• DADS Expiration WARNing #1

    From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to Jeff Smith on Fri Apr 3 18:59:27 2020
    To: Jeff Smith, 1:282/1031

    WARNing 1 of 4: This Echo is expiring, please Update.

    TAGname: DADS Group: FIDO

    TITLe: DADS Support Echo

    A forum to provide support for those interested in the
    wonders and the concerns of being or becoming a father.

    RULEs: {Not Found}

    MODerator: Jeff Smith, 1:282/1031

    VOLume: 25/month

    ORIGIN: 1:282/1031

    RESTrictions: N/A

    DISTribution: FIDO

    GATEway: None

    From: Jeff Smith, 1:282/1031

    Updated on: 2019/05/01 and valid till 2019/11/30

    -=:{ End of Report }:=-

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.13 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to Jeff Smith on Wed Sep 1 23:30:01 2021
    To: Jeff Smith, 1:282/1031

    WARNing 1 of 4: This Echo is expiring, please Update.

    TAGname: DADS Group: FIDO

    TITLe: DADS Support Echo

    Language: ENGLISH

    A forum to provide support for those interested in the
    wonders and the concerns of being or becoming a father.

    RULEs: {Not Found}

    MODerator: Jeff Smith, 1:282/1031

    VOLume: 25/month

    ORIGIN: 1:282/1031

    RESTrictions: N/A

    DISTribution: FIDO

    GATEway: None

    From: Jeff Smith, 1:282/1031
    Email: jeffs@ouijabrd.net

    Updated on: 2021/02/19 and valid till 2021/08/31


    Produced by Elist v5.2.028

    -=:{ End of Report }:=-

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.22 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: The Elist Maintainer (2:250/1)
  • From Elistmaint@2:25/21 to Andrew Leary on Wed Mar 1 23:30:02 2023
    To: Andrew Leary, 1:320/219

    WARNing 1 of 1: This Echo is expiring, please Update.

    TAGname: DADS Group: FIDO

    TITLe: DADS Support Echo

    Language: ENGLISH

    A forum to provide support for those interested in the
    wonders and the concerns of being or becoming a father.

    RULEs: {Verified}

    Rules Content:

    1) This is a support conference for being a dad, which includes discussing
    the problems, life experiences, and enjoyment of being a father.

    2) Please try to keep the discussion related to the idea of being a father
    Moderating will only occur if the wandering goes too far or for too lon

    3) Quoting. Do not quote too much of a message. This conference is an
    International conference. Just Quote enough to remind the
    receiver of the subject. Please also check that the SUBJECT header
    also matches the content of the message and adjust if necessary!

    4) Test messages are *not* to be posted in this conference. There are plen
    of "Test" echos for that.

    5) Please leave All moderating to the Moderator! There is the hope that as
    little moderating as possible will be necessary. If and when necessary
    moderating will be handled via Email or Netmail if at all possible, so
    if you do not see a response to an off topic message, do not assume tha
    there has not been one.

    6) 'Flames' belong in Netmail, not this conference! That also means that
    is NOT the place to use insulting, vulgar, or profane language.

    7) DADS is a real conference, please use your REAL name. ie: Aliases
    are not permitted!

    8) Any message entered from your system should contain enough information
    for a netmail reply. Please use a valid FidoNet address in your origin

    9) Crossposting of messages from other conferencess is not welcome here.

    10) This echo may NOT be gated (in or out) to any other FTN-style network,
    Internet, Newsgroups, or other message distribution mediums without
    prior permission of the moderator.

    The current Moderator for DADS is:
    Andrew Leary - 1:320/219 - ajleary19@gmail.com

    If you have a complaint, send it via Netmail or
    email to one of the above Moderators!

