Hello Everybody,
Yes, these folks are certifiable.
Truly certifiable.
Each and every one of them.
"Ultimately, I'm always right." ~Donald J. Trump
No, no, no. I am not saying the POTUS is cerfifiable.
Even though anybody who runs for POTUS must be certifiable.
Along with those who do so multiple times and never win.
But all that is beside the point.
hero worship
noun: excessive admiration for someone
verb: admire (someone) excessively
That is the dictionary definition. So please. Do not blame
Donald J. Trump. After all, who does Donald J. Trump admire
(other than himself)?
It is all those other fine folks who are to blame.
Not the Donald. He said so himself, as quoted above.
A clinical psychologist confirms my view on this matter.
Wrote an excellent article on the subject. Hero worship is
a mental illness. A neurosis that has become endemic.
So many folks have been infected that Republicans never
bothered writing a platform for their party. What we have
this week is not a Republican National Convention, but
a gathering of neurotics from all over the country showing
their total love and devotion to the one they all adore
with even more adulation than any other person on this
planet, living or dead.
And to think their beloved will address them all, each and
every night of their convention. I can hear the chants now -
"Trump is always right! Trump is always right!"
That'll teach Madonna and her crowd what adulation truly means.
The USA has more psychologists (and psychiatrists) than any
other country on earth. Does anybody think we have enough to
all who need counseling? Well, maybe none are needed, as long
as their beloved is still around to keep them happy.
OTOH, what will we do with them after the election results
show their beloved lost? Just think of what that will do to
their state of mind.
As for Donald J. Trump, he'll just grab a set of golf clubs,
hop into a cart, and putter around the greens. Same as what he
always did before he took the office.
Who is your hero? Certainly everybody has a hero ...
It's not for women.
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se (2:203/2)