Hello Ward,
I'm wondering how many ways there are to deal with trolls in Fidonet ....
Shame on you! It takes a real *bastard* to promote *censorship*
in Fidonet. And coming from you, of all people, a Belgian who had
been given the honor of participating in the Boy Scouts of America
for several years, to act in such a way, violating the oath that
every boy had sworn himself to uphold.
You have no honor.
None whatsoever.
Now. Go look in the mirror, and repeat after yourself -
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Confederate States
of America, and to the Republic of slave owners, for which it
stood, one Nation under Jefferson Davis, highly divisive, with
liberty and justice for white people."
I seem to have lost the update ...
Stop Workin', Start Jerkin'
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