Hello Everybody,
US President Donald Trump has a nifty idea. The Olympics scheduled
to begin in Tokyo this coming July should be postponed for a year due
to the coronavirus pandemic. Just think of the lives that will be
saved if his suggestion is adopted by the IOC.
Trump "postpone" idea shot down by Japanese Olympic minister
Source: Associated Press
President Donald Trump's suggestion to postpone the Tokyo Olympics
for a year because of the spreading virus was immediately shot down by
Japan's Olympic minister
March 13, 2020, 1:34 AM
3 min read
TOKYO -- President Donald Trump's suggestion to postpone the
Tokyo Olympics for a year because of the spreading coronavirus was
immediately shot down by Japan's Olympic minister.
“The IOC and the organizing committee are not considering cancellation
or a postponement — absolutely not at all,” Seiko Hashimoto, an Olympic bronze medalist, told a news conference on Friday in Tokyo.
The International Olympic Committee and Tokyo organizers have stayed
on message since the viral outbreak in China three months ago spread
across Asia and then the globe: The games will open as schedule on
July 24.
“I just can't see having no people there. In other words, not allowing people,” Trump told reporters at the White House on Thursday. “Maybe,
and this is just my idea, maybe they postpone it for a year.”
Read more:
https://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/trump-postpone-idea-shot-japanese-olymp ic-minister-69574901
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