putin puppet in power as is the case in Belarus and so they ousted him. The people of Ukraine are free to choose their future and they have done so.
The Russian federation can not force their will on Ukraine. They can try through military might but this will fail at great cost to Russia in international opinion and the loss of some soldiers sent in to fight and also in economic sanctions.
The people of Ukraine will pay in blood, sweat and tears for a war they didn't start.
There is nothing good here for Russia, Ukraine or the world.
You forgot that eastern Ukraine has always had closest ties with
Russia and is Russian speaking. And this was one of the reasons
for the attack on the eastern regions of Ukraine after the cope in
I did not forget that. That is not a bad thing. It's not something to start a war over.
For the person is most important which language he speaking at home, in
which language he thought. For up to 46% of Ukrainian this language is Russian, not even speaking about so called Russian speaking areas in the
east and south. To demand from this people to refuse teaching their
children in Russian, make Russian newspapers, radio, TV-channels is a totalitarian, nationalistic violent way. Actually on the verge of Nazi
way, because in this situation there is no smell of democracy and
freedom in Ukraine after 2014.
Yes, Russians are not so different than Ukrainians.
This war began in 2014.
Don't be romantic. This war started Feb 24, 2022 although Russia took some time to build up the military force around Ukraine's border. This war is Russia's doing and not someone else.
But until now it was in Donbass area. I support
helping to besieged people of Donbass, but I think that Putin's idea to
clean all Ukraine from Nazi is crazy and unrealisable. Ukraine was
always divided and it always be. The only positive thing for the war
maybe will be that many Ukrainians now will feel by themselves what the people of Donbass has felt for the last 8 years.
It is crazy because there are no nazi's in Ukraine aside from the russian forces that now occupy and attack the peace loving nation of Ukraine.
Russia started and continues this war. That is not a hard fact to
be objective about.
The war was started in 2014.
And, the crazy Putin's operation in Ukraine is its unexpected and illogical continuation. Nobody expected it and believed that such a thing could
happen. It happened after Putin had grabbed all the power in his hand and removed the strong people who could object him.
Russia has become an oligarchy. The Oligarch's depend on each other. Is that the only power in Russia today?
I don't have a Russian correspondent sitting next to me here, but
the last one I was reading says that millions of Russians think
this war is a catastophy and are protesting the war at great risk
to themselves.
Russia is a big country.
So it is and it is clear that most of the people of Russia have nothing to gain from a war with Ukraine, and no desire to be there in a state of war.
But if you want to be objective you should not dissolve the reason of
the situation in a Putin's figure only -- ugly face for many. The
problem exists without Putin.
While the Russian federation is responsible for the invasion it was ordered by Putin for some crazy idea that does not benefit the peoople of Russia, or anyone else.
The problem is the oligarchs. No one else in Russia seems to have a say in what is happening in Russia. They can't even say this is a war and they can't even say I disagree. So they sit back and watch, powerless to do or say anything.
A few brave souls do simply say "I disagree" in the town square at great personal cost to themselves.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Mar 9 08:41:41 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 08.03.2022 16:53
ak>> People in eastern and southern Ukraine were too close to
ak>> Russia to allow them to be eliminated. I think elimination
ak>> of a bilingual
DP> "Eleminated" is just a wrong word, do you think that ossetians
DP> in Russia were "eliminated"?
Ossetians entered Russia voluntarily and learned Russian to be part of
Russia, nobody threatened them or fined. As for Russian speaking in
Ukraine they are much more numerous, and they have the right to be
treated on equal footing with Ukrainians.
ak>> Ukraine was a foolish and criminal act. Lawlessness bore
ak>> lawlessness, as a rule.
DP> Ukraine us still bilingual. People use Russian kanguage every
It is not true. New law about the state language strongly discriminates
the Russian language. Actually, according the law (the final stage of
which was planed in 2024) it will be almost impossible to issue Russian speaking newspapers, do Russian radio stations, Russian tv channels etc.
(Russian resource)
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Wed Mar 9 09:49:42 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 09.03.2022 02:13
AI>>> There was no coup, or cope as you call it. The people of Ukraine
AI>>> did not want to go in the direction that Viktor Yanukovych wanted
AI>>> to take the country and so they revolted and ousted him.
ak>> Can you apply this to the storming of the Capitol in the US by the
ak>> Trumps' supporters? Suppose they would overthrown Biden, and
ak>> imagine that the Biden's supporters would not have accepted the
ak>> changing of power and would take arms?
AI> No, the storming of the capitol in the US was based on the big lie
AI> of Donald Trump and a large swath of the republican party.
Well, Ukrainian nationalists also lied that Yanukovich sold himself to
Moscow, and it was a complete lie.
AI> I don't think it had a very good chance of success. It was an
AI> attack on democracy by the republican party supported by groups
AI> like the oath keepers. It was not a popular uprising.
Yes, it was on less scale, but you can imagine that it could be on a
great scale. And in that case we will see something similar to the
Kiev's events in 2014.
AI>>> That is what Russia is doing in a peaceful, sovereign nation.
ak>> You blindly don't want to note the totalitarian methods of the
ak>> Ukrainian nationalistic regime towards Russian speaking
ak>> population. All "love" to Ukraine that Russians now are being
ak>> inoculated are based on threats, violence, bans and
ak>> discrimination. To defend rights of Russians in Ukraine has been
ak>> simply dangerous for the last 8 years.
AI> No, I don't believe it happened this way.
Yeah, those who are against Russia cannot be bad guys. Or, maybe, this
will be closer -- "those guys are bastards, but they are our bastards!" ;-)
ak>> Nobody wanted to separate from Ukraine when its authority
ak>> conducted a wise, balanced, bilingual policy, very logical in such
ak>> bilingual countries like Ukraine. But some nationalistic idiots
ak>> crashed everything that was built after Ukraine became an
ak>> independent state. Actually a few thousand extremists in Kiev made
ak>> the cope in 2014.
AI> If it was wise and balanced then why a popular uprising to oust the
AI> then leader?
I say you, the mutiny was similar to the Capitol storming. The
difference was that western countries greatly threaten Yanukovich so
that he would not cease the mutiny by the police force. The agreement
for peace had been achieved, but the same evening somebody started
shooting at the crowd and the police. Of course nationalists easily
blamed Yanukovich, although it had no sense for him after the agreement concluded.
In short all "popular uprising" was done by a small group of people.
ak>> This war began in 2014.
AI> Don't be romantic. This war started Feb 24, 2022 although Russia
AI> took some time to build up the military force around Ukraine's
AI> border. This war is Russia's doing and not someone else.
Better to say that in 2022 Russia openly entered in the Ukrainian civil
war that had started in 2014.
ak>> But until now it was in Donbass area. I support helping to
ak>> besieged people of Donbass, but I think that Putin's idea to clean
ak>> all Ukraine from Nazi is crazy and unrealisable. Ukraine was
ak>> always divided and it always be. The only positive thing for the
ak>> war maybe will be that many Ukrainians now will feel by themselves
ak>> what the people of Donbass has felt for the last 8 years.
AI> It is crazy because there are no nazi's in Ukraine aside from the
AI> russian forces that now occupy and attack the peace loving nation
AI> of Ukraine.
Uhu, this is from another planet, not Ukraine:
http://pics.rsh.ru/img/IMGx2028456_4t6v1y1j.jpg http://pics.rsh.ru/img/IMGx2029194_lk19dzdx.jpg
ak>> And, the crazy Putin's operation in Ukraine is its unexpected and
ak>> illogical continuation. Nobody expected it and believed that such
ak>> a thing could happen. It happened after Putin had grabbed all the
ak>> power in his hand and removed the strong people who could object
ak>> him.
AI> Russia has become an oligarchy. The Oligarch's depend on each
AI> other. Is that the only power in Russia today?
It seems Putin has grabbed all the power and he surrounded himself with
loyal military and police units. No oligarch can make him to change his
AI> A few brave souls do simply say "I disagree" in the town square at
AI> great personal cost to themselves.
Putin has created many laws and forces to suppress such acts. Modern electronics, spy technology has brought the world of Orwell into Russia quicker than it penetrates into other countries. :-\
That's why any countries should NOT create such omnipresent spying
structures! Because one day you will find that you cannot change your
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 9 11:16:56 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Wednesday March 09 2022 08:41, you wrote to me:
"Eleminated" is just a wrong word, do you think that ossetians
in Russia were "eliminated"?
Ossetians entered Russia voluntarily and learned Russian to be part of
Ukraine left USSR after referendum, as free choice of people. No one forced them to become independed state with ukranian as offical language.
Russia, nobody threatened them or fined. As for Russian speaking in
They have to use Russian in schools and universities, otherwise they will be punished, even jailed.
Ukraine they are much more numerous, and they have the right to be
treated on equal footing with Ukrainians.
Chechens in Chechnya have to use Russian in schools, but they are majority in Chechnya. And they never joined Russia voluntarily.
Ukraine us still bilingual. People use Russian kanguage every
It is not true. New law about the state language strongly
It's no true. I've been in Kiev some time ago and had no problem with my Russian.
discriminates the Russian language. Actually, according the law (the
final stage of which was planed in 2024) it will be almost impossible
to issue Russian speaking newspapers, do Russian radio stations,
Russian tv channels etc.
(Russian resource)
According to the news you just have to provide ukranian language copy. Ukranians were at war with Russia for 8 years, don't forget about that.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 9 11:17:18 2022
Hello, alexander!
Wednesday March 09 2022 09:49, you wrote to Alan Ianson:
No, the storming of the capitol in the US was based on the big
lie of Donald Trump and a large swath of the republican party.
Well, Ukrainian nationalists also lied that Yanukovich sold himself to
Moscow, and it was a complete lie.
How do you know about his relatons with Putin? Sources?
We now all know that Putin thinks that Ukraine should not exist. And it was his idea for many years.
I don't think it had a very good chance of success. It was an
attack on democracy by the republican party supported by groups
like the oath keepers. It was not a popular uprising.
Yes, it was on less scale, but you can imagine that it could be on a
great scale. And in that case we will see something similar to the
Kiev's events in 2014.
It's not similar. Ukraine had free elections after Yanukovich, no one took power by force.
USA had elections also, and Trump lost.
No, I don't believe it happened this way.
Yeah, those who are against Russia cannot be bad guys. Or, maybe, this
will be closer -- "those guys are bastards, but they are our
bastards!" ;-)
I am against current Russian actions and I live in Russia. So what? :)
I say you, the mutiny was similar to the Capitol storming. The
difference was that western countries greatly threaten Yanukovich so
that he would not cease the mutiny by the police force. The agreement
for peace had been achieved, but the same evening somebody started shooting at the crowd and the police. Of course nationalists easily
blamed Yanukovich, although it had no sense for him after the
agreement concluded. In short all "popular uprising" was done by a
small group of people.
You can't fully control people with weapons who are ready to kill.
So probably no one asked Yanukovich for permission.
Don't be romantic. This war started Feb 24, 2022 although Russia
took some time to build up the military force around Ukraine's
border. This war is Russia's doing and not someone else.
Better to say that in 2022 Russia openly entered in the Ukrainian
civil war that had started in 2014.
War in 2014 was also started by Russia.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Lee Lofaso on Wed Mar 9 12:10:33 2022
Hi, Lee Lofaso!
I read your message from 08.03.2022 21:37
LL> She wrote those words long before all of us were born. Have
LL> things changed at all since her time? Sometimes I wonder. Even
LL> without nukes, we are able to cause massive destruction and
LL> cause more deaths than ever thought possible.
But check it out the fact -- Russian troops captured the Zaporojskya
Nuclear Station and this station is still provides Ukraine with
electricity. Can be such things during a war?
Bye, Lee!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 9 01:28:08 2022
No, the storming of the capitol in the US was based on the big lie
of Donald Trump and a large swath of the republican party.
Well, Ukrainian nationalists also lied that Yanukovich sold himself to Moscow, and it was a complete lie.
Donald Trump's lie was an obvious one. He said "Frankly, we did win this election" when he did not. He sounded like an autocrat. I don't ever recall a president of the US making such a ridiculous statement after losing an election.
I don't think it had a very good chance of success. It was an
attack on democracy by the republican party supported by groups
like the oath keepers. It was not a popular uprising.
Yes, it was on less scale, but you can imagine that it could be on a
great scale. And in that case we will see something similar to the
Kiev's events in 2014.
It was on much less scale. The capitol was cleared after some hours of that turmoil and went back to work and finished what they were there to do later in the day.
If it was wise and balanced then why a popular uprising to oust the
then leader?
I say you, the mutiny was similar to the Capitol storming.
It is very different. Those who stormed the capitol wanted a president who lost an election to continue in that role.
The uprising in Ukraine was because the people wanted to oust their president.
The difference was that western countries greatly threaten Yanukovich so
that he would not cease the mutiny by the police force. The agreement
for peace had been achieved, but the same evening somebody started
shooting at the crowd and the police. Of course nationalists easily
blamed Yanukovich, although it had no sense for him after the agreement concluded.
The people of Ukraine did not want to go in the direction Yanukovich was going to take the country. So much so that that they rose up and ousted him.
Something like that could happen in Russia too although I believe people in Russia are scared (for good reason) to stand up.
In short all "popular uprising" was done by a small group of people.
This uprising was big enough to oust Yanukovich. There was also a big uprising in Belarus not long ago around the election there. It did not succeed in any change.
Better to say that in 2022 Russia openly entered in the Ukrainian civil
war that had started in 2014.
No, Russia invaded Ukraine. There is no other way to say it if you want to be honest. Are you aware of the damage that Russia has done in Ukraine to this point, and continues to do? There is damage all over Ukraine from missiles and toe to toe warfare. Large numbers of civilian casualties. Civilian infratucture (homes and apartments) is being targeted. Large numbers of Russian soldiers also. It is all needless.
Uhu, this is from another planet, not Ukraine:
Ah, no. The images you present don't prove anything and are not an accurate picture of Ukraine.
http://pics.rsh.ru/img/IMGx2028456_4t6v1y1j.jpg http://pics.rsh.ru/img/IMGx2029194_lk19dzdx.jpg
Neo nazis and white supremacists exist. They are among us.
It seems Putin has grabbed all the power and he surrounded himself with
loyal military and police units. No oligarch can make him to change his
He has surrounded himself with yes men. He couldn't get good advice at this point if his life depended on it. That has probably been the case for decades.
A few brave souls do simply say "I disagree" in the town square at
great personal cost to themselves.
Putin has created many laws and forces to suppress such acts. Modern electronics, spy technology has brought the world of Orwell into Russia quicker than it penetrates into other countries. :-\
So much so that you cannot believe what you see on TV in Russia today. It is all propaganda designed to make you believe what the state wants you to believe.
That's why any countries should NOT create such omnipresent spying structures! Because one day you will find that you cannot change your country.
Sometimes you have to find the truth when it is hidden.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 9 12:45:48 2022
Hello, alexander!
Wednesday March 09 2022 12:10, you wrote to Lee Lofaso:
She wrote those words long before all of us were born. Have
things changed at all since her time? Sometimes I wonder. Even
without nukes, we are able to cause massive destruction and
cause more deaths than ever thought possible.
But check it out the fact -- Russian troops captured the Zaporojskya Nuclear Station and this station is still provides Ukraine with electricity. Can be such things during a war?
Sure! Soviet power stations were providing electricity under German occupation during WWII.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Mar 9 13:47:36 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 09.03.2022 12:45
LL>>> She wrote those words long before all of us were born.
LL>>> Have things changed at all since her time? Sometimes I
LL>>> wonder. Even without nukes, we are able to cause
LL>>> massive destruction and cause more deaths than ever
LL>>> thought possible.
ak>> But check it out the fact -- Russian troops captured the
ak>> Zaporojskya Nuclear Station and this station is still
ak>> provides Ukraine with electricity. Can be such things
ak>> during a war?
DP> Sure! Soviet power stations were providing electricity under
DP> German occupation during WWII.
But check another fact -- when the Crimea separated the Ukrainian
nationalists had cut off fresh water canal and electricity to the
peninsular. All the people there became enemies. Do you know how many civilians has suffered because of this, children including? The answer
is simple -- the nationality of this people was not correct, and they
did not deserve human treating, even while officially they were called Ukrainian citizens.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 9 15:48:30 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Wednesday March 09 2022 13:47, you wrote to me:
Sure! Soviet power stations were providing electricity under
German occupation during WWII.
But check another fact -- when the Crimea separated the Ukrainian nationalists had cut off fresh water canal and electricity to the peninsular. All the people there became enemies. Do you know how many civilians has suffered because of this, children including? The answer
It wasn't exactly britgh idea but no one died because of that.
When Putin was thinking about annexation of Crimea - it was his responsibility to think about consequences.
But now we know he is very weak about long term planning.
is simple -- the nationality of this people was not correct, and they
did not deserve human treating, even while officially they were
called Ukrainian citizens.
"Human treating" means that they never deserved Russian invasion? And Putin lied again that "it wasn't Russian army".
Now Russians are leaving Russia because they also think that "human treating" is not something that Putin is doing to them.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Mar 9 08:54:00 2022
Hello Dmitry!
** On Wednesday 09.03.22 - 15:48, you wrote..
It wasn't exactly britgh idea but no one died because of that.
When Putin was thinking about annexation of Crimea - it was his responsibility to think about consequences.
But now we know he is very weak about long term planning.
I have to wonder if he's weak in other ways. Pictures of him
show a puffed-up face. Prednisone? Perhaps he's dealing with an
illness - and wants to make it into the history books doing
something "grand" before times runs out.
--- OpenXP 5.0.51
* Origin: --> . <-- Oh look.. A point! (2:221/1.58)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
August Abolins on Wed Mar 9 18:49:06 2022
Hello, August!
Wednesday March 09 2022 08:54, you wrote to me:
I have to wonder if he's weak in other ways. Pictures of him
show a puffed-up face. Prednisone? Perhaps he's dealing with an
illness - and wants to make it into the history books doing
something "grand" before times runs out.
Yeah, agree.
I am not a psychiatrist, can't say exactly how his behavoir is called.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Kurt Weiske@1:218/700 to
Lee Lofaso on Wed Mar 9 08:11:00 2022
Lee Lofaso wrote to alexander koryagin <=-
It has appeared that near Donetsk a huge Ukrainian army group
was concentrated this winter for some reason. Although, according Minsk agreement such forces cannot be there.
The Minsk Agreements are null and void given Putin's actions.
That is not propaganda, but fact. Neither side fully complied
with the terms, and were not likely to do so. But they were
a basis that could have been used to build on.
"Whataboutism" is alive and well.
... Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
--- MultiMail/DOS v0.52
* Origin:
http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Thu Mar 10 08:12:56 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 09.03.2022 12:28
AI>>> No, the storming of the capitol in the US was based on the big
AI>>> lie of Donald Trump and a large swath of the republican party.
ak>> Well, Ukrainian nationalists also lied that Yanukovich sold
ak>> himself to Moscow, and it was a complete lie.
AI> Donald Trump's lie was an obvious one. He said "Frankly, we did win
AI> this election" when he did not. He sounded like an autocrat. I
AI> don't ever recall a president of the US making such a ridiculous
AI> statement after losing an election.
AI>>> I don't think it had a very good chance of success. It was an
AI>>> attack on democracy by the republican party supported by groups
AI>>> like the oath keepers. It was not a popular uprising.
ak>> Yes, it was on less scale, but you can imagine that it could be on
ak>> a great scale. And in that case we will see something similar to
ak>> the Kiev's events in 2014.
AI> It was on much less scale. The capitol was cleared after some hours
AI> of that turmoil and went back to work and finished what they were
AI> there to do later in the day.
Imagine that the events would go like in Kiev -- the protesters would
make barricades around the Capitol, threw Molotov cocktail and rocks at
the police, Russian envoy would come to the barricades to encourage the protesters with crackers and juice, as it did auntie Nuland in Kiev in
2014? And Russia would demand to observe human rights of the protesters
and refuse from violence? ;-)
ak>> I say you, the mutiny was similar to the Capitol storming.
AI> It is very different. Those who stormed the capitol wanted a
AI> president who lost an election to continue in that role.
But they claimed that unfair shuffling was during the elections and the elections are illegal and Biden.
AI> The uprising in Ukraine was because the people wanted to oust their
AI> president.
It was the opinion of a few thousand people.
ak>> The difference was that western countries greatly threaten
ak>> Yanukovich so that he would not cease the mutiny by the police
ak>> force. The agreement for peace had been achieved, but the same
ak>> evening somebody started shooting at the crowd and the police. Of
ak>> course nationalists easily blamed Yanukovich, although it had no
ak>> sense for him after the agreement concluded.
AI> The people of Ukraine did not want to go in the direction
AI> Yanukovich was going to take the country. So much so that that they
AI> rose up and ousted him.
Thousands people of the USA also didn't want Biden and hate him. In
short the situation is similar.
AI> Something like that could happen in Russia too although I believe
AI> people in Russia are scared (for good reason) to stand up.
ak>> In short all "popular uprising" was done by a small group of
ak>> people.
AI> This uprising was big enough to oust Yanukovich. There was also a
AI> big uprising in Belarus not long ago around the election there. It
AI> did not succeed in any change.
No it is not correct. Simply saying, Yanukovich was too liberal with protesters. No other president in the world could lead such a liberal
policy towards such protests. Naturally, Lukashenko was not such a
person. ;-) Yanukovich was the most democratic leader in post-soviet
space after Gorbachev.
ak>> Better to say that in 2022 Russia openly entered in the Ukrainian
ak>> civil war that had started in 2014.
AI> No, Russia invaded Ukraine. There is no other way to say it if you
AI> want to be honest. Are you aware of the damage that Russia has done
AI> in Ukraine to this point, and continues to do? There is damage all
AI> over Ukraine from missiles and toe to toe warfare. Large numbers of
AI> civilian casualties. Civilian infratucture (homes and apartments)
AI> is being targeted. Large numbers of Russian soldiers also. It is
AI> all needless.
Nobody targets home and apartments on purpose -- I don't know how you
can believe it. The number of victims comparable with Donbass victims.
If you think that shellings of Donentsk has been stopped today you are mistaken.
AI> He has surrounded himself with yes men. He couldn't get good advice
AI> at this point if his life depended on it. That has probably been
AI> the case for decades.
I would call it a political HIV. The guard system that should defend
organism started to eliminate both healthy and unhealthy organs and took
the functionality of a crazy dictator.
AI>>> A few brave souls do simply say "I disagree" in the town square
AI>>> at great personal cost to themselves.
ak>> Putin has created many laws and forces to suppress such acts.
ak>> Modern electronics, spy technology has brought the world of Orwell
ak>> into Russia quicker than it penetrates into other countries.
AI> So much so that you cannot believe what you see on TV in Russia
AI> today. It is all propaganda designed to make you believe what the
AI> state wants you to believe.
The matter is not in propaganda -- the matter is in impossibility of the protest. Orwell state prevents such events. The leader of a protest is arrested right when he left his home.
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Thu Mar 10 08:35:48 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 09.03.2022 11:16
DP>>> Ukraine us still bilingual. People use Russian kanguage every
ak>> It is not true. New law about the state language strongly
DP> It's no true. I've been in Kiev some time ago and had no problem
DP> with my Russian.
ak>> discriminates the Russian language. Actually, according the law
ak>> (the final stage of which was planed in 2024) it will be almost
ak>> impossible to issue Russian speaking newspapers, do Russian radio
ak>> stations, Russian tv channels etc.
ak>> (Russian resource)
DP> According to the news you just have to provide ukranian language
DP> copy. Ukranians were at war with Russia for 8 years, don't forget
DP> about that.
In short if Yanukovich has been in power Ukraine would have been a
prosperous peaceful country, and the nationalistic Maidan idiots would
not have put the world and Ukraine on its ears. ;-) The reason for that
was miserable. Probably they understand it now.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Alexander Koryagin on Thu Mar 10 00:03:26 2022
alexander koryagin wrote to Alan Ianson <=-
Imagine that the events would go like in Kiev -- the protesters would
make barricades around the Capitol, threw Molotov cocktail and rocks at the police, Russian envoy would come to the barricades to encourage the protesters with crackers and juice, as it did auntie Nuland in Kiev in 2014? And Russia would demand to observe human rights of the protesters and refuse from violence? ;-)
I'm glad to see your sense of humor is intact in spite of recent events. ;)
But they claimed that unfair shuffling was during the elections and the elections are illegal and Biden.
Yes, they were making claims before the election also. They continue making baseless claims.
It was the opinion of a few thousand people.
Only a few thousand Ukraianians managed to oust the leader?
AI> The people of Ukraine did not want to go in the direction
AI> Yanukovich was going to take the country. So much so that that they
AI> rose up and ousted him.
Thousands people of the USA also didn't want Biden and hate him. In
short the situation is similar.
Yes, that is so. Nevertheless he did win the election by a large majority and he is the President of the USA.
ak>> In short all "popular uprising" was done by a small group of
ak>> people.
A popular uprising is not a small group of people.
AI> This uprising was big enough to oust Yanukovich. There was also a
AI> big uprising in Belarus not long ago around the election there. It
AI> did not succeed in any change.
No it is not correct. Simply saying, Yanukovich was too liberal with protesters. No other president in the world could lead such a liberal policy towards such protests. Naturally, Lukashenko was not such a
person. ;-) Yanukovich was the most democratic leader in post-soviet
space after Gorbachev.
I don't know Yanukovich. Never watched or was interested in him. We can call him left or right as you please, that is not the issue. The people of Ukraine didn't want to go in the direction he wanted to take the country and that is why he was ousted.
It has been many years now but I remember the crowds in the streets protesting his leadership and his downfall. It was a (very) popular uprising.
Nobody targets home and apartments on purpose -- I don't know how you
can believe it. The number of victims comparable with Donbass victims.
If you think that shellings of Donentsk has been stopped today you are mistaken.
As always the Ukraine military protects the people of Ukraine. Russia has been shelling Ukrainians including russian speaking Ukrainians all over Ukraine including the Donbass region.
And yes, the Russian military has been targetting civilians and civilian infrastructure. On Feb 26 and apartment tower in Kyiv was hit by a missile and the carnage has increased since then. Today a childrens hospital in Mariupol was hit and probably destroyed. It's been a daily occurance since the war started.
Perhaps if you were more upto date on current events we could debate these facts.
The matter is not in propaganda -- the matter is in impossibility of
the protest. Orwell state prevents such events. The leader of a protest
is arrested right when he left his home.
The protests do happen, so it is not impossible. Why arrest a protester, someone who disagrees with the war? They are not hurting anyone at all. They just say no to war.
Ttyl :-),
... Bureaucrats cut red tape, lengthwise
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Thu Mar 10 12:32:00 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Thursday March 10 2022 08:35, you wrote to me:
In short if Yanukovich has been in power Ukraine would have been a prosperous peaceful country, and the nationalistic Maidan idiots would
Yanukovich was moving in Putin's direction, had all chances to become another authoritarian leader.
In any case - it's Ukraine's problem.
not have put the world and Ukraine on its ears. ;-) The reason for
that was miserable. Probably they understand it now.
It's a common tradition in Russia to blame everyone else for your own mistakes: USA, jews, nazis and so on.
But in this case we've failed a lot - Putin lied for many months that they will be no war and now we are shelling Kharkiv.
Who is gonna trust him now?
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Alexander Koryagin on Thu Mar 10 10:59:25 2022
No it is not correct. Simply saying, Yanukovich was too liberal with protesters. No other president in the world could lead such a liberal policy towards such protests. Naturally, Lukashenko was not such a
person. ;-) Yanukovich was the most democratic leader in post-soviet
space after Gorbachev.
Democracy is the will of the people and accepting the fact that you can be voted out of office. He may have intended well, but that is not how democracy works.
Democracy means there are checks and balances and the person who has the title can be overruled ...
With Yanukovich such checks and balances were inexistant, there was no way for the people to interact via elections.
There is a name for a system of a supreme unquestioned leadership which acts for the best of the people on private initiative ...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Fri Mar 11 09:00:36 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 10.03.2022 11:03
ak>> Imagine that the events would go like in Kiev -- the protesters
ak>> would make barricades around the Capitol, threw Molotov cocktail
ak>> and rocks at the police, Russian envoy would come to the
ak>> barricades to encourage the protesters with crackers and juice, as
ak>> it did auntie Nuland in Kiev in 2014? And Russia would demand to
ak>> observe human rights of the protesters and refuse from violence?
AI> I'm glad to see your sense of humor is intact in spite of recent
AI> events.
I can add that the choice of Nuland for crackers was not accidental. She
knows the people of the former USSR very well -- she was deputy director
for former Soviet Union affairs. So, in one Russian book for children
(by Arkadiy Gaydar), and she read that some Russian nasty boys can be
bribed by western enemies with big quantity of jam and crackers. So you
know now what she did in Kiev in 2014. ;-) Bingo!
ak>> It was the opinion of a few thousand people.
AI> Only a few thousand Ukraianians managed to oust the leader?
Almost all coups in history have been done by small groups of people.
People in general is like an obedient herd.
AI>> The people of Ukraine did not want to go in the direction
AI>> Yanukovich was going to take the country. So much so that that
AI>> they rose up and ousted him.
You could say it if Yanukovich would lost the fair elections.
ak>> Thousands people of the USA also didn't want Biden and hate him.
ak>> In short the situation is similar.
AI> Yes, that is so. Nevertheless he did win the election by a large
AI> majority and he is the President of the USA.
A half of Americans don't think so.
ak>>> In short all "popular uprising" was done by a small group of
ak>>> people.
AI> A popular uprising is not a small group of people.
In Kiev coup there participated a few thousand people, mostly
nationalists from western Ukraine. But the real popular uprising had
begun in the Ukrainian east and south, after the coup.
AI> And yes, the Russian military has been targetting civilians and
AI> civilian infrastructure. On Feb 26 and apartment tower in Kyiv was
AI> hit by a missile and the carnage has increased since then. Today a
AI> childrens hospital in Mariupol was hit and probably destroyed. It's
AI> been a daily occurance since the war started.
How many vistims you are told? No information? The mentioned maternity hospital in Mariupol was not functional -- it is correct.
ak>> The matter is not in propaganda -- the matter is in impossibility
ak>> of the protest. Orwell state prevents such events. The leader of a
ak>> protest is arrested right when he left his home.
AI> The protests do happen, so it is not impossible. Why arrest a
AI> protester, someone who disagrees with the war? They are not hurting
AI> anyone at all. They just say no to war.
Should I explain to you why protests are banned in the countries where
the power is kept by force of the dictator? Whose left hand is the army,
and right hand is the police? Why... ;-)
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Ward Dossche on Fri Mar 11 09:03:58 2022
Hi, Ward Dossche!
I read your message from 10.03.2022 12:59
ak>> No it is not correct. Simply saying, Yanukovich was too
ak>> liberal with protesters. No other president in the world
ak>> could lead such a liberal policy towards such protests.
ak>> Naturally, Lukashenko was not such a person.;-) Yanukovich
ak>> was the most democratic leader in post-soviet space after
ak>> Gorbachev.
WD> Democracy is the will of the people and accepting the fact that
WD> you can be voted out of office. He may have intended well, but
WD> that is not how democracy works. Democracy means there are
WD> checks and balances and the person who has the title can be
WD> overruled ... With Yanukovich such checks and balances were
WD> inexistant, there was no way for the people to interact via elections.
I don't know where you take the information that there was no fair
elections in Ukraine when Yanukovich was President.
Bye, Ward!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Thu Mar 10 23:45:30 2022
Almost all coups in history have been done by small groups of people.
People in general is like an obedient herd.
In places where protest and freedom is outlawed, yes they are. At least until they do stand up.
That is not so in Ukraine where the people will stand up even against the odds like the people of Ukraine have do and are doing.
You could say it if Yanukovich would lost the fair elections.
It seems to me that Yanukovich lost. It was the will of the people or it wouldn't have happened. Democracy is about the will of the people.
Yes, that is so. Nevertheless he did win the election by a large
majority and he is the President of the USA.
A half of Americans don't think so.
It is not that much. It is half of the republican party, not Americans.
In Kiev coup there participated a few thousand people, mostly
nationalists from western Ukraine. But the real popular uprising had
begun in the Ukrainian east and south, after the coup.
Do you believe, or want me to believe that a few thousand people overthrough a popular leader and the rest just went along with that? No.
And yes, the Russian military has been targetting civilians and
civilian infrastructure. On Feb 26 and apartment tower in Kyiv was
hit by a missile and the carnage has increased since then. Today a
childrens hospital in Mariupol was hit and probably destroyed. It's
been a daily occurance since the war started.
How many vistims you are told? No information? The mentioned maternity hospital in Mariupol was not functional -- it is correct.
The hospital was functioning. There are images of pregnant women being taken away for treatment. Three people died and there were large numbers of injured as I'm sure you can imagine. The number of dead is likely to rise when the facts can be known. Over 1,000 died in Mariupol yesterday because of the bombardment of the city that has been ongoing for some days. Most people in Mariupol have no heat or power.
So no it is not correct to say the hospital not functional.
I haven't heard or read numbers of dead today but the last number I read was 2,300 civilians dead, not including Mariupol. The number of Russian soldiers killed is estimated at 12,000 by Ukraine authorities and the US miliatry says 8,000, at least they are sitting on that number for now.
Those numbers could be called best guesses at this point. The number of civilian casualties is thought to be conservative.
Should I explain to you why protests are banned in the countries where
the power is kept by force of the dictator?
No, I understand.
Whose left hand is the army, and right hand is the police? Why... ;-)
Because they are authoritarian.
To be honest I don't enjoy these conversations much. It's not because I don't like you or regular Russian people. I hope that you (and all Russian people, and people everywhere for that matter) can and will live in peace so they can simply go about their lives and enjoy time with friends and family.
If we could spend an afternoon/evening at the movies or have a game of bowling I would enjoy that very much and would make time for it.
Please don't get the idea that I don't like you or Russian people. It is Putin and men like him that I don't like, regardless of the country they reside in.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
alexander koryagin on Fri Mar 11 09:27:48 2022
How many vistims you are told? No information? The mentioned maternity hospital in Mariupol was not functional -- it is correct.
The thing is ... as good as every western European country has their own news crews at several locations inside Ukraine. They do not have to rely on propagande from whichever side, not the Kremlin, not someone in Kiev.