    MODerator: Andrew Leary, 1:320/219

    VOLume: 5/month [not verified]

    ORIGIN: 1:320/219

    RESTrictions: N/A

    DISTribution: Backbone & FidoWeb

    GATEway: None without Moderator's permission

    From: Andrew Leary, 1:320/219
    Email: ajleary19@gmail.com

    Updated on: 2022/04/05 and valid till 2023/02/28


    Produced by Elist v5.4.019

    -=:{ End of Report }:=-

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-armv7l)
    * Origin: Elist Maintainer at 2:25/21 (2:25/21)
  • From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to Andrew Leary on Thu Feb 1 23:30:01 2024
    To: Andrew Leary, 1:320/219

    WARNing 1 of 1: This Echo is expiring, please Update.

    TAGname: DADS Group: FIDO

    TITLe: DADS Support Echo

    Language: ENGLISH

    A forum to provide support for those interested in the
    wonders and the concerns of being or becoming a father.

    RULEs: {Verified}

    Rules Content:

    1) This is a support conference for being a dad, which includes discussing
    the problems, life experiences, and enjoyment of being a father.

    2) Please try to keep the discussion related to the idea of being a father
    Moderating will only occur if the wandering goes too far or for too lon

    3) Quoting. Do not quote too much of a message. This conference is an
    International conference. Just Quote enough to remind the
    receiver of the subject. Please also check that the SUBJECT header
    also matches the content of the message and adjust if necessary!

    4) Test messages are *not* to be posted in this conference. There are plen
    of "Test" echos for that.

    5) Please leave All moderating to the Moderator! There is the hope that as
    little moderating as possible will be necessary. If and when necessary
    moderating will be handled via Email or Netmail if at all possible, so
    if you do not see a response to an off topic message, do not assume tha
    there has not been one.

    6) 'Flames' belong in Netmail, not this conference! That also means that
    is NOT the place to use insulting, vulgar, or profane language.

    7) DADS is a real conference, please use your REAL name. ie: Aliases
    are not permitted!

    8) Any message entered from your system should contain enough information
    for a netmail reply. Please use a valid FidoNet address in your origin

    9) Crossposting of messages from other conferencess is not welcome here.

    10) This echo may NOT be gated (in or out) to any other FTN-style network,
    Internet, Newsgroups, or other message distribution mediums without
    prior permission of the moderator.

    The current Moderator for DADS is:
    Andrew Leary - 1:320/219 - ajleary19@gmail.com

    If you have a complaint, send it via Netmail or
    email to one of the above Moderators!

    MODerator: Andrew Leary, 1:320/219

    VOLume: 5/month [not verified]

    ORIGIN: 1:320/219

    RESTrictions: N/A

    DISTribution: Backbone & FidoWeb

    GATEway: None without Moderator's permission

    From: Andrew Leary, 1:320/219
    Email: ajleary19@gmail.com

    Updated on: 2023/03/02 and valid till 2024/01/31


    Produced by Elist v5.4.031

    -=:{ End of Report }:=-

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: The Elist Maintainer (2:250/1)
  • From elistmaint@2:250/1 to Andrew Leary on Wed Jan 1 23:30:01 2025
    To: Andrew Leary, 1:320/219

    WARNing 1 of 1: This Echo is expiring, please Update.

    TAGname: DADS Group: FIDO

    TITLe: DADS Support Echo

    Language: ENGLISH

    A forum to provide support for those interested in the
    wonders and the concerns of being or becoming a father.

    RULEs: {Verified}

    Rules Content:
    1) This is a support conference for being a dad, which includes discussing
    the problems, life experiences, and enjoyment of being a father.
    2) Please try to keep the discussion related to the idea of being a father
    Moderating will only occur if the wandering goes too far or for too lon

    MODerator: Andrew Leary, 1:320/219

    VOLume: 5/month [not verified]

    ORIGIN: 1:320/219

    RESTrictions: N/A

    DISTribution: Backbone & FidoWeb

    GATEway: None without Moderator's permission

    From: Andrew Leary, 1:320/219
    Email: ajleary19@gmail.com

    Updated on: 2024/02/02 and valid till 2024/12/31


    Produced by Elist v5.4.41

    -=:{ End of Report }:=-

    --- MBSE BBS v1.1.0 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: The Elist Maintainer (2:250/1)