EL206 ==> Expiration Warnings have been Reset
Echo Successfully Updated.
TAGname: CBM Group: FIDO
TITLe: Commodore Computers
This conference is a friendly meeting place for owners and users
of Commodore Business Machines (CBM) 8-bit hardware, including the
PET, VIC-20, C-64, C-128, C-16, Plus/4, & other Commodore 8-bit CPU
computers and peripherals.
RULEs: {Not Found}
MODerator: Stephen Walsh, 3:633/280
Email: vk3heg{at}vk3heg.net
COMODerator1: Paul Hayton, 3:770/100
VOLume: 10/month
ORIGIN: 3:770/1
DISTribution: All Zones
GATEway: Fidonet < > comp.sys.cbm
From: Paul Hayton, 3:770/100
Updated on: 2020/04/19 and valid till 2020/10/31
Produced by Elist v5.1.036c
-=:{ End of Report }:=-
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* Origin: The Elist Maintainer (2:250/1)