Then, when presented with the facts as reported by independant news crews on site from Belgium, Netherlands, France, BBC, Germany and others and compare that to what we see in the official "Russian news" flashes I am abhored how an entire population of 140 million people is massively lied to and misled up to the extent they have no other option but believe the single remaining source of ... "what" ... because the free press has been silenced and you are imprisoned for merely using the word "war" ... It is not a re-writing of history, it is distorting it up to the moment when it actually is happening ... Lies are deliberately replacing fact and forcefully fed to an entire population.
People in countries such as mine which have a high degree of free speech are full of disbelief that a nation which has been so successful in high technology such as space-travel, medication, binkd and a number of others are downgraded to what it is now.
The damage done these past three weeks has destroyed all the goodwill that was created since Glasnost. Russia is backtracking 40-50 years in history at the darkest hours of Communism and totalitarianism. The Russian economy is not that impressive other than gas and oil ... it is perhaps has big as the entire Benelux I've had it worded (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg) against the entire world-economy.
Russia will be banned from importing, exporting, trading, travel, aviation, sports, no access to the financial markets ... above all, much of this will not have to be imposed, it will be automatic because it is no longer a trustworthy trade-partner ... the toilet-paper in the supermarket here is worth more than the Ruble.
Russia is quickly pushing a law through that leased aircraft do not have to be returned to the owner and the contract can be paid in Rubles. Do you understand how ridiculous this is? There will be no specialized maintenance anymore other than changing the oil, there are not going to be any certified parts anymore for repairs after which aircraft will not be insured anymore ... 515 Boeings and Airbuses ... it will be the end of commercial aviation in Russia as we know it and Aeroflot in one blow has lost its good reputation ... I even let my own kids fly on it and before I allow that a lot has got to happen...
I hope you also don't believe this whole thing is about the Dombas region and a difference in language-speaking. My own country has a history of two main languages that kind of separates the country, it never is a problem. It only becomes a problem in the run-up to elections when minor politicians go hunting for votes. The language is not the issue. When we had major floods last summer killing 100+ people and destroying thousands of homes in 'the one region' the immediate and in general most help came from 'the other region'. People will help eachother and a language-difference probably points at something else, like an economic imbalance hinging on this ...
The Dombas-conflict was started by Russia in the first place in a carefully planned strategy years ahead, it was started by Russia and fuelled by Russia because somewhere down the line an excuse would be needed to start this "war". So when all the possible excuses were de-fused Putin decided upon a "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" scenario.
Proof? MH17 ... we know that flight MH17 was shot down by a Russian Buk-missile because of the impact of shrapnell on the forward section of the aircraft and the metal bullits found in the corpses of the cockpit crew. We know it was fired from within "rebel" territory, we know the "rebels" did not have such a device, pictures exist of the exact carrier that fired it before and after the firing, the names of the personnel that crewed it are also known and the commander is now standing trial as we speak but is not present because your lying and cheating government says it is not involved with all evidence pointing to the contrary...the carrier has been tracked leaving Russia and returning when the plane was shot down.
It's on my bucket-list to visit Russia again, meet with some Russian sysops, drink so much beer I will sing alomg in drinking-songs which I don't understand but make absolute sense at that moment. I'd want to visit Red Square and pay homage to Komarov, see that Lenin still is dead, visit the Hermitage in St.Peterburg, walk on the Nevsky Prospect, see the war ship Aurora which changed history and visit Chernobyl (yes, I know that is not Russia) ... now I don't know if all that will ever be possible anymore during my life-time...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Tim Schattkowsky on Fri Mar 11 23:30:09 2022
Hello Tim,
Me too. It is scaringly precise in explaining the world, and it
seems to
be more correct every day.
From beginning to end. The last four words of Orwell's novel are
- "He loved Big Brother." Those who have read the novel would know
all too well.
A song comes to my mind: history repeats itself ...
As people forget the book, the things we went through in the past, we again
have to argue over bullsthit that already found its judgement a long time ago ...
Learned a new word recently: bothsiderism ... fits perfectly in today.
Learned something new from a book published on March 8, 2022 by
Margaret Atwood entitled "Burning Questions" relating to Orwell's
novel -
begin quote
I myself have written two works of “science fiction” or, if you prefer, “speculative fiction”: The Handmaid’s Tale and Oryx and Crake. Although lumped together by commentators who have spotted those things they have
in common—they are not “novels” in the Jane Austen sense, and both are set in the future—they are in fact dissimilar. The Handmaid’s Tale is a classic dystopia, which takes at least part of its inspiration from
George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four—particularly the epilogue. In a
BBC piece I did in June 2003 on the occasion of Orwell’s centenary
birthday, I said:
Orwell has been accused of bitterness and pessimism—of leaving us with
a vision of the future in which the individual has no chance, and where
the brutal, totalitarian boot of the all-controlling Party will grind
into the human face, for ever.
But this view of Orwell is contradicted by the last chapter in the book,
an essay on Newspeak—the doublethink language concocted by the regime.
By expurgating all words that might be troublesome—“bad” is no longer permitted, but becomes “double-plus-ungood”—and by making other words mean the opposite of what they used to mean—the place where people get tortured is the Ministry of Love, the building where the past is
destroyed is the Ministry of Information—the rulers of Airstrip One
wish to make it literally impossible for people to think straight.
end quote
Atwood has always been a bit of a feminist, as anyone who has read
her works (both fiction and non-fiction) would know. Upon reflection,
she is right in her analysis of Orwell's "1984" given the epilogue,
or essay on Newspeak. Had previously thought Orwell was poking fun
of Basic English, knowing Germans had tried to come up with a Basic
German for non-Germans to learn during the days of WWII.
Nothing sucks like an Electrolux
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Sat Mar 12 02:59:42 2022
Hello, alexander!
Friday March 11 2022 09:00, you wrote to Alan Ianson:
children (by Arkadiy Gaydar), and she read that some Russian nasty
Arkadiy Gaydar was an alcoholic, because he killed a lot of Russians during our civil war.
boys can be bribed by western enemies with big quantity of jam and crackers. So you know now what she did in Kiev in 2014. ;-) Bingo!
Gaydar was part of propadanda during Stalin's repsessions agains Russian people.
He was drinking a lot and spent some time in mental hospital because he was a child soldier.
In Kiev coup there participated a few thousand people, mostly
nationalists from western Ukraine. But the real popular uprising had
begun in the Ukrainian east and south, after the coup.
Fake, Russia sent groups of fighters to DNR/LNR and invaded Crimea.
Kharkiv never had any uprisings and now fighting with Russians forces, in fact it doing better in comparison with Nazi invasion in 1941.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Sat Mar 12 11:57:17 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 12.03.2022 02:59
ak>> children (by Arkadiy Gaydar), and she read that some Russian nasty
DP> Arkadiy Gaydar was an alcoholic, because he killed a lot of
DP> Russians during our civil war.
I don't know how these two things can be connected, but surely you are
too serious about my joke about Nuland's motives. :-)
ak>> boys can be bribed by western enemies with big quantity of jam and
ak>> crackers. So you know now what she did in Kiev in 2014. Bingo!
DP> Gaydar was part of propadanda during Stalin's repsessions agains
DP> Russian people. He was drinking a lot and spent some time in mental
DP> hospital because he was a child soldier.
IMHO, judging by the appearance and actions of his grandson, the chief
of economic reforms in Russia of 90s Egor Gaydar, there were some
genetic defects in their family. ;-)
ak>> In Kiev coup there participated a few thousand people, mostly
ak>> nationalists from western Ukraine. But the real popular uprising
ak>> had begun in the Ukrainian east and south, after the coup.
DP> Fake, Russia sent groups of fighters to DNR/LNR and invaded Crimea.
DP> Kharkiv never had any uprisings and now fighting with Russians
DP> forces, in fact it doing better in comparison with Nazi invasion in
DP> 1941.
Knarkiv had avoided that havoc due to the wise and independent policy of
its mayor, Kernes, AFAIR, who didn't allowed nationalists to do
everything the wanted. It was an exception however.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Ward Dossche on Sat Mar 12 13:04:32 2022
Hi, Ward Dossche!
I read your message from 11.03.2022 11:27
ak>> How many vistims you are told? No information? The mentioned
ak>> maternity hospital in Mariupol was not functional -- it is
ak>> correct.
WD> The thing is... as good as every western European country has their
WD> own news crews at several locations inside Ukraine. They do not
WD> have to rely on propagande from whichever side, not the Kremlin,
WD> not someone in Kiev.
I've took your answer as "I don't know about victims, but they say on
our TV that the maternity hospital was attacked inhumanly". ;)
WD> Then, when presented with the facts as reported by independant news
WD> crews on site from Belgium, Netherlands, France, BBC, Germany and
WD> others and compare that to what we see in the official "Russian
WD> news" flashes I am abhored how an entire population of 140 million
WD> people is massively lied to and misled up to the extent they have
WD> no other option but believe the single remaining source
WD> of... "what"... because the free press has been silenced and you
WD> are imprisoned for merely using the word "war"... It is not a re-
WD> writing of history, it is distorting it up to the moment when it
WD> actually is happening... Lies are deliberately replacing fact and
WD> forcefully fed to an entire population.
A lie and propaganda exist on both sides. It will be simply a folly to
deny it. Such things are usual during the war. You should analyse and
filter the information. For instance, nationalists may say that people
in Odessa in 2014 burned themselves on purpose. But you should not
believe the information on the ground of its antirussian contence.
WD> Russia will be banned from importing, exporting, trading, travel,
WD> aviation, sports, no access to the financial markets... above all,
WD> much of this will not have to be imposed, it will be automatic
WD> because it is no longer a trustworthy trade-partner... the toilet-
WD> paper in the supermarket here is worth more than the Ruble.
Indeed Rouble is not necessary in your supermarket. But for a while the
EU relieved from sanctions Russian fuel industry. Russian banks are
under sanctions, but paying for resources nobody can cancel and they are allowed. That's how Putin gets its currency and it seems the west cannot refuse from Russian resources physically.
WD> Russia is quickly pushing a law through that leased aircraft do not
WD> have to be returned to the owner and the contract can be paid in
WD> Rubles. Do you understand how ridiculous this is? There will be no
WD> specialized maintenance anymore other than changing the oil, there
WD> are not going to be any certified parts anymore for repairs after
WD> which aircraft will not be insured anymore... 515 Boeings and
WD> Airbuses... it will be the end of commercial aviation in Russia as
WD> we know it and Aeroflot in one blow has lost its good reputation...
WD> I even let my own kids fly on it and before I allow that a lot has
WD> got to happen...
It is an economic war. Both parts want damnify each other. There are no special logic here, everything natural. After war I hope for the better. ;)
WD> I hope you also don't believe this whole thing is about the Dombas
WD> region and a difference in language-speaking. My own country has a
WD> history of two main languages that kind of separates the country,
WD> it never is a problem. It only becomes a problem in the run-up to
You simply don't know who Ukrainian nationalists are. Violence and
threats are their usual weapon to get their aims.
WD> elections when minor politicians go hunting for votes. The language
WD> is not the issue. When we had major floods last summer killing 100+
WD> people and destroying thousands of homes in 'the one region' the
WD> immediate and in general most help came from 'the other region'.
WD> People will help eachother and a language-difference probably
WD> points at something else, like an economic imbalance hinging on
WD> this...
I don't argue -- there can be perfectly good and happy bilingual states.
You don't understand only one important thing -- it is not necessary
that fascism is always has a political ground. National fascism is still
more dangerous and ugly.
WD> The Dombas-conflict was started by Russia in the first place in a
WD> carefully planned strategy years ahead, it was started by Russia
WD> and fuelled by Russia because somewhere down the line an excuse
WD> would be needed to start this "war". So when all the possible
WD> excuses were de-fused Putin decided upon a "Damn the torpedoes,
WD> full speed ahead" scenario.
You are free to think everything, but it is not necessary that you are
WD> Proof? MH17... we know that flight MH17 was shot down by a Russian
WD> Buk-missile because of the impact of shrapnell on the forward
WD> section of the aircraft and the metal bullits found in the corpses
WD> of the cockpit crew. We know it was fired from within "rebel"
WD> territory, we know the "rebels" did not have such a device,
WD> pictures exist of the exact carrier that fired it before and after
WD> the firing, the names of the personnel that crewed it are also
WD> known and the commander is now standing trial as we speak but is
WD> not present because your lying and cheating government says it is
WD> not involved with all evidence pointing to the contrary... the
WD> carrier has been tracked leaving Russia and returning when the
WD> plane was shot down.
Whoever shot that plane, I think you don't believe that somebody planned
that shooting. Well, there is a possibility however, that somebody
wanted to frame the rebels and Russia. They lost most.
WD> It's on my bucket-list to visit Russia again, meet with some
WD> Russian sysops, drink so much beer I will sing alomg in drinking-
WD> songs which I don't understand but make absolute sense at that
WD> moment. I'd want to visit Red Square and pay homage to Komarov, see
WD> that Lenin still is dead, visit the Hermitage in St. Peterburg,
WD> walk on the Nevsky Prospect, see the war ship Aurora which changed
WD> history and visit Chernobyl (yes, I know that is not Russia)... now
WD> I don't know if all that will ever be possible anymore during my
WD> life-time...
I think that everything will be all right soon. Because both parties
should realise that the cause of this war is not worth of an eaten egg. Ukrainians and Russian can live next and do not compost each other
brains in the bilingual prosperous Ukraine.
Bye, Ward!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
alexander koryagin on Sat Mar 12 11:26:12 2022
Whoever shot that plane, I think you don't believe that somebody planned that shooting. Well, there is a possibility however, that somebody
wanted to frame the rebels and Russia. They lost most.
I'm pretty convinced it was planned and on purpose ... why else shoot a Buk at an airplane ... They probably targeted another aircraft ... like a NATO radar plane ...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Gerrit Kuehn@2:240/12 to
alexander koryagin on Sat Mar 12 11:48:30 2022
Hello alexander!
12 Mar 22 13:04, alexander koryagin wrote to Ward Dossche:
I've took your answer as "I don't know about victims, but they say on
our TV that the maternity hospital was attacked inhumanly". ;)
Yeah, sure, given you want to go on blindfolded by Russian propaganda. OTOH, you may take it as "They did proper fact checks and along the way even discovered how Russian media produced fake news from it.".
... 11:48AM up 65 days, 22:43, 5 users, load averages: 0.69, 0.57, 0.53
--- msged/fbsd 6.3 2021-12-02
* Origin: Tall orders to fulfil (2:240/12)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Sun Mar 13 00:15:40 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Saturday March 12 2022 11:57, you wrote to me:
Arkadiy Gaydar was an alcoholic, because he killed a lot of
Russians during our civil war.
I don't know how these two things can be connected, but surely you are
too serious about my joke about Nuland's motives. :-)
My colleagues are under shelling in Ukraine, I am too serious.
Gayday was drinking because he saw dead people in his dreams, people he killed in civil war.
That's why he was drinking a lot.
Gaydar was part of propadanda during Stalin's repsessions agains
Russian people. He was drinking a lot and spent some time in
mental hospital because he was a child soldier.
IMHO, judging by the appearance and actions of his grandson, the chief
of economic reforms in Russia of 90s Egor Gaydar, there were some
genetic defects in their family. ;-)
You sounds exactly like some Nazi, with "genetic defects" slogan.
USSR collapse was a disaster and your are blaming Gaydar and not Stalin and Lenin, who created our state which was based on corruption and crazy ideas.
Fake, Russia sent groups of fighters to DNR/LNR and invaded
Crimea. Kharkiv never had any uprisings and now fighting with
Russians forces, in fact it doing better in comparison with Nazi
invasion in 1941.
Knarkiv had avoided that havoc due to the wise and independent policy
of its mayor, Kernes, AFAIR, who didn't allowed nationalists to do
everything the wanted. It was an exception however.
And now Kharkiv is paying a price. Beeing destroyed by Russians who are "protecting Russians".
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Sun Mar 13 14:18:32 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 11.03.2022 10:45
ak>> In Kiev coup there participated a few thousand people, mostly
ak>> nationalists from western Ukraine. But the real popular uprising
ak>> had begun in the Ukrainian east and south, after the coup.
AI> Do you believe, or want me to believe that a few thousand people
AI> overthrough a popular leader and the rest just went along with
AI> that? No.
If a crowd has weapons and when the President doesn't want to suppress
them down with force. It is possible. And Yanukovich has proved it. And
Pitin and Lukashenko has learnt a lot.
Well, imagine what would happen if the storming of the Capitol would not
be suppressed. As it was in Kiev in 2014 where the parliamentarian would
go to their work through the crowd, insults and threats.
AI>>> And yes, the Russian military has been targetting civilians and
AI>>> civilian infrastructure. On Feb 26 and apartment tower in Kyiv
AI>>> was hit by a missile and the carnage has increased since then.
AI>>> Today a childrens hospital in Mariupol was hit and probably
AI>>> destroyed. It's been a daily occurance since the war started.
ak>> How many vistims you are told? No information? The mentioned
ak>> maternity hospital in Mariupol was not functional -- it is
ak>> correct.
AI> The hospital was functioning. There are images of pregnant women
AI> being taken away for treatment. Three people died and there were
It had been proved that this woman was brought there after the shelling.
A propaganda in short.
And I say the you the following -- Russian media channels were shut up
and you relay only on the Ukrainian side of information. In this
situation your truth is hardly worth of a used condom. It is complete
wrong to shut up information from one side, even if you don't agree with
it. I am a strong supporter of free speech. People should decide themselves.
AI> large numbers of injured as I'm sure you can imagine. The number of
AI> dead is likely to rise when the facts can be known. Over 1,000 died
AI> in Mariupol yesterday because of the bombardment of the city that
AI> has been ongoing for some days. Most people in Mariupol have no
AI> heat or power.
AI> So no it is not correct to say the hospital not functional.
AI> I haven't heard or read numbers of dead today but the last number I
AI> read was 2,300 civilians dead, not including Mariupol. The number
AI> of Russian soldiers killed is estimated at 12,000 by Ukraine
AI> authorities and the US miliatry says 8,000, at least they are
AI> sitting on that number for now.
Propaganda can say anything on both sides. Reaction? After the UN has
accepted 14 thousand killed in Ukrainian Donbass siege nobody has said
nothing about it.
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Ward Dossche on Sun Mar 13 14:33:21 2022
Hi, Ward Dossche!
I read your message from 12.03.2022 13:26
ak>> Whoever shot that plane, I think you don't believe that
ak>> somebody planned that shooting. Well, there is a
ak>> possibility however, that somebody wanted to frame the
ak>> rebels and Russia. They lost most.
WD> I'm pretty convinced it was planned and on purpose ... why else
WD> shoot a Buk at an airplane ... They probably targeted another
WD> aircraft ... like a NATO radar plane ...
Well, among 14 thousand civilians killed in Donbass siege almost all
were killed without intention. When Ukrainian side has shelled Donetsk
nobody can guarantee that the shells will not drop on the civilians. In
this sense the passengers in that plane were like people of Donbass. It
was a sad incident of course.
Bye, Ward!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Gerrit Kuehn on Sun Mar 13 14:35:52 2022
Hi, Gerrit Kuehn!
I read your message from 12.03.2022 13:48
ak>> I've took your answer as "I don't know about victims, but
ak>> they say on our TV that the maternity hospital was attacked
ak>> inhumanly".;)
GK> Yeah, sure, given you want to go on blindfolded by Russian
GK> propaganda. OTOH, you may take it as "They did proper fact
GK> checks and along the way even discovered how Russian media produced
GK> fake news from it.".
Both sides are lying, that why it is wrong to shut up one side only. And
how can you appreciate the fakes from the Russian media if they shut up?
Bye, Gerrit!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
alexander koryagin on Sun Mar 13 13:15:34 2022
this sense the passengers in that plane were like people of Donbass. It
was a sad incident of course.
Except, in this case it was a plane full with citizens of the Netherlands and they don't take shit for an answer ...
It's 2022 and I still can't believe this is happening ...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Paul Quinn@3:640/1384 to
Ward Dossche on Sun Mar 13 22:35:41 2022
Hi! Ward,
On 13 Mar 2022, Ward Dossche said the following...
this sense the passengers in that plane were like people of Donbass. I was a sad incident of course.
WD> Except, in this case it was a plane full with citizens of the
Netherlands and they don't take shit for an answer ...
Our collective heartache has yet to be assuaged also. IIRC, there were 28 Australians on board as well others from various nationalities.
... Modeming takes a lot of time. Oh well, I'd just be asleep otherwise!
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/32)
* Origin: Quinn's Rock vBox - sunny-side up on the desktop (3:640/1384)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Sun Mar 13 06:02:48 2022
Do you believe, or want me to believe that a few thousand people
overthrough a popular leader and the rest just went along with
that? No.
If a crowd has weapons and when the President doesn't want to suppress
them down with force. It is possible. And Yanukovich has proved it. And
Pitin and Lukashenko has learnt a lot.
Putin has not learned even after his wars in Afghanistan and Syria (among others). He does not want to learn and is incapable of learning. He is a dictator.
I have to ask again. Do you believe, or want me to believe that a few thousand people overthrough a popular leader and the people of Ukraine just along with that? No.
The people of Ukraine want to go in the direction of their choosing. They choose to go in the direction of the EU and NATO. The reasons for this are crytal clear today and I hope their choice will be realized.
Well, imagine what would happen if the storming of the Capitol would not
be suppressed. As it was in Kiev in 2014 where the parliamentarian would
go to their work through the crowd, insults and threats.
The events of 2014 and 2020 are not the same. Not even the same continent.
It had been proved
Really!? Now you are talking silly.
that this woman was brought there after the shelling.
The woman has since had her baby and is safe and sound. As safe as a person can be when under attack from bombs and missiles of a rogue state like the Russian Federation.
A propaganda in short.
Propagana is a real thing I know. This is a real life story, a true story and there are many more.
The people of Russia now live in a constant state of propaganda. The government has outlawed the truth in Russia. This is not new but it has ramped up. Media outlets have closed up (or moved) shop rather than risk a 15 year jail term for using words like "war" or "invasion" even when appropriate.
What the people get in Russia today is fake news with headlines and stories provided by the state.
And I say the you the following -- Russian media channels were shut up
and you relay only on the Ukrainian side of information.
I think it is you that should/will speak of the Russian side?
If there is info I can get to you, I will try.
In this situation your truth is hardly worth of a used condom.
I hope you can find an unused condom, should the need arise. I can't help you with that.
It is complete wrong to shut up information from one side, even if you don't agree with it.
I will not shut up anything from any side.
I am a strong supporter of free speech. People should decide themselves.
I am also and yes people can and will decide for themselves. They will make better fact based decisions if they have good facts to base their conclusions.
If people are making decisions that are not based on honest facts/truths then I like to keep a comfortable distance.
Propaganda can say anything on both sides.
Propaganda is not good for anything/anyone.
Reaction? After the UN has accepted 14 thousand killed in Ukrainian Donbass siege nobody has said nothing about it.
The situation in the Donbass is settled. We know what is happening there. The actions of Russian backed separatists has destablized the region.
Factoid: There are now in excess of 2,500,000 refugees caused by the Russian Federations war against Ukraine as the onslought continues against civilians on the ground. A large part of that number is now in Poland and countries west of Ukraine.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Gerrit Kuehn@2:240/12 to
alexander koryagin on Sun Mar 13 15:26:10 2022
Hello alexander!
13 Mar 22 14:35, alexander koryagin wrote to Gerrit Kuehn:
Both sides are lying, that why it is wrong to shut up one side only.
Meanwhile there is an obvious difference in the quality and quantity of lies in orders of magnitude. Mr. Putin is the most embarrassing leader of a country and the most pathetic public liar I've seen in a very long time.
how can you appreciate the fakes from the Russian media if they shut
Neither did I appreciate their fakes nor did I ask them to shut up (although it would be really helpful if they did come back to something like journalism instead of propagangda - but that's a long way now). What are you talking about?
... 3:26PM up 67 days, 2:21, 5 users, load averages: 1.30, 0.62, 0.50
--- msged/fbsd 6.3 2021-12-02
* Origin: And still they come and go (2:240/12)
August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to
Gerrit Kuehn on Sun Mar 13 12:10:00 2022
Hello Gerrit Kuehn!
** On Sunday 13.03.22 - 15:26, Gerrit Kuehn wrote to alexander koryagin:
Meanwhile there is an obvious difference in the quality
and quantity of lies in orders of magnitude. Mr. Putin is
the most embarrassing leader of a country and the most
pathetic public liar I've seen in a very long time.
Watching Russia's Foreign Minster, Lavrov, in front of cameras
saying "we are not attacking anyone.." is like watching a sad
--- OpenXP 5.0.51
* Origin: --> . <-- Oh look.. A point! (2:221/1.58)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Alan Ianson on Sun Mar 13 17:20:27 2022
Hello Alan,
I am a strong supporter of free speech. People should decide
I am also and yes people can and will decide for themselves. They will
make better fact based decisions if they have good facts to base their conclusions.
I would like to introduce to you my laws #15 and #17 on electronic communications ... maybe they need to be in a different set of laws, but here they are anyway ... both were inspired by mr.Putin already years ago...
"A politician does not need to be honest, but effective"
"Lying is an ultimate form of free speech"
And please, keep your acid-pot boiling...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
August Abolins on Sun Mar 13 17:36:55 2022
Watching Russia's Foreign Minster, Lavrov, in front of cameras
saying "we are not attacking anyone.." is like watching a sad
Actually ... maybe the propaganda has gotten to him too ... and he really believes it ...
Because if he consciously is lying, he is unfit for the foreign ministry. Nobody will want to deal with him, except people from other rogue states.
And if you need a reason why China is not really speaking out against Russia ... they themselves have plans to invade Taiwan, just like they did in Tibet and the world sat on its collective asses and did nothing ...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Gerrit Kuehn@2:240/12 to
August Abolins on Sun Mar 13 17:38:12 2022
Hello August!
13 Mar 22 12:10, August Abolins wrote to Gerrit Kuehn:
Watching Russia's Foreign Minster, Lavrov, in front of cameras
saying "we are not attacking anyone.." is like watching a sad
Actually, this is quite reminiscent of Walter Ulbrich (former leader of the GDR). When being asked about the borders of a "free city" Berlin in June 1961, he answered that "no-one intends to build a wall". Guess what happened two months later...
... 5:38PM up 67 days, 4:33, 5 users, load averages: 0.77, 0.57, 0.54
--- msged/fbsd 6.3 2021-12-02
* Origin: Tall orders to fulfil (2:240/12)
Bjrn Felten@2:203/2 to
Paul Quinn on Sun Mar 13 20:32:21 2022
IIRC, there were 28 Australians on board as well others from various nationalities.
You are right, if you include your neighbours.
People on board by nationality:
Nation Number
Netherlands 193
Malaysia 43
Australia 27
Indonesia 12
United Kingdom 10
Belgium 4
Germany 4
Philippines 3
Canada 1
New Zealand 1
Total 298
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Björn Felten@2:203/2 to
alexander koryagin on Sun Mar 13 20:42:43 2022
When Ukrainian side has shelled Donetsk
nobody can guarantee that the shells will not drop on the civilians.
When Russia has shelled civilian targets in Ukraine, it can be guaranteed that the shells will kill Russians living there, as well as their Ukrainian friends living nearby.
That's the problem with systematically target civilians, and why the civilized world will never tolerate war crimes like what Mad Vlad and his ilk are committing. Rest assured, there will be dire consequences...
BTW, what's the kill score so far?
Children living in Ukraine: 280
Children living in Russia: 0
Correct me if I'm wrong.
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Paul Quinn@3:640/1384.125 to
Björn Felten on Mon Mar 14 07:21:33 2022
Hi! Björn,
On 03/14/2022 05:32 AM, you wrote:
IIRC, there were 28 Australians on board as well others from
various nationalities.
You are right, if you include your neighbours.
Thank you! Yes, but it was a hunch though. Since I have been 'all over the story' it seems some facts kinda stuck. ;)
--- Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.4.0
* Origin: Vuja De - The feeling you've never been here before. (3:640/1384.125)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Ward Dossche on Sun Mar 13 14:41:50 2022
I would like to introduce to you my laws #15 and #17 on electronic communications ... maybe they need to be in a different set of laws, but here they are anyway ... both were inspired by mr.Putin already years ago...
"A politician does not need to be honest, but effective"
To what effect?
"Lying is an ultimate form of free speech"
Free speech means you can lie but lies not ultimate speech.
And please, keep your acid-pot boiling...
I have no acid, I only speak the truth.
If I were to mention that there was an agreement between the Russian Federation and Ukraine when Ukraine gave up it's nuclear weapons that the Russian Federation would never attack them that might seem acidic to one side.
How can we believe anything that Putin (or Russia) has to say?
In spite of that I am only speaking the unacidic truth.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Björn Felten@2:203/2 to
Alan Ianson on Sun Mar 13 23:37:57 2022
Free speech means you can lie but lies not ultimate speech.
Just remember, if we don't have free speech there's no way to spot the idiots...
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 14 00:20:40 2022
Hello Alexander,
I've took your answer as "I don't know about victims, but
they say on our TV that the maternity hospital was attacked
Yeah, sure, given you want to go on blindfolded by Russian
propaganda. OTOH, you may take it as "They did proper fact
checks and along the way even discovered how Russian media produced
fake news from it.".
Both sides are lying, that why it is wrong to shut up one side only. And how
can you appreciate the fakes from the Russian media if they shut up?
It is quite easy to do. I'll let The Doctor explain, as he did so
well and eloquently with the Time Lord in charge on Gallifrey -
"Can you hear them? All these people who lived in terror of you and
your judgement. All these people who's ancestors devoted and sacrificed themselves to you. Can you hear them singing? Oh, you like to think
you're a god, but you're not a god. You're just a parasite eating out
the jealousy and envy and longing for the lives of others. You feed on
them. On the memory of love and lost and birth and death and joy and
sorrow. So, so come on then. Take mine. Take my memories. And I hope
you've got a big appetite because I have lived a long life and I have
seen a few things. I walked away from the last Great Time War. I marked
the passing of the Time Lords. I saw the birth of the universe and
watched as time ran out. Moment by moment until nothing remained --
no time, no space, just me. I walked in universes where the laws of
physics where devised by the mind of a mad man. I watched universes
freeze and creations burn. I have seen things you wouldn't believe.
I have lost things you will never understand. And I know things.
Secrets that must never be told. Knowledge that must never be spoken.
Knowledge that will make parasite gods blaze. So come on then! Take it!
Take it all, baby! Have it! You have it all!"
~ Doctor Who
Rather than follow orders, the Doctor chose to become a deserter.
Even though the Daleks were seeking to eliminate his entire race.
Whose truth do you want to believe? The Protector, or the Deserter?
It Ain't Payday If It Ain't Nuts In Your Mouth
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 14 00:20:46 2022
Hello Alexander,
I've took your answer as "I don't know about victims, but
they say on our TV that the maternity hospital was attacked
Yeah, sure, given you want to go on blindfolded by Russian
propaganda. OTOH, you may take it as "They did proper fact
checks and along the way even discovered how Russian media produced
fake news from it.".
Both sides are lying, that why it is wrong to shut up one side only. And how can you appreciate the fakes from the Russian media if they shut up?
Propaganda has limitations. That is why people choose to read/watch
other sources than what is told to them by Big Brother.
We! Reject! The president-nonelect!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Mon Mar 14 08:26:53 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 13.03.2022 00:15
DP>>> Arkadiy Gaydar was an alcoholic, because he killed a lot of
DP>>> Russians during our civil war.
ak>> I don't know how these two things can be connected, but surely you
ak>> are too serious about my joke about Nuland's motives.
DP> My colleagues are under shelling in Ukraine, I am too serious.
Believe me or not but a friend of mine lives in Donetsk suburb.
DP> Gayday was drinking because he saw dead people in his dreams,
DP> people he killed in civil war. That's why he was drinking a lot.
When people drink a lot they see even green devils. ;-)
DP>>> Gaydar was part of propadanda during Stalin's repsessions agains
DP>>> Russian people. He was drinking a lot and spent some time in
DP>>> mental hospital because he was a child soldier.
ak>> IMHO, judging by the appearance and actions of his grandson, the
ak>> chief of economic reforms in Russia of 90s Egor Gaydar, there were
ak>> some genetic defects in their family.
DP> You sounds exactly like some Nazi, with "genetic defects" slogan.
DP> USSR collapse was a disaster and your are blaming Gaydar and not
DP> Stalin and Lenin, who created our state which was based on
DP> corruption and crazy ideas.
I don't like Erog Gaydar because people for him were like cattle. For
this reason he invented his famous economic chocking therapy. In China
reforms were slow and checked, and they gained success. In Russia the
reforms were tantamount to a catastrophe for all industry and most
people, well, except Muscovites. ;)
DP>>> Fake, Russia sent groups of fighters to DNR/LNR and invaded
DP>>> Crimea. Kharkiv never had any uprisings and now fighting with
DP>>> Russians forces, in fact it doing better in comparison with Nazi
DP>>> invasion in 1941.
ak>> Knarkiv had avoided that havoc due to the wise and independent
ak>> policy of its mayor, Kernes, AFAIR, who didn't allowed
ak>> nationalists to do everything the wanted. It was an exception
ak>> however.
DP> And now Kharkiv is paying a price. Beeing destroyed by Russians who
DP> are "protecting Russians".
I wish I could know whom the people of Kharkov are now afraid more --
their protectors or their defenders. ;-)
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Mon Mar 14 09:35:04 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 13.03.2022 16:02
AI>>> Do you believe, or want me to believe that a few thousand people
AI>>> overthrough a popular leader and the rest just went along with
AI>>> that? No.
ak>> If a crowd has weapons and when the President doesn't want to
ak>> suppress them down with force. It is possible. And Yanukovich has
ak>> proved it. And Pitin and Lukashenko has learnt a lot.
AI> Putin has not learned even after his wars in Afghanistan and Syria
AI> (among others). He does not want to learn and is incapable of
AI> learning. He is a dictator.
At least I can say for sure that occupation of Ukraine has never been in
his plans. IMHO he declared his wishes about Ukraine clearly -- Ukraine
should stop war against Donbass (which is still be shelling every day),
and become a neutral country.
AI> I have to ask again. Do you believe, or want me to believe that a
AI> few thousand people overthrough a popular leader and the people of
AI> Ukraine just along with that? No.
I say you again -- it is possible. Bolsheviks in Russia made a very
limited size cope, but had captured the whole country. The people of the former USSSR as a rule admit all orders that come from the capital. Most country officials submit to new power under the threat of physical
AI> The people of Ukraine want to go in the direction of their
AI> choosing. They choose to go in the direction of the EU and NATO.
AI> The reasons for this are crytal clear today and I hope their choice
AI> will be realized.
If it were as in your head there would not war in Ukraine.
ak>> Well, imagine what would happen if the storming of the Capitol
ak>> would not be suppressed. As it was in Kiev in 2014 where the
ak>> parliamentarian would go to their work through the crowd, insults
ak>> and threats.
AI> The events of 2014 and 2020 are not the same. Not even the same
AI> continent.
ak>> It had been proved
AI> Really!? Now you are talking silly.
ak>> that this woman was brought there after the shelling.
Photos were done in completely other medical center and this girl
participated before in many other provocative photos also. This story
looks like an imitation of chemical attack in Syria when it was
bombarded afterwards. I suggest also to investigate the crashing of an attacking drone in Croatia launched from Ukraine. It is very possible
they hoped for many victims.
AI> The woman has since had her baby and is safe and sound. As safe as
AI> a person can be when under attack from bombs and missiles of a
AI> rogue state like the Russian Federation.
ak>> A propaganda in short.
AI> Propagana is a real thing I know. This is a real life story, a true
AI> story and there are many more.
I say it once again -- it is foolishess and shame to listen only one
side of the conflict. Don't forget, that the main slogan of Russia's
invasion is justice and stopping the war in Donbass. Russia is not going
to repeat infamous American invasion in Veitnam with carpet bombing,
where Americans killed millions of people and ran with it.
AI> The people of Russia now live in a constant state of propaganda.
AI> The government has outlawed the truth in Russia. This is not new
AI> but it has ramped up. Media outlets have closed up (or moved) shop
AI> rather than risk a 15 year jail term for using words like "war"
AI> or "invasion" even when appropriate.
For instance Euronews TV is on air in Russia. As for prohibition -- yes
the state propaganda does it business. But as well as Ukrainian
propaganda prohibits any positive news about Russian side. In the world
of adults it is called "information war".
AI> What the people get in Russia today is fake news with headlines and
AI> stories provided by the state.
I repeat -- the Russian stance is not a complete lie. And Ukrainian nationalists are not sinless angels. That why Putin propaganda works
well. Well, how to explain it -- suppose he speaks good and correct
words about WW2 and under this disguise he says wrong things.
ak>> It is complete wrong to shut up information from one side, even if
ak>> you don't agree with it.
AI> I will not shut up anything from any side.
Yes, nobody asked you when they shut up Russian media.
ak>> Reaction? After the UN has accepted 14 thousand killed in
ak>> Ukrainian Donbass siege nobody has said nothing about it.
AI> The situation in the Donbass is settled. We know what is happening
AI> there. The actions of Russian backed separatists has destablized
AI> the region.
It was Ukrainian ultra-nationalists who had destabilized Ukraine in
2014. Everything would have been peaceful and fine if that idiots would
not come to power with their nationalistic violence.
AI> Factoid: There are now in excess of 2,500,000 refugees caused by
AI> the Russian Federations war against Ukraine as the onslought
AI> continues against civilians on the ground. A large part of that
AI> number is now in Poland and countries west of Ukraine.
After 2014 Russia accepted more 2 million Ukrainian refugies mostly from Donbass.
https://tinyurl.com/yam46fsy (Google translation)
-----Beginning of the citation-----
Internally displaced persons in Ukraine (since 2014) are internally
displaced persons in the country who migrated from the territory of the
ATO zone (armed conflict in eastern Ukraine), they also include migrants
from Crimea, which was annexed to the Russian Federation in
February-March 2014.
According to the statement of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, the total number of Ukrainian citizens
in Russia as of March 16, 2017 is 2 million 300 thousand 320 people, of
which more than a million are refugees from Donbass[1].
On June 15, 2016, Deputy Minister for the Occupied Territories and
Internally Displaced Persons Georgiy Tuka stated that the real number of
IDPs from Donbass is about 800,000, according to an independent study conducted by international organizations[2]. At the same time, according
to the Ministry of Social Policy, the number of registered migrants is
more than 1.7 million people (as of February 1, 2016). Of this number,
more than 714 thousand families applied for state financial assistance,
which was assigned to more than 669 thousand families[2][3].
----- The end of the citation -----
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Bj?rn Felten on Mon Mar 14 09:56:27 2022
Hi, Bj?rn Felten!
I read your message from 13.03.2022 22:42
BF> BTW, what's the kill score so far?
BF> Children living in Ukraine: 280
BF> Children living in Russia: 0
Well how many children were in those 14 thousand killed in Donbass by Ukrainian troops? Thousands probably. What is going on is just a logical continuation of the war started in 2014. The main blame should be put on
those who didn't want to make peace for these 8 years. They probably
hoped to cut the rebels throats and get bingo.
What has changed? Well, for 8 years has suffered those who lived in
Donbass. Now many Ukrainians themselves feel the same horror. Probably
it makes to understand what horror they did in Donbass.
PS: And I repeat again and again, I consider Putin's operation as crazy
and unclever. But I just say to you again -- try not dissolve the reason
of the conflict in Ukraine in the person of Putin.
Bye, Bj?rn!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
August Abolins on Mon Mar 14 10:12:34 2022
Hi, August Abolins!
I read your message from 13.03.2022 19:10
GK>> Meanwhile there is an obvious difference in the quality
GK>> and quantity of lies in orders of magnitude. Mr. Putin is
GK>> the most embarrassing leader of a country and the most
GK>> pathetic public liar I've seen in a very long time.
AA> Watching Russia's Foreign Minster, Lavrov, in front of cameras
AA> saying "we are not attacking anyone.." is like watching a sad
AA> puppy.
IMHO everybody in Russia, I believe Lavrov including, were sure that
the building up Russian army near Ukrainian border was just play of
muscles to prevent Ukraine from solving Donbass war forcefully. It was
true and obvious that Ukraine concentrated big forces in the Donetsk
region this winter. A big part of escalation is also lies on the
Ukrainian side.
Nobody can answer why Putin had decided that the military strike would
be the best solution. Probably after successful suppressing the riot in Kazakhstan he started to felt himself a big strategist. And there was no
one next to say him clever words. ;-\
Bye, August!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Ward Dossche on Mon Mar 14 10:17:03 2022
Hi, Ward Dossche!
I read your message from 13.03.2022 19:36
WD> Actually ... maybe the propaganda has gotten to him too ... and
WD> he really believes it ... Because if he consciously is lying,
WD> he is unfit for the foreign ministry. Nobody will want to deal
WD> with him, except people from other rogue states. And if you
WD> need a reason why China is not really speaking out against Russia ...
WD> they themselves have plans to invade Taiwan, just like they did in
WD> Tibet and the world sat on its collective asses and did nothing
WD> ...
Taiwan Chinese are not such idiots as Ukrainian nationalists. Its enough
to not provoke the beast and everything will be OK.
Bye, Ward!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 14 02:23:24 2022
Putin has not learned even after his wars in Afghanistan and Syria
(among others). He does not want to learn and is incapable of
learning. He is a dictator.
At least I can say for sure that occupation of Ukraine has never been in
his plans.
No, it is simply a military invasion. He has attacked the whole country. He is not protecting anyone. Not in the Donbass region or anywhere else. He has invaded a peaceful and sovereign nation.
IMHO he declared his wishes about Ukraine clearly -- Ukraine
should stop war against Donbass (which is still be shelling every day),
and become a neutral country.
I have already expressed to you that the problem in the Donbass region is separatists. Russian backed (armed) separatists. The issue is not ultra nationalists. Well maybe it is, Russian ultra nationalists in Ukraine.
Yes, there is daily shelling in the Donbass region and everywhere in Ukraine today by the Russian military. Russian bombing/shelling is killing many in Ukraine, Russian and Ukrainian speakers alike.
Whatever the issues and solutions are in the Donbass region it is a Ukrainian problem. The Russian Federation need not amass ~200,000 troops on the Ukraine border and invade that peaceful sovereign nation with it's military.
I can only hope that makes sense to you.
I say you again -- it is possible.
It is not possible and it did not happen in this case regardless of Putin's wish list.
The people of the former USSSR as a rule admit all orders that come from the capital.
That is the case. For better or for worse.
Most country officials submit to new power under the threat of physical reprisal.
The Russian military did not come to Ukraine for a friendly visit. They went there to bark orders and expected the population to comply and offer flowers.
Of course that didn't happen. Did you or the leaders of your country really expect it would happen? Of course not.
Photos were done in completely other medical center and this girl participated before in many other provocative photos also.
Really!? You are going to have to come up with something better than "participated before in many other provocative photos also" if you want me to believe anything you have to say.
I say it once again -- it is foolishess and shame to listen only one
side of the conflict.
I am not listening to one side only. I am listening to you and you want to tell me that "a few thousand people overthrough a popular leader" and "this girl...".
Don't forget, that the main slogan of Russia's invasion is justice and stopping the war in Donbass.
There is no justice in this war, none.
Russia is not going to repeat infamous American invasion in Veitnam with carpet bombing, where Americans killed millions of people and ran with it.
I guess you have lost the argument at this point so you want to bring up Vietnam.
The people of Russia now live in a constant state of propaganda.
The government has outlawed the truth in Russia. This is not new
but it has ramped up. Media outlets have closed up (or moved) shop
rather than risk a 15 year jail term for using words like "war"
or "invasion" even when appropriate.
For instance Euronews TV is on air in Russia. As for prohibition -- yes
the state propaganda does it business. But as well as Ukrainian
propaganda prohibits any positive news about Russian side.
I have not even heard of Euronews. From what I can tell at a glance it is a british site with a Russian speaking arm out of France. It is not Russian by a long shot.
In the world of adults it is called "information war".
No, what is happening inside Russia today has no resemblance to information. Lack of information perhaps.
What the people get in Russia today is fake news with headlines and
stories provided by the state.
This is what you have in Russia today.
I repeat -- the Russian stance is not a complete lie. And Ukrainian nationalists are not sinless angels.
Nationalism can be problematical. I will give you that.
That why Putin propaganda works well.
It does? Define works well.
It was Ukrainian ultra-nationalists who had destabilized Ukraine in
2014. Everything would have been peaceful and fine if that idiots would
not come to power with their nationalistic violence.
You sure want to get your milage out of ultra-nationalists and Donbass.
https://tinyurl.com/yam46fsy (Google translation)
This is not a translation, it is a russian wikipedia site.
Wikipedia can be very good, and it can be very bad.
I don't see any refugee's heading to Russia. By and large they are leaving through Poland and onwards. Very few if any are heading toward Russia.
I just read an article in the washigton post from 2019 that 20% of the population in Russia want to leave with Germany and the USA being the places to go. I wonder what the situation is in 2022?
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Björn Felten@2:203/2 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 14 10:40:55 2022
Well how many children were in those 14 thousand killed in Donbass by Ukrainian troops? Thousands probably.
WOW! Do you really believe that?
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Alexander Koryagin on Mon Mar 14 02:54:04 2022
It was Ukrainian ultra-nationalists who had destabilized Ukraine in
2014. Everything would have been peaceful and fine if that idiots would
not come to power with their nationalistic violence.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 14 10:42:04 2022
Taiwan Chinese are not such idiots as Ukrainian nationalists. Its enough
to not provoke the beast and everything will be OK.
So in what way did Tibet provoke the beast in order to be invaded by China's military force?
Make no mistake ... Taiwan is not being invaded (yet) because of the large support by the west, in particular the US.
Ukraine should have been immediately included in NATO and EU in 2014/2015 ... of course, that's with hind vision.
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Bj?rn Felten on Mon Mar 14 13:27:48 2022
Hi, Bj?rn Felten!
I read your message from 14.03.2022 12:40
ak>> Well how many children were in those 14 thousand killed in
ak>> Donbass by Ukrainian troops? Thousands probably.
BF> WOW! Do you really believe that?
Those people were killed as a rule in discriminate bombardments and the
number of 14 thousand is accepted in the UN documents. So why you don't believe that a good part of these victims were children?
Also in this way you can estimate how many children had been killed by
the US and NATO during invasions in Iraq (by ridiculously false
propaganda ground), Afghanistan, Yugoslavia.... What's wrong with it?
Bye, Bj?rn!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Mon Mar 14 13:45:19 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 14.03.2022 12:54
ak>> It was Ukrainian ultra-nationalists who had destabilized Ukraine
ak>> in 2014. Everything would have been peaceful and fine if that
ak>> idiots would not come to power with their nationalistic violence.
A terrible war. But they said in the clip that the people left the city
before it was stormed. But those who is being shelled now in Donetsk
live in their homes. Look at the BBC report.
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 14 04:18:32 2022
A terrible war.
It is a terrible war. Peoples lives are being destroyed for no good reason. People who have no connection to ultra-nationalists or the donbass region.
Not to mention the dead and injured, all without any connection to ultra-nationalist or the Donbass. People keep pouring out of Ukraine in an attempt to save whatever is left now.
But they said in the clip that the people left the city
before it was stormed. But those who is being shelled now in Donetsk
live in their homes. Look at the BBC report.
The issue is not that people left before the bombardment, I hope they all got out with their lives and can somehow find a way to continue on without their city and life they have known.
I can only view this video, I can't understand what is being said and there is no text to translate.
You may have had the same issue with the link I provided you. I hope you were able to understand what was being said in the link I provided.
No war.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Ward Dossche on Mon Mar 14 14:14:17 2022
Hello Ward,
Taiwan Chinese are not such idiots as Ukrainian nationalists. Its
enough to not provoke the beast and everything will be OK.
So in what way did Tibet provoke the beast in order to be invaded by China's
military force?
The Dalai Lama chose a different successor than the Chinese version.
Make no mistake ... Taiwan is not being invaded (yet) because of the large support by the west, in particular the US.
Taiwan is just a mite on a chessboard. If China chooses to use military
force to invade Taiwan, it would win in a matter of days. If the USA
decides to defend Taiwan, things will go nuclear. How limited a nuclear exchange would be is anybody's guess.
Ukraine should have been immediately included in NATO and EU in 2014/2015 ... of course, that's with hind vision.
If NATO gets involved in Ukraine, Russia would be squashed.
As things turned out, President Barack Obama decided to impose
limited sanctions on Russia rather than send US troops to Ukraine.
At the time, Ukraine only had some 5,000 soldiers, most of them
poorly equipped and having no military experience.
What we saw in 2014 was the beginning of WWIII. The current situation
is an escalated continuation of that war.
Of course, we all know how that war ends ...
It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Björn Felten on Mon Mar 14 14:14:23 2022
Hello Bjrn,
Well how many children were in those 14 thousand killed in Donbass by
Ukrainian troops? Thousands probably.
WOW! Do you really believe that?
It was a rescue operation. Where else do you think the Pied Piper took
those children of Hamelin?
Donald Trump! Go away! Racist, sexist, anti-gay!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 14 16:39:40 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Monday March 14 2022 08:26, you wrote to me:
My colleagues are under shelling in Ukraine, I am too serious.
Believe me or not but a friend of mine lives in Donetsk suburb.
Could you please ask him why Russia was always against inviting peace-keeping forces to DNR/LNR?
Gayday was drinking because he saw dead people in his dreams,
people he killed in civil war. That's why he was drinking a lot.
When people drink a lot they see even green devils. ;-)
But not of them spent years killing Russians.
I don't like Erog Gaydar because people for him were like cattle. For
this reason he invented his famous economic chocking therapy. In China
USSR was already in free fall during his time in government.
reforms were slow and checked, and they gained success. In Russia the
In China they invited western companies in eary 80s. They allowed them to have their own management.
In early 90s it was too late to invite anyone to Russia, it was a bankrupted country, unable to buy food.
NATO was sending us food from West Berlin's military warehouses, it was a nightmare.
Do you remember Pavlov, who was doing reforms before Gaydar? And his "bright" ideas?
reforms were tantamount to a catastrophe for all industry and most
people, well, except Muscovites. ;)
So why you are not blaming Brezhnev? Food vouchers started to appear in USSR in late 70s. It was a time for radical reforms.
But they did nothing.
And now Kharkiv is paying a price. Beeing destroyed by Russians
who are "protecting Russians".
I wish I could know whom the people of Kharkov are now afraid more -- their protectors or their defenders. ;-)
They are afraid because Russia invaded Ukraine started to shell cities.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 14 16:53:14 2022
Hello, alexander!
Monday March 14 2022 10:17, you wrote to Ward Dossche:
Taiwan Chinese are not such idiots as Ukrainian nationalists. Its
enough to not provoke the beast and everything will be OK.
Taiwan is ready to protect it's land. I've been there 2 years ago - army and air forces are training every day.
They even treat part of Chinese territory as ADIZ (air defense identification zone), nothing like this happened in Ukraine.
But who is ready an idiot - is Putin. No preparation for war at all! Ecomomy is starting to collapse - no reserves, prices are skyrocketing, impossible to buy some drugs already.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 14 16:57:46 2022
Hello, alexander!
Monday March 14 2022 09:56, you wrote to Bj?rn Felten:
logical continuation of the war started in 2014. The main blame should
be put on those who didn't want to make peace for these 8 years. They
Russia? It was our project, we've sent military aid and people there.
DNR/LNR were puppet states.
What has changed? Well, for 8 years has suffered those who lived in Donbass. Now many Ukrainians themselves feel the same horror. Probably
it makes to understand what horror they did in Donbass.
So Russian cities should be bombed because our participation in war in Syria? Ukraine had military conflict with Russia as one of the players on it's territory.
Without Russian's military help the whole DNR/LNR project was nothing.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 14 16:58:10 2022
Hello, alexander!
Monday March 14 2022 09:35, you wrote to Alan Ianson:
At least I can say for sure that occupation of Ukraine has never been
in his plans. IMHO he declared his wishes about Ukraine clearly --
You cannot be sure about that. Puting officaly annonced that Ukraine is some artifical creature, without rights to exist.
Ukraine should stop war against Donbass (which is still be shelling
every day), and become a neutral country.
You cannot be neutral country if you have foreign forces on your land.
I say you again -- it is possible. Bolsheviks in Russia made a very limited size cope, but had captured the whole country. The people of
They captured country only after long civil war.
Photos were done in completely other medical center and this girl participated before in many other provocative photos also. This story
Already checked by independent media:
I say it once again -- it is foolishess and shame to listen only one
side of the conflict. Don't forget, that the main slogan of Russia's invasion is justice and stopping the war in Donbass. Russia is not
This slogan is fake. Just another lie by Putin.
going to repeat infamous American invasion in Veitnam with carpet
bombing, where Americans killed millions of people and ran with it.
In Vietnam it was Viet Cong who tried to capture South Vietnam by military force.
USA was protecting it, like they in Korea.
I know personally some vietnamese from south who were able to run away from Vietnamese and escaped communist's concentration camps.
The whole communist ideology was a disaster for humankind!
For instance Euronews TV is on air in Russia. As for prohibition --
No, it was banned from air in 2017.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Mon Mar 14 11:35:00 2022
Hello Dmitry Protasoff!
** On Tuesday 08.03.22 - 16:53, Dmitry Protasoff wrote:
Russians already leaving Russia in big numbers, although
we don't have any war inside our territory.
I would imagine that some Russians are fed up with Putin's
empty promises for a properous country. His recent actions are
simply sinking the country back several decades economically.
But wouldn't Russia make it difficult for the average citizen
(especially from the deep interior) to emigrate?
It takes a lot of guts and "enough-is-enough"s to just leave a
whole life behind and leave the only home country that one may
have ever known.
Russia is doing a piss-poor job promoting itself as a dream
--- OpenXP 5.0.51
* Origin: --> . <-- Oh look.. A point! (2:221/1.58)
Björn Felten@2:203/2 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 14 18:23:31 2022
So why you don't
believe that a good part of these victims were children?
I don't believe that Ukrainians would shell their own citizens. Has the Ministry of Truth in Kremlin told you who provided those alleged shelling weapons to the Ukrainian military. eBay perhaps? Or maybe it is all a DumbAss News hoax?
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
August Abolins on Tue Mar 15 01:41:58 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, August!
Monday March 14 2022 11:35, you wrote to me:
I would imagine that some Russians are fed up with Putin's
empty promises for a properous country. His recent actions are
Yes, it's very difficult to make any plans if you can't be sure about your future.
Tomorrow he'll start new war with Lithuania, Poland or Moldova and economy will crush again.
simply sinking the country back several decades economically.
But wouldn't Russia make it difficult for the average citizen
(especially from the deep interior) to emigrate?
Yes, now it's impossible to buy euro/dollars officially, only black market works.
Strict limits for cash if you traveling abroad, strict limits for wire transfers from Russia.
But you can still emigrate, because our state doesn't want to keep people who are immune to propaganda inside our borders.
It takes a lot of guts and "enough-is-enough"s to just leave a
whole life behind and leave the only home country that one may
have ever known.
Eventually ,people are thinking more and more about life of their children. And some places in the world (EU, USA) are more stable and safe for them.
Not everyone is happy that their sons will go to some new war.
Russia is doing a piss-poor job promoting itself as a dream
Oh yeah! :)
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Mar 15 01:15:45 2022
Hello Dmitry,
I would imagine that some Russians are fed up with Putin's
empty promises for a properous country. His recent actions are
Yes, it's very difficult to make any plans if you can't be sure about your future.
Russia has lost 10 million people, mostly young women of childbearing
age, due to emigration over the past ten years. I do not believe many
of them will be returning to Russia anytime soon.
Tomorrow he'll start new war with Lithuania, Poland or Moldova and economy will crush again.
If NATO gets involved, it will squash Russia like a bug. Lithuania
is a member of NATO. So is Poland. Moldova (and Kosovo) have applied
for membership.
simply sinking the country back several decades economically.
But wouldn't Russia make it difficult for the average citizen
(especially from the deep interior) to emigrate?
Yes, now it's impossible to buy euro/dollars officially, only black market works.
Distancing itself from the rest of the world is not a viable solution.
The world economy is too interconnected, and any country that tries to
do it alone is doomed to failure.
Strict limits for cash if you traveling abroad, strict limits for wire transfers from Russia.
Not a problem if one has no plans to return to Russia. Such as
thousands of Russian tourists now stranded in Thailand due to no
flights being available to fly them home. And Ukrainians stuck
in Thailand have no desire to return home, assuming they even have
a home to return to.
But you can still emigrate, because our state doesn't want to keep people who are immune to propaganda inside our borders.
Beaches in Thailand are fun places to be in times like these.
It takes a lot of guts and "enough-is-enough"s to just leave a
whole life behind and leave the only home country that one may
have ever known.
Eventually ,people are thinking more and more about life of their children.
And some places in the world (EU, USA) are more stable and safe for them. Not everyone is happy that their sons will go to some new war.
War is hell. For both adults and children alike. No matter where
someone is from.
Russia is doing a piss-poor job promoting itself as a dream
Oh yeah! :)
There was Sochi a few years ago ...
Education not deportation!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Mar 15 01:15:56 2022
Hello Dmitry,
going to repeat infamous American invasion in Veitnam with carpet
bombing, where Americans killed millions of people and ran with it.
In Vietnam it was Viet Cong who tried to capture South Vietnam by military force. USA was protecting it, like they in Korea.
There are a few holes in that story. S. Vietnam President Diem was assassinated, and replaced with JFK's choice. The North Vietnamese had
two armies - the North Vietnamese Army (which was a regular army) and
the Viet Cong (which were volunteers/terrorists/whatever you want to
call them).
The USA was not protecting the people of Vietnam, but the companies
benefitting and profiting from resources in Vietnam. Lots of oil in
those parts.
This was McNamara's War (who was in charge of the Departmnt of Defense
at the time). JFK most likely would have withdrawn US troops from
Vietnam had he not been assassinated in November, 1963. LBJ is the
guy who sent in US combat troops, using a fake Gulf of Tonkin
incident to justify his actions.
The USA won the "war in Vietnam" - which is called the American War
by Vietnamese. The problem was the S. Vietnamese officers were paid
in US dollars, and the privates were trained by the French. When the
N. Vietnamese made their final advance, the S. Vietnamese officers
bought their way to safety, and the privates fled into the hills.
A few were able to make it to safety by finding a boat, or climb onto
the roof of the US embassy in Saigon.
I know personally some vietnamese from south who were able to run away from
Vietnamese and escaped communist's concentration camps.
I personally know the daughter of the president of S. Vietnam.
She ran a convenience store, while her father owned a shrimp boat.
This was after Vietnam was united as one country, rather than
being split into two parts.
The whole communist ideology was a disaster for humankind!
It is the same people, not divided by ideology. Even in today's
Vietnam, communism as an ideology is a fiction.
What existed in the former USSR was not communism, but a cult.
First the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin. One could call it Leninism.
Then by Stalin, or Stalinism. Gorbachev decided not to play that
game any more, and that era finally came to a close.
For instance Euronews TV is on air in Russia. As for prohibition --
No, it was banned from air in 2017.
The Russian Orthodox Church is not banned. And the Patriarch
of Moscow is still allowed to say anything he wants.
Not my president!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Björn Felten on Tue Mar 15 01:16:01 2022
Hello Bjrn,
So why you don't
believe that a good part of these victims were children?
I don't believe that Ukrainians would shell their own citizens. Has the Ministry of Truth in Kremlin told you who provided those alleged shelling weapons to the Ukrainian military. eBay perhaps? Or maybe it is all a DumbAss News hoax?
I am sure Alexander and other Russians get their news from the
Russian Orthodox Church, whose spokesperson is the Patriarch of
Moscow. I posted an English translation of his explanation of
what is going on in Ukraine, with cited link. It is not a long
read, and very easy to understand.
We! Reject! The president-nonelect!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Tue Mar 15 08:39:53 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 14.03.2022 14:18
ak>> A terrible war.
AI> It is a terrible war. Peoples lives are being destroyed for no
AI> good reason. People who have no connection to
AI> ultra-nationalists or the donbass region. Not to mention the
AI> dead and injured, all without any connection to ultra-nationalist or
AI> the Donbass. People keep pouring out of Ukraine in an attempt to save
AI> whatever is left now.
It would be strange if they stay in the fighting areas. As for shelling civilians I would suggest to you to watch video at the end of this
message. Ukrainian nationlists has never shamed to do such things in
ak>> But they said in the clip that the people left the city
ak>> before it was stormed. But those who is being shelled now
ak>> in Donetsk live in their homes. Look at the BBC report.
AI> The issue is not that people left before the bombardment, I
AI> hope they all got out with their lives and can somehow find a
AI> way to continue on without their city and life they have
AI> known.
??>> D0%A2%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B %D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BBATR
AI> I can only view this video, I can't understand what is being
AI> said and there is no text to translate. You may have had the
AI> same issue with the link I provided you. I hope you were able
AI> to understand what was being said in the link I provided. No
AI> war.
Well look at another yesterday video -- it is also doesn't demand your language skills.
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Lee Lofaso on Tue Mar 15 08:47:09 2022
Hi, Lee Lofaso!
I read your message from 14.03.2022 16:14
LL> What we saw in 2014 was the beginning of WWIII. The current
LL> situation is an escalated continuation of that war.
LL> Of course, we all know how that war ends ...
An achievable compromise with Russian speaking areas in Ukraine is very possible if the Ukrainian nationalists not act as a dull ram before the
new gate. Both nations in Ukraine should have the same rights and it is
only just.
Bye, Lee!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Mar 15 09:11:23 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 14.03.2022 16:39
DP>>> My colleagues are under shelling in Ukraine, I am too serious.
ak>> Believe me or not but a friend of mine lives in Donetsk suburb.
DP> Could you please ask him why Russia was always against inviting
DP> peace-keeping forces to DNR/LNR?
It because Ukraine is against Russian participation in these forces.
Ukraine is afraid that Russia will separate fighting sides in honest. ;)
DP>>> Gayday was drinking because he saw dead people in his dreams,
DP>>> people he killed in civil war. That's why he was drinking a lot.
ak>> When people drink a lot they see even green devils.
DP> But not of them spent years killing Russians.
You are wrong when speaking so about Russian Civil War after Revolution
1917. The matter was not in nationalities. During that years often
brother fought with brother.
DP> In China they invited western companies in eary 80s. They allowed
DP> them to have their own management. In early 90s it was too late to
DP> invite anyone to Russia, it was a bankrupted country, unable to buy
DP> food.
Not correct. Every country who wanted it has got high-tech industry. My hard-drivers and other computer parts were made in barefooted Thailand, Indonesia etc -- no reason to exclude Russia from the possible places
for such factories. The problem was in other place -- the swindlers in
power wanted to grab the state factories for nothing and suck from them.
But only the state could support such big plants and they quickly
collapsed. No ground and conditions for new plants and initiatives was
created by Gaydar.
DP> NATO was sending us food from West Berlin's military warehouses, it
DP> was a nightmare. Do you remember Pavlov, who was doing reforms
DP> before Gaydar? And his "bright" ideas?
Anyway the reforms should have been gradual and checked. They should
keep the existing industry, but create the ground for new plants and factories. It was done in China.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Mar 15 09:27:49 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 14.03.2022 16:57
ak>> logical continuation of the war started in 2014. The main blame
ak>> should be put on those who didn't want to make peace for these 8
ak>> years. They
DP> Russia? It was our project, we've sent military aid and people
DP> there. DNR/LNR were puppet states.
Ukraine authority has told many times that the autonomy of Donbass and
amnesty for rebels will never be despite these things are in the Minsk agreements. That's why the conflict has lasted so long.
ak>> What has changed? Well, for 8 years has suffered those who lived
ak>> in Donbass. Now many Ukrainians themselves feel the same horror.
ak>> Probably it makes to understand what horror they did in Donbass.
DP> So Russian cities should be bombed because our participation in war
DP> in Syria? Ukraine had military conflict with Russia as one of the
DP> players on it's territory.
You should understand a simple thing, that there are countries which can
be bombed -- like Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan etc, but there are
countries which cannot be bombed because of their nuclear umbrella. And
in making your offensive policy you need be cautious in relations with
the later. It is natural as human relations. If you see a strong man you
will be polite with him. Correct? ;)
DP> Without Russian's military help the whole DNR/LNR project was
DP> nothing.
Ukraine is doomed as a whole country if Ukrainan nationalists continue
their aggressive ukrainization.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Mar 15 09:40:00 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 14.03.2022 16:58
ak>> At least I can say for sure that occupation of Ukraine has never
ak>> been in his plans. IMHO he declared his wishes about Ukraine
ak>> clearly --
DP> You cannot be sure about that. Puting officaly annonced that
DP> Ukraine is some artifical creature, without rights to exist.
He never told the last statement -- you are lying badly. Even if I don't
like Putin I should say it. ;-)
ak>> Ukraine should stop war against Donbass (which is still be
ak>> shelling every day), and become a neutral country.
DP> You cannot be neutral country if you have foreign forces on your
DP> land.
Well - look at this in the following way -- no country has a guarantee
is will exists for ever. When gross mistakes are committed by the state authority the country can easily collapse and separate. And it will be
useless to strike with your bald spot against the floor.
So, to preserve your country you should lead a wise, peaceful, fair
policy for all the people in your country. In this case your country
will be safe and whole.
ak>> For instance Euronews TV is on air in Russia. As for
ak>> prohibition --
DP> No, it was banned from air in 2017.
Not true -- in is on air in Moscow in the third multiplex on channel 34.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Bj?rn Felten on Tue Mar 15 09:47:00 2022
Hi, Bj?rn Felten!
I read your message from 14.03.2022 20:23
ak>> So why you don't
ak>> believe that a good part of these victims were children?
BF> I don't believe that Ukrainians would shell their own
BF> citizens. Has the Ministry of Truth in Kremlin told you who
BF> provided those alleged shelling weapons to the Ukrainian
BF> military. eBay perhaps? Or maybe it is all a DumbAss News hoax?
BF> ..
Especially for you I repeat URL
Yesterday's shelling of Donetsk with a very powerful missle.
Bye, Bj?rn!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Alexander Koryagin on Mon Mar 14 23:46:12 2022
It would be strange if they stay in the fighting areas. As for shelling civilians I would suggest to you to watch video at the end of this
It would be strange if they left. They are fighting because they were invaded by Russia, not because they choose a war. They are not going to surrender, why would they?
Ukrainian nationlists has never shamed to do such things in Donbass.
Still on about nationalists and Donbass?
Well look at another yesterday video -- it is also doesn't demand your language skills. https://ru.euronews.com/2022/03/14/ukraine-topstory-monday-update
Very uninformative but thanks anyway.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Alexander Koryagin on Mon Mar 14 23:52:38 2022
An achievable compromise with Russian speaking areas in Ukraine is very possible if the Ukrainian nationalists not act as a dull ram before the
new gate. Both nations in Ukraine should have the same rights and it is
only just.
Dull ram before the new gate? Both nations in Ukraine?
What are you talking about? There are not both nations in Ukraine, there is just Ukraine.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 15 10:47:02 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Tuesday March 15 2022 09:40, you wrote to me:
You cannot be sure about that. Puting officaly annonced that
Ukraine is some artifical creature, without rights to exist.
He never told the last statement -- you are lying badly. Even if I
don't like Putin I should say it. ;-)
Is it a joke?
Sounds like you don't listen carefully to your president.
You cannot be neutral country if you have foreign forces on your
Well - look at this in the following way -- no country has a guarantee
is will exists for ever. When gross mistakes are committed by the
state authority the country can easily collapse and separate. And it
will be useless to strike with your bald spot against the floor.
If you have massive invasion of foreign forces as it happend with Ukraine - yes.
You are just trying to find explanation why invaded this country.
So, to preserve your country you should lead a wise, peaceful, fair
policy for all the people in your country. In this case your country
will be safe and whole.
But if you have crazy madman dictator nearby - it won't help.
No, it was banned from air in 2017.
Not true -- in is on air in Moscow in the third multiplex on channel
Only in Moscow, it's banned in rest of Russia in 2017.
And the only reason it's there - because our state is a shareholder.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 15 10:57:32 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Tuesday March 15 2022 09:27, you wrote to me:
Russia? It was our project, we've sent military aid and people
there. DNR/LNR were puppet states.
Ukraine authority has told many times that the autonomy of Donbass and
amnesty for rebels will never be despite these things are in the
Minsk agreements. That's why the conflict has lasted so long.
Conflict lasted so long because Putin wanted it to exists.
Even people who were sent from Russia to DNR/LNR in 2014 to start war they are famous and well known.
So Russian cities should be bombed because our participation in
war in Syria? Ukraine had military conflict with Russia as one
of the players on it's territory.
You should understand a simple thing, that there are countries which
can be bombed -- like Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan etc, but there are
So you trying to tell me that Putin decided to cosplay USA but forgot to buy enough drugs for pharmacies? :)
countries which cannot be bombed because of their nuclear umbrella.
We had military conflicts between India and Pakistan, they both had nuclear weapons.
And in making your offensive policy you need be cautious in relations
with the later. It is natural as human relations. If you see a strong
man you will be polite with him. Correct? ;)
But you don't have to give him money. That's why Russia now is in such deep shit.
Without Russian's military help the whole DNR/LNR project was
Ukraine is doomed as a whole country if Ukrainan nationalists continue
their aggressive ukrainization.
They don't have any nationalists parties in Parlament if you don't know.
So they don't have any political power.
Try to compare that with Putin's support to multiple far-right parties in Europe. We even pay them and invite to Russian events.
Or is it "another story"? :)
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 15 11:05:00 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Tuesday March 15 2022 09:11, you wrote to me:
Could you please ask him why Russia was always against inviting
peace-keeping forces to DNR/LNR?
It because Ukraine is against Russian participation in these forces. Ukraine is afraid that Russia will separate fighting sides in honest.
Russia couldn't be peacekeeping force there, because it's actually part of the conflict.
And Russia never wanted this conflict to stop, that's why it never allowed any external forces.
But not of them spent years killing Russians.
You are wrong when speaking so about Russian Civil War after
Revolution 1917. The matter was not in nationalities. During that
years often brother fought with brother.
No one forced Gaidar to go and kill anyone. It was his own decision.
In China they invited western companies in eary 80s. They
allowed them to have their own management. In early 90s it was
too late to invite anyone to Russia, it was a bankrupted
country, unable to buy food.
Not correct. Every country who wanted it has got high-tech industry.
My hard-drivers and other computer parts were made in barefooted
Thailand, Indonesia etc -- no reason to exclude Russia from the
They are made by western companies.
possible places for such factories. The problem was in other place --
No, it was not possible to have western company in USSR with their own management.
It was against the law. And they were not allowed to export produced goods and get their revenues in hard currency.
You just don't know how Soviet economy was working with foreign companies.
the swindlers in power wanted to grab the state factories for nothing
and suck from them. But only the state could support such big plants
They were very low-tech. And as I wrote before - no one wanted to buy soviet computers and modems - that's why those industries collapsed.
The same for other stuff.
and they quickly collapsed. No ground and conditions for new plants
and initiatives was created by Gaydar.
Gaidar was in government from 11.1991 till 12.1992.
Just 1 year. Soviet/Russian economy in late 91 was collapsing - long queues for food, shortage of everything, USSR canot pay in hard currency to anyone.
His task was to create new market economy, not a single western company was crazy enough to invest in Russia during that period.
This economy still exists in Russia, btw.
NATO was sending us food from West Berlin's military warehouses,
it was a nightmare. Do you remember Pavlov, who was doing
reforms before Gaydar? And his "bright" ideas?
Anyway the reforms should have been gradual and checked. They should
keep the existing industry, but create the ground for new plants and factories. It was done in China.
No, in China they allowed western companres a lot.
No one in USSR was ready to do that. We were enemies with USA and Western Europe, with war in Afghanistan.
First western companies arrived in China in 1982. At this time we had Andropov in power who were threating to nuclear strike NATO forces in Europe.
Looks like you've missed chinese history of XX century a bit ;)
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Alan Ianson on Tue Mar 15 12:26:21 2022
ண ६窠, Alan Ianson.
ᠫ 14.03.22 23:52:
What are you talking about? There are not both nations in Ukraine,
there is just Ukraine.
Of course you know better, you live there..
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Lee Lofaso on Tue Mar 15 12:45:26 2022
ண ६窠, Lee Lofaso.
ᠫ 15.03.22 1:15:
If NATO gets involved, it will squash Russia like a bug. Lithuania
is a member of NATO. So is Poland. Moldova (and Kosovo) have
applied for membership.
I wouldn't be so sure about such statements. If the northern alliance pulls out, a preemptive strike will be launched against all firing points simultaneously. Our missiles are dozens of times faster, and no one has ever been able to intercept them. What are you talking about? NATO has been looking for our submarines for two weeks...;)
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 03:00:48 2022
What are you talking about? There are not both nations in Ukraine,
there is just Ukraine.
Of course you know better, you live there..
If you live there then you tell us. Is it one nation? Is it two nations? Is it three nations? Is it four nations?
Do tell.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 03:06:54 2022
I wouldn't be so sure about such statements. If the northern alliance pulls out, a preemptive strike will be launched against all firing points simultaneously. Our missiles are dozens of times faster, and no one has ever been able to intercept them. What are you talking about? NATO has been looking for our submarines for two weeks...;)
Putins invasion of Ukraine has united NATO like it has never been united before. I don't ever remember NATO being as united as they are now. I don't think that was Putins plan but that is what he has accomplished.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Alan Ianson on Tue Mar 15 13:22:51 2022
ண ६窠, Alan Ianson.
ᠫ 15.03.22 3:00:
If you live there then you tell us. Is it one nation? Is it two
nations? Is it three nations? Is it four nations?
As least - two. Russians an ucranians. Both is Slavs. Different languages are spoken. And so some have decided that others (Russians) no longer have the right to speak their language. If you say a word - to the wall!
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Alan Ianson on Tue Mar 15 13:25:03 2022
ண ६窠, Alan Ianson.
ᠫ 15.03.22 3:06:
Putins invasion of Ukraine has united NATO like it has never been
united before. I don't ever remember NATO being as united as they
are now. I don't think that was Putins plan but that is what he
has accomplished.
We'll see, we'll see (Russian proverb).
Do you know why the UN decided that this was an internal Russian affair?
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 03:39:16 2022
If you live there then you tell us. Is it one nation? Is it two
nations? Is it three nations? Is it four nations?
As least - two. Russians an ucranians. Both is Slavs. Different languages are spoken. And so some have decided that others (Russians) no longer have the right to speak their language. If you say a word - to the wall!
You are deeply confused. There are two languages there, not two nations.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 03:41:26 2022
We'll see, we'll see (Russian proverb).
We will see, that is a fact.
Do you know why the UN decided that this was an internal Russian affair?
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Alan Ianson on Tue Mar 15 13:46:55 2022
ண ६窠, Alan Ianson.
ᠫ 15.03.22 3:39:
You are deeply confused. There are two languages there, not two
Yeah? And Estonians and Russians with different languages, where Russian is also de jure banned, are also one?
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Alan Ianson on Tue Mar 15 13:49:15 2022
ண ६窠, Alan Ianson.
ᠫ 15.03.22 3:41:
We'll see, we'll see (Russian proverb).
We will see, that is a fact.
Not yet.
Be patient and pay close attention ;)
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 04:04:34 2022
You are deeply confused. There are two languages there, not two
Yeah? And Estonians and Russians with different languages, where Russian is also de jure banned,
How do you feel that Russian is Banned?
Russian is taught in Russian schools. Are you surpised that Estonians teach their language in their schools or that Ukrainians teach Ukrainian in their schools or that we teach english here in our schools?
are also one?
Estonia is one nation. Ukraine is another. Russia is another. Peiople in various countries may or may not speak the same language. Language is not a border issue. Here in Canada we have two official languages, english and french and there are more languages spoken here including russian and ukrainian.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 04:11:10 2022
We will see, that is a fact.
Not yet.
Oh, you have a surprise for us do you?
Be patient and pay close attention ;)
Indeed, pay attention. The general assembly of the UN voted 154-5 for an immediate halt of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
That vote was not two weeks ago.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Alan Ianson on Tue Mar 15 14:51:12 2022
ண ६窠, Alan Ianson.
ᠫ 15.03.22 4:04:
How do you feel that Russian is Banned?
In Lviv, one could be punched in the face for saying a Russian word back in Soviet times, and by 2022 this had spread to the entire territory of Ukraine, and by law. Neo-Nazi groups (the existence of which Ukraine denies, but for some reason NATO instructors, who conducted their training, openly confirm their symbols are not concealed, Nazis at the state level are equated with the status of national heroes...) arrange massacres of Russian speakers in the streets. Ukraine has been shelling its "own" Russian-speaking population for 8 years with all kinds of weapons except nuclear, including UN-banned munitions. If all this is so close to you, you won't have long to wait, the "refugees" from Ukraine will make you learn their bird language (if they try it, it's already happening now). Tell tales about Estonia with the Russian language to your gullible Western colleagues, everything is less hypertrophied than in Ukraine, but the goal is the same.
The first thing the "refugees" from Ukraine did in neighboring Moldova was to desecrate the monuments to the fight against fascism from World War II on the territory of Moldova. The refugees demand communication with themselves exclusively in Ukrainian language (the spread of which in the world is close to the Zulu language), the provision of housing and food - exactly demanded in an ultimatum form. If earlier Moldova was planning to organize refugee camps on its territory, after the above-mentioned, it is forced to organize only transit to Romania. And let Europe deal with these thrown-away "refugees" on its own. They could have just closed the border.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Alan Ianson on Tue Mar 15 14:58:21 2022
ண ६窠, Alan Ianson.
ᠫ 15.03.22 4:11:
Indeed, pay attention. The general assembly of the UN voted 154-5
for an immediate halt of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
We have very good "teachers". USA, Israel, NATO ;) They had their own opinions in Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Vietnam, Cambodia... Shall I go on? And study the question exactly on what principles Ukraine is denied membership in the EU and NATO. When you understand it, we'll talk about it.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 13:23:40 2022
Hey Oleg,
And study the question exactly on
what principles Ukraine is denied membership in the EU and NATO. When you understand it, we'll talk about it.
Well, maybe you need to study the course "EU 101" ...
Membership to the EU has not been refused for starters. Getting the membership is a tedious process whereby an interested member's economy and finances is upgraded to EU-levels in order to not destabilse the Union.
There's also a lengthy process of harmonising the candidate's legislation in a plethora of subjects, adaptation to common rules, directives, guidelines, .... The object being to put the bar for every member at the same playing level ...
As for why Ukraine is not a member of NATO yet, that's an easy one ... NATO's leadership is a bunch of politicians, not military people ...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 13:27:35 2022
Neo-Nazi groups (the existence of which Ukraine
denies, but for some reason NATO instructors, who conducted their
training, openly confirm their symbols are not concealed, Nazis at the state level are equated with the status of national heroes...) arrange massacres of Russian speakers in the streets. Ukraine has been shelling
its "own" Russian-speaking population for 8 years with all kinds of
weapons except nuclear, including UN-banned munitions.
Show me the proof ...
The first thing the "refugees" from Ukraine did in neighboring Moldova
was to desecrate the monuments to the fight against fascism from World
War II on the territory of Moldova.
Show me the proof ...
You should be ashamed of yourself spreading such vicious propaganda ...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 05:22:04 2022
How do you feel that Russian is Banned?
In Lviv, one could be punched in the face for saying a Russian word back in Soviet times,
Of course you can be punched in the face for what you say in any language.
and by 2022 this had spread to the entire territory of Ukraine,
and by law.
What is this law you speak of? I don't need you to recite the law books but explain this law to me.
Neo-Nazi groups (the existence of which Ukraine denies, but for
some reason NATO instructors, who conducted their training, openly confirm
their symbols are not concealed, Nazis at the state level are equated with the
status of national heroes...) arrange massacres of Russian speakers in the
streets. Ukraine has been shelling its "own" Russian-speaking population for 8 >years with all kinds of weapons except nuclear, including UN-banned munitions.
If all this is so close to you, you won't have long to wait, the "refugees" from Ukraine will make you learn their bird language (if they try it, it's already happening now). Tell tales about Estonia with the Russian language to your gullible Western colleagues, everything is less hypertrophied than in Ukraine, but the goal is the same.
You are talking like you have been propagandized for many years and you have soaked it all up. Ukraine also fought against the Nazis. Largely.
Truth be told the invasion of Ukraine resembles Nazi actions of WW2 and the bombing of Great Britain.
The first thing the "refugees" from Ukraine did in neighboring Moldova was to desecrate the monuments to the fight against fascism from World War II on the territory of Moldova. The refugees demand communication with themselves
exclusively in Ukrainian language (the spread of which in the world is close t >the Zulu language), the provision of housing and food - exactly demanded in an
ultimatum form. If earlier Moldova was planning to organize refugee camps on
its territory, after the above-mentioned, it is forced to organize only transi
to Romania. And let Europe deal with these thrown-away "refugees" on its own. They could have just closed the border.
That's quite a rant. You have several grievances.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 05:27:14 2022
Indeed, pay attention. The general assembly of the UN voted 154-5
for an immediate halt of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
We have very good "teachers". USA, Israel, NATO ;) They had their own
in Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Vietnam, Cambodia... Shall I go on?
By all means.
And study the question exactly on what principles Ukraine is denied
membership > in the EU and NATO.
That is for NATO and the EU to decide, I have no say. What has any of that got to do with Russia's invasion of a peaceful, sovereign nation?
When you understand it, we'll talk about it.
Share your understanding, if you please.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Ward Dossche on Tue Mar 15 15:41:41 2022
ண ६窠, Ward Dossche.
ᠫ 15.03.22 13:23:
As for why Ukraine is not a member of NATO yet, that's an easy one
... NATO's leadership is a bunch of politicians, not military
people ...
Among other things, Ukraine has formally undocumented borders, a demarcation line. It has not been agreed upon with any of the bordering states since the Belovezh Treaty, which, from the legal point of view, is null and void in the absence of the implementation of this clause.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Ward Dossche on Tue Mar 15 16:22:35 2022
ண ६窠, Ward Dossche.
ᠫ 15.03.22 13:27:
Show me the proof ...
What, exactly, are we talking about in Russia's war with the West? Where is the neutral, unbiased coverage of the conflict?
Or have you not known what was going on since 2004?
The first thing the "refugees" from Ukraine did in neighboring
Moldova was to desecrate the monuments to the fight against
fascism from World War II on the territory of Moldova.
Show me the proof ... You should be ashamed of yourself spreading
such vicious propaganda ...
I have enough of my own eyes, unlike you I have been to Kiev and Donetsk and 2014 and 2022. And there is no reason not to trust my relatives and friends who live there all the time.
I don't watch TV, from the word go, and I'm not exposed to propaganda. But I am a party to the conflict, because at least I know very well the history, including that of my own family, of what fascism is.
\%/@rd --- DB4 - 20220222 * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol.
Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Alan Ianson on Tue Mar 15 16:46:52 2022
ண ६窠, Alan Ianson.
ᠫ 15.03.22 5:27:
in Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Vietnam,
Cambodia... Shall I go on?
By all means.
See? You don't care about that. The U.S. bombed a peaceful sovereign state - you kept quiet. Were Americans harassed in Yugoslavia? Then why do you care so much about Ukraine?
And study the question exactly on what principles Ukraine is
That is for NATO and the EU to decide, I have no say. What has any
of that got to do with Russia's invasion of a peaceful, sovereign
You'll find out after the victory. If you want to hear us.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Alan Ianson on Tue Mar 15 16:50:01 2022
ண ६窠, Alan Ianson.
ᠫ 15.03.22 5:22:
You are talking like you have been propagandized for many years
and you have soaked it all up. Ukraine also fought against the
Nazis. Largely.
You only believe your own west propaganda, that's all.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Tim Schattkowsky@2:240/1120.29 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 15:23:21 2022
//Hello Oleg,//
on *15.03.22* at *16:22:35* You wrote in Area *FIDONEWS*
to *Ward Dossche* about *"Re: Ukraine National Anthem"*.
What, exactly, are we talking about in Russia's war with the West? Where is the neutral, unbiased coverage of the conflict? Or have you not known what was going on since 2004?
Well, 140 nations in the UN essentially decided that what you are spreading here is repeating pure propaganda created to stage a war.
Unlike in russia, in most other countries on the planet it is perfectly legal to have different opinions on that war. Interestingly, we do not see journalists from other countries uncovering "the shocking truth of western lies". Instead we see russias former friends in the west (particularly also left-wing journalists) turning away in disgust. Start thinking!
BTW: yes, like in most other countries (particularly also in russia), there are some nazis in the Ukraine (was that 2% at last election or 0.2%?). But certainly the jewisch comedian leading the state isnt one as are not almost all of the other people living there. *Putin just needed an excuse to slaughter your brothers to take land.*
Currently, millions of refugees from Ukraine are already arriving in western europe. Actually, millions alone in Poland. Why do you think these people dont go to Russia to escape from the nazi massacres?
In case you didnt notice. THE WORLD has turned from russia. Putin has already completely destroyed your countrys future. Your money is now wortless, nobody wants to buy russian goods anymore, you will not get replacement parts for anything high tech (say goodbye to your passenger planes) ...
My advice is go out of the door and think about what changes you probably already see in Russias everday life.
--- WinPoint 407.0
* Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 20:03:32 2022
Hello Oleg,
If NATO gets involved, it will squash Russia like a bug. Lithuania
is a member of NATO. So is Poland. Moldova (and Kosovo) have
applied for membership.
I wouldn't be so sure about such statements.
Article 5 makes it 30 members of NATO as one fighting group.
If the northern alliance pulls out, a preemptive strike will be launched against all firing points simultaneously.
No nation other than the USA has first-strike capability. Of course,
no NATO member wants to use its own first-strike capability against any
country in the world, as we all know what would happen (no more world).
Any madman wanting to use his/her own first-strike capability (whether
real or imagined) would wind up with the same result.
It may have been Putin's dream that Trump would pull the USA out
of NATO, but his dream POTUS is no longer POTUS so we all know that
will not happen.
Our missiles are dozens of times faster, and no one has ever been able to intercept them.
Who wins WWIII? Ants and cockroaches. Is that a world anybody would
even want to live in? Fortunately for us all, that will not happen.
You see, any nuclear war will wind up being extremely limited. No more
than half a dozen going KABOOM! You know why? Magnetic flux. Of course,
some cities would be lost. But no more than a handful. After that, it
is conventional warfare. Until all we have left are rocks and sticks.
What are you talking about?
NATO has been looking for our submarines for two weeks...;)
The game of TAG is played by all sides ...
Every Bottom Needs A Top
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Alan Ianson on Tue Mar 15 20:03:37 2022
Hello Alan,
An achievable compromise with Russian speaking areas in Ukraine is very
possible if the Ukrainian nationalists not act as a dull ram before the
new gate. Both nations in Ukraine should have the same rights and it is
only just.
Dull ram before the new gate? Both nations in Ukraine?
What are you talking about? There are not both nations in Ukraine, there is
just Ukraine.
You don't understand.
First there was Ukraine.
Which gave birth to Russia.
Which later morphed into the USSR.
Which invited Ukraine to join as a part of the USSR.
Then the USSR joined the United Nations.
Then the USSR wanted to have 15 votes in the General Assembly rather
than just 1 vote since the USSR was composed of 15 Republics, including Ukraine.
However, the General-Secretary of the time denied the USSR's request,
granting the USSR only 3 votes in the General Assembly, without noting
which 3 votes those votes would be from.
The USA request to have 50 votes was denied, and has only 1 vote.
Then Kruschev, who was an ethnic Ukrainian, gave away Ukraine to
Ukrainians in a vain effort to get an extra 4th vote in the UN.
Then Gorbachev protested and each of the 15 Republics declared their
own independence. Starting with Ukraine.
However, Gorbachev never recognized Ukraine's independence as he was
no longer in power, given there was no longer any more USSR.
Russia was allowed to retain its own vote in the UN, along with
all of the other 14 Republics, including Ukraine.
Nobody knows what happened to the other 12 votes that were never
counted when there was a USSR.
But Vladimir Putin still recognizes the USSR, hence two nations
of Ukraine.
That is why he needs to bring the two Ukraines together as one.
Now do you understand? Putin is a uniter, not a divider.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 15 20:03:48 2022
Hello Alexander,
What we saw in 2014 was the beginning of WWIII. The current
situation is an escalated continuation of that war.
Of course, we all know how that war ends ...
An achievable compromise with Russian speaking areas in Ukraine is very possible if the Ukrainian nationalists not act as a dull ram before the new gate. Both nations in Ukraine should have the same rights and it is only just.
Ukraine is one nation. I do not believe Ukraine has any interest
expanding its internationally recognized borders to include Russia
as part of its nation.
Canada has two main groups of people who speak different languages -
English and French. And yet the two groups remain together - as part
of the same nation of Canada. I do not find France trying to divide
Canadians into two different nations. And I do not find the Queen
of England trying to exile French-speaking peoples from Canada -
although she really should rescind the order a King of England made
to exile Cajuns.
If we don't get it / Shut it down!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Tim Schattkowsky on Tue Mar 15 21:28:02 2022
ண ६窠, Tim Schattkowsky.
ᠫ 15.03.22 15:23:
Well, 140 nations in the UN essentially decided that
The UN has "solved", condemned and banned many things, such as the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict. How was it solved, do you know? Reservations with a 10-meter wall, barbed wire and machine gunners on towers. That was no solution - they took away the fertile land and spit on the 140 nations from a high bell tower.
When journalists from other countries want to cover the "shocking truth about Western lies," they will do so. So far, we haven't even seen that desire - the culprit has already been identified.
I fear the West will start thinking too late for itself. Borrell had the nerve to allow some common sense thoughts, but who would listen to him.
You know very little of the history of Nazism (in Germany in the 1940s). The Jewish clown Zelensky is the embodiment of the rainbow dreams of the organizers of the Nazi movement.
Ukraine was so eager to get into Europe. Dreams are coming true! Romania, the Czech Republic and Poland are already beginning to realize who they have accepted. Wait a little while - all the secret becomes clear, you will know the true face of Western propaganda in Ukraine.
The Western world has never turned its face toward us. It is a mask of hypocrisy. As the master ordered, so you will turn. And bow low for the removal of the mask!
Don't get your hopes up about our national currency.
Think of the fate of your own. As for airplanes - we can't refuse, if you are not aware, there are at least three civil aviation factories in Russia. And we did not fly them to Europe because Europe itself demanded it - so you don't get earaches. On the third day I flew the IL-96, and traditionally I don't accept any other aircraft.
My advice - think about what you plan to achieve with sanctions? We have been living with sanctions for at least 70 years. And we can already see the benefits of them - there is no more export of capital from the country, capital works in Russia. There are no draconian restrictions on the sale of domestic medicines and products to the population. And finally take away McDonald's and Coca-Cola, stop feeding our children with modified GMOs!
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 21:48:08 2022
You know very little of the history of Nazism (in Germany in the 1940s). The Jewish clown Zelensky is the embodiment of the rainbow dreams of the organizers of the Nazi movement.
Oh my dear ... I don't think in my Fido-years I've ever seen some make such a fool of himself in public.
Quite entertaining, keep it up.
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Lee Lofaso on Tue Mar 15 12:07:20 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, Lee!
Tuesday March 15 2022 01:15, you wrote to me:
Russia has lost 10 million people, mostly young women of childbearing
age, due to emigration over the past ten years. I do not believe many
of them will be returning to Russia anytime soon.
I cannot blame them for that :)
Tomorrow he'll start new war with Lithuania, Poland or Moldova
and economy will crush again.
If NATO gets involved, it will squash Russia like a bug. Lithuania
is a member of NATO. So is Poland. Moldova (and Kosovo) have applied
for membership.
It's a nuclear war! The last thing on Earth I want in my life.
Beaches in Thailand are fun places to be in times like these.
Oh, it was like in prehistoric era, so much years ago..
Russia is doing a piss-poor job promoting itself as a dream
Oh yeah! :)
There was Sochi a few years ago ...
But after Sochi we had doping scandal when whistleblower revealed how FSB officers were helping to avoid doping checks to some of our athlets :(
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Lee Lofaso on Tue Mar 15 23:44:08 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, Lee!
Tuesday March 15 2022 01:15, you wrote to me:
The USA won the "war in Vietnam" - which is called the American War
by Vietnamese. The problem was the S. Vietnamese officers were paid
in US dollars, and the privates were trained by the French. When the
N. Vietnamese made their final advance, the S. Vietnamese officers
bought their way to safety, and the privates fled into the hills.
A few were able to make it to safety by finding a boat, or climb onto
the roof of the US embassy in Saigon.
It's a total disaster to live in a country during civil war :(
THe most terrible thing in the world (IMHO).
The whole communist ideology was a disaster for humankind!
It is the same people, not divided by ideology. Even in today's
Vietnam, communism as an ideology is a fiction.
Yes, because communism as ideology is just some weird dream.
What existed in the former USSR was not communism, but a cult.
It was socialism, our task was to build communism in some nearest feature. Socialism means that everything is owned by the state.
First the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin. One could call it Leninism.
Then by Stalin, or Stalinism. Gorbachev decided not to play that
game any more, and that era finally came to a close.
That's why I like Gorbachev :)
The Russian Orthodox Church is not banned. And the Patriarch
of Moscow is still allowed to say anything he wants.
He is just a part of the state. Our Church is completely under state control.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 23:56:46 2022
Hello, Oleg!
Tuesday March 15 2022 13:25, you wrote to Alan Ianson:
We'll see, we'll see (Russian proverb).
Could please post it in Russian??
Do you know why the UN decided that this was an internal Russian
Fake news.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 23:57:48 2022
Hello, Oleg!
Tuesday March 15 2022 13:46, you wrote to Alan Ianson:
You are deeply confused. There are two languages there, not two
Yeah? And Estonians and Russians with different languages, where
Russian is also de jure banned, are also one?
Banned where? In Estonia?
My Russian friends from Estonia got more rights than Russians in Moscow (myself) ;)
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 23:59:02 2022
Hello, Oleg!
Tuesday March 15 2022 14:51, you wrote to Alan Ianson:
In Lviv, one could be punched in the face for saying a Russian word
back in Soviet times, and by 2022 this had spread to the entire
In Kemerovo (2:5001, my native town) it was and still possible to get punch in your face if you are from Moscow. But no one is bombing Kemerovo, as far as I know.
territory of Ukraine, and by law. Neo-Nazi groups (the existence of
which Ukraine denies, but for some reason NATO instructors, who
conducted their training, openly confirm their symbols are not
concealed, Nazis at the state level are equated with the status of national heroes...) arrange massacres of Russian speakers in the
Massacres of Russian speakers?! Are you insane?
I've been in Kiev before the COVID and had no problems talking Russian and telling people around that I am from Moscow.
Everyone on Kiev speaks Russian.
Official language in Ukranian but it means that if you want to speak Ukranian only - you'll be ok. But at any moment you can switch to Russian.
streets. Ukraine has been shelling its "own" Russian-speaking
population for 8 years with all kinds of weapons except nuclear,
Shelling Russian speakers in Kiev? Or fighting with Russian mercenaries in DNR/LNR?
including UN-banned munitions. If all this is so close to you, you
won't have long to wait, the "refugees" from Ukraine will make you
learn their bird language (if they try it, it's already happening
"Bird language"? Are you nazi youself?!
now). Tell tales about Estonia with the Russian language to you
gullible Western colleagues, everything is less hypertrophied than in Ukraine, but the goal is the same.
What do you know about Estonia? :)
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Wed Mar 16 00:06:26 2022
Hello, Oleg!
Tuesday March 15 2022 14:58, you wrote to Alan Ianson:
We have very good "teachers". USA, Israel, NATO ;) They had their own opinions in Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine,
Vietnam, Cambodia... Shall I go on? And study the question exactly on
what principles Ukraine is denied membership in the EU and NATO. When
you understand it, we'll talk about it.
I've spent a big part of my life in Lebanon.
You know nothing about conflict in this country, sounds like you are just trying to bring stupid state propaganda into this echo.
Shame in you :(
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Wed Mar 16 00:08:42 2022
Hello, Oleg!
Tuesday March 15 2022 16:22, you wrote to Ward Dossche:
I have enough of my own eyes, unlike you I have been to Kiev and
Donetsk and 2014 and 2022. And there is no reason not to trust my relatives and friends who live there all the time.
I've been in Kiev in 2019. So what? And my colleagues are in Kiev at this moment.
I don't watch TV, from the word go, and I'm not exposed to propaganda.
But I am a party to the conflict, because at least I know very well
the history, including that of my own family, of what fascism is.
I also know that. And It looks like you know such things from state propaganda.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Ward Dossche on Wed Mar 16 00:13:40 2022
Hello, Ward!
Tuesday March 15 2022 21:48, you wrote to Oleg Nazaroff:
Oh my dear ... I don't think in my Fido-years I've ever seen some make such a fool of himself in public.
Quite entertaining, keep it up.
He is just retelling our TV talk shows and news.
They are so weird..
May be he is just trolling, but we are discussing with him in russian-language echo how he is going to live without internet/fidonet and how russian ruble will dominate the world economy. Wow.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Mike Miller@1:154/30 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 16:13:26 2022
Hello Oleg!
15 Mar 22 13:25, you wrote to Alan Ianson:
Putins invasion of Ukraine has united NATO like it has never been
united before. I don't ever remember NATO being as united as they
are now. I don't think that was Putins plan but that is what he
has accomplished.
We'll see, we'll see (Russian proverb).
Do you know why the UN decided that this was an internal Russian
I think you've been speding too much time watching Russian state-sponsored news.
the UN nearly unanimounsly voted to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and called for an immediate halt to Putin's war.
Those that voted aganst it are either Putin's buddies, or are completely terrified of Putin.
... I like to be rested when things start to happen. - Hobbes
=== GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
--- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
* Origin: War Ensemble - warensemble.com - Appleton, WI (1:154/30)
Mike Miller@1:154/30 to
Ward Dossche on Tue Mar 15 16:18:52 2022
Hello Ward!
15 Mar 22 13:27, you wrote to Oleg Nazaroff:
Neo-Nazi groups (the existence of which Ukraine
denies, but for some reason NATO instructors, who conducted their
training, openly confirm their symbols are not concealed, Nazis at
the state level are equated with the status of national heroes...)
arrange massacres of Russian speakers in the streets. Ukraine has
been shelling its "own" Russian-speaking population for 8 years
with all kinds of weapons except nuclear, including UN-banned
Show me the proof ...
The first thing the "refugees" from Ukraine did in neighboring
Moldova was to desecrate the monuments to the fight against
fascism from World War II on the territory of Moldova.
Show me the proof ...
You should be ashamed of yourself spreading such vicious propaganda
He can't help it. It's what's being fed to him by the state-run media outlets. Journalists can now be thrown in prison for reporting anything contrary to what Putin wants his people to hear.
... Yo' momma's so nasty she was quarantined before she was born
=== GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
--- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
* Origin: War Ensemble - warensemble.com - Appleton, WI (1:154/30)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Lee Lofaso on Wed Mar 16 00:11:25 2022
ண ६窠, Lee Lofaso.
ᠫ 15.03.22 20:03:
I wouldn't be so sure about such statements.
Article 5 makes it 30 members of NATO as one fighting group.
We're pretty much cut out for it.
No nation other than the USA has first-strike capability.
This is what you so naively and sacredly believe. The U.S. has long been nothing more than a bubble. It loves to inflate its own bubbles, and to burst them with pleasure.
Any madman wanting to use his/her own
It's who has the toughest balls ;) And a cool head.
Who wins WWIII? Ants and cockroaches. Is that a world anybody
would even want to live in?
What do we need the world for if we don't have Russia in it?
Reality. The game of TAG is played by all sides ...
Doesn't matter to us, but not to the west. The ball is on our side.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 14:27:12 2022
By all means.
See? You don't care about that.
Why do you assume I don't care about that? I simply told you to express yourself.
The U.S. bombed a peaceful sovereign state - you kept quiet.
Did I?
Were Americans harassed in Yugoslavia?
NATO intervened because of the bloodshed and ethnic cleansing of Albainians by Yugoslavia.
Then why do you care so much about Ukraine?
I care the same about Russia that I do about Ukraine.
And study the question exactly on what principles Ukraine is
Ukraine was invaded by a bully state.
You'll find out after the victory. If you want to hear us.
I will certainly hear you.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 14:28:34 2022
You are talking like you have been propagandized for many years
and you have soaked it all up. Ukraine also fought against the
Nazis. Largely.
You only believe your own west propaganda, that's all.
There is no propaganda state here. I will believe you if you tell me the facts and back them up when needed.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Lee Lofaso on Tue Mar 15 14:30:46 2022
You don't understand.
First there was Ukraine.
Which gave birth to Russia.
Yes, I have been reluctant to bring this point up with our Rssian friends.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Wed Mar 16 00:32:02 2022
Hello, Oleg!
Tuesday March 15 2022 21:28, you wrote to Tim Schattkowsky:
1940s). The Jewish clown Zelensky is the embodiment of the rainbow
"Jewish clown"? WOW!
Don't get your hopes up about our national currency.
We have black market already.
Think of the fate of your own. As for airplanes - we can't refuse, if
you are not aware, there are at least three civil aviation factories
in Russia. And we did not fly them to Europe because Europe itself
But those factories cannot do anything without EU's supplies.
demanded it - so you don't get earaches. On the third day I flew the IL-96, and traditionally I don't accept any other aircraft.
We cannot produce IL-96 anymore and it was VERY expensive to opperate.
Who is gonna pay for that?
My advice - think about what you plan to achieve with sanctions? We
have been living with sanctions for at least 70 years. And we can
No. We had very different periods. Current sucntions are huge!
already see the benefits of them - there is no more export of capital
from the country, capital works in Russia. There are no draconian
We have problems with incoming wire transfers, people are moving from Russia in big numbers!
restrictions on the sale of domestic medicines and products to the
No drugs, people are literally screaming in local telegram channels because they cannot buy required meds.
Putin never thought about them.
population. And finally take away McDonald's and Coca-Cola, stop
feeding our children with modified GMOs!
GMO? Is it for real?!
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Wed Mar 16 00:41:50 2022
Hello, Oleg!
Wednesday March 16 2022 00:11, you wrote to Lee Lofaso:
Who wins WWIII? Ants and cockroaches. Is that a world anybody
would even want to live in?
What do we need the world for if we don't have Russia in it?
Oh, thanks!
I thought you are serious. But you are just trolling.
Those words are from from Putin his is just out of his mind.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Brian Klauss@1:104/116 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 16:17:51 2022
Re: Re^2: Ukraine National Anthem
By: Oleg Nazaroff to Tim Schattkowsky on Tue Mar 15 2022 09:28 pm
I have some thoughts and ideas about your statements you made. Here goes...
The UN has "solved", condemned and banned many things, such as the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict. How was it solved, do you know? Reservations with a 10-meter wall, barbed wire and machine gunners on towers. That was no solution - they took away the fertile land and spit on the 140 nations from a high bell tower.
The UN has never solved anything but created a "good ol' boys" club with countries that are willing to go to war over ridiculous conflicts. When the US invaded Iraq under George W. Bush, some countries came to our aid to support a lie, but would the US risk going to war with Russia if Russia decides to bomb Poland, Czech Republic, or France, I doubt it. The UN and its NATO component were truly designed to piss Russia off and make a case to stave off Russian incurision into the West. Whatever. No one wants to risk anyone going nuclear.
You know very little of the history of Nazism (in Germany in the 1940s). The Jewish clown Zelensky is the embodiment of the rainbow dreams of the organizers of the Nazi movement.
I agree and disagree here. The idea of national socialism versus what Hitler and Eichmann perverted it to become are two completely different ideals. Zelensky is trying to do the right thing but I feel that he is taking the wrong approach.
Ukraine was so eager to get into Europe. Dreams are coming true! Romania, the Czech Republic and Poland are already beginning to realize who they have accepted. Wait a little while - all the secret becomes clear, you will know the true face of Western propaganda in Ukraine.
Oh, without a doubt. Joining the EU and becoming "part of Europe" will solve nothing for Ukraine. Ukraine needs to become truly independant before it starts down a sketchy path that could create more problems for them than it is worth.
The Western world has never turned its face toward us. It is a mask of hypocrisy. As the master ordered, so you will turn. And bow low for the removal of the mask!
Russia will always be the USSR in the eyes of the West. The West will never look beyond a cloud of their own making through the propaganda spewed during the Cold War and, with the population living longer, those ideals won't die until that population finally dies off (both those in the West and in Russia). Children born in the 90s and 2000s+ see a different world, are more knowledgable, and research. Until the world rids itself of the Bidens, Putins, Trumps, etc., it will remain the "same ol' same ol'".
My advice - think about what you plan to achieve with sanctions? We have been living with sanctions for at least 70 years. And we can already see the benefits of them - there is no more export of capital from the country, capital works in Russia. There are no draconian restrictions on the sale of domestic medicines and products to the population. And finally take away McDonald's and Coca-Cola, stop feeding our children with modified GMOs!
I'm not saying Socialism is good nor am I saying it is bad. The idea that your country should provide for itself, take care of itself, and tend to its own matters, is socialism through and through. Although Communism was a perversion of Socialism, Russia could chart its own course and remove itself, once again, from the world stage and become relatively self-sufficient.
Oh, and I completely agree about getting rid of McDonald's and Coca-Cola. :)
My best to you!
Brian Klauss <-> Dream Master
Caught in a Dream | caughtinadream.com a Synchronet BBS
--- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
* Origin: Caught in a Dream - caughtinadream.com (1:104/116)
Tim Schattkowsky@2:240/1120.29 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 22:58:48 2022
//Hello Oleg,//
on *15.03.22* at *21:28:02* You wrote in Area *FIDONEWS*
to *Tim Schattkowsky* about *"Re^2: Ukraine National Anthem"*.
You know very little of the history of Nazism (in Germany in the 1940s). The Jewish clown Zelensky is the embodiment of the rainbow dreams of the organizers of the Nazi movement.
Can you explain that?
--- WinPoint 407.0
* Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Brian Klauss on Tue Mar 15 16:23:42 2022
The UN has never solved anything but created a "good ol' boys" club with
countries that are willing to go to war over ridiculous conflicts. When the U >invaded Iraq under George W. Bush, some countries came to our aid to support a
lie, but would the US risk going to war with Russia if Russia decides to bomb Poland, Czech Republic, or France, I doubt it. The UN and its NATO component were truly designed to piss Russia off and make a case to stave off Russian incurision into the West. Whatever. No one wants to risk anyone going nuclear.
Do you understand what NATO is or what they do?
NATO will be involved in a war with Russia if they bomb Poland or any NATO country. They have made this clear. In plain english.
Rant on.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Mike Miller on Tue Mar 15 22:43:45 2022
You should be ashamed of yourself spreading such vicious propaganda MM>WD> ...
He can't help it. It's what's being fed to him by the state-run media outlets. Journalists can now be thrown in prison for reporting anything contrary to what Putin wants his people to hear.
Today I saw a video of girl who was arrested for holding-up a small paper which read "Two Words" ... no text, no protest, no messaqe ... just "Two Words" ... and she was arrested...
You know, this is so bad in 2022 I have difficulty believing this is all true. Unfortunately our own reporters are there and it "is" happening.
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Wed Mar 16 00:23:12 2022
As for airplanes - we can't refuse, if you
are not aware, there are at least three civil aviation factories in
Russia. And we did not fly them to Europe because Europe itself demanded
it - so you don't get earaches. On the third day I flew the IL-96, and traditionally I don't accept any other aircraft.
Based on the fact that a grand total of 29 IL-96s were built of all 4 variants of which only 14 survive (3 of which are in Cuba and 3 are in government service) I expect you don't fly much. Such a low production run in the free world is called "a failure". There simply is no market for that airplane, too noisy and too expensive to operate.
The Sukhoi 100 Superjet was promising, a few mishaps occured until that fiery accident which was fully captured at Sheremetyevo airport, that sealed the international potential of that type:
Brussels Airlines operated several of them and retired that whole fleet because Sukhoi could not provide spare parts.
My daughter flew Aeroflot both medium-haul and long-haul and the only airplanes she ever was on from Brussels in and out of Moscow en route to the far east were Airbus-320 and Boeing-777.
There just is no international market for those Russian civilian aircraft and Russian airlines will only fly them when they are forced to by the government ... they're too expensive to purchase, too expensive to operate, too noisy and bad customer service by Ilyushin, Tupolev and Sukhoi.
As for being asked not to fly to European airports, that is not entirely true to use an understatement. Your beloved IL-96 was used for a while on the Moscow to NewYork route but had to stop at Heathrow for re-fueling because it lacked the endurance with a decent load. That aircraft was so noisy that it was penalised every time it departed and had to pay hefty fines up to the point where Aeroflot aquired the Boeing-777 which flies the route non-stop smiling and whistling just to avoid the cost.
It pays to know what you are talking about, but I think you asserted in a very short while how propaganda can poison a person's ability to think ...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Ward Dossche on Wed Mar 16 02:46:40 2022
Hello, Ward!
Tuesday March 15 2022 22:43, you wrote to Mike Miller:
Today I saw a video of girl who was arrested for holding-up a small
paper which read "Two Words" ... no text, no protest, no messaqe ...
just "Two Words" ... and she was arrested...
I was with group of people with blank (!) peaces of paper during protests in 2014 when we've invaded Ukraine for the first time.
Some of them got weeks in jail, some paid fines, I was lucky to run fast enough...
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Alan Ianson on Wed Mar 16 03:36:47 2022
ண ६窠, Alan Ianson.
ᠫ 15.03.22 14:27:
The U.S. bombed a peaceful sovereign state - you kept quiet.
Did I?
In the general number, yes.
Were Americans harassed in Yugoslavia?
NATO intervened because of the bloodshed and ethnic cleansing of Albainians by Yugoslavia.
Ok. Russia intervened because of the bloodshed and ethnic cleansing of Russians by Ukraine. What is the difference?
Then why do you care so much about Ukraine?
I care the same about Russia that I do about Ukraine.
You don't have to worry about Russia; it can take care of itself just fine.
And study the question exactly on what principles Ukraine is
Ukraine was invaded by a bully state.
Wow! The world's bully state is revered by the United States. And also the brazen Saxons.
You'll find out after the victory. If you want to hear us.
I will certainly hear you.
That's not enough. Turn your government's ears.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Alan Ianson on Wed Mar 16 03:55:09 2022
ண ६窠, Alan Ianson.
ᠫ 15.03.22 14:28:
You are talking like you have been propagandized for many years
and you have soaked it all up. Ukraine also fought against the
Nazis. Largely.
You only believe your own west propaganda, that's all.
There is no propaganda state here. I will believe you if you tell
me the facts and back them up when needed.
Your whole press is a big propanandist machine. What did your press say about yesterday's terrorist attack using banned cluster munitions in the center of peaceful Donetsk? With casualties including 20 civilians killed and over 30 wounded. And what about the shelling of the maternity hospital in Mariupol? With the only wounded person in the three photos wearing different clothes and with different colors of manicures on nails, who in the video was moving around on his own, but later allegedly died in agony after giving birth due to a torn hip (A person even in a state of painful shock will not be able to walk).
Compare the texts of the notes. What are the sources of information in the first and second case? Which and why do you believe and which do not?
So, do you know Russian? And also Ukrainian "mowa" and German? I'm afraid that without this video below, it won't be very informative...
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Mike Miller on Wed Mar 16 03:59:07 2022
ண ६窠, Mike Miller.
ᠫ 15.03.22 16:13:
I think you've been speding too much time watching Russian state-sponsored news.
Don't think - it will be worse! ;)
the UN nearly unanimounsly voted to condemn Russia's invasion of
Ukraine, and called for an immediate halt to Putin's war.
If only all the issues in the world were solved by a wave of a magic wand of the United Nations... No one listens to them, so why should Russia?
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Brian Klauss on Wed Mar 16 04:33:15 2022
ண ६窠, Brian Klauss.
ᠫ 15.03.22 16:17:
The UN has never solved anything but created a "good ol' boys"
club with countries that are willing to go to war over ridiculous conflicts. When the US invaded Iraq under George W. Bush, some
countries came to our aid to support a lie, but would the US risk
going to war with Russia if Russia decides to bomb Poland, Czech Republic, or France, I doubt it. The UN and its NATO component
were truly designed to piss Russia off and make a case to stave
off Russian incurision into the West. Whatever. No one wants to
risk anyone going nuclear.
Do you really think Russians are crazy?
But. If a Polish plane, for example, is attacked, by law we would have to shoot it down and destroy the airfield from which it took off. And NATO knows this very well. Isn't that why the U.S. rejected Poland's offer to give Ukraine old Soviet fighters from an airfield in Germany?
I agree and disagree here. The idea of national socialism versus
what Hitler and Eichmann perverted it to become are two completely different ideals. Zelensky is trying to do the right thing but I
feel that he is taking the wrong approach.
I don't mean National Socialism at all. You don't know either, apparently. Zelensky is not just a clown, he is a controlled clown. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that all of his press conferences after 24.02 were taken down under pressure from several intelligence officers at once ;)
Oh, without a doubt. Joining the EU and becoming "part of Europe"
will solve nothing for Ukraine. Ukraine needs to become truly independant before it starts down a sketchy path that could create
more problems for them than it is worth.
Well, at least in some ways the opinions at least approximately agree.
The Western world has never turned its face toward us. It is a
mask of hypocrisy. As the master ordered, so you will turn. And
bow low for the removal of the mask!
Russia will always be the USSR in the eyes of the West. The West
will never look beyond a cloud of their own making through the
propaganda spewed during the Cold War and, with the population
living longer, those ideals won't die until that population
finally dies off (both those in the West and in Russia). Children
born in the 90s and 2000s+ see a different world, are more
knowledgable, and research. Until the world rids itself of the
Bidens, Putins, Trumps, etc., it will remain the "same ol' same
Yes, even for the culture of our traffic within the country should change several generations ;)
That's why even the generation of young people who live in Russia now - perceive the next 50 years "in exile" quite calmly, not to mention those who left the USSR in the era of "stagnation".
I'm not saying Socialism is good nor am I saying it is bad. The
idea that your country should provide for itself, take care of
itself, and tend to its own matters, is socialism through and
through. Although Communism was a perversion of Socialism, Russia
could chart its own course and remove itself, once again, from the
world stage and become relatively self-sufficient.
The socialism of the late USSR preceded the development of "decaying" capitalism by a very long period of time. Communism is only an idea, not an unattainable one.
Nevertheless, there was neither communism nor socialism in Russia before 24.02, but capitalism imposed by the West, in its worst manifestations, with pseudo-liberalism and colonialism (and Russia was a colony). Now everything has been turned upside down, not upside down, but backwards, and thank God for that.
Oh, and I completely agree about getting rid of McDonald's and
Coca-Cola. :)
My friends and colleagues who went to the States in the early 'noughties' sent in their photos after six months of eating fast food. The unfortunate fat guys who couldn't fit through the doors were normal, trim guys before they moved. Later it took them years to regain their body shape.
My best to you!
Same to you in the same place ;)
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Ward Dossche on Wed Mar 16 04:36:54 2022
ண ६窠, Ward Dossche.
ᠫ 15.03.22 21:48:
You know very little of the history of Nazism (in Germany in the
1940s). The Jewish clown Zelensky is the embodiment of the
rainbow dreams of the organizers of the Nazi movement.
Oh my dear ... I don't think in my Fido-years I've ever seen some
make such a fool of himself in public.
It doesn't matter what I look like, it's the other things that are important.
Quite entertaining, keep it up.
By all means
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Tim Schattkowsky on Wed Mar 16 04:40:31 2022
ண ६窠, Tim Schattkowsky.
ᠫ 15.03.22 22:58:
You know very little of the history of Nazism (in Germany in the
1940s). The Jewish clown Zelensky is the embodiment of the
rainbow dreams of the organizers of the Nazi movement.
Can you explain that?
What specifically? Zelensky's physiognomy? A drug addict can explain it like no one else.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Mike Miller@1:154/30 to
Ward Dossche on Tue Mar 15 20:29:38 2022
Hello Ward!
15 Mar 22 22:43, you wrote to me:
He can't help it. It's what's being fed to him by the state-run
media outlets. Journalists can now be thrown in prison for
reporting anything contrary to what Putin wants his people to
Today I saw a video of girl who was arrested for holding-up a small
paper which read "Two Words" ... no text, no protest, no messaqe ...
just "Two Words" ... and she was arrested...
I heard a woman who worked at one of the main TV channels walked into the background of a state-owned Channel-One news broadcast with a sign that said "NO WAR" and that viewers should not believe the "propaganda" from the station. She was promptly arrested.
You know, this is so bad in 2022 I have difficulty believing this is
all true. Unfortunately our own reporters are there and it "is"
A lot of our reporters have been recalled, as news organizations aren't sure if Russia will try to arrest them for reporting what's happening.
... What's in the barn? Paris
=== GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
--- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
* Origin: War Ensemble - warensemble.com - Appleton, WI (1:154/30)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 19:44:42 2022
Did I?
In the general number, yes.
I did not. Hear what I am telling you.
Ok. Russia intervened because of the bloodshed and ethnic cleansing of Russian by Ukraine. What is the difference?
Russia went on a PR stunt that was doomed to failure from the beggining. We can see now that he was not protecting anyone. Not russian speaking or ukrainian.
He has now put out the false flag about Ukraine and chemical weapons. I will not be surprised to see him using chemical/biological weapons as he did in Syria. I will be horrified but not surprised.
I care the same about Russia that I do about Ukraine.
You don't have to worry about Russia; it can take care of itself just fine.
As you wish.
Ukraine was invaded by a bully state.
Wow! The world's bully state is revered by the United States. And also the brazen Saxons.
Is that what you think? Think a little bit more.
I will certainly hear you.
That's not enough. Turn your government's ears.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Tue Mar 15 19:49:48 2022
There is no propaganda state here. I will believe you if you tell
me the facts and back them up when needed.
Believe as you please. There is no propaganda state here.
Your whole press is a big propanandist machine. What did your press say about yesterday's terrorist attack using banned cluster munitions in the center of peaceful Donetsk? With casualties including 20 civilians killed and over 30 wounded. And what about the shelling of the maternity hospital in Mariupol?
Those cluster bombs come from Russia. They used it in other cities as well.
Thanks, but no thanks.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Ward Dossche on Wed Mar 16 05:38:45 2022
ண ६窠, Ward Dossche.
ᠫ 16.03.22 0:23:
Based on the fact that a grand total of 29 IL-96s were built of
all 4 variants of which only 14 survive (3 of which are in Cuba
and 3 are in government service) I expect you don't fly much. Such
a low production run in the free world is called "a failure".
There simply is no market for that airplane, too noisy and too
expensive to operate.
And don't get your hopes up. You have very outdated data.
The Sukhoi 100 Superjet was promising, a few mishaps occured until
that fiery accident which was fully captured at Sheremetyevo
airport, that sealed the international potential of that type:
Forget the word "international" already, and we'll fly between our peoples ourselves ;) we were able to cope with a much larger population of the USSR.
Brussels Airlines operated several of them and retired that whole
fleet because Sukhoi could not provide spare parts.
Sanctions ;) We knew ;)
My daughter flew Aeroflot both medium-haul and long-haul and the
only airplanes she ever was on from Brussels in and out of Moscow
en route to the far east were Airbus-320 and Boeing-777.
If you exclude the human factor from the causes of plane crashes, Boeing would still be the most unreliable, and Airbus would still be the most sacrificial ;)
There just is no international market for those Russian civilian
aircraft and Russian airlines will only fly them when they are
forced to by the government ... they're too expensive to purchase,
too expensive to operate, too noisy and bad customer service by
Ilyushin, Tupolev and Sukhoi.
Do you really think that the hypocritical face of the West under the mask of a benevolent reliable partner helped the Russian aviation industry to develop? What are you saying, for 30 years we have been told "it's the market, baby. you won't succeed anyway, believe us, we know - BUY our aircraft and no problems!
As far as I remember, Sukhoy was developed from scratch in no more than 5 years.
As for being asked not to fly to European airports, that is not
entirely true to use an understatement. Your beloved IL-96 was
used for a while on the Moscow to NewYork route but had to stop at Heathrow for re-fueling because it lacked the endurance with a
decent load. That aircraft was so noisy that it was penalised
every time it departed and had to pay hefty fines up to the point
where Aeroflot aquired the Boeing-777 which flies the route
non-stop smiling and whistling just to avoid the cost.
To me, Britain is also Europe. The fact that it seceded along with its island is irrelevant to the question.
It pays to know what you are talking about, but I think you
asserted in a very short while how propaganda can poison a
person's ability to think ...
Unfortunately for you, I know what I'm talking about.
But if the word fascism means nothing to you, we are more than aware of our own experience. And I assure you - we will walk, but in the certainty that fascism is just history.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Mar 16 05:50:54 2022
ண ६窠, Dmitry Protasoff.
ᠫ 16.03.22 0:32:
We have black market already. But those factories cannot do
anything without EU's supplies.
You know better than that...
We cannot produce IL-96 anymore and it was VERY expensive to
opperate. Who is gonna pay for that?
A completely different transport has been prepared especially for you ;)
No. We had very different periods. Current sucntions are huge!
Personally for you. We tried to.
We have problems with incoming wire transfers, people are moving
from Russia in big numbers!
Russia has a moratorium on the death penalty ;) That leaves the patriots.
restrictions on the sale of domestic medicines and products to
No drugs, people are literally screaming in local telegram
channels because they cannot buy required meds. Putin never
thought about them.
People do not yet know other names than the promoted brand names from Western pharma moguls. Google, Facebook, and Instagram have been blocked, but they haven't learned how to use the Internet.
GMO? Is it for real?!
We also have bears walking the streets without muzzles and carrying nuclear machine guns.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Mar 16 05:53:51 2022
ண ६窠, Dmitry Protasoff.
ᠫ 16.03.22 0:41:
What do we need the world for if we don't have Russia in it?
Oh, thanks! I thought you are serious. But you are just trolling.
Why is that? We will strike first, don't doubt it. You want it so badly - how can you refuse?
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
David Drummond@3:640/305 to
Mike Miller on Wed Mar 16 12:49:32 2022
On 16/03/2022 08:18, Mike Miller : Ward Dossche wrote:
ON>>> The first thing the "refugees" from Ukraine did in neighboring
ON>>> Moldova was to desecrate the monuments to the fight against
ON>>> fascism from World War II on the territory of Moldova.
WD>> Show me the proof ...
WD>> You should be ashamed of yourself spreading such vicious propaganda
WD>> ...
He can't help it. It's what's being fed to him by the state-run media outlets.
Where does your news come from?
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbi
* Origin: Narrabri, NSW (3:640/305)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Alan Ianson on Wed Mar 16 06:07:36 2022
ண ६窠, Alan Ianson.
ᠫ 15.03.22 19:44:
Russia went on a PR stunt that was doomed to failure from the
beggining. We can see now that he was not protecting anyone. Not
russian speaking or ukrainian.
Monsieur is a telepath?
He has now put out the false flag about Ukraine and chemical
weapons. I will not be surprised to see him using
chemical/biological weapons as he did in Syria. I will be
horrified but not surprised.
I wonder when you will be surprised? When you find out (and by whom do you think it should be confirmed) that someone else is doing this to you right now? How much are you willing to suffer on the physical plane to find out?
Wow! The world's bully state is revered by the United States. And
also the brazen Saxons.
Is that what you think? Think a little bit more.
The Deep State? It's still the West. We only have bears.
That's not enough. Turn your government's ears.
Exactly as written.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Alan Ianson on Wed Mar 16 06:33:54 2022
ண ६窠, Alan Ianson.
ᠫ 15.03.22 19:49:
Believe as you please. There is no propaganda state here.
Your whole press is a big propanandist machine. What did your
press say about yesterday's terrorist attack using banned cluster
munitions in the center of peaceful Donetsk? With casualties
including 20 civilians killed and over 30 wounded. And what about
the shelling of the maternity hospital in Mariupol?
Those cluster bombs come from Russia. They used it in other cities
as well.
It doesn't matter who invented it. It is important who used it and for what purpose. Russia don't used it.
Thanks, but no thanks.
And yet you didn't say a word about the press.
What was the question then? You only believe what your propaganda (no matter what you call it) tells you, don't believe that state-level propaganda exists in every country and you are under its watchful eye. Your propaganda has assigned Russia as the culprit. A long time ago, over 30 years ago. The sanctions on Russia have not been lifted yet from the USSR. And we are supposed to be goodies and believe in the sanctity and goodness of the West? That's how we can and that's how we believe ;) so far the prices are creeping up in the West, not in Russia ;) and you are the ones who are denied oil sales ;) Look at your Bidon more closely, with a magnifying glass. How is it - no matter where you spit on the planet - there are CIA ears sticking out everywhere. And a joint on a joint on a joint on a joint ;) And there's no missing, eh?)
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Wed Mar 16 09:28:44 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 14.03.2022 12:23
AI> I have already expressed to you that the problem in the Donbass
AI> region is separatists. Russian backed (armed) separatists. The
AI> issue is not ultra nationalists. Well maybe it is, Russian ultra
AI> nationalists in Ukraine.
It is a hypocrisy. The US and EU easily support separatism if
separatists are against Russia or the countries who have good relations
with it. Kosovo, Ethiopia are bright examples of this cynicism.
Separatists from Eritrea in Ethiopia even had cut off the whole country
from the sea -- a catastrophe for any country. But both Kosovo and
Eritrean separatists are in the good list, nobody defended Ethiopia. But
in reality Ukrainian forces had made the same cruel things as did Serbs nationalists. Yes, 14 thousand killed in Donbass is less than in
Yugoslavia, but the scale of evens was smaller.
AI> Yes, there is daily shelling in the Donbass region and everywhere
AI> in Ukraine today by the Russian military. Russian bombing/shelling
AI> is killing many in Ukraine, Russian and Ukrainian speakers alike.
Ukraine nationalists could spare Russian population and leave the areas.
But they prefer to make weapons sites in their flats. Just because they despise their lives. When they forced to leave a particular town they
destroy all the electricity and water supply for the town.
AI> Whatever the issues and solutions are in the Donbass region it is a
AI> Ukrainian problem. The Russian Federation need not amass ~200,000
AI> troops on the Ukraine border and invade that peaceful sovereign
AI> nation with it's military.
Comparing it with Yugoslavia I can say Russia has even more reason to intervene in the situation in Ukraine than NATO in Yugoslavia. Just
because the events are going next and Russian people are under attack. 8
years is surely enough for finding a peaceful solution.
ak>> Most country officials submit to new power under the threat of
ak>> physical reprisal.
AI> The Russian military did not come to Ukraine for a friendly visit.
AI> They went there to bark orders and expected the population to
AI> comply and offer flowers.
There will not be reason for the Russian military to stay in Ukraine if
its population meet it with hostility. We know well the reaction of
Ukrainian nationalists towards Russia, but the reaction of common people
in eastern Ukraine is still be clarified. Until now they risked their
lives when say positive about Russia and the Russian language. We will
see what they say without threats or pressure.
AI> Of course that didn't happen. Did you or the leaders of your
AI> country really expect it would happen? Of course not.
ak>> Photos were done in completely other medical center and this girl
ak>> participated before in many other provocative photos also.
AI> Really!? You are going to have to come up with something better
AI> than "participated before in many other provocative photos also" if
AI> you want me to believe anything you have to say.
You can guess that such a massive strike on such a huge building can't
have only one suffering girl. Its easy.
ak>> Don't forget, that the main slogan of Russia's invasion is justice
ak>> and stopping the war in Donbass.
AI> There is no justice in this war, none.
You cannot judge about it -- if your domestic propaganda has shut up the opposite point of view such a propaganda lies. They have now suppressed
all Russian media as in old times the USSR jammed the Voice of America.
Funny shame. ;-)
ak>> I repeat -- the Russian stance is not a complete lie. And
ak>> Ukrainian nationalists are not sinless angels.
AI> Nationalism can be problematical. I will give you that.
ak>> That why Putin propaganda works well.
AI> It does? Define works well.
In Russia it works, for most people. I don't say that it tell the
complete truth -- you should understand me correctly, and western media
are also jammed in Russia. I am against any media suppression. People
should know all points of view. Both sides tell some lie and both sides
tell some truth. For instance, I am sure that the western media have
said nothing about the shelling of long-suffering Donetsk, the day
before yesterday, with a big Ukrainian tactical missile. Just in case --
there were 23 killed, children including.
AI> I don't see any refugee's heading to Russia. By and large they are
AI> leaving through Poland and onwards. Very few if any are heading
AI> toward Russia.
It is because of propaganda -- in Russia now there are more than 2
millions of refugees from Ukraine, including more than 200 thousand from
the last events.
AI> I just read an article in the washigton post from 2019 that 20% of
AI> the population in Russia want to leave with Germany and the USA
AI> being the places to go. I wonder what the situation is in 2022?
;-) The poll was in a Navalny headquarter or in the Russia province?
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Mar 16 09:38:54 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 15.03.2022 10:47
DP>>> You cannot be sure about that. Puting officaly annonced that
DP>>> Ukraine is some artifical creature, without rights to exist.
ak>> He never told the last statement -- you are lying badly. Even if I
ak>> don't like Putin I should say it.
DP> Is it a joke?
Well, I've read it -- Putin didn't say that Ukraine has no right to exist.
DP> Sounds like you don't listen carefully to your president.
Read it yourselves or give me the citation.
DP>>> No, it was banned from air in 2017.
ak>> Not true -- in is on air in Moscow in the third multiplex on
ak>> channel 34.
DP> Only in Moscow, it's banned in rest of Russia in 2017. And the only
DP> reason it's there - because our state is a shareholder.
And in Moscow region at least. 20 million people.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Mar 16 09:42:27 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 15.03.2022 10:57
ak>> countries which cannot be bombed because of their nuclear
ak>> umbrella.
DP> We had military conflicts between India and Pakistan, they both
DP> had nuclear weapons.
Happily there was a draw then. There were not reasons to use it.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Mar 16 09:46:11 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 15.03.2022 11:05
DP>>> Could you please ask him why Russia was always against
DP>>> inviting peace-keeping forces to DNR/LNR?
ak>> It because Ukraine is against Russian participation in
ak>> these forces. Ukraine is afraid that Russia will separate
ak>> fighting sides in honest.
DP> Russia couldn't be peacekeeping force there, because it's
DP> actually part of the conflict. And Russia never wanted this
DP> conflict to stop, that's why it never allowed any external
DP> forces.
I think no one wants war. Russia always wanted a compromise to be
reached and Ukraine civil war would stop.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Wed Mar 16 10:22:45 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 15.03.2022 14:04
AI> Estonia is one nation. Ukraine is another. Russia is another.
AI> Peiople in various countries may or may not speak the same
AI> language. Language is not a border issue. Here in Canada we have two
AI> official languages, english and french and there are more languages
AI> spoken here including russian and ukrainian.
Do you think that it is possible for Ukraine to live as Canada, as a
bilingual state? 46% of Ukraine people speak Russian at home. Why try to
make them speak Ukrainian? You know probably well that language can be
learnt well only if you use it constantly.
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Lee Lofaso on Wed Mar 16 10:37:22 2022
Hi, Lee Lofaso!
I read your message from 15.03.2022 22:03
ak>> An achievable compromise with Russian speaking areas in
ak>> Ukraine is very possible if the Ukrainian nationalists not
ak>> act as a dull ram before the new gate. Both nations in
ak>> Ukraine should have the same rights and it is only just.
LL> Ukraine is one nation. I do not believe Ukraine has any interest
LL> expanding its internationally recognized borders to include
LL> Russia as part of its nation.
LL> Canada has two main groups of people who speak different
LL> languages - English and French. And yet the two groups remain
LL> together - as part of the same nation of Canada. I do not find
LL> France trying to divide Canadians into two different nations.
LL> And I do not find the Queen of England trying to exile
LL> French-speaking peoples from Canada - although she really
LL> should rescind the order a King of England made ??to exile
LL> Cajuns.
Canada is a good example of a bilingual state where people are not
afraid to be fined for speaking in a wrong language -- the fucking
situation in Ukraine after the Language law has been passed.
Bye, Lee!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
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Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Mar 16 09:08:39 2022
I was with group of people with blank (!) peaces of paper during protests in 2014 when we've invaded Ukraine for the first time.
I think Ukraine was an independant state earlier in the 20th century when it was invaded for the first time by the communists in 1919 or something. Right?
And I suppose you are familiar with the term "Holodomor" ?
I really cannot grasp how certain 'leaders' can treat their people that way ... it's slavery ...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Wed Mar 16 10:11:05 2022
Were Americans harassed in Yugoslavia?
NATO intervened because of the bloodshed and ethnic cleansing of
Albainians by Yugoslavia.
Ok. Russia intervened because of the bloodshed and ethnic cleansing of Russians by Ukraine. What is the difference?
The first is a truth, the second a propagandistic lie which has been perpetuated for several .... repeat that lie long enough without any correction or fact-checking and eventually the masses will accept it as fact.
In 1933 a whole mass of people believed Jews were the cause of all problems. Were they? Of course not, but the propaganda was of good quality and the brainwashed masses believed it ... until those masses were forced to walk between the piles of corpses. Then Germany re-invented itself. West-Germany at least ...
Russia will also need to re-invent itself because it no longer can be a trusted member of the international community. That re-invention I will not witness anymore because the damage done in three weeks will take 3-4 decades to be repaired ... unless Putin croaks and dies...
You don't have to worry about Russia; it can take care of itself just
Russia's economy is about as large as that of the Benelux ... look at the map for the Benelux countries and wake-up. The USSR crashed because it could not afford the arms race anymore, those times are returning when there will be no money anymore to pay the hundreds of thousands of mercenaries (that's what I call paid-for military in any army) and they turn against their leadership ... or just leave.
Russia's business model will not crah, it has already. It took only 3 weeks.
Think of me when you and other Russians will fight eachother over breadcrumbs, look at photos from during the communist days and the lines of people to see what was in the stores that day to eat ... and it was not exactly that Krustchev, Breznev, Andropov, Yeltsin and Gorbatsjov looked underfed ... if you understand what I'm saying.
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Alan Ianson on Wed Mar 16 10:11:55 2022
He has now put out the false flag about Ukraine and chemical weapons. I will not be surprised to see him using chemical/biological weapons as he did in Syria. I will be horrified but not surprised.
The real horror to me is that there are hundreds of thousands, millions ready to execute his orders instantly as coming from a divine being.
There is a book about this period in Nazism "Hitler's willing executioners" ... without the willing it does not work in Russia either. Therefor any solution in the long run will be when today's ruling generation expires and I will not live to see that ...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Wed Mar 16 10:13:35 2022
And don't get your hopes up. You have very outdated data.
My Fido-friend, there are only 14 airworthy IL-96 left out of 29 built. That's a fact ... it was a beautiful design and a commercial disaster, nobody wanted it with Cubana the only foreign company aquiring it because the old USSR paid it for them.
Forget the word "international" already, and we'll fly between our
peoples ourselves ;) we were able to cope with a much larger population
of the USSR.
Sure, go fly ... except the population will not be able to afford it.
If you exclude the human factor from the causes of plane crashes, Boeing would still be the most unreliable, and Airbus would still be the most sacrificial ;)
In that case, move away from it, get rid of them ... send them back to these leasing companies and fly good ol' Ruski stuff ... The only Russian planes which are used extensively in Europe and beyond are Antonovs .... wait, not Russian-made, that's Ukraine ...
As far as I remember, Sukhoy was developed from scratch in no more than 5 years.
Gosh, you're good at proving my point ...
To me, Britain is also Europe. The fact that it seceded along with its island is irrelevant to the question.
Just for the record, Great Brittain "IS" an island.
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Ward Dossche on Wed Mar 16 13:20:54 2022
ண ६窠, Ward Dossche.
ᠫ 16.03.22 10:11:
Were Americans harassed in Yugoslavia? AI> NATO intervened
because of the bloodshed and ethnic cleansing of AI> Albainians
by Yugoslavia. Ok. Russia intervened because of the bloodshed and
ethnic cleansing of Russians by Ukraine. What is the difference?
The first is a truth, the second a propagandistic lie which has
been perpetuated for several .... repeat that lie long enough
without any correction or fact-checking and eventually the masses
will accept it as fact.
You can see better from Europe how we live here. You are not the ones who have been bombed every day and at night for eight years. That's convenient. But don't yell "why us?" afterwards. - There's no one to yell, we wouldn't be able to turn our heads if we wanted to. Now it's up to you guys to clean up your own mess.
In 1933 a whole mass of people believed Jews were the cause of all problems. Were they? Of course not, but the propaganda was of good quality and the brainwashed masses believed it ... until those
masses were forced to walk between the piles of corpses. Then
Germany re-invented itself. West-Germany at least ...
The West will very soon have to rethink a lot by the standards of history and assign blame to itself.
Russia will also need to re-invent itself because it no longer can
be a trusted member of the international community. That
re-invention I will not witness anymore because the damage done in
three weeks will take 3-4 decades to be repaired ... unless Putin
croaks and dies...
Worry about yourself, forget the habit of constantly looking over your neighbor's shoulder.
Russia's economy is about as large as that of the Benelux ... look
at the map for the Benelux countries and wake-up. The USSR crashed because it could not afford the arms race anymore, those times are returning when there will be no money anymore to pay the hundreds
of thousands of mercenaries (that's what I call paid-for military
in any army) and they turn against their leadership ... or just
How does a foreign country's economy affect you? Are you going to live there?
Russia's business model will not crah, it has already. It took
only 3 weeks.
What business model? What's going on in your heads? We don't even have higher grocery prices in the stores.
Think of me when you and other Russians will fight eachother over breadcrumbs, look at photos from during the communist days and the
lines of people to see what was in the stores that day to eat ...
and it was not exactly that Krustchev, Breznev, Andropov, Yeltsin
and Gorbatsjov looked underfed ... if you understand what I'm
Where did you get such nonsense in your head? You say you have no propaganda? And where did this nonsense come from? We survived both the Union and the collapse of the Union (or rather one very clever half-Khokhol sold the country to the West), and another 30 years. This is us. We know how to do it and what to do not to repeat it. We know. The West does not yet ;) so think of yourselves. You should be freezing in winter, not us. And pick up crumbs all over the world. We have everything of our own.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Ward Dossche on Wed Mar 16 13:56:54 2022
ண ६窠, Ward Dossche.
ᠫ 16.03.22 10:13:
My Fido-friend, there are only 14 airworthy IL-96 left out of 29
built. That's a fact ... it was a beautiful design and a
commercial disaster, nobody wanted it with Cubana the only foreign company aquiring it because the old USSR paid it for them.
Oh, my goodness... Have you been reading the Soviet newspapers again?
Okay, our propaganda works very well. For the West ;) write more!
In that case, move away from it, get rid of them ... send them
back to these leasing companies and fly good ol' Ruski stuff ...
The only Russian planes which are used extensively in Europe and
beyond are Antonovs .... wait, not Russian-made, that's Ukraine
Study history. Antonov is not Ukrainian ;) Real Ukrainian products are halushkas and fakes ;)
Gosh, you're good at proving my point ...
It's an airplane from scratch, has absolutely nothing to do with the military. It's just business. You us falling apart Boeings we also ;)
Just for the record, Great Brittain "IS" an island.
Nope, i'v mean what i'v written.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Ward Dossche on Wed Mar 16 14:56:16 2022
ண ६窠, Ward Dossche.
ᠫ 16.03.22 9:08:
I think Ukraine was an independant state earlier in the 20th
century when it was invaded for the first time by the communists
in 1919 or something. Right?
It is not worth redrawing history and confusing the modern territory of Ukraine with Bessarabia and Galicia. The fact that they were part of the Russian empire, not independent states. Kiev is a Russian city ;) it has been populated by Galicians since 2014, the Russian population was expelled. The Communists came much later, in 1919 it was still the Bolsheviks, and they simply re-subordinated the territories of the same Russian empire without going beyond its borders.
And I suppose you are familiar with the term "Holodomor" ?
This is another historical lie. There was a famine throughout Russia; no one specifically starved the territory from the borders of Romania and Poland to Rostov.
I really cannot grasp how certain 'leaders' can treat their people
that way ... it's slavery ...
That is not for you to judge. Neither you nor your distant ancestors ever experienced such losses in wars as Russia did.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Wed Mar 16 04:12:54 2022
Russia went on a PR stunt that was doomed to failure from the
beggining. We can see now that he was not protecting anyone. Not
russian speaking or ukrainian.
Monsieur is a telepath?
You can call me Al.
I wonder when you will be surprised? When you find out (and by whom do you think it should be confirmed) that someone else is doing this to you right now. How much are you willing to suffer on the physical plane to find out?
I do not suffer propaganda.
Is that what you think? Think a little bit more.
It is more, I was being nice.
The Deep State? It's still the West. We only have bears.
We have plenty of bears also but that is not the issue.
That's not enough. Turn your government's ears.
Exactly as written.
You have written nothing.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Wed Mar 16 04:37:38 2022
It doesn't matter who invented it. It is important who used it and for what purpose. Russia don't used it.
Russia did use it, just as they did in Syria.
Thanks, but no thanks.
And yet you didn't say a word about the press.
I had a quick look and did some translation and it became clear it was propagana. I don't consume the stuff.
What was the question then? You only believe what your propaganda (no matter what you call it) tells you,
I believe the facts.
don't believe that state-level propaganda exists in every country and you
are under its watchful eye. Your propaganda has assigned Russia as the culprit.
In the case of using cluster bombs on civilians yes, Russia has used them on civilians and has used them in Ukraine.
A long time ago, over 30 years ago. The sanctions on Russia have not been lifted yet from the USSR. And we are suppose to be goodies and believe in the sanctity and goodness of the West? That's how we can and that's how we believe ;) so far the prices are creeping up in the West, not in Russia ;)
The latest round of sanctions are on Putin and his oligarchs directly. They are not designed to impact everyday Russian people (who could care less about any of this). It is my hope that the impact on regular folks will be minimal.
I was watching a video from a russian vlogger earlier today who went out with his camera and did some shopping. His costs for day to day shopping had increased around 30%. Your milage may vary.
and you are the ones who are denied oil sales ;) Look a your Bidon more closely, with a magnifying glass. How is it - no matter where you spit on
the planet - there are CIA ears sticking out everywhere. And a joint on a joint on a joint on a joint ;) And there's no missing, eh?)
If I could have my way there would be better/closer relations between the west and Russia. Do you think that the average Canadian or American is against you. They are not. They spend there free time spending time with family and friends and international relations are hardly thought of.
In the case of your war with Ukraine they are against you. Not because you are an enemy but because you invaded a peaceful sovereign nation. It was peaceful there before Russia invaded.
For that matter the whole world is against you (excepting the usual suspects) and your war. The EU and NATO are now more united than ever. This is what your war has accomplished.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 16 05:09:34 2022
It is a hypocrisy. The US and EU easily support separatism if
separatists are against Russia or the countries who have good relations
with it.
The US and EU are not involved with Ukraines internal issues and Russia should not be either.
Kosovo, Ethiopia are bright examples of this cynicism.
Separatists from Eritrea in Ethiopia even had cut off the whole country
from the sea -- a catastrophe for any country. But both Kosovo and
Eritrean separatists are in the good list, nobody defended Ethiopia. But
in reality Ukrainian forces had made the same cruel things as did Serbs nationalists. Yes, 14 thousand killed in Donbass is less than in
Yugoslavia, but the scale of evens was smaller.
I don't have the gas to go to Ethiopia. :)
The west may not have put boots on the ground and I don't think Russia did either but the west has supported African countries plenty.
Ukraine nationalists could spare Russian population and leave the areas.
But that is Ukraine. Ukraine is in their own country, as one would expect.
But they prefer to make weapons sites in their flats. Just because they despise their lives. When they forced to leave a particular town they
destroy all the electricity and water supply for the town.
It is the separatists who do this.
Comparing it with Yugoslavia I can say Russia has even more reason to intervene in the situation in Ukraine than NATO in Yugoslavia.
Russia has no business in Ukraine.
Just because the events are going next and Russian people are under attack.
8 years is surely enough for finding a peaceful solution.
Those are Ukrainian people.
There will not be reason for the Russian military to stay in Ukraine if
its population meet it with hostility.
What did you expect your invasion force to meet with? Flowers?
We know well the reaction of Ukrainian nationalists towards Russia, but the reaction of common people in eastern Ukraine is still be clarified. Until
now they risked their lives when say positive about Russia and the Russian language. We will see what they say without threats or pressure.
Russian speakers in Ukraine didn't like being used as the reason for invasion.
You can guess that such a massive strike on such a huge building can't
have only one suffering girl. Its easy.
Of course.
There is no justice in this war, none.
You cannot judge about it -- if your domestic propaganda has shut up the opposite point of view such a propaganda lies. They have now suppressed
all Russian media as in old times the USSR jammed the Voice of America.
Funny shame. ;-)
Russian media has not been suppressed here. Well, some propaganda sites like RT were but I can still read the writing/thoughts/video's from Russia and it is plentyful.
I realize it may not be easy for you to reach beyond the propaganda in Russia.
In Russia it works, for most people.
I agree the propaganda machine in Russia works well. I don't think that is a good thing.
I don't say that it tell the complete truth -- you should understand me correctly, and western media are also jammed in Russia.
I am against any media suppression. People should know all points of view. Both sides tell some lie and both sides tell some truth. For instance, I am sure that the western media have said nothing about the shelling of long-suffering Donetsk, the day before yesterday, with a big Ukrainian tactical missile. Just in case -- there were 23 killed, children including.
I know that Russia has many different types of missiles, some smaller, some larger, and some even larger and more devastating.
I am not sure that Ukraine has much in the way of "big tactical" missiles.
I don't think Ukraine is firing any missiles at Donetsk, not today in the middle of this Russian invasion. The Ukraine military has other priorities.
It is because of propaganda -- in Russia now there are more than 2
millions of refugees from Ukraine, including more than 200 thousand from
the last events.
No, it's because the refugees are headed in another direction for the most part. I did see a small number of refugees heading to Russia from the Donbass region before the invasion.
I just read an article in the washigton post from 2019 that 20% of
the population in Russia want to leave with Germany and the USA
being the places to go. I wonder what the situation is in 2022?
;-) The poll was in a Navalny headquarter or in the Russia province?
No, Navalny was not involved. It seems many have left Russia since the war started but I have no guess on what the numbers are.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 16 05:16:46 2022
Do you think that it is possible for Ukraine to live as Canada, as a bilingual state?
I am not sure. This has been a rocky road at times.
46% of Ukraine people speak Russian at home. Why try to make them speak Ukrainian?
If I were in Ukraine or Russia at this moment I would have to speak in english since it is the only language I know.
You know probably well that language can be learnt well only if you use it constantly.
I think it is only natural for a person to speak in their mother tongue. If I were to move to Russia I would have to learn to speak russian so I can communicate but I will likely always speak english when I can do that.
None of that is problematical in some way, is it?
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Ward Dossche on Wed Mar 16 05:31:38 2022
The real horror to me is that there are hundreds of thousands, millions ready to execute his orders instantly as coming from a divine being.
The military is trained to take orders. Every military is that way.
I feel for the Russian soldiers. They have no where to go. They can't go back home or they will be shot. They must either fire on targets as ordered or perhaps they can surrender. There are are POWs in Ukraine but I have no idea how many.
There is a book about this period in Nazism "Hitler's willing executioners" .. >without the willing it does not work in Russia either. Therefor any solution i >the long run will be when today's ruling generation expires and I will not liv
to see that ...
Yes, many in Russia blindly follow and believe what their leader says regardless of haw outrageous it is. That doesn't seem to be the case for young people though. Many have been jailed simply because they appose the war and expressed that fact. They give me hope.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Wed Mar 16 13:39:41 2022
You can see better from Europe how we live here. You are not the ones who have been bombed every day and at night for eight years.
Show us the proof of that ...
What business model? What's going on in your heads? We don't even have higher grocery prices in the stores.
Russia today needs to pay back $117 million. In theory that is such
a small amount it should not be a problem.
The problem is that the Russian government cannot redeem the dollar-denominated coupons of its dollar-denominated debt as
a result of international sanctions without draining its foreign
exchange reserves, which are largely frozen. Moreover, the sanctions
make dollar payments by the Russian government almost impossible.
The repayment is therefore expected to be made in rubles,
something Moscow announced more than a week ago. Only that
conversion into their own currency is not allowed according
to the contracts in which the dollar loans are laid down.
In theory, Russia has a 30-day grace period to make the payment
correctly, but there is a good chance that rating agencies will
not wait for that deadline to earmark the country as a defaulter,
which means bankruptcy.
When a country defaults on its payments, collapse and economical chaos follow.
Welcome to the real word, but please keep entertaining us
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Mike Miller@1:154/30.1 to
David Drummond on Wed Mar 16 11:19:49 2022
Hello, David Drummond.
On 3/16/22 12:49 PM you wrote:
On 16/03/2022 08:18, Mike Miller : Ward Dossche wrote: ON>>>
The first thing the "refugees" from Ukraine did in neighboring
ON>>> Moldova was to desecrate the monuments to the fight
against ON>>> fascism from World War II on the territory of
Moldova. WD>> Show me the proof ... WD>> You should be
ashamed of yourself spreading such vicious propaganda WD>> ...
He can't help it. It's what's being fed to him by the
state-run media outlets.
Where does your news come from?
I know you want me to be all like "rabble rabble, Fox News is the only true source of news! Rabble rabble"
Sorry to disappoint, I get my news from many sources and, if they conflict, and I care enough to find out why, I'll dig into that.
Most mornings I wake up to news from The BBC, NPR, Reuters, USA Today, AL-Jazeera, PBS, and, if I make it through those, The Economist, Washington Post and New York Times. (all audio format)
If I'm interested enough in something I'll dive into it on the web.
BBS: warensemble.com
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: South of Heaven - warensemble.com (1:154/30.1)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Ward Dossche on Wed Mar 16 19:41:00 2022
ண ६窠, Ward Dossche.
ᠫ 16.03.22 13:39:
Show us the proof of that ...
What kind of proofs are you talking about? The West has just completely destroyed freedom of speech with its own hands. Why should I know what kind of proofs you believe now? ;)
The problem is that the Russian government cannot redeem the dollar-denominated coupons of its dollar-denominated debt as a
result of international sanctions without draining its foreign
exchange reserves, which are largely frozen. Moreover, the
sanctions make dollar payments by the Russian government almost impossible.
This is not our problem. Today it West's problem ;)
The repayment is therefore expected to be made in rubles,
something Moscow announced more than a week ago. Only that
conversion into their own currency is not allowed according to
the contracts in which the dollar loans are laid down. In theory,
Russia has a 30-day grace period to make the payment correctly,
but there is a good chance that rating agencies will not wait for
that deadline to earmark the country as a defaulter, which means bankruptcy.
They'll print as much as they need, so you're like little kids. And the system will not get these notes;) But before that there will be a more different trick of the ears ;)
When a country defaults on its payments, collapse and economical
chaos follow.
You keep omitting the fact that we are no longer tied to the dollar ;) you can't buy absolutely anything with the dollar, the bubble has burst.
Welcome to the real word, but please keep entertaining us
Russia will survive the disappearance of the West for itself. Well, as if the West simply washed away ;)
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Alan Ianson on Wed Mar 16 19:48:31 2022
ண ६窠, Alan Ianson.
ᠫ 16.03.22 4:12:
I do not suffer propaganda.
That's what you think, Al.
It is more, I was being nice.
What's impolite about the imposition yet?
The Deep State? It's still the West. We only have bears.
We have plenty of bears also but that is not the issue.
You don't have them walking around downtown Toronto ;)
You have written nothing.
If you don't understand - read it again.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Alan Ianson on Wed Mar 16 20:18:45 2022
ண ६窠, Alan Ianson.
ᠫ 16.03.22 4:37:
Russia did use it, just as they did in Syria.
This is a lie. What does Syria have to do with it? Shall we start with napalm in Vietnam? Or a nuclear bomb in Hiroshima?
Thanks, but no thanks.
And yet you didn't say a word about the press.
I had a quick look and did some translation and it became clear it
was propagana. I don't consume the stuff.
You have no other sources than Nazi propaganda from Ukraine, at least admit it to yourself. But the West persists in calling the truth propaganda and will continue to do so to the end. Or maybe we filmed this footage ourselves at Mosfilm?
I believe the facts.
Reread the paragraph above.
In the case of using cluster bombs on civilians yes, Russia has
used them on civilians and has used them in Ukraine.
Reread the two paragraphs above.
A long time ago, over 30 years ago. The sanctions on Russia have
not been lifted yet from the USSR. And we are suppose to be
goodies and believe in the sanctity and goodness of the West?
That's how we can and that's how we believe ;) so far the prices
are creeping up in the West, not in Russia ;)
The latest round of sanctions are on Putin and his oligarchs
directly. They are not designed to impact everyday Russian people
(who could care less about any of this). It is my hope that the
impact on regular folks will be minimal.
Even grannies on the benches are laughing at the latest sanctions. Our military cannot have any business not only in the West, but also in russia. They don't really care about that.
People with a lot of money have been lumped together with the homeless in the West. Thereby digging a hole in their economy with their own hands. The West is pissed off, and we are laughing.
I was watching a video from a russian vlogger earlier today who
went out with his camera and did some shopping. His costs for day
to day shopping had increased around 30%. Your milage may vary.
In Moscow yesterday I did not notice any difference in the price of food. We are not talking about 30%. Moreover, the price tag, which previously depended on the dollar, went down.
So, some shrewd sellers did try to inflate prices, and banks raised interest rates on loans, which lasted less than a week. They could not survive such greed.
If I could have my way there would be better/closer relations
between the west and Russia. Do you think that the average
Canadian or American is against you. They are not. They spend
there free time spending time with family and friends and
international relations are hardly thought of.
In that case, absolutely the entire West is now zombified by propaganda. And it didn't start now, the U.S. was just waiting for an excuse. Russia gave the pretext deliberately, and now the whole east is laughing at the west.
In the case of your war with Ukraine they are against you. Not
because you are an enemy but because you invaded a peaceful
sovereign nation. It was peaceful there before Russia invaded.
We don't think so. ISIS is not a very peaceful neighbor, if that makes sense to you.
For that matter the whole world is against you (excepting the
usual suspects) and your war. The EU and NATO are now more united
than ever. This is what your war has accomplished.
By naming a number of independent states (whose exact location on the planet you probably can't show at a glance) "usual suspects" you are not even insulting them, but once again confirm the Western propaganda nature.
What you have achieved from west's propaganda I will write a separate post.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Thu Mar 17 01:21:40 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, Oleg!
Wednesday March 16 2022 05:50, you wrote to me:
We have black market already. But those factories cannot do
anything without EU's supplies.
You know better than that...
I know because it's the problem for them already.
We cannot produce IL-96 anymore and it was VERY expensive to
opperate. Who is gonna pay for that?
A completely different transport has been prepared especially for you
No. We had very different periods. Current sucntions are huge!
Personally for you. We tried to.
No, for you. I am ok, mostly.
We have problems with incoming wire transfers, people are moving
from Russia in big numbers!
Russia has a moratorium on the death penalty ;) That leaves the
Who cares about death penalty if you don't have people to do high-tech jobs?
No drugs, people are literally screaming in local telegram
channels because they cannot buy required meds. Putin never
thought about them.
People do not yet know other names than the promoted brand names from Western pharma moguls. Google, Facebook, and Instagram have been
blocked, but they haven't learned how to use the Internet.
People cannot find replacement for basic drugs. This is how it's happening in Moscow right now.
GMO? Is it for real?!
We also have bears walking the streets without muzzles and carrying nuclear machine guns.
But I've asked you about GMO.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Thu Mar 17 01:26:12 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, Oleg!
Wednesday March 16 2022 05:53, you wrote to me:
Why is that? We will strike first, don't doubt it. You want it so
badly - how can you refuse?
"We" means that you have some company there? :) Some clowns, may be?
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Thu Mar 17 01:29:32 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Wednesday March 16 2022 09:38, you wrote to me:
Well, I've read it -- Putin didn't say that Ukraine has no right to
Sounds like you don't listen carefully to your president.
Read it yourselves or give me the citation.
In Russia?
६ ࠨ 楫 뫠 ᮧ ᨥ, 筥, 襢, 㭨 ᨥ
Only in Moscow, it's banned in rest of Russia in 2017. And the
only reason it's there - because our state is a shareholder.
And in Moscow region at least. 20 million people.
No, only in Moscow. Not in Moscow region.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Thu Mar 17 01:31:34 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Wednesday March 16 2022 09:42, you wrote to me:
We had military conflicts between India and Pakistan, they both
had nuclear weapons.
Happily there was a draw then. There were not reasons to use it.
So you are agree that you were not right? :)
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Thu Mar 17 01:32:10 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Wednesday March 16 2022 09:46, you wrote to me:
actually part of the conflict. And Russia never wanted this
conflict to stop, that's why it never allowed any external
I think no one wants war. Russia always wanted a compromise to be
About 50% of Russians want war. Do you need link about that?
reached and Ukraine civil war would stop.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Thu Mar 17 01:34:14 2022
Hello, Oleg!
Wednesday March 16 2022 03:36, you wrote to Alan Ianson:
Ok. Russia intervened because of the bloodshed and ethnic cleansing of Russians by Ukraine. What is the difference?
It's just fake. There were no bloodshed.
Then why do you care so much about Ukraine?
I care the same about Russia that I do about Ukraine.
You don't have to worry about Russia; it can take care of itself just fine.
No, we can't produce very important drugs, for example.
Ukraine was invaded by a bully state.
You'll find out after the victory. If you want to hear us.
I will certainly hear you.
That's not enough. Turn your government's ears.
Turn were?
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Thu Mar 17 01:35:38 2022
Hello, Oleg!
Wednesday March 16 2022 03:55, you wrote to Alan Ianson:
There is no propaganda state here. I will believe you if you tell
me the facts and back them up when needed.
Your whole press is a big propanandist machine. What did your press
say about yesterday's terrorist attack using banned cluster munitions
in the center of peaceful Donetsk? With casualties including 20
CNN reported that, but Donetsk is not peacefull, we jad Russian forces there since 2014.
civilians killed and over 30 wounded. And what about the shelling of
the maternity hospital in Mariupol? With the only wounded person in
the three photos wearing different clothes and with different colors
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Thu Mar 17 01:39:56 2022
Hello, Oleg!
Wednesday March 16 2022 03:59, you wrote to Mike Miller:
Don't think - it will be worse! ;)
"Don't think" is the motto of average Putin's fan.
the UN nearly unanimounsly voted to condemn Russia's invasion of
Ukraine, and called for an immediate halt to Putin's war.
If only all the issues in the world were solved by a wave of a magic
wand of the United Nations... No one listens to them, so why should Russia?
So Russia is ready to leave UN?
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Thu Mar 17 01:41:56 2022
Hello, Oleg!
Wednesday March 16 2022 04:33, you wrote to Brian Klauss:
Do you really think Russians are crazy?
Some of them are crazy. I am Russian and for me your posts are really crazy.
But. If a Polish plane, for example, is attacked, by law we would have
to shoot it down and destroy the airfield from which it took off. And
NATO knows this very well. Isn't that why the U.S. rejected Poland's
offer to give Ukraine old Soviet fighters from an airfield in Germany?
We don't such law.
I don't mean National Socialism at all. You don't know either,
apparently. Zelensky is not just a clown, he is a controlled clown. I
Putin is a clown, Zelensky is a hard guy.
wouldn't be surprised to hear that all of his press conferences after 24.02 were taken down under pressure from several intelligence
officers at once ;)
Are you ok? :)
Yes, even for the culture of our traffic within the country should
change several generations ;) That's why even the generation of young people who live in Russia now - perceive the next 50 years "in exile" quite calmly, not to mention those who left the USSR in the era of "stagnation".
Could you please explain this part?
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Thu Mar 17 01:46:42 2022
Hello, Oleg!
Wednesday March 16 2022 19:41, you wrote to Ward Dossche:
Russia will survive the disappearance of the West for itself. Well, as
if the West simply washed away ;)
What CPU is in your computer? :)
Looks like you are just out of reality.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Thu Mar 17 01:49:02 2022
Hello, Oleg!
Wednesday March 16 2022 05:53, you wrote to me:
Why is that? We will strike first, don't doubt it. You want it so
badly - how can you refuse?
I've asked today my friend from Moscow's city hall administration and he told me that people who talks about "first strike" are idiots.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Thu Mar 17 01:54:20 2022
Hello, alexander!
Wednesday March 16 2022 10:22, you wrote to Alan Ianson:
Do you think that it is possible for Ukraine to live as Canada, as a bilingual state? 46% of Ukraine people speak Russian at home. Why try
to make them speak Ukrainian? You know probably well that language can
be learnt well only if you use it constantly.
I have many friends in Ukraine and they have no problems with using Russian language.
When you've visited Ukraine? Never? :)
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Wed Mar 16 17:41:30 2022
You have written nothing.
If you don't understand - read it again.
I understood it fine. Still, you have written nothing.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Wed Mar 16 18:00:48 2022
Russia did use it, just as they did in Syria.
This is a lie.
It is a simple well known truth. I'm sorry it doesn't fit your narrative.
What does Syria have to do with it?
Syria is recent history. It tells us how the Russian military operates.
Shall we start with napalm in Vietnam? Or a nuclear bomb in Hiroshima?
Sure the USA used napalm and a nuclear weapons. This is also a well known truth that has no bearing today.
You have no other sources than Nazi propaganda from Ukraine, at least admit it to yourself.
Why should I accept your lies. I never will.
But the West persists in calling the truth propaganda and will continue to
do so to the end. Or maybe we filmed this footage ourselves at Mosfilm?
We call facts facts and we call lies lies.
I believe the facts.
Reread the paragraph above.
Why would I reread your lies?
In the case of using cluster bombs on civilians yes, Russia has
used them on civilians and has used them in Ukraine.
Reread the two paragraphs above.
I could reread it forever but the facts remain the same.
Even grannies on the benches are laughing at the latest sanctions. Our military cannot have any business not only in the West, but also in russia. They don't really care about that.
Then why was Putin ranting about it today?
People with a lot of money have been lumped together with the homeless in the West. Thereby digging a hole in their economy with their own hands. The West is pissed off, and we are laughing.
Laugh on Oleg.
I was watching a video from a russian vlogger earlier today who
went out with his camera and did some shopping. His costs for day
to day shopping had increased around 30%. Your milage may vary.
In Moscow yesterday I did not notice any difference in the price of food. We are not talking about 30%. Moreover, the price tag, which previously depended on the dollar, went down.
I am glad for you. The russian vlogger I meantioned is in St. Petersburg.
If I could have my way there would be better/closer relations
between the west and Russia. Do you think that the average
Canadian or American is against you. They are not. They spend
there free time spending time with family and friends and
international relations are hardly thought of.
In that case, absolutely the entire West is now zombified by propaganda. And i didn't start now, the U.S. was just waiting for an excuse. Russia gave the pretext deliberately, and now the whole east is laughing at the west.
Keep on laughing.
In the case of your war with Ukraine they are against you. Not
because you are an enemy but because you invaded a peaceful
sovereign nation. It was peaceful there before Russia invaded.
We don't think so. ISIS is not a very peaceful neighbor, if that makes sense to you.
ISIS is not your neighbor. Why do you imagine such a thing?
For that matter the whole world is against you (excepting the
usual suspects) and your war. The EU and NATO are now more united
than ever. This is what your war has accomplished.
By naming a number of independent states (whose exact location on the planet you probably can't show at a glance) "usual suspects" you are not even insulting them, but once again confirm the Western propaganda nature.
Why should I insult them? We know who/what they are, that is enough.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to
alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 16 21:44:00 2022
Hello alexander koryagin!
** On Wednesday 16.03.22 - 10:37, alexander koryagin wrote to Lee Lofaso:
Canada is a good example of a bilingual state where people are not
afraid to be fined for speaking in a wrong language -- the fucking situation in Ukraine after the Language law has been passed.
If that's the news that is being fed to you, then I have to
wonder what other untrue information you are getting.
People are NOT fined for speaking the language of their choice
in Canada!
Quebec may insist on certain PRINTED material to appear in
French, but that's about all there's to it.
--- OpenXP 5.0.51
* Origin: --> . <-- Oh look.. A point! (2:221/1.58)
David Drummond@3:640/305 to
Mike Miller on Thu Mar 17 11:48:10 2022
On 16/03/2022 12:19, Mike Miller : David Drummond wrote:
MM>>> He can't help it.┬а It's what's being fed to him by the
MM>>> state-run media outlets.
DD>> Where does your news come from?
I know you want me to be all like "rabble rabble, Fox News is the only true source of news! Rabble rabble"
Sorry to disappoint, I get my news from many sources and, if they conflict, and I care enough to find out why, I'll dig into that.
Most mornings I wake up to news from The BBC, NPR, Reuters, USA Today, AL-Jazeera, PBS, and, if I make it through those, The Economist, Washington Post and New York Times. (all audio format)
If I'm interested enough in something I'll dive into it on the web.
I feel that most of the news sources generally available here (Australia) have been "sanitised" to conform to the "official narrative".
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbi
* Origin: Narrabri, NSW (3:640/305)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Ward Dossche on Thu Mar 17 08:42:49 2022
Hi, Ward Dossche!
I read your message from 16.03.2022 15:39
WD> Russia today needs to pay back $117 million. In theory that is
WD> such a small amount it should not be a problem.
WD> The problem is that the Russian government cannot redeem the
WD> dollar-denominated coupons of its dollar-denominated debt as
WD> a result of international sanctions without draining its foreign
WD> exchange reserves, which are largely frozen. Moreover, the
WD> sanctions make dollar payments by the Russian government almost
WD> impossible.
Can Russia pay his check saying "take the money from the frozen actives
if you want to get money"?
Bye, Ward!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Mike Miller on Thu Mar 17 08:46:22 2022
Hi, Mike Miller!
I read your message from 16.03.2022 11:19
MM> Most mornings I wake up to news from The BBC, NPR, Reuters, USA
MM> Today, AL-Jazeera, PBS, and, if I make it through those, The
MM> Economist, Washington Post and New York Times. (all audio
MM> format) If I'm interested enough in something I'll dive into it on the
MM> web.
If you are interested in the Ukraine events you should learn what Russia
says also. Ah, sorry, I forgot -- you are prohibited to read Russian
news. ;-) You live in a "free" country.
Bye, Mike!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Thu Mar 17 08:54:10 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 17.03.2022 01:29
ak>> Well, I've read it -- Putin didn't say that Ukraine has no right
ak>> to exist.
DP> Oh!
DP>>> Sounds like you don't listen carefully to your president.
ak>> Read it yourselves or give me the citation.
DP> In Russian?
DP> ६ ࠨ 楫 뫠 ᮧ ᨥ,
DP> 筥, 襢, 㭨 ᨥ
"Modern Ukraine was created by the communist Russia".
where have you seen "Ukraine has no right to exist"? ;=) Why do you tell
so obvious fake?
DP>>> Only in Moscow, it's banned in rest of Russia in 2017. And the
DP>>> only reason it's there - because our state is a shareholder.
ak>> And in Moscow region at least. 20 million people.
DP> No, only in Moscow. Not in Moscow region.
I live Moscow region, 75 km from Moscow, and I can watch Euronews
perfectly well.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Thu Mar 17 08:57:11 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 17.03.2022 01:31
DP>>> We had military conflicts between India and Pakistan,
DP>>> they both had nuclear weapons.
ak>> Happily there was a draw then. There were not reasons to
ak>> use it.
DP> So you are agree that you were not right? :)
Russia has no reason to use nukes unless struck heavily. The same was
for India and Pakistan. That war had completed with the score 2:2. :-)
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Thu Mar 17 08:59:01 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 17.03.2022 01:32
DP>>> actually part of the conflict. And Russia never wanted
DP>>> this conflict to stop, that's why it never allowed any
DP>>> external forces.
ak>> I think no one wants war. Russia always wanted a compromise
ak>> to be
DP> About 50% of Russians want war. Do you need link about that?
But you have to agree that reasons for a war are different and a war can
be just?
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Thu Mar 17 09:03:06 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 17.03.2022 01:54
ak>> Do you think that it is possible for Ukraine to live as
ak>> Canada, as a bilingual state? 46% of Ukraine people speak
ak>> Russian at home. Why try to make them speak Ukrainian? You
ak>> know probably well that language can be learnt well only if
ak>> you use it constantly.
DP> I have many friends in Ukraine and they have no problems with
DP> using Russian language. When you've visited Ukraine? Never?:)
The Language law has be implemented to 2024. For a while many didn't
feel it well.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
August Abolins on Thu Mar 17 09:06:30 2022
Hi, August Abolins!
I read your message from 17.03.2022 04:44
ak>> Canada is a good example of a bilingual state where people
ak>> are not afraid to be fined for speaking in a wrong language
ak>> -- the fucking situation in Ukraine after the Language law
ak>> has been passed.
AA> If that's the news that is being fed to you, then I have to
AA> wonder what other untrue information you are getting.
AA> People are NOT fined for speaking the language of their choice
AA> in Canada!
AA> Quebec may insist on certain PRINTED material to appear in
AA> French, but that's about all there's to it.
You have read poorly -- I wrote that in Canada people ARE NOT fined for speaking a wrong language. But in the today Ukraine this fucking
situation is reality.
Bye, August!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 16 23:06:04 2022
If you are interested in the Ukraine events you should learn what Russia
says also.
Why should we learn what Russia says also? Russia is not reporting truthfully about Russia or Ukraine.
Ah, sorry, I forgot -- you are prohibited to read Russian
news. ;-) You live in a "free" country.
We are not prohibited to read Russian news. That's silly.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Thu Mar 17 09:37:34 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 17.03.2022 09:06
ak>>> If you are interested in the Ukraine events you should
ak>>> learn what Russia says also.
AI> Why should we learn what Russia says also? Russia is not
AI> reporting truthfully about Russia or Ukraine.
Both sides carry the responsibility for the situation -- that why
neither of them say the truth only. Western media translates only the Ukrainian version of events.
ak>> Ah, sorry, I forgot -- you are prohibited to read Russian
ak>> news. ;-) You live in a "free" country.
AI> We are not prohibited to read Russian news. That's silly.
Well, you are not prohibited -- you are just not allowed. ;-) All
Russian media has blocked and jammed in your free world.
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Thu Mar 17 00:36:30 2022
Why should we learn what Russia says also? Russia is not
reporting truthfully about Russia or Ukraine.
Both sides carry the responsibility for the situation
What situation are you refering too? The Russian invasion of Ukraine? Russia bears reponsibility for it's actions.
that why neither of them say the truth only. Western media translates only the Ukrainian version of events.
You are so propagandized that you think the rest of the world is too, it is not. There are western reporters reporting the facts on the ground in Ukraine. No translation is needed. So far three western reporters have also been killed in Ukraine by Russian fire.
Ah, sorry, I forgot -- you are prohibited to read Russian
news. ;-) You live in a "free" country.
We are not prohibited to read Russian news. That's silly.
Well, you are not prohibited -- you are just not allowed. ;-)
That is just as silly. We are not prohibited in any way, we are allowed.
All Russian media has blocked and jammed in your free world.
That is on it's way to you, the Russian reader. Nothing is blocked or jammed here in the free world.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
alexander koryagin on Thu Mar 17 08:34:53 2022
If you are interested in the Ukraine events you should learn what Russia says also. Ah, sorry, I forgot -- you are prohibited to read Russian
news. ;-) You live in a "free" country.
On the countrary. We got Putin's news broadcast/TV-speech too and this must be the largest des-information effort in the world's history. When a people has been lied-to the way that Putin is lying to and des-informing his compatriots then the total destruction and annihilation of Ukraine as it is happening now is explained...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
alexander koryagin on Thu Mar 17 08:39:32 2022
You have read poorly -- I wrote that in Canada people ARE NOT fined for speaking a wrong language. But in the today Ukraine this fucking
situation is reality.
I won a law suit in front of the Belgian supreme court against my employer because he addressed me in the wrong language ... we solved that in a civil matter ...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
alexander koryagin on Thu Mar 17 08:53:17 2022
Both sides carry the responsibility for the situation -- that why
neither of them say the truth only. Western media translates only the Ukrainian version of events.
There are tens of western journalists independantly covering the news with their own camera crews ... the Ukrainians have other priorities to attend to.
Well, you are not prohibited -- you are just not allowed. ;-) All
Russian media has blocked and jammed in your free world.
On the countrary ... and "Thank you Elon Musk" ...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
alexander koryagin on Thu Mar 17 08:57:43 2022
Can Russia pay his check saying "take the money from the frozen actives
if you want to get money"?
I think that's possible but the question is "whose assets are frozen" and "who owes the interest on the outstanding loans" ? Abramovich is not going to use his assets to pay the debts of the Russian state ...
The precedent however would be dangerous because when the time comes when the loan(s) need to be repayed in full this could dramatically reduce Russia's foreign assets.
These foreign assets are a guarantee and represent a substantial part of Russia's total assets, so when the assets in the west are reduced then Russia overal becomes poorer. Economists, even Russian economists, will explain that is a no-no ...
Not paying is the worst because that would send Russia's credit rating through the bottom of the barrel. So Russia must seek a solution, and Rubles is not a valid international monetary instrument.
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to
Ward Dossche on Thu Mar 17 09:00:00 2022
Hello Ward!
[...] and
Rubles is not a valid international monetary instrument.
Putin has successfully transformed the Ruble into rubble.
--- OpenXP 5.0.51
* Origin: --> . <-- Oh look.. A point! (2:221/1.58)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Ward Dossche on Thu Mar 17 16:09:47 2022
ண ६窠, Ward Dossche.
ᠫ 17.03.22 8:57:
... Not paying is the
worst because that would send Russia's credit rating through the
bottom of the barrel. So Russia must seek a solution, and Rubles
is not a valid international monetary instrument. \%/@rd --- DB4
- 20220222 * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal
weer goed (2:292/854)
Lower, declare default. There is enough popcorn in Russia, we are waiting for spectacles!
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Thu Mar 17 16:00:44 2022
Lower, declare default. There is enough popcorn in Russia, we are waiting for spectacles!
You could use them ...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Fri Mar 18 00:03:50 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Thursday March 17 2022 08:54, you wrote to me:
६ ࠨ 楫 뫠 ᮧ ᨥ,
筥, 襢, 㭨 ᨥ
"Modern Ukraine was created by the communist Russia".
Yes, but it's a fake. Putin is lying.
where have you seen "Ukraine has no right to exist"? ;=) Why do you
tell so obvious fake?
" ⮬, ࠨ, , ⮩稢 ࠤ樨 㤠⢥, 稭 1991 諠 堭 쪨 㦨 , ࢠ ਨ, ⠪ ࠨ᪨ ॠ"
From the text from my link. Putin already annexed Crimea and create DNR/LNR, now he is trying to take more.
And in Moscow region at least. 20 million people.
No, only in Moscow. Not in Moscow region.
I live Moscow region, 75 km from Moscow, and I can watch Euronews perfectly well.
In my home city of Kemerovo it's not available. I just checked and it looks like that 3rd multiplex is still in test stage.
So it's a bug, not a feature.
And TV Rain + Echo of Moscow were banned in recent days, the only alternative public Media in Russia that were still able to operate.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Fri Mar 18 00:13:48 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Thursday March 17 2022 08:57, you wrote to me:
We had military conflicts between India and Pakistan,
they both had nuclear weapons.
Happily there was a draw then. There were not reasons to
use it.
So you are agree that you were not right? :)
Russia has no reason to use nukes unless struck heavily. The same was
You mean - Putin? Because Russia is not Putin. And he is crazy enough.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Fri Mar 18 00:14:26 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Thursday March 17 2022 08:59, you wrote to me:
About 50% of Russians want war. Do you need link about that?
But you have to agree that reasons for a war are different and a war
can be just?
Do you think that destruction of Mariupol is ok? This is what you are trying to tell me?
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Fri Mar 18 00:16:46 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Thursday March 17 2022 09:03, you wrote to me:
I have many friends in Ukraine and they have no problems with
using Russian language. When you've visited Ukraine? Never?:)
The Language law has be implemented to 2024. For a while many didn't
feel it well.
So you are just guessing that they won't be ok? At the moment they are hate our country because some of their relatives were killed :(
So we killed them because we wanted to protect Russian language?!
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Fri Mar 18 00:24:46 2022
Hello, Oleg!
Thursday March 17 2022 16:09, you wrote to Ward Dossche:
Lower, declare default. There is enough popcorn in Russia, we are
waiting for spectacles!
With rubble that is down 100% and with black market for dollars and euros? Wow.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Fri Mar 18 00:27:44 2022
Hello, alexander!
Thursday March 17 2022 09:37, you wrote to Alan Ianson:
Both sides carry the responsibility for the situation -- that why
No, Russia invaded Ukraine and killing it's citizens in big numbers. Even in Russia most of high state officals were shure that war won't be started.
It was just Putin's decision.
Ah, sorry, I forgot -- you are prohibited to read Russian
news. ;-) You live in a "free" country.
We are not prohibited to read Russian news. That's silly.
Well, you are not prohibited -- you are just not allowed. ;-) All
Russian media has blocked and jammed in your free world.
No, it's fake. They can open any Russian website and read the news from out State's perspective.
You are lying again.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Oleg Nazaroff@2:50/700 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Fri Mar 18 01:00:21 2022
ண ६窠, Dmitry Protasoff.
ᠫ 18.03.22 0:24:
With rubble that is down 100% and with black market for dollars
and euros? Wow.
How would you explain, in Russian? Most in Russia are looking forward to the dollar exchange rate of 500 to the ruble to get rid of dollars, euros and other Western candy wrappers. Someone diversifies the currency basket into yuan, gold and other metals, as well as into rupees and even dongs ;) no one wants to deal with the dollar. The rate is artificially kept by the state, the real rate is now much lower. Well, why the hell did the currency rest, which cannot be spent? Chinese brothers damn it, they dont take it anymore!
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Fri Mar 18 01:21:18 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, Oleg!
Friday March 18 2022 01:00, you wrote to me:
How would you explain, in Russian? Most in Russia are looking forward
to the dollar exchange rate of 500 to the ruble to get rid of dollars, euros and other Western candy wrappers. Someone diversifies the
All my friends are looking for relocation, because it's very difficult to live in country with zero predictable future.
currency basket into yuan, gold and other metals, as well as into
rupees and even dongs ;) no one wants to deal with the dollar. The
I am ready to buy dollars any time. Do you have any? Official rate, cash.
rate is artificially kept by the state, the real rate is now much
lower. Well, why the hell did the currency rest, which cannot be
spent? Chinese brothers damn it, they dont take it anymore!
Prices on aliexpress now are calculated to rubbles with 170/1 rate from dollar.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Matt Munson@1:218/109 to
Alan Ianson on Wed Mar 16 20:55:57 2022
BY: Alan Ianson(1:153/757)
Dull ram before the new gate? Both nations in Ukraine?
What are you talking about? There are not both nations in Ukraine, there
is just Ukraine.
There are bilingual nations such as Canada or even Switzerland. They could print their documents in RUssian and Ukranian and people across the land will be happy.
--- WWIV
* Origin: Inland Utopia BBS * iutopia.duckdns.org:2023 (1:218/109)
Matt Munson@1:218/109 to
Alan Ianson on Wed Mar 16 20:57:58 2022
BY: Alan Ianson(1:153/757)
Please don't get the idea that I don't like you or Russian people. It is Putin and men like him that I don't like, regardless of the country they
I appreciate the efforts Russian people did for Fidonet and its related techologies. Its just their leader is severely authoritarian. It would be like Biden arresting anti-abortion protesters at the nations capitol.
--- WWIV
* Origin: Inland Utopia BBS * iutopia.duckdns.org:2023 (1:218/109)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Oleg Nazaroff on Thu Mar 17 21:14:28 2022
Ok. Russia intervened because of the bloodshed and ethnic cleansing of Russian by Ukraine. What is the difference?
No Oleg, Russia invaded a peaceful sovereign state. That is the difference.
Even Russians are leaving now in large numbers according to Time.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Matt Munson on Thu Mar 17 21:16:54 2022
There are bilingual nations such as Canada or even Switzerland. They could print their documents in RUssian and Ukranian and people across the land will be happy.
Yes, in Canada you can get gov't publications in english or french and in many cases other languages also.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
Matt Munson on Thu Mar 17 21:19:26 2022
I appreciate the efforts Russian people did for Fidonet and its related techologies. Its just their leader is severely authoritarian. It would be like Biden arresting anti-abortion protesters at the nations capitol.
This is Putin's war. I don't think many in Russia today are happy to be the aggressor in a war with Ukraine.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Fri Mar 18 08:33:14 2022
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Ward Dossche on Fri Mar 18 08:35:36 2022
Hi, Ward Dossche!
I read your message from 17.03.2022 10:34
ak>> If you are interested in the Ukraine events you should
ak>> learn what Russia says also. Ah, sorry, I forgot -- you are
ak>> prohibited to read Russian news. ;-) You live in a "free"
ak>> country.
WD> On the countrary. We got Putin's news broadcast/TV-speech too
WD> and this must be the largest des-information effort in the
WD> world's history. When a people has been lied-to the way that
WD> Putin is lying to and des-informing his compatriots then the total
WD> destruction and annihilation of Ukraine as it is happening now is
WD> explained...
Putins's speeches and news are different things. It is complete wrong to
claim that all things that Russian media speaks are a lie. It is your head.
Bye, Ward!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Ward Dossche on Fri Mar 18 08:38:20 2022
Hi, Ward Dossche!
I read your message from 17.03.2022 10:39
ak>> You have read poorly -- I wrote that in Canada people ARE
ak>> NOT fined for speaking a wrong language. But in the today
ak>> Ukraine this fucking situation is reality.
WD> I won a law suit in front of the Belgian supreme court against
WD> my employer because he addressed me in the wrong language ...
WD> we solved that in a civil matter ...
I believe the most important thing in such cases is their scale. If you discriminate one person you can ran with it, but, not millions of people.
Bye, Ward!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Ward Dossche on Fri Mar 18 08:44:23 2022
Hi, Ward Dossche!
I read your message from 17.03.2022 10:53
ak>> Both sides carry the responsibility for the situation --
ak>> that why neither of them say the truth only. Western media
ak>> translates only the Ukrainian version of events.
WD> There are tens of western journalists independantly covering
WD> the news with their own camera crews ... the Ukrainians have
WD> other priorities to attend to.
They don't report on both sides. That's why they can be squint-eyed.
And, besides, Ukrainian nationalists would make their faces smashed if
they dare to say anything positive about Russians. It is true even in
case they would want to report some true things.
Bye, Ward!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Ward Dossche on Fri Mar 18 08:56:34 2022
Hi, Ward Dossche!
I read your message from 17.03.2022 10:57
ak>> Can Russia pay his check saying "take the money from the
ak>> frozen actives if you want to get money"?
WD> I think that's possible but the question is "whose assets are
WD> frozen" and "who owes the interest on the outstanding loans" ?
WD> Abramovich is not going to use his assets to pay the debts of
WD> the Russian state ... The precedent however would be dangerous
WD> because when the time comes when the loan(s) need to be repayed
WD> in full this could dramatically reduce Russia's foreign assets. These
WD> foreign assets are a guarantee and represent a substantial part of
WD> Russia's total assets, so when the assets in the west are reduced then
WD> Russia overal becomes poorer. Economists, even Russian economists,
WD> explain that is a no-no ... Not paying is the worst because that would
WD> send Russia's credit rating through the bottom of the barrel. So
WD> must seek a solution, and Rubles is not a valid international monetary
WD> instrument.
I heard that until May Russia can pay any debts from their actives
abroad. Nobody interested in the default. And Russia has small debt obligations AFAIK.
Bye, Ward!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Fri Mar 18 09:19:42 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 18.03.2022 00:03
DP>>> ६ ࠨ 楫 뫠 ᮧ
DP>>> ᨥ, 筥, 襢, 㭨
DP>>> ᨥ
ak>> "Modern Ukraine was created by the communist Russia".
DP> Yes, but it's a fake. Putin is lying.
ak>> where have you seen "Ukraine has no right to exist"? ;=)
ak>> Why do you tell so obvious fake?
DP> " ⮬, ࠨ, ,
DP> ⮩稢 ࠤ樨 㤠⢥,
DP> 稭 1991 諠 堭 쪨
DP> 㦨 , ࢠ ਨ, ⠪ ࠨ᪨ ॠ"
DP> From the text from my link. Putin already annexed Crimea and create
DP> DNR/LNR, now he is trying to take more.
You could just admit that Putin has never told that "Ukraine has no
right to exists". A lie for the sake of truth is a well know thing, but nevertheless....
PS: The next thing of this kind from the Ukraine side, I believe, will
be a canister with chlorine blown in a Kiev kindergarten.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Fri Mar 18 09:20:28 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 18.03.2022 00:13
DP>>>>> We had military conflicts between India and
DP>>>>> Pakistan, they both had nuclear weapons.
ak>>>> Happily there was a draw then. There were not
ak>>>> reasons to use it.
DP>>> So you are agree that you were not right?:)
ak>> Russia has no reason to use nukes unless struck heavily.
ak>> The same was
DP> You mean - Putin? Because Russia is not Putin. And he is crazy
DP> enough.
Yes, Putin.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Thu Mar 17 23:00:36 2022
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Fri Mar 18 09:28:02 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 18.03.2022 00:14
ak>> But you have to agree that reasons for a war are different
ak>> and a war can be just?
DP> Do you think that destruction of Mariupol is ok? This is what
DP> you are trying to tell me?
I have never told it is OK. Civilians who suffer in Donbass, now in
Mariupol etc are poor ones. I said only, many times, that Zelensky has
had a lot of time to solve the Donbass problem peacefully, but he is
under control of nationalists and he is never able to compromise. Hate
was the main compass for the Ukrainian policy towards Donbass.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Fri Mar 18 09:38:50 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 18.03.2022 00:16
DP>>> I have many friends in Ukraine and they have no
DP>>> problems with using Russian language. When you've
DP>>> visited Ukraine? Never?:)
ak>> The Language law has be implemented to 2024. For a while
ak>> many didn't feel it well.
DP> So you are just guessing that they won't be ok? At the moment
DP> they are hate our country because some of their relatives were
DP> killed:( So we killed them because we wanted to protect Russian
DP> language?!
It is a good example how idiots can create a big chaos without even a
good reason. But surely it is obvious who triggered the events. And I
said it many times.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Fri Mar 18 10:00:43 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 18.03.2022 07:19
??>>> I appreciate the efforts Russian people did for Fidonet
??>>> and its related
??>> techologies. Its just their leader is severely
??>> authoritarian. It would be like Biden arresting
??>> anti-abortion protesters at the nations capitol.
AI> This is Putin's war. I don't think many in Russia today are
AI> happy to be the aggressor in a war with Ukraine.
It is wrong in any case to speak about Russia's happiness. But you
should understand why most Russians support Putin -- Putin's stance has
too much truth in relation of Donbass, and it why his propaganda is so
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Fri Mar 18 00:33:12 2022
It is a good example how idiots can create a big chaos without even a
good reason.
This is exactly what is happening in Ukraine today. Idiots creating chaos.
But surely it is obvious who triggered the events. And I said it many times.
Yes, over and over again.
Russian tanks and artillery in Ukraine teritory doing what tanks and artillery do best.
Russia has no business in Ukraine.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Fri Mar 18 00:34:20 2022
It is wrong in any case to speak about Russia's happiness. But you
should understand why most Russians support Putin -- Putin's stance has
too much truth in relation of Donbass, and it why his propaganda is so strong.
Putin's propaganda is lies and more lies on top of lies.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
alexander koryagin on Fri Mar 18 08:15:26 2022
I believe the most important thing in such cases is their scale. If you discriminate one person you can ran with it, but, not millions of people.
Actually, technically, that may be correct, but mr.Putin invented some new truths ...
There used to be a saying "You can fool some of the people, some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time" ... Putin changed that ... at least he thinks he did, maybe he even believes himself, but at some point this will return like a boomerang in his face and he will not be burried alongside Lenin ...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
alexander koryagin on Fri Mar 18 08:50:11 2022
I heard that until May Russia can pay any debts from their actives
abroad. Nobody interested in the default. And Russia has small debt obligations AFAIK.
That is somewhat correct with the following observations ...
1) The Russian assets are frozen. Hence they cannot be used to pay even if they're there. Remember what happened to Greece? They defaulted their loans, credit rating went down, could not draw money from the international market ... but there's a system here with the ECB (European Central Bank) which helped them and they're doing OK now. The ECB is not going to help Russia.
2) Russia and Russian enterprises have huge international debts but you're confusing with the national debt which is only 19% of the GDP, which in itself is good. That will now quickly and dramatically change into a deathly economic spiral for which Putin will blame the West while it is nothing other than his own doing ...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
alexander koryagin on Fri Mar 18 09:00:26 2022
There are tens of western journalists independantly covering
the news with their own camera crews ... the Ukrainians have
other priorities to attend to.
They don't report on both sides. That's why they can be squint-eyed.
And, besides, Ukrainian nationalists would make their faces smashed if
they dare to say anything positive about Russians. It is true even in
case they would want to report some true things.
We've had news teams in the Donbass area as well as in the rest of Ukraine and the thing was clear that the ordinary people in Donbass are not interested in that conflict nor in separation. They want to quietly live in peace. Donbass is nothing else but a carefully planned event in a series of events, such as re-taking the Crimea, to test the resolve of the west in dealing with it and then strike.
The amount of lying by a central government, manipulation of facts, distortion of truths, deep-fake videos, propaganda, killing the newsservices, killing free speech, killing the free press is unheard of in World history, even in the 20th century history this is not encountered, even hard-core Communism was better...
Kudos to the St.Peterburg troll factory...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
alexander koryagin on Fri Mar 18 09:08:05 2022
Putins's speeches and news are different things. It is complete wrong to claim that all things that Russian media speaks are a lie.
That is correct, I assume there is also weather news.
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
alexander koryagin on Fri Mar 18 09:13:38 2022
... Putin's stance has too much truth in relation of Donbass, and it why his propaganda is so strong.
Such a confession should be enough to end all discussions with you ...
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Alan Ianson on Fri Mar 18 17:29:29 2022
Hello Alan,
It is wrong in any case to speak about Russia's happiness. But you
should understand why most Russians support Putin -- Putin's stance has
too much truth in relation of Donbass, and it why his propaganda is so
Putin's propaganda is lies and more lies on top of lies.
Amazing. And to think his nose did not grow an inch.
We Put Big Loads In Tight Places
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Ward Dossche on Fri Mar 18 17:29:35 2022
Hello Ward,
I believe the most important thing in such cases is their scale. If you
discriminate one person you can ran with it, but, not millions of people.
Actually, technically, that may be correct, but mr.Putin invented some new truths ...
There used to be a saying "You can fool some of the people, some of the time
but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time" ... Putin changed that ... at least he thinks he did, maybe he even believes himself, but at some point this will return like a boomerang in his face and he will not be
burried alongside Lenin ...
Of course not. His mummified remains will be on display for all to
see. Just like Lenin.
I think they bought a Jeep
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
Ward Dossche on Fri Mar 18 17:29:54 2022
Hello Ward,
You know very little of the history of Nazism (in Germany in the 1940s).
The Jewish clown Zelensky is the embodiment of the rainbow dreams of the
organizers of the Nazi movement.
Oh my dear ... I don't think in my Fido-years I've ever seen some make such
a fool of himself in public.
Quite entertaining, keep it up.
My sincerest apologies. The caliber of his posts are not in the same
ballpark as mine. Not even in the same league. In fact, his post(s) may
have surpassed those made by the one who shall not be named ...
Make Sure Your Next Erection Is In Safe Hands
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Gerrit Kuehn@2:240/12 to
Matt Munson on Fri Mar 18 17:06:10 2022
Hello Matt!
16 Mar 22 20:55, Matt Munson wrote to Alan Ianson:
There are bilingual nations such as Canada or even Switzerland.
Switzerland even has four <sic!> official languages: German, French, Italian and Romansh.
... 5:06PM up 72 days, 4:01, 5 users, load averages: 0.86, 0.83, 0.67
--- msged/fbsd 6.3 2021-12-02
* Origin: We are the second generation (2:240/12)
Gerrit Kuehn@2:240/12 to
Ward Dossche on Fri Mar 18 17:11:38 2022
Hello Ward!
18 Mar 22 08:15, Ward Dossche wrote to alexander koryagin:
There used to be a saying "You can fool some of the people, some of
the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time" ...
"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time".
Usually attributed to Abraham Lincoln:
... 5:11PM up 72 days, 4:06, 5 users, load averages: 0.73, 0.69, 0.64
--- msged/fbsd 6.3 2021-12-02
* Origin: We are a nation of innovations (2:240/12)
Mike Miller@1:154/30 to
alexander koryagin on Fri Mar 18 13:44:18 2022
Hello alexander!
17 Mar 22 09:37, you wrote to Alan Ianson:
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 17.03.2022 09:06
If you are interested in the Ukraine events you should
learn what Russia says also.
Why should we learn what Russia says also? Russia is not
reporting truthfully about Russia or Ukraine.
Both sides carry the responsibility for the situation -- that why
neither of them say the truth only. Western media translates only the Ukrainian version of events.
Ah, sorry, I forgot -- you are prohibited to read Russian
news. ;-) You live in a "free" country.
We are not prohibited to read Russian news. That's silly.
Well, you are not prohibited -- you are just not allowed. ;-) All
Russian media has blocked and jammed in your free world.
Those are all reachable. They're probably also the sites telling you that we are "blocked" from reading them here in the USA.
... There is no security on this earth, there is only opportunity. - Douglas MacAr
=== GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
--- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
* Origin: War Ensemble - warensemble.com - Appleton, WI (1:154/30)
oleg naZaroV@2:50/700 to
Gerrit Kuehn on Sat Mar 19 02:44:42 2022
Good day, Gerrit Kuehn.
16 Mar 22 20:55, Matt Munson wrote to Alan
There are bilingual nations such as Canada
or even Switzerland.
Switzerland even has four <sic!> official
languages: German, French, Italian and
How would you react to the situation if heavily armed Romanians carried out a coup d'tat in Switzerland and began to oppress the German-speaking population, legally banning the use of the German language in all forms, with criminal prosecution in the form of lynching?
The answer "this cannot happen" is not accepted. Maybe. And it happened in history.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
ALL on Sat Mar 19 13:34:19 2022
16 Mar 22 20:55, Matt Munson wrote to Alan
There are bilingual nations such as Canada
or even Switzerland.
Switzerland even has four <sic!> official
languages: German, French, Italian and
How would you react to the situation if heavily armed Romanians
carried out a coup d'tat in Switzerland and began to oppress the
German-speaking population, legally banning the use of the German
language in all forms, with criminal prosecution in the form of
lynching? The answer "this cannot happen" is not accepted. Maybe. ON>And
it happened in history.
There are two countries in Europe that Adolf Hitler chose not
to invade. Or even threaten to invade. Those two countries are
Switzerland and Turkey.
The reasons why are very easy to understand. Switzerland is the
most militant country in Europe, with almost every citizen armed
and trained. And Turkey was where the Crusaders got stopped cold.
Romania is where Vlad II was from. A hero to his countrymen, known affectionately by them as Vlad the Impaler, but he was no relation
to the other Vlad in Russia.
Our Nuts, Your Mouth
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
oleg naZaroV@2:50/700 to
Lee Lofaso on Sat Mar 19 16:34:45 2022
ண ६窠, Lee Lofaso.
ᠫ 19.03.22 13:34:
it happened in history.
There are two countries in Europe that Adolf
Hitler chose not to invade. Or even threaten
to invade. Those two countries are
Switzerland and Turkey. The reasons why are
very easy to understand. Switzerland is the
most militant country in Europe, with almost
every citizen armed and trained. And Turkey
was where the Crusaders got stopped cold.
Let's face it, shall we? In 1940, Switzerland concluded an agreement with Hitler for the transit of Nazi cargo and, in addition, provided a loan of 150 million Swiss francs. Well, plus the obligation to sell gold for Reichsmarks. And so it is of course "neutrality" and solid Heroes.
2:50/700 aka ex.2:5020/612
--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
* Origin: 27 ... -- ... (2:50/700)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Sun Mar 20 00:13:30 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Friday March 18 2022 09:19, you wrote to me:
You could just admit that Putin has never told that "Ukraine has no
right to exists". A lie for the sake of truth is a well know thing,
but nevertheless....
Looks like you don't unserstand Russian and live in some dream reality.
Putin announced that Ukraine in an artificial state, took part of it's territory and our state TV shows every day that most of the Ukraine is some "donations" from Russia.
Is it a right to exist?
PS: The next thing of this kind from the Ukraine side, I believe, will
be a canister with chlorine blown in a Kiev kindergarten.
Putin lied that he won't start a war. Lied for many months.
And now you are blaming Ukranians?
Who told you about chlorine? Russian TV?
Many years ago RT did a report about me (video is already offline, but some traces on their site could be found even today).
It was 50% fake. They some facts and created fake picture.
So I speak from personal expirience.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Sun Mar 20 00:18:26 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Friday March 18 2022 09:20, you wrote to me:
You mean - Putin? Because Russia is not Putin. And he is crazy
Yes, Putin.
Russia is not Putin. Putin will die and will drink some vodka with our friends from Ukraine after his death :)
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Sun Mar 20 00:19:06 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Friday March 18 2022 09:28, you wrote to me:
I have never told it is OK. Civilians who suffer in Donbass, now in Mariupol etc are poor ones. I said only, many times, that Zelensky has
They will hate us forever. You for sure.
had a lot of time to solve the Donbass problem peacefully, but he is
It was impossible because Putin created war in Donbass to keep it alive as long he wants.
under control of nationalists and he is never able to compromise. Hate
In Azov (which was the most blamed army unit on Russian TV) they have only 800 people. Only 800! We have more people killed in Mariupol already.
Putin decided to destory cities with civil population in Ukraine because of 800 people in 1 military unit??
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Sun Mar 20 00:23:48 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Friday March 18 2022 09:38, you wrote to me:
So you are just guessing that they won't be ok? At the moment
they are hate our country because some of their relatives were
killed:( So we killed them because we wanted to protect Russian
It is a good example how idiots can create a big chaos without even a
Yes, Putin is not smart enough. Just some KGB guy who managed to become president but he is still very limited.
good reason. But surely it is obvious who triggered the events. And I
said it many times.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
oleg naZaroV on Sun Mar 20 00:43:22 2022
Hello, oleg!
Saturday March 19 2022 16:34, you wrote to Lee Lofaso:
Let's face it, shall we? In 1940, Switzerland concluded an agreement
with Hitler for the transit of Nazi cargo and, in addition, provided a loan of 150 million Swiss francs. Well, plus the obligation to sell
gold for Reichsmarks. And so it is of course "neutrality" and solid Heroes.
Russia was sending trains with supplies to Germany until 22.06.1941. And Germany was not even paying for them!
Switzerland never provided any 150 mln fancs loan to Nazi Germany.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
oleg naZaroV on Sat Mar 19 23:12:16 2022
Hello Oleg,
it happened in history.
There are two countries in Europe that Adolf
Hitler chose not to invade. Or even threaten
to invade. Those two countries are
Switzerland and Turkey. The reasons why are
very easy to understand. Switzerland is the
most militant country in Europe, with almost
every citizen armed and trained. And Turkey
was where the Crusaders got stopped cold.
Let's face it, shall we? In 1940, Switzerland concluded an agreement with Hitler for the transit of Nazi cargo and, in addition, provided a loan of 150 million Swiss francs. Well, plus the obligation to sell gold for Reichsmarks. And so it is of course "neutrality" and solid Heroes.
Please. Know your history -
from Wikipedia -
The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-aggression pact between Nazi
Germany and the Soviet Union that enabled those two powers to partition
Poland between them. The pact was signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by
German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign
Minister Vyacheslav Molotov[1] and was officially known as the Treaty
of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.[2][3] Unofficially, it has also been referred to as the Hitler–Stalin Pact,[4][5] Nazi–Soviet Pact[6] or Nazi–Soviet Alliance
[7] (although it was not a formal alliance).[8][9]
Its clauses provided a written guarantee of peace by each party towards
the other and a commitment that declared that neither government would
ally itself to or aid an enemy of the other.
[note - what dear friends Hitler and Stalin were during those days]
In addition to the publicly-announced stipulations of non-aggression,
the treaty included the Secret Protocol, which defined the borders of
Soviet and German spheres of influence across Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland. The secret protocol also recognised the interest
of Lithuania in the Vilnius region, and Germany declared its complete disinterest in Bessarabia. The rumour of the existence of the Secret
Protocol was proved only when it was made public during the Nuremberg Trials.[10]
[note - Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939]
[note - Soviets invaded Poland on 17 September 1939]
We all know such non-aggression pacts meant nothing to Adolf Hitler.
So why did he choose to continue eastward, and spare Switzerland and
Turkey from the same fate? The only thing that saved the former USSR
was the same thing that doomed Napoleon.
Black lives matter!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Sun Mar 20 11:29:45 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 18.03.2022 09:00
AI> RT is not news. It is propaganda. There is much of that here and it
AI> makes it hard to find real news and facts. I have not been reading
AI> sputnik but I'll assume it was also propaganda. I will not miss any
AI> of it.
I said again -- it is completely wrong to say that Russian media under
Putin control tells a lie only. I have already told you a Russian saying "Strength is in the truth". Putin's propaganda is based on many real
facts and events. Yes it contains many lies, but it also contains much
truth. And you voluntarily deprive yourself from this big part of the
truth. And your position became biased.
You can trust Russian media for instance that even today corpses in
Donensk from Ukraine shells and missles appear every day. You can hear
how witnesses tell that nationalist block them from being evacuated etc.
You can learn many things to make your understanding more balanced.
But Russian media are blocked and you hear only those thing they allow
you to.
ak>> And no wonder. I saw on Russian TV US congressmen clapping wildly
ak>> to the Zelensky's speech -- the man who for years did only those
ak>> things in Donbass which led the conflict to escalation. Faugh!
AI> Does that suprise you also? He got the same treatment a couple days
AI> ago when he addressed the Canadian parliament.
AI> I myself have much respect and admiration for Zelensky. He is a
AI> great leader. he is a polar opposite to that man names Putin.
He is a professional actor, a professional clown, and he knows very well
how to work with public. But exactly his unwillingness to solve the
Dobbass problem for so many years and his policy towards the conflict escalation has led to the present day situation. Very much blood lies on
the Zelensky hands.
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Sun Mar 20 11:39:58 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 18.03.2022 10:33
AI> Russian tanks and artillery in Ukraine teritory doing what
AI> tanks and artillery do best. Russia has no business in Ukraine.
Probably Russia saw a good example in face of the US who does everything
it wants in every part of the world, and asks nobody's permission. In
other words the real situation is the following -- if you are strong you
can do what a weak cannot do. Weak parties should think twice or more
before teasing the beast with a bunch of nukes under his belt, who in
addition is next to them. Nationalists in Ukraine, if they were not so
idiots, should have calculated what their policy of forceful
ukrainizaion can lead their country.
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Ward Dossche on Sun Mar 20 11:51:58 2022
Hi, Ward Dossche!
I read your message from 18.03.2022 10:50
ak>> I heard that until May Russia can pay any debts from their
ak>> actives abroad. Nobody interested in the default. And
ak>> Russia has small debt obligations AFAIK.
WD> That is somewhat correct with the following observations ...
WD> 1) The Russian assets are frozen. Hence they cannot be used to
WD> pay even if they're there. Remember what happened to Greece?
WD> They defaulted their loans, credit rating went down, could not draw
WD> money from the international market ... but there's a system here with
WD> the ECB (European Central Bank) which helped them and they're doing OK
WD> now. The ECB is not going to help Russia.
Russia has paid
Another question is -- will the creditors in the US, for instance, get
their money. But it is probably is not a Russia's buisness?
Bye, Ward!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Ward Dossche on Sun Mar 20 12:12:13 2022
Hi, Ward Dossche!
I read your message from 18.03.2022 11:00
ak>> They don't report on both sides. That's why they can be
ak>> squint-eyed. And, besides, Ukrainian nationalists would
ak>> make their faces smashed if they dare to say anything
ak>> positive about Russians. It is true even in case they would
ak>> want to report some true things.
WD> We've had news teams in the Donbass area as well as in the rest
WD> of Ukraine and the thing was clear that the ordinary people in
WD> Donbass are not interested in that conflict nor in separation. They
WD> want to quietly live in peace. Donbass is nothing else but a carefully
WD> planned event in a series of events, such as re-taking the Crimea, to
WD> test the resolve of the west in dealing with it and then
WD> strike.
Do you think that somebody in Ukraine will tell good about Russia to the reporter surrounded by a pack of Ukrainian nationalists? ;=)
PS: as for the troll factory you were missed.
Bye, Ward!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Ward Dossche on Sun Mar 20 12:13:08 2022
Hi, Ward Dossche!
I read your message from 18.03.2022 11:08
ak>> Putins's speeches and news are different things. It is
ak>> complete wrong to claim that all things that Russian media
ak>> speaks are a lie.
WD> That is correct, I assume there is also weather news.
It is in your head. (c)
Bye, Ward!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Ward Dossche on Sun Mar 20 12:26:12 2022
Hi, Ward Dossche!
I read your message from 18.03.2022 11:13
ak>> ... Putin's stance has too much truth in relation of
ak>> Donbass, and it why his propaganda is so strong.
WD> ---------------------------
WD> Such a confession should be enough to end all discussions with
WD> you ...
If you don't understand mywords -- any false and bad ideas can be
disguised in the good.
Bye, Ward!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Sun Mar 20 02:44:04 2022
RT is not news. It is propaganda. There is much of that here and it
makes it hard to find real news and facts. I have not been reading
sputnik but I'll assume it was also propaganda. I will not miss any
of it.
I said again -- it is completely wrong to say that Russian media under
Putin control tells a lie only. I have already told you a Russian saying "Strength is in the truth".
I agree.
Putin's propaganda is based on many real facts and events.
Here's a real fact and event. Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24 2022. It has since then attacked the country as a whole and done vast amounts of damage and killed and injured many (I can't be sure of the actual numbers). More than 3,300,000 refugees, 600,000 displaced people.
The above is truth, fact. How does that compare to what you get on state media?
Yes it contains many lies, but it also contains much truth. And you voluntarily deprive yourself from this big part of the truth. And your position became biased.
I have to turn it off because I know it contains lies and I don't want to travel that road.
You can trust Russian media for instance that even today corpses in
Donensk from Ukraine shells and missles appear every day. You can hear
how witnesses tell that nationalist block them from being evacuated etc.
You can learn many things to make your understanding more balanced.
The lies just don't balance.
It's unfortunate that people do speak lies at times when they want to cover up what they are really doing or have done or will do.
You just can't trust a liar.
But Russian media are blocked and you hear only those thing they allow
you to.
No, I can read Russian media when I want to do that.
Does that suprise you also? He got the same treatment a couple days
ago when he addressed the Canadian parliament.
I myself have much respect and admiration for Zelensky. He is a
great leader. he is a polar opposite to that man names Putin.
He is a professional actor, a professional clown, and he knows very well
how to work with public. But exactly his unwillingness to solve the
Dobbass problem for so many years and his policy towards the conflict escalation has led to the present day situation. Very much blood lies on
the Zelensky hands.
Did Zelensky create the problems in the Donbass?
Russia (or Putin) supported the separatists in the Donbass for his own reasons. Not because he cared about Russian speakers that he is killing today the same as Ukraininan speakers.
The blood for this war in on Putins hands and those military leaders who started and continue the war.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Sun Mar 20 02:50:22 2022
Probably Russia saw a good example in face of the US who does everything
it wants in every part of the world, and asks nobody's permission. In
other words the real situation is the following -- if you are strong you
can do what a weak cannot do. Weak parties should think twice or more
before teasing the beast with a bunch of nukes under his belt,
This is fascism.
If your brother/friend struggles will you stand up and help him in some way? That is strength.
Stepping on someone weaker than you is weakness.
who in addition is next to them. Nationalists in Ukraine, if they were not
so idiots, should have calculated what their policy of forceful ukrainizaion can lead their country.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to
alexander koryagin on Sun Mar 20 13:05:04 2022
Do you think that somebody in Ukraine will tell good about Russia to the reporter surrounded by a pack of Ukrainian nationalists? ;=)
When Putin croaks, nobody in Ukraine will mind that a reporter reports on it.
--- DB4 - 20220222
* Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Sun Mar 20 20:55:03 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 20.03.2022 00:13
DP> Putin lied that he won't start a war. Lied for many months.
DP> And now you are blaming Ukranians?
Don't tell me a fairy tale that the Ukrainians tell only the truth.
DP> Who told you about chlorine? Russian TV?
The false canister with chlorine was in Syria and many bit it, and Syria
was bombed. Then reporters found all the actors of the story, "victims" including. Taking in account numerous accusations that Russia uses
chemicals to kill such a scenario is very likely and expected.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to
alexander koryagin on Sun Mar 20 20:45:38 2022
Hello Alexander,
I myself have much respect and admiration for Zelensky. He is a
great leader. he is a polar opposite to that man names Putin.
He is a professional actor, a professional clown, and he knows very well how to work with public. But exactly his unwillingness to solve the Dobbass problem for so many years and his policy towards the conflict escalation has led to the present day situation. Very much blood lies on the Zelensky hands.
There are some in the USA who hold that view, such as Tucker Carlton
and some of his colleagues on Fox News. As well as Donald Trump, who
apparently is still madly in love with Vladimir Putin (and Little
Rocket Man). But other than them, Z is a hero to all.
It Ain't Payday If It Ain't Nuts In Your Mouth
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 21 03:29:06 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Sunday March 20 2022 20:55, you wrote to me:
Putin lied that he won't start a war. Lied for many months.
And now you are blaming Ukranians?
Don't tell me a fairy tale that the Ukrainians tell only the truth.
I am telling you Putin is a lier.
Who told you about chlorine? Russian TV?
The false canister with chlorine was in Syria and many bit it, and
Syria had and used chemical weapons, thats the truth. The same as did Iraq. They were both ruled, in fact, by very similar people - BAATH Party.
Syria was bombed. Then reporters found all the actors of the story, "victims" including. Taking in account numerous accusations that
Russia uses chemicals to kill such a scenario is very likely and
Putin's assassins used Novichok agent against it's own citizens. That's so sad :(
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 21 03:32:50 2022
Hello, alexander!
Sunday March 20 2022 11:29, you wrote to Alan Ianson:
I said again -- it is completely wrong to say that Russian media under
Putin control tells a lie only. I have already told you a Russian
saying "Strength is in the truth". Putin's propaganda is based on many
No, it was Ghandi who used Satyagraha (truth-force) as his main political idea:
"Its root meaning is holding on to truth, hence truth-force. I have also called it love-force or soul-force. In the application of satyagraha, I discovered in the earliest stages that pursuit of truth did not admit of violence being inflicted on one's opponent but that he must be weaned from error by patience and compassion. For what appears to be truth to the one may appear to be error to the other. And patience means self-suffering. So the doctrine came to mean vindication of truth, not by infliction of suffering on the opponent, but on oneself"
Russian film director Balabanov just took this slogan and used in Russian film "Brother" where, actually, everyone (!) is lying.
Main protagonist did it form the beginning. Film became popular among young Russians and the slogan from the film started to spread across the country.
But the whole idea was that "truth" was never there, it was full of lies and violence, and both "Brothers" from film were lying to each other.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Mon Mar 21 11:04:16 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 20.03.2022 12:44
AI>>> RT is not news. It is propaganda. There is much of that here and
AI>>> it makes it hard to find real news and facts. I have not been
AI>>> reading sputnik but I'll assume it was also propaganda. I will
AI>>> not miss any of it.
ak>> I say it again -- it is completely wrong to say that Russian media
ak>> under Putin control tells a lie only. I have already told you a
ak>> Russian saying "Strength is in the truth".
AI> I agree.
ak>> Putin's propaganda is based on many real facts and events.
AI> Here's a real fact and event. Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24
AI> 2022. It has since then attacked the country as a whole and done
AI> vast amounts of damage and killed and injured many (I can't be sure
AI> of the actual numbers). More than 3,300,000 refugees, 600,000
AI> displaced people.
AI> The above is truth, fact. How does that compare to what you get on
AI> state media?
If you want to know the background of the event you must listen both
parties; what they say the reason and history of the conflict. Not
knowing it it is impossible to do adequate conclusions. The Donbass
siege (the core of the events) has been lasting for 8 years and
wonderfully there was no place for it in western media. To be exactly,
it repeated everything that Kiev claimed. Nobody paid attention to 14
thousand people killed in Donbass by Ukrainian troops etc. In short it
was and is a very serious problem, and people of Donbass have suffered greatly.
Doing this invasion Putin in many ways has discredited this suffering
and actually made Russians guilty everywhere, although it is the case.
So I repeat -- don't mix the problem of the civil war in Ukraine with
Putin and his thoughtless actions. The beginning the solving of the
problem should begin from the time when violence started - the spring of
ak>> Yes it contains many lies, but it also contains much truth. And
ak>> you voluntarily deprive yourself from this big part of the truth.
ak>> And your position became biased.
AI> I have to turn it off because I know it contains lies and I don't
AI> want to travel that road.
Everything in this world contains lies. Do you remember a fucking
American lie which led to invasion in Iraq and a million killed? At
least Americans know how to lie very well. You can also remember how
they started war in Vietnam, also using a lie.
AI>>> much respect and admiration for Zelensky. He is a great leader.
AI>>> he is a polar opposite to that man names Putin.
ak>> He is a professional actor, a professional clown, and he knows
ak>> very well how to work with public. But exactly his unwillingness
ak>> to solve the Donbass problem for so many years and his policy
ak>> towards the conflict escalation has led to the present day
ak>> situation. Very much blood lies on the Zelensky hands.
AI> Did Zelensky create the problems in the Donbass?
Yes, of course. I have already told you about great Ukrainian suffering,
on the verge of bloody diarrhea -- nor Poroshenko (was before Zelensky)
nor Zelensky could not decide what to do with Donbass -- should they
negotiate with the rebels and make concessions to them or may be Ukraine troops some day will be able to cut their throats. This winter Ukraine
has built up a huge army group in Donbass and it was obvious it was
going to the latter scenario.
AI> Russia (or Putin) supported the separatists in the Donbass for his
AI> own reasons. Not because he cared about Russian speakers that he is
AI> killing today the same as Ukraininan speakers.
AI> The blood for this war in on Putins hands and those military
AI> leaders who started and continue the war.
No, it is not Putin who started it. Al least, we should say that both
parties of the conflict carry their part of the responsibility. But nationalists-idiots were first.
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Mon Mar 21 11:30:09 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 20.03.2022 12:50
ak>> Probably Russia saw a good example in face of the US who does
ak>> everything it wants in every part of the world, and asks nobody's
ak>> permission. In other words the real situation is the following --
ak>> if you are strong you can do what a weak cannot do. Weak parties
ak>> should think twice or more before teasing the beast with a bunch
ak>> of nukes under his belt,
AI> This is fascism.
It's life. Even in a kindergarten the relations between strong and weak
are similar. In addition, the word "fascism" everybody interprets as he wishes, often incorrectly. Fascism is when a small violent group wanted
to make people to do things they order, threatening with reprisals,
physical violence etc. All the opponents are labelled as enemies and
they are subjects for repressions or even elimination. That is what
Ukrainian nationalists started to do in Ukraine.
AI> If your brother/friend struggles will you stand up and help him in
AI> some way? That is strength.
AI> Stepping on someone weaker than you is weakness.
ak>> who in addition is next to them. Nationalists in Ukraine, if they
ak>> were not so idiots, should have calculated what their policy of
ak>> forceful ukrainizaion can lead their country.
AI> Ukrainization?
Yes. Well, just imagine the bilingual Ukraine before 2014 and the
Russian speaking population of its east and south. And one day the power
is captured by the people who issued the orders that Russian language is
not state language any more, that at every office, bar, schools should
used Ukrainian. I said it before you that Ukraine since 20-th century
has been historically divided in two parts. And to preserve the peace
the Kiev policy should be wise and balanced. But what happened after
2014 can be called a national fascism.
PS: I don't deny that in today's Russia is a totalitarian society. So
Russians in Ukraine have had a poor choice.
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Ward Dossche on Mon Mar 21 11:49:07 2022
Hi, Ward Dossche!
I read your message from 20.03.2022 15:05
ak>> Do you think that somebody in Ukraine will tell good about
ak>> Russia to the reporter surrounded by a pack of Ukrainian
ak>> nationalists? ;=)
WD> When Putin croaks, nobody in Ukraine will mind that a reporter
WD> reports on it.
I meant that a person will had his ass kicked if he says something
different than those spectators are expected from him. ;-)
Bye, Ward!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 21 11:38:30 2022
Hello, alexander!
Monday March 21 2022 11:04, you wrote to Alan Ianson:
problem should begin from the time when violence started - the spring
of 2014.
When Russian sent groups of fighters to Ukraine.
I have to turn it off because I know it contains lies and I
don't want to travel that road.
Everything in this world contains lies. Do you remember a fucking
American lie which led to invasion in Iraq and a million killed? At
It was not a lie, BTW. All investigation stories tells us that US made a mistake and it was officially recognized.
Putin will never tell you he was wrong.
least Americans know how to lie very well. You can also remember how
they started war in Vietnam, also using a lie.
War in Virtnam started long before americans were involded and it wasn't a lie.
-- should they negotiate with the rebels and make concessions to them
It was impossible to do so because they were and still are under direct control of Russia.
They are just puppets. You do not talk to puppets.
or may be Ukraine troops some day will be able to cut their throats.
This winter Ukraine has built up a huge army group in Donbass and it
was obvious it was going to the latter scenario.
It was obvious that Russia will invade. For Baiden, not for me.
Putin was lying and Baiden ws not.
No, it is not Putin who started it. Al least, we should say that both
Putin annexed Crimea and sent fighters to Eastern Ukraine.
That's the facts.
parties of the conflict carry their part of the responsibility. But nationalists-idiots were first.
The biggest idiot is Putin who is detroying our economy. Even Eltsin was better and smarter.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 21 11:43:44 2022
Hello, alexander!
Monday March 21 2022 11:30, you wrote to Alan Ianson:
That is what Ukrainian nationalists started to do in Ukraine.
This is what Russians are doing in Ukraine right now.
Yes. Well, just imagine the bilingual Ukraine before 2014 and the
Russian speaking population of its east and south. And one day the
power is captured by the people who issued the orders that Russian language is not state language any more, that at every office, bar,
Russian language was not a state language in Ukraine, please stop spreading fake information.
schools should used Ukrainian. I said it before you that Ukraine since
Fake news again, current law allows use of Russian language. And I've told many times that Russian laws are even more strict than Ukranians.
20-th century has been historically divided in two parts. And to
preserve the peace the Kiev policy should be wise and balanced. But
what happened after 2014 can be called a national fascism.
Called by who? By Putin who sent forces to make Mariupol a new Stalingrad?
PS: I don't deny that in today's Russia is a totalitarian society. So Russians in Ukraine have had a poor choice.
All my Russian friends in Kiev never had any problems with Russian language - that's the reality.
I was using only Russian language in Ukraine (I've been in Kiev 2 times) without any issues.
But the state language was and is Ukranian. Any public office is expected to provide service in Ukranian.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Mon Mar 21 15:29:15 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 20.03.2022 00:23
ak>> good reason. But surely it is obvious who triggered the
ak>> events. And I said it many times.
DP> Putin.
Or maybe it was tongue-tied Yanukovich who could not explain
understandably why he had postponed the association Ukraine with EU? ;-)
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 21 15:51:56 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Monday March 21 2022 15:29, you wrote to me:
good reason. But surely it is obvious who triggered the
events. And I said it many times.
Or maybe it was tongue-tied Yanukovich who could not explain understandably why he had postponed the association Ukraine with EU?
Ukraine had it's own problems, we had ours. Russia is a poor country, where median income was less than 500 euro.
But Putin decided that it's better to cut some territory from Ukraine instead of doing any major reforms to help our economy.
Without Putin this internal conflict had all chances to be resolved without major events outside of Kiev.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 21 22:52:36 2022
Hello, alexander!
BTW, Euronews website is now blocked in Russia.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 21 22:45:54 2022
Here's a real fact and event. Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24
2022. It has since then attacked the country as a whole and done
vast amounts of damage and killed and injured many (I can't be sure
of the actual numbers). More than 3,300,000 refugees, 600,000
displaced people.
Of course I meant 6,000,000.
The above is truth, fact. How does that compare to what you get on
state media?
If you want to know the background of the event you must listen both
parties; what they say the reason and history of the conflict.
I know the background of the event. The question I asked was "How does that compare to what you get on state media?".
Not knowing it it is impossible to do adequate conclusions. The Donbass
siege (the core of the events) has been lasting for 8 years and
wonderfully there was no place for it in western media. To be exactly,
it repeated everything that Kiev claimed. Nobody paid attention to 14 thousand people killed in Donbass by Ukrainian troops etc. In short it
was and is a very serious problem, and people of Donbass have suffered greatly.
The Donbass siege was carried out by Russia.
Doing this invasion Putin in many ways has discredited this suffering
and actually made Russians guilty everywhere, although it is the case.
So I repeat -- don't mix the problem of the civil war in Ukraine with
Putin and his thoughtless actions. The beginning the solving of the
problem should begin from the time when violence started - the spring of 2014.
I wouldn't call the Donbass issue a civil war. In any case it is a Ukraine issue and needs to be solved by Ukraine.
Everything in this world contains lies.
No, although there are liars in this world.
Do you remember a fucking American lie which led to invasion in Iraq and a million killed? At least Americans know how to lie very well.
Are you talking about all the talk of WMD? Yes, that was a mitake if those who spoke that way believed it. It was a lie if they were lying.
Did Zelensky create the problems in the Donbass?
Yes, of course.
Of course he inherited these issues when he was elected in 2019. He did not create the issues. Russia exploited them then as it does today.
I have already told you about great Ukrainian suffering,
on the verge of bloody diarrhea -- nor Poroshenko (was before Zelensky)
nor Zelensky could not decide what to do with Donbass -- should they negotiate with the rebels and make concessions to them or may be Ukraine troops some day will be able to cut their throats. This winter Ukraine
has built up a huge army group in Donbass and it was obvious it was
going to the latter scenario.
You mean when Russia amassed ~200,000 troops on their border?
The blood for this war in on Putins hands and those military
leaders who started and continue the war.
No, it is not Putin who started it.
It is.
Al least, we should say that both parties of the conflict carry their part
of the responsibility. But nationalists-idiots were first.
Nationalist-idiots in Russia who don't/won't understand that Ukraine is a sovereign nation.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to
alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 21 22:55:48 2022
This is fascism.
It's life.
No, that was fascism.
Even in a kindergarten the relations between strong and weak
are similar. In addition, the word "fascism" everybody interprets as he wishes, often incorrectly. Fascism is when a small violent group wanted
to make people to do things they order, threatening with reprisals,
physical violence etc. All the opponents are labelled as enemies and
they are subjects for repressions or even elimination. That is what
Ukrainian nationalists started to do in Ukraine.
In a comparison between nations Russia is the bigger (by a lot). Does that mean Russia can do as it pleases in Ukraine? Of course not.
Yes. Well,
It is more fascism.
just imagine the bilingual Ukraine before 2014 and the
Russian speaking population of its east and south. And one day the power
is captured by the people who issued the orders that Russian language is
not state language any more, that at every office, bar, schools should
used Ukrainian. I said it before you that Ukraine since 20-th century
has been historically divided in two parts. And to preserve the peace
the Kiev policy should be wise and balanced. But what happened after
2014 can be called a national fascism.
I agree, Russia has made a huge mess in Ukraine that I don't think it can untangle itself from at this point.
PS: I don't deny that in today's Russia is a totalitarian society. So Russians in Ukraine have had a poor choice.
I hope that your conclusion is wrong. Your gov't is totalitarian but I hope that Russian society is not and that the Russian people will find a way out of their current situation.
If that is what they want.
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Mar 22 09:16:01 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 21.03.2022 11:38
AI>>> I have to turn it off because I know it contains lies and I don't
AI>>> want to travel that road.
ak>> Everything in this world contains lies. Do you remember a fucking
ak>> American lie which led to invasion in Iraq and a million killed?
ak>> At
DP> It was not a lie, BTW. All investigation stories tells us that US
DP> made a mistake and it was officially recognized. Putin will never
DP> tell you he was wrong.
It was a Lie, at the Goebbels' level. As for an investigation, yea,
maybe in some time in Russia also will be some investigation. ;-)
ak>> least Americans know how to lie very well. You can also remember
ak>> how they started war in Vietnam, also using a lie.
DP> War in Virtnam started long before americans were involded and it
DP> wasn't a lie.
The matter is not in the Vietnam war, but in the American invasion and
its false, fabricated pretext.
ak>> -- should they negotiate with the rebels and make concessions to
ak>> them
DP> It was impossible to do so because they were and still are under
DP> direct control of Russia. They are just puppets. You do not talk to
DP> puppets.
You are a strange person -- why Ukraine is not under EU control and its puppet, but Donbass is under Moscow control and its puppet. It is a
wrong conception that if some country is an ally of other country it is necessary call it a puppet.
ak>> or may be Ukraine troops some day will be able to cut their
ak>> throats. This winter Ukraine has built up a huge army group in
ak>> Donbass and it was obvious it was going to the latter scenario.
DP> It was obvious that Russia will invade. For Baiden, not for me.
DP> Putin was lying and Baiden ws not.
It's very probably that Putin's plan was ready two month ago before, and Ukraine was perfectly aware of it. It was pretty much time to solve the Donbass problem and prevent the what was going to happen, or at least to
start doing it. In principal the initial building up of military forces
and manoeuvres near Ukrainian border could be considered as a pressure
on Ukraine, and the leakage was possibly controllable.
ak>> No, it is not Putin who started it. Al least, we should say that
ak>> both
DP> Putin annexed Crimea and sent fighters to Eastern Ukraine. That's
DP> the facts.
I said it many times -- Crimea had fallen on Putin's head by itself, it
just had no other choice. Only nationalists in Kiev could be blamed that
a whole Crimea population had done what they done. Putin just sent some
his green men for some help.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Mar 22 09:36:32 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 21.03.2022 11:43
AI>>> Ukrainization?
ak>> Yes. Well, just imagine the bilingual Ukraine before 2014
ak>> and the Russian speaking population of its east and south.
ak>> And one day the power is captured by the people who issued
ak>> the orders that Russian language is not state language any
ak>> more, that at every office, bar,
DP> Russian language was not a state language in Ukraine, please
DP> stop spreading fake information.
I meant a language law called the law "On the principles of the State
language policy" gave the status of regional language to Russian and
other minority languages. It allowed the use of minority languages in
courts, schools and other government institutions in areas of Ukraine
where the national minorities exceed 10% of the population.[3][4] The
law was used mostly in Ukraine's southern and eastern regions, where predominant or significant parts of the population speak Russian as
their first language.
It was very logical, and it was crazy for nationalists to cancel the
mentioned law in the Russian speaking areas of Ukraine. It was as if
Canadian Quebec would be restricted in using French.
ak>> schools should used Ukrainian. I said it before you that
ak>> Ukraine since
DP> Fake news again, current law allows use of Russian language.
You just don't know what you are speaking about:
-----Beginning of the citation-----
In April 2019, the Ukrainian parliament voted a new law, the Law on
Supporting the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State
Language [uk; ar]. On 16 June 2019, the law entered into force. The law
made the use of Ukrainian compulsory (totally or within certain quotas)
in the work of some public authorities, in the electoral procedures and political campaigning, in pre-school, school and university education,
in scientific, cultural and sporting activities, in book publishing and
book distribution, in printed mass media, television and radio
broadcasting, in economic and social life (commercial advertising,
public events), in hospitals and nursing homes, and in the activities of political parties and other legal entities (e.g. non-governmental organizations) registered in Ukraine.
----- The end of the citation -----
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 22 13:41:20 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Tuesday March 22 2022 09:16, you wrote to me:
It was not a lie, BTW. All investigation stories tells us that
US made a mistake and it was officially recognized. Putin will
never tell you he was wrong.
It was a Lie, at the Goebbels' level. As for an investigation, yea,
Check this arctile, it has al required information.
BTW, Stalin was the same level liar as Goebbels, I don't see much difference. So you can call any lie as "Stalin's level lie".
maybe in some time in Russia also will be some investigation. ;-)
Russia is already under investigation by International Criminal Court.
War in Virtnam started long before americans were involded and
it wasn't a lie.
The matter is not in the Vietnam war, but in the American invasion and
its false, fabricated pretext.
How it was fabricated? USA was sending aid to support South Vietnam.
It was impossible to do so because they were and still are under
direct control of Russia. They are just puppets. You do not talk
to puppets.
You are a strange person -- why Ukraine is not under EU control and
Because Zlensky is not a EU citizen and has no direct supervisor in any EU's Secret Service.
FSB was on the ground in DNR/LNR since the beginning of this conflict and had direct control over all local officials.
Even names of FSB officers are well known.
Yiu are strange person if you don't know that.
It was obvious that Russia will invade. For Baiden, not for me.
Putin was lying and Baiden ws not.
It's very probably that Putin's plan was ready two month ago before,
and Ukraine was perfectly aware of it. It was pretty much time to
You are just guessing.
The reality is that Putin cannot be trusted. Even by it's citizens.
I said it many times -- Crimea had fallen on Putin's head by itself,
No, it was a military operation, using Russian army.
it just had no other choice. Only nationalists in Kiev could be blamed that a whole Crimea population had done what they done. Putin just
sent some his green men for some help.
He sent Russian forces to cut Crimea from Ukraine, that's the fact.
Do you need videos to refresh your memories? :)
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 22 13:53:56 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Tuesday March 22 2022 09:36, you wrote to me:
Russian language was not a state language in Ukraine, please
stop spreading fake information.
I meant a language law called the law "On the principles of the State language policy" gave the status of regional language to Russian and
But it's not a state language.
other minority languages. It allowed the use of minority languages in courts, schools and other government institutions in areas of Ukraine
And remember, not a single language in Russia has such status.
It was very logical, and it was crazy for nationalists to cancel the mentioned law in the Russian speaking areas of Ukraine. It was as if Canadian Quebec would be restricted in using French.
Quebec's status is in Canadian's Constitution, not the same story was with Ukranian constitution - it had nothing about some special status for Donbass.
And do you think if Russian state will issue some bad law it's ok for Turkey to sent troops here?
Fake news again, current law allows use of Russian language.
You just don't know what you are speaking about:
I know because I've been there (in Kiev) and talk to my friends from Ukraine every single day.
In April 2019, the Ukrainian parliament voted a new law, the Law on Supporting the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State
Language [uk; ar]. On 16 June 2019, the law entered into force. The
law made the use of Ukrainian compulsory (totally or within certain quotas) in the work of some public authorities, in the electoral
Yes, it means that you can use Russian language but have to provide the same level of service in Ukranian.
As in Russia right now. The same law.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Mar 22 14:28:03 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 21.03.2022 22:52
DP> Hello, alexander!
DP> BTW, Euronews website is now blocked in Russia.
And TV channel also.
Well, in my opinion it is totally incorrect, and I fully agree with Mask
about necessity for absolute freedom of information. Trying to be
objective, however, I can note that actions to block western media are followed the same same actions towards the Russia state media. An
information war in a full scale.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 22 14:30:38 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Tuesday March 22 2022 14:28, you wrote to me:
Well, in my opinion it is totally incorrect, and I fully agree with
Mask about necessity for absolute freedom of information. Trying to be
Mask's Starlink is illegal in Russia.
objective, however, I can note that actions to block western media
are followed the same same actions towards the Russia state media. An information war in a full scale.
No, not a single website of Russian media is blocked in USA or Belgium. Plese check you sources before such incorrect posts.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Mar 23 10:04:01 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 22.03.2022 13:41
ak>> maybe in some time in Russia also will be some
ak>> investigation.;-)
DP> Russia is already under investigation by International Criminal
DP> Court.
For instance the US, spat at this court long ago.
I have no time to search it in English, so that's a Russian resource and
the Google translator can easily translate it.
DP>>> War in Virtnam started long before americans were
DP>>> involded and it wasn't a lie.
ak>> The matter is not in the Vietnam war, but in the American
ak>> invasion and its false, fabricated pretext.
DP> How it was fabricated? USA was sending aid to support South
DP> Vietnam.
They had made a false attack on a American ship and used it as a pretext
to start the war.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Mar 23 10:06:39 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 22.03.2022 13:53
ak>> In April 2019, the Ukrainian parliament voted a new law,
ak>> the Law on Supporting the Functioning of the Ukrainian
ak>> Language as the State Language [uk; ar]. On 16 June 2019,
ak>> the law entered into force. The law made the use of
ak>> Ukrainian compulsory (totally or within certain quotas) in
ak>> the work of some public authorities, in the electoral
DP> Yes, it means that you can use Russian language but have to
DP> provide the same level of service in Ukranian. As in Russia
DP> right now. The same law.
Russia is not a bilingual country as Ukraine. It is not applicable to
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Mar 23 10:23:46 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 22.03.2022 14:30
DP> *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
DP> Hello, alexander!
DP> Tuesday March 22 2022 14:28, you wrote to me:
ak>> Well, in my opinion it is totally incorrect, and I fully
ak>> agree with Mask about necessity for absolute freedom of
ak>> information. Trying to be
DP> Mask's Starlink is illegal in Russia.
Even with Russian internet VPN browsers help to get any information of
the Internet.
ak>> objective, however, I can note that actions to block
ak>> western media are followed the same same actions towards
ak>> the Russia state media. An information war in a full scale.
DP> No, not a single website of Russian media is blocked in USA or
DP> Belgium. Plese check you sources before such incorrect posts.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 23 11:58:16 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Wednesday March 23 2022 10:04, you wrote to me:
Russia is already under investigation by International Criminal
For instance the US, spat at this court long ago.
I have no time to search it in English, so that's a Russian resource
and the Google translator can easily translate it.
You don't understand: Russia also stopped cooperaton with ICC, but Ukraine is still not.
And that's enough for ICC to start investigation and proceed with trials.
How it was fabricated? USA was sending aid to support South
They had made a false attack on a American ship and used it as a
pretext to start the war.
North Vietnam started attacks on US ship Maddox, the first attach was real, the second was not, Navy failed to provide correct report and president already decided to start the war.
But it doesn't matter much - North Vietnam was sending military units and weapons to South Vietnam long before that.
From 1957 till 1960 more than 1700 South Vietnamese were assasinated because they had some connection to the State.
Viet Cong was operating in South since 1960 and with only one purpose - to lead a war against South and US.
That's why this war started, not because of some ship shooting.
Sure, US is not a nice guy, but this war had purpose and pretext.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 23 11:22:22 2022
Hello, alexander!
Wednesday March 23 2022 10:06, you wrote to me:
Yes, it means that you can use Russian language but have to
provide the same level of service in Ukranian. As in Russia
right now. The same law.
Russia is not a bilingual country as Ukraine. It is not applicable to Russia.
Some regions of Russia are bilingual (in some of them Russians are minority) but language laws in Russia are very strict.
Russian is the only approved language for any official communications.
Our "Gosuslugi" (E-Government) portal is only in Russian, and the only other language for offical State websites - is English.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 23 11:36:08 2022
Hello, alexander!
Wednesday March 23 2022 10:23, you wrote to me:
Mask's Starlink is illegal in Russia.
Even with Russian internet VPN browsers help to get any information of
the Internet.
It's very easy to ban most of the VPNs, the process is already going on.
objective, however, I can note that actions to block
western media are followed the same same actions towards
the Russia state media. An information war in a full scale.
No, not a single website of Russian media is blocked in USA or
Belgium. Plese check you sources before such incorrect posts.
Those are private companies, they are not required to provide service to anyone.
You can still access RT's IP addresses from abroad, so you can open their site, no DPI used in USA to block access to Russian resources.
Anyone can open RuTube and watch any propaganda channel there. Or use Vk.com to read Russian propaganda.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Dmitry Protasoff on Thu Mar 24 14:39:27 2022
Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
I read your message from 23.03.2022 11:22
DP>>> Yes, it means that you can use Russian language but
DP>>> have to provide the same level of service in Ukranian.
DP>>> As in Russia right now. The same law.
ak>> Russia is not a bilingual country as Ukraine. It is not
ak>> applicable to Russia.
DP> Some regions of Russia are bilingual (in some of them Russians
DP> are minority) but language laws in Russia are very strict.
DP> Russian is the only approved language for any official
DP> communications.
Problems are differ from each other by their scale. Small problems
nobody notice.
Bye, Dmitry!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to
alexander koryagin on Thu Mar 24 15:06:04 2022
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).
Hello, alexander!
Thursday March 24 2022 14:39, you wrote to me:
Some regions of Russia are bilingual (in some of them Russians
are minority) but language laws in Russia are very strict.
Russian is the only approved language for any official
Problems are differ from each other by their scale. Small problems
nobody notice.
It's very difficult protest about almost anything State related in Russia because you'll be jailed or punished by some way.
But for some people it's ok not to notice that.
Best regards,
--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to
Alan Ianson on Thu Mar 24 15:12:43 2022
Hi, Alan Ianson!
I read your message from 22.03.2022 08:45
ak>> Not knowing it it is impossible to do adequate conclusions. The
ak>> Donbass siege (the core of the events) has been lasting for 8
ak>> years and wonderfully there was no place for it in western media.
ak>> To be exactly, it repeated everything that Kiev claimed. Nobody
ak>> paid attention to 14 thousand people killed in Donbass by
ak>> Ukrainian troops etc. In short it was and is a very serious
ak>> problem, and people of Donbass have suffered greatly.
AI> The Donbass siege was carried out by Russia.
Just no words and comments. ;-)
Bye, Alan!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
* Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